Chereads / Werewolf In The Modern Age / Chapter 6 - My Mom's A Goddess?!

Chapter 6 - My Mom's A Goddess?!

I stood there in complete shock as this woman told me she's my mother and the goddess that's been talking to me. Wait, this can't be, I had two human parents and a human sibling! I have to speak up, because she's got the wrong guy. "Goddess Serena, I'm sorry but you've got the wrong guy. I had a human family. They are dead now, and I'm human too." The goddess looked at me with a sad and knowing look and then she dropped a bomb on me.

"David, the truth is your earthly parents were followers of myself and your father Bateus God of the Moon. We asked them to take care of you, because we faced trouble in the gods realm. We only just learned of their deaths, and so I gave you your birth right. You are the Progenitor of Werewolves here on Earth. You are also the God of Werewolves on Earth my child, and this shall put you in great danger. Many greedy people will lust after your power and seek to find ways to get you to turn them. I brought you here so that I and your father could see you. After this visit you'll have to gain enough divinity on your own to ascend to the gods realm. We're both very proud of the man you've become. Stay true to yourself David. Or should I say your birth name Lycaon?"

This is way too much information to process normally, and yet I did easily. My mind, body and soul all upgraded it would seem. Though it pains me deeply to believe this, I can tell that she's truly my mother from her bearing and tone of voice. I believe her every word, even though it hurts. Maybe someday they'll tell me why they left me on Earth, but for now let's greet my father Bateus. I smiled warmly at my mother, and looked at the tall lean ikemen with shoulder length white hair, and silver eyes. "I, God Lycaon, greet my mother Goddess Serena and father God Bateus. It's an honor to meet you both. I know one day I'll learn the story behind my exile to Earth, but for now I'm glad to have parents again." I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I said this, and both my mother and father stepped forward and hugged me. The warmth of their arms relieved the years of loneliness and I now felt light as a feather. I laughed and cried and so did my parents.

After we had time to calm down my father spoke to me. "Lycaon though we can't meet like this again, I and your mother know we'll meet you again someday in the gods realm. We're immortal, and have endless time. So, be careful and safe. Watch who you ally yourself with, and above all else be happy. I love you my son. Go now, and return to the Earth. A grand destiny awaits you there." When my father finished speaking a faint light began to glow on my body, and with a flash I found myself laying on my bed in the living room. I looked at the time, and it was only 2 a.m so I went back to sleep.

I woke up at 8 a.m, and yet again found Yvette making me breakfast. "Hey you start work today right? What time do you go in? I can take you." Yvette shook her head and said, "I work at noon, and Karen's taking me so don't worry about it. She'll be my daily ride to and from work. I don't want to have to depend on your kindness, I want to be a woman worthy of you! My first goal is to become a master chef, and then in the next 5 to 10 years I'll be a celebrity chef!"

I chuckled at her exuberance, and decided not to argue with her. She's determined to not depend on me, so I'll go along with her wish. Yvette brought over my plate; oh my God it's eggs benedict! I began to salivate like a puppy and tore into the stacks and stacks of my favorite egg dish. 10 minutes later I was stuffed and pulled Yvette into my lap and gave her a brief kiss on the lips. She grew excited, and our passion for each other became more intense by the minute. Before long I had to back off before we ended up having sex way too early in our relationship. Yvette began to pout, but I laughed awkwardly and told her that we needed to take it slow. She sighed and very reluctantly got off my lap. Not before she ran her hand along my dick with her fingers of course. She then bit her lip and gave me a sultry look, then with a spin she walked back over to the kitchen area and began to clean up.

It's now 11:30 and Karen's here to get Yvette. I wished Yvette a great first day of work, and she responded with a very deep and passionate kiss. Then she playfully bit my earlobe and walked away. Karen looked at me with an evil smirk and the two went out the door. Now it's just me all alone here. I really want to shift, but it's bright and sunny out. What if someone notices? I guess I'll go out later tonight and roam the forest a bit, then again maybe not. As I was thinking this, my phone began to ring; it's Vale.

"Hey David, buddy you interested in checking out an auction with me? I know you must be bored cooped up inside right now without your girl there to slob on your knob. So, how about it? There's bound to be something there to interest you." Vale sucks when it comes to asking me to do stuff, and I'll choose to ignore his comment about Yvette. "Alright bro, you've convinced me. Where are we going?" Vale cheered and said, "Knotwood Auction House buddy! That's where they get all of that freaky geeky shit. You know, like stuff that you supposedly can use to make potions and pills from those wuxia novels you like. Well, anyway I'll come get you so get ready."

Vale hung up and I quickly put on an Armani suit of mine I never wear and some alligator skin dress shoes. I put on my Rolex watch, and gelled my hair a bit. I put on my gold cuff links, and sat at my couch waiting for Vale to arrive. 10 minutes later I heard his car rumble outside, and I quickly walked outside and locked my door. Vale yelled to get in, and now it's time to go to the auction.

25 minutes later we arrived outside of the Knotwood Auction House and parked among the most ridiculously expensive vehicles ever. Rolls Royce, Bugatti, even a few dozen Lamborghinis. Yeah the place is packed, and full of the filthy rich. We got out and walked over to the front door. A guard gave me the once over then nodded. I walked forward, and luckily they didn't stop Vale. The guard is clearly not a jackass. Once inside a cute Asian girl in a red dress handed us each a device with a number on it that represented us. I saw a card swipe spot on the side so I followed the on screen prompts, and my balance of $200,004,586 showed up on the screen. Vale copied me, and we followed another girl, a Russian this time, over to a VIP booth. The Russian girl explained it's because of my balance. Once we were seated, some Korean girls in maid outfits came in with a cart full of snacks and drinks. We made our requests and the girls left. Suddenly I heard someone speaking through the speakers in our room.

"Welcome everyone, to our Knotwood Auction House! We will now begin our auction. The first item on our list is a newly discovered ancient Chinese medical journal believed to be from the Tang Dynasty. Starting bid is $300,000!" After that people casually bid on the journal, and in the end it sold for $700,000. More random items came up, and with time they got weirder and weirder. However, one item finally caught my attention.

"Now, this item here is believed to be a jade pill furnace belonging to an ancient cultivation master. The age is confirmed to be from the Qin Dynasty. Now as an item of unknown worth, we've decided to appraise this item with a starting bid of $1,000,000. Start your bidding now!"




The last one was me of course. Everyone gasped in shock, and no one else bid. The reason I bid was because, my mom just notified me that this pill furnace is the real deal, and as a god I have primordial pill flame, so I can definitely craft pills. What's more, I'll even be able to make pills that grant immortality! So, for those people close to me that don't want to become werewolves, I now have a way to help them ascend to godhood through cultivation!

The announcer cleared his throat, and sent the pill furnace up to me. As thanks for spending so much money, he included the pill recipes found with the furnace. Vale ended up bidding on a body tempering pill, and got it for $20,000. He isn't anywhere near as rich as me, but he still comes from a wealthy family so this amount is worth it to him. I looked at the pill, and confirmed it's the real deal. Vale was excited when he found out that I'd be able to craft pills. I laughed at his excited face, and led the way back out to his car. Vale drove me back home in a hurry. He was pumped to take the pill. I warned him that he'll experience extreme agony, so he needs to mentally prepare himself. He looked at me with a fire of determination in his eyes, and quickly drove off once I got out of the car.

I went inside and hid my pill furnace in my floor safe under my bed. I then went back out into the living room and got on my computer until Yvette got home. Hours later, I was suddenly startled by a wet kiss on my neck, and then realized it was Yvette. I turned around, and saw her in a form fitting female head chef's outfit. I gawked at her sexiness for a full 30 seconds before I cleared my throat and said, "Welcome home beautiful."

Yvette smiled at me seductively again, and went to my(our) room to change out of her uniform. 5 minutes later she was back in the living room, and I asked her, "How was your first day? Anything exciting happen?" She shook her head, and began to talk about how simple her job was and how much she loves it. After going on for 20 minutes she looked at me with a blush on her face and said, "Oh my gosh, I forgot to ask about your day! What did you do today?" I smiled at her embarrassment, and described the auction in detail. I told her that I had my pill furnace in a safe place. She nodded rapidly with stars in her eyes and giggling like an innocent child. I felt my heart racing with how cute and beautiful she is. After talking for a few hours, we both decided to go to bed. I listened to Yvette this time and joined her in the bedroom for once. She looked at me like she's afraid I'll run if she acts too aggressive.

I climbed into bed next to Yvette, and noticed she nervously kept to her own space. With a sigh of defeat, I reached over and brought her to my chest. She tensed up for a second, and then giggled quietly in triumph. I gently ran my fingers through her hair, and ran my head down to her neck and gave her a light neck massage. She began to moan suggestively, and then....