My name is David Salazar, and I'll be 21 today. It's December 21st, 2019 and today should have been like every other birthday save for the first legal drink tonight. The thing is it's exactly 12:00 am and I'm soaked in sweat in my bed. Let's go take a shower and get all this nasty black crap off of my body. Yuck it stinks like ass! As I get out of my bed, something feels off. I walk out of my bedroom, and my forehead hits the door frame. What the hell? I turned on the light and gasped. My forehead is actually level with the top of the door frame! This means I'm at least 7 foot tall now! Not possible, I was only 6 foot 2 inches yesterday! Okay, first I'll take a bath, and then I'll figure things out. As I climbed in the bath, and adjusted the water temperature, I suddenly heard a woman's voice resound in my head.
[Hello my child! I'm the Goddess of Wolves Serena, and you have been selected to be my first werewolf in this world. The first month of transforming you'll be stuck as a werewolf for a week, but you'll always be in control of your mind, just you'll be slightly irritable. However, you'll be a true alpha male in every sense of the word. Your body has already undergone purification, and strengthening. You're starting out with the strength of five men. You'll continue to grow stronger with time. That's all I have for you! Oh take care not to bite any humans, unless you want to add them to your pack. Take care!]
After the long winded speech of the so called goddess was over, I'm shocked to say the very least. Tonight meaning midnight December 22nd, will be my first full moon! I'm a freaking werewolf now! What am I supposed to tell my buddy Vale? No, until I get used to my new identity I need to avoid contact with people as much as possible. I mean what if one day Vale or someone pisses me off, and I wolf out and accidentally kill them? What then? I'll tell you what, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. This means I'm heading to the woods tonight. Thank God I live in Maine. There's woods everywhere. I'm all cleaned up, now for the big reveal; am I finally sexy or am I still a pizza face? I have my eyes closed before my mirror. Now open them!
I am utterly amazed. Long shoulder length, and thick jet black hair, copper toned skin, and cobalt blue deep eyes. My pupils now are slit, and there's a faint glow to my eyes. All my chest and back hair is weirdly gone, there goes the hairy wolf boy stereotype. I have the greek god body going on with perfectly aesthetic muscles everywhere. My face is so flawless, and so manly that I almost turned into Narcissus. I'm that hot, no more like I make Adonis look like an ugly freak of nature. Now for the most important part. David jr. is he an alpha too, or a beta? I looked down nervously and cheered. "At least half a foot flaccid, and girth is 2 inches while soft. Let's get hard quick!"
Suffice it to say, my length and girth both doubled. I have a monster dick right now. It'll probably shock women, and maybe even scare them a little. Okay, now that's all out of the way time to get dressed. However, before I even moved, I heard that goddess person speak again. Ugh...
[I must apologize, but I forgot to mention two great perks that come with being the Progenitor of Werewolves in this world. First as the first, and only werewolf you are immortal and have eternal youth. Second, I have created a growth tracking system for you based on your knowledge of light novels. This is all, please feel free to call out 'Status'. Bye, bye!]
I cleared my throat, and thought 'Status'.
Name: David Salazar
Age: 21(β)
Strength: 50
Stamina: 120
Agility: 400
Willpower: 225
Luck: Immeasurable
Charm: Immeasurable
I remember her saying that I'm 5 times stronger than the average man starting out. If I then assume that the average stat for an average man is 10, then I'm leagues above the average person. Especially my agility, that must be from my speed and maneuverability as a werewolf. However, it seems I'm only 12 times the average man with how long I can run or fight for. Honestly that's pretty badass, but what happens if other mythical creatures exist, and I'm fighting a brute with triple my stamina? I'm a goner then right? So, obviously I need to undergo a rigorous training regiment. Let's get dressed and head to the woods. Luckily they are right behind my apartment building. I'll have to leave a note for Vale, saying I've decided to go live at a dojo for a while. That should do it. I'm dressed, barefoot, loose shorts and a tank top. Another thing I've noticed since my change, is I don't feel cold at all. Now let's get into the woods!
I know I'm way too early to be in these woods, after all the full moon isn't until 24 hours from now, but I want go get used to being in the woods and adjust to my new body and it's senses. Yeah my senses. They're monstrous right now. I can see the wings of a fly that is about 5 miles away, and I can hear people at the bar in the farside of my town of Wilbrook. The bar is about 13 miles away, and yet I hear people's voices like I'm actually there with them! Now, my sense of smell is leagues above the rest. I'm able to smell things, and somehow instantly know what they are, their location and purpose if they're not a human or animal. My senses are all way above what's possible for any creature. I dare say that the best wolf can't beat me in any category.
I made my way through the woods, paying attention to where the exit is with my senses on high alert, and trudge through the snow until I've gone about 3 miles deep. I found a large, hollowed out tree and climbed inside it. I'll rest here for the night....
Morning arrived before I knew it, and I awoke to the chirping of birds and rustling of grass as small creatures pass the hollow I'm resting in. With a light yawn, I stretch mightily and pull myself up from the ground. I look down at my wrist, and my watch said that it's now 8:35 am December 21st. 15 hours and 25 minutes until I wolf out. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to go back and eat some breakfast. I made my way quickly back to my apartment building with a light jog. Too soon to count, I made it back to my building. I walked over to door number 12, my apartment, and took my key from around my neck and opened my door.
Seeing my note still in place, I know that Vale hasn't been here to see me yet, which is good because I know that he works 8 am to 8 pm today. He'll definitely try to convince me to go out tonight, and I know if I try telling him in person that I'm 'moving into a dojo', he'll do everything in his power to stop me. This cannot happen, hence the note.
I grabbed out a carton of eggs, some ham, green peppers and onions and made myself a good old delicious omelet. Luckily it would seem I'm not suddenly a pure carnivore. In fact, this food tastes a million times better than ever! Too many new flavors, and scents to describe! I'm in food nirvana right now! Now for seconds, thirds and probably fourths too. Ha ha ha! This is just too incredible! I washed everything down with a good old fashioned glass of ice cold milk. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to watch the news while I'm home. I'll leave at 7 pm, just in case he sneaks out of work early. I'll leave my key under my mat, because I don't want to lose or destroy it in the woods.
I turned on the TV and switched over to the local news channel. "This just in! A bright column of light was seen descending from the sky into the outskirts of Wilbrook late last night. No leads have been found, and many are saying it was just a strong moon beam. Stay tuned, as we bring you up to date with this story later tonight." I laughed because I knew that was obviously about me. I then switched over to the hip hop music TV station. I suppose I'll test how many pushups I can do now.
Holy crap! I can do 2500 pushups in a row before I collapse! That's absolute insanity! Weirdly though, even though I exerted myself, I'm not sweating whatsoever. How odd. I poured myself another class of milk, and downed it in an instant. "Puha! That hit the spot! Okay, I guess I'll watch a few movies before I leave for the woods tonight."
Before long it was 7 pm, and it was time for me to go back into the woods. I hurried outside, and locked my door. Then looking around, and confirming no one was watching, I placed my keys underneath my door mat and swiftly took off into the woods. 5 more hours until I transform, and get stuck as a werewolf for a full week. After running for a very short time, I'm now back at my hollow. I confirmed the scents in the area and noticed no living creature came within a mile of my location since I left. Looks like my territory is a mile for now. It's sure to increase as my power increases.
It's nap time until my transformation. I curled down into the leaves, dirt and grass and quickly drifted off to sleep. Suddenly, I jerked awake because my body began to tingle and vibrate. I hurriedly got out of the hollow, and next thing I knew I dropped to my knees as my leg joints changed slightly and lengthened, my fingers began to extend greatly as well as my toes and nails. My shorts shimmered and disappeared, and my body began to rapidly be covered in jet black fur. My jaw elongated into a muzzle, and my teeth became fangs. My ears moved up my head and grew long and pointy. My muscles expanded greatly, and now my limbs were 5 times thicker than normal, and I grew a long, and bushy tail. Intense pulsations of power traveled through my body, and I let out a booming howl that caused shock waves that knocked trees flying away in a quarter mile radius.
Such power! I feel invincible! I want to smash things, and tear a deer to little pieces. I want to... Wait. The goddess said I'd be irritable during my first transformation. I feel like after this one, I can turn whenever I want to. Now that is epic. For now, I should go on a run, and burn off some of this energy. If I run into bambi, then all I can say is animal instinct. Sure enough, after running through the woods at speeds that both fright and excite me, I encountered a deer. The poor thing stared at me in shock, so I ended its life quickly by snapping its neck with my clawed hands, and began to devour its flesh after effortlessly skinning it in one try. I must say the heart really is the best part of a deer. Oh the taste? It's actually not too bad, honestly I think I could survive like this forever. I'm immortal, so this is very doable. And so ends my first meal, and the beginning of a long week as a werewolf. Here's to many more days full of excitement ahead!