Chereads / Werewolf In The Modern Age / Chapter 12 - I've Got The Deer Munchies

Chapter 12 - I've Got The Deer Munchies

That meeting with the Queen of the Elves went very well considering that the whole meeting with her was unplanned. I'm glad to gain some allies in the supernatural world as I am just getting my feet wet at the moment. However that's not important at the moment because of the fact that I seem to have caught a sent that smells more appetizing than a double cheese burger. As I get closer to it, I find myself blushing in embarrassment because of the fact that it is an injured doe. After all I am getting super hungry from the smell of a wild animal, but now that I think about it I am a type of a wolf of a sort now so it makes sense that I have carnivorous tendencies. Without hesitating anymore, I take off into an energetic leap as I latch my fangs into the neck of the doe and shake it hard as possible, killing it in one go. Satisfied with my kill, I then began to follow my instincts and went for the major organs and devoured the meat from the bone. I even found myself biting into the bones and draining the marrow for some reason. Oh well, it should be fine. Once I finished sating my hunger, I then swiftly began to dig a pit to bury the body in and scooped up the doe and placed it inside. With that taken care of, I guess that it's time to make my way home.

When you have a little elf loli gamer hanging out at your place alone with your potential soul mate, interesting things tend to happen. When I got back, I found my waifu and the cute little loli having a blast on the computer almost as if they never even noticed that I had left. Hah.. Oh well at least they are having fun, that's all that matters. Honestly Jelia that little elf is too cute for her own good. Honestly how old is she really? And Yvette my gorgeous peace of awesome? She's way to good for me to be honest, that's why I am so happy that she wants to be with me. Just imagining if she had been with any other guy gives me the chills. I have to do my absolute best to make sure that she stays happy and that this relationship does more then works, it need to kick ass.

I have Vale working on collecting ingredients for pills to make my fam become total badasses. Karen is busy doing her own thing, so I am not going to bother her as she has been a great help with Yvette. Things are starting to come to a head in a good way and my life is finally starting to take off in a positive direction. So, now I just need to figure out what my plans are for the near future. After all there is the big alliance with the Elves to consider as well as the possibility that other factions will very likely be contacting me in the near future. Adding to the fact that I am pretty dang sure that Atlantis made a magical appearance in the modern age and we have a recipe for some pretty epic things happening. Lilith seems like a pretty nice girl, so having her as one of my allies will be great. Anyway, time to make my presence known.

As soon as I took a step forward, Jelia turned around in excitement and began to take off running from the computer and straight into my arms. Yvette gave me a warm smile at this and came over for a group hug. Kissing Yvette lightly, I then picked up Jelia and spun her around causing her to laugh and say, "Hey no fair I'm not a little girl!" This cute little tsundere act of hers cause both Yvette and I to laugh full of mirth. Pouting Jelia jumped out of my arms onto the ground and ran back over to the computer. She then began to cheerfully say, "Hey guys I'm back! Please send me more stars, it makes me so happy to see them flying across the screen! I love you guys!" My jaw dropped as I walked over and saw that Jelia was running a stream while she was playing her game, and I laughed as I remembered my thoughts on what would happen if people saw her on camera. She's not actually on camera but being on mic was enough to cause over 500,000 people to watch her stream. I wasn't even gone that long! Wow this kid works fast. Chuckling at the insanity of the situation, I then pulled out my phone and decided to check on Vale.

"Hey Vale how's the progress coming on finding the ingredients for God's Army Body Tempering Pill, and the Heavenly Bottleneck Breaking Pill?" Vale cleared his throat on the other side of the phone before awkwardly saying, "Bro that stuff can apparently only be found in China. We need to go to China if we want to have you be able to refine those pills. I can go because I have a passport and so does Yvette right? So, we just need to get your mug into a passport and then we can all make a trip to China. Wait. We need to figure out something for Jelia right? I mean we can't just leave her here after all, she doesn't really have anyone in the States that she can depend on other than us does she?" I nodded my head and sighed at the new problem that just cropped up right after I had just got done thinking that everything was smooth sailing at this point. And so, therefore I said to Vale, "Try to see if you can find someone that can help us get an identity for Jelia, once you do get back to me and we will get me in for a passport along with Jelia." Now that this is settled, I can go back to relaxing for the moment until I hear back from Vale.

Heading back to my room, I let out a contented sigh as I collapse onto my bed after a very productive day. Perhaps I should talk to the Queen about Jelia? I don't know though, because the way that I found her, she seemed to be abandoned so maybe there is some kind of secret about Jelia that I am not aware of and bringing her up to the Queen could possibly put her in danger. Time will tell what dangers are truly of the greatest concern, until then I will plug along and prepare for the days ahead.