Chereads / Werewolf In The Modern Age / Chapter 4 - A Little Stronger

Chapter 4 - A Little Stronger

As I sat there waiting for Vale's sister Karen to show up, I decided I should check my status and see if it's gone up any.

Name: David Salazar

Age: 21(∞)

Strength: 50---->75

Stamina: 120---->230

Agility: 400---->530

Willpower: 225---->400

Luck: Immeasurable

Charm: Immeasurable

Wow. That's quite a leap there. I've gotten stronger all across the board. It's too bad I don't get a shop or quest system like in those stories I've read. Oh well, I'm already blessed with cool powers, I can't get greedy right? And what's up with Yvette? Why was she crying? Let's find out. "Vale what the hell man? Why was Yvette crying? What did you say to her?" Then Vale revealed the truth to me. He told her all about my past, including my hellish experience in being the ward of the state until I was 18. He didn't spare her any details, and she cried because she felt bad about how horrible my life was. I'm touched; the only person that I have known who truly cared about me was Vale. Now it seems we're adding Yvette to that list. I didn't want to dirty her with my past though. Dirty.. Oh fuck! That's right she got pissed on last night, and I just ran her here like a meat head. She smells clean now though, so she obviously took a shower. God I'm an idiot.(A/N: We're aware dumbass!)

My apartment door opened and the hyperactive problem child has arrived. "Vale I'm here! Where's the damsel in distress? I've got clothes she can wear to the mall. Oh there she is! Gosh woman, you're super gorgeous. Hands off, David! This girl is special, so keep your virgin dick away from her honey pot!" Yeah that diarrhea coming out of her mouth is what she really thinks. Ugh.. this girl is too hard to deal with. Yvette looked back and forth between me and Karen and said, "I'm a virgin, he's a virgin, so there's no problem." Vale and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. I wiped away some tears, and smiled at her. "You're so right Yvette, but she doesn't care. She's a lesbian. She wants your honey for herself!" Vale and I held each other up while laughing even harder as Yvette's face turned crimson. She then curled into a ball and said, "I won't go lesbian! I like guys, and I'll only take dick you hear me?!"

A look of embarrassment came across Karen's face, as I explained to Yvette that Karen being lesbian is an old joke from when we were younger, and she's actually straight. This caused Yvette to sigh in relief before she grabbed the set of clothes from Karen and rushed to my bathroom. I asked Vale if Karen knew about my big problem, and he nodded embarrassed. I sighed and looked at Karen who said, "Woof!". Shaking my head, I waited for Yvette to come out of the bathroom. 5 minutes later she came out in a pink camisole, and light blue skinny jeans. She also had a denim jacket on and some black boots on. In a word she looked fire. I was so attracted to her my jaw dropped. Yvette saw this and blushed pure crimson. Karen then asked, "Ready? Let's get going then girl!" I passed Karen my credit card and she smiled and said, "See you boys later tonight!".

Vale and I sighed as we sat back on the couch. I got up and walked over to my fridge and grabbed us out four beers. "Let's drink up buddy, this'll be a long night." And it sure as hell was. Karen didn't return with Yvette until 8 pm and Vale and I had to go out to help carry in clothes. There were at least 60 bags! Each full of 3 or 4 outfits. Yes I said outfits! Thank God I'm a super millionaire. Or I'd be weeping tears of blood right now. 3 minutes later we got everything inside, and I sighed in defeat. Women are monsters. They went shopping for 12 whole freaking hours! Oh my God! I'd go insane after 2 hours. Ugh.. I might be ill in a minute. Women and their damn shopping stamina will give me horrid nightmares for life! Karen finally left, and shortly after so did Vale. Now it's just Yvette and I.

We both looked at each other with a nervous laugh, when suddenly I heard the unexpected voice of the goddess.

[Well done my child! You've rescued the descendant of druids! Her affection towards you is quite high. Because of this, I'm giving you a passive skill to see the affection and friendship rating of the people around you and in this world. Good luck on unlocking more features! Love ya honey! Bye, bye!]

After the voice of the goddess disappeared, I looked up and stared in disbelief.

Name: Yvette McCannon

Affection: Max(Love At First Sight/Hero Worship)

Love at first sight, and hero worship? That's some heavy stuff. However, I kind of fell for her at first sight myself, so we're even I suppose. Now that it's the two of us, we should slowly get to know each other like last night, and maybe watch some movies together. As I was having those thoughts, Yvette suddenly curled up against me and whispered, "Would you mind sleeping with me tonight? I feel like if you're next to me I won't have any bad dreams." I smiled warmly at her as my heart strings tugged, and said, "Of course I will. Let's watch a movie together, and then we'll go to bed." I put on a simple rom-com and then I carried her to bed. Her blushing face is a blessing from heaven.

As I lay her down to sleep, I climbed into bed next to her and she surprised me yet again by laying her head on my chest as well as her hands. I wrapped my right arm over top of her and held her closer. She began to breathe slowly, and quickly fell asleep in my arms. This wonderful feeling! I've always yearned for it. As tears of joy streaked down my cheeks, I too slipped off to dreamland.

It's now morning again, and just like yesterday I smell breakfast. As I began to get up the bed creaked and Yvette swiftly entered the room with my bed tray stand with breakfast on it. She had a glass of ice cold milk in one hand as well. It's waffles and sausage links today. Delicious! Yvette set my tray in place, and handed me my glass of milk. I scooched up and began to eat with relish. Halfway through I guzzled down my milk and burped lightly. I looked over at Yvette when I heard her giggle. She had eyes full of love, and I felt my heart race seeing this. I want to be with her, and I know she wants to be with me, but neither of us are ready for that just yet. However, we will be soon, because I can't wait to claim this woman as mine especially since I know she's hoping for it in her heart. Thank you goddess for the real life cheat code!

After I finished my breakfast, Yvette took the dishes and tray away and went to the kitchen to clean up. When she came back I had to say it. "You look really beautiful you know? Plus you're an amazing chef. You're the perfect wife material!" Her face turned red like usual, and she said in a quiet voice, "...only for you". I looked her in the eye and spoke my mind. "Yvette honestly speaking you are my dream girl, and I've only known you a couple days. I'd love to be in a relationship with you, but before that ever happens we're going to need to slowly get to know each other. After all we're living together. You also probably have things that you want to do right? Name it, and I'll help you." As I was saying this Yvette placed my credit card into my hands, and said, "Where you are I want to be also. When I came to America, I had no plans. I just wanted to live the American dream. Now I know what that is. Finding true happiness in yourself, and with who you want to share your happiness with. As we share our happiness together, our own happiness grows, and we'll live together forever and always. That's my wish, and I'll wait until you're ready."

Yvette's words hit me right in the feels, and I was momentarily stunned. She used that gap to sneak in a peck on the lips, before running out of the room squealing, "Oh my God, I did it Karen!". I face palmed as I realized the culprit behind Yvette's rushed feelings and confession. I accept her feelings, as they're the same as mine, but I'm waiting until she and I are truly ready to embrace those feelings. You can't rush these things after all. I cleared my throat, and gently touched my lips before getting up and following after Yvette.

I came out into the living room and found Yvette talking on her very own cell phone. She looked up at me, and went back into my room and shut the door behind her. I sighed, and walked over to my computer and decided to mess around on some of my online games. After about 2 hours, I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up in shock to see my buddy Vale. "Yo buddy. My sister came by and took out Yvette to meet her friends, so I'm kidnapping you and we're going bowling okay?" I laughed because I knew that I had no choice in the matter, so I got up and followed him to his Firebird.

20 minutes later, we made it to Duskwood Lanes, and we're getting ready to head inside. I did a few stretches, and followed Vale in the door. We walked up to the counter, and Vale paid for the lane, and I got our shoes. We then headed to lane 35, and on the way I heard women whispering about us. "Oh my God those two are so hot! Quick snap a picture and add them to our smash or pass list!" Other things about our hotness, or who was the bottom passed our ears. I sighed as we finally made it to our lane.

"Okay David, you're up first. Think you can get 3 turkeys?" I laughed and shook my head. I walked over and glanced down the lane and rolled my ball in then walked away. Suddenly, I heard the machine yell, "Strike!". I spun around in disbelief, and told Vale that was a fluke. Vale laughed shaking his head and said, "No bro it wasn't. You're a freaking supernatural being now. How the hell could you not get a strike?" I felt embarrassed as I realized that what he said makes a lot of sense. I coughed awkwardly, and watched as he only got 6 pins down. I went back up, and got another strike. From that point on, all I got were strikes, and our lane was surrounded by a lot of onlookers in shock. The scoreboard was me at 300, and Vale at 110. Wow, we're definitely drawing a lot of attention right now.

Suddenly, someone came over and handed me their card. They were from a national bowling league and wanted me to consider joining. It was at that moment I realized that I wasn't going to be able to ever live a low key life again. I told the guy that I'd consider it, and Vale and I made our way back to my place. When we got there, the girls weren't back yet, so we popped a few cold ones and watched some old fighter anime reruns from our childhood. Oh the good old days... I'm glad that I have my best friend. He's the reason that I haven't taken my life all of these years...