Chereads / I Don’t Want to Be The Heroine!! / Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven

Chapter 7 - Chapter Seven

Saturday came and I was finally on my own two feet. It feels good to touch the ground for once. For almost a month dad had been piggybacking me everywhere and I don't just mean inside our apartment... As me and dad were walking out of the hospital, we see a giant stretch limousine waiting for us. The backseat window opens and I see Aston and a VERY beautiful women in the car with him. Like if it wasn't weird or if I still had my 19 year old body back I would gladly have lost my virginity to here no questions. Hell I kind of wanted to lose it then and there. Is that weird? I'm still mentally 19 right?

"Is this the girl whom you are so smitten with Aston." She said in a stern voice. Aston just nodded and then they both got out of the car. The women came down to my level and gave me a pat on the shoulder and started smiling.

"I really must thank you for that. Ever since he's met you he's been so much more pleasant. He's apologized to servants, started actually asking for things instead of just either taking it or demanding it, and best of all he's even actually started to make conversation with his father and I." Uhh what was happening? Is she actually thanking me? Did she not tell him I clocked him upside the head?

"Mom you're embarrassing me!!!" Mom? So this busty beautiful blond lady is actually his mother? She looks so young I could've sworn it was at least his cousin maybe in her twenties. Then again they look so much alike that I guess it makes sense.

"Oh how rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself." She pulled out a business card from her purse and wrote something on the back of it. "My card. My name is Violet Izumi. I'm Aston's mother." She said as she gave my dad her card.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Li Greyson. And pleasure to finally meet you as well Elizabeth."

"How do you know my name? I know I used to be a pro fighter but I haven't been in a match in years." Dad asked.

"I make it a point to know everyone in both my business and personal circles. If you have more connections with people the better your business outlet. I especially take notice of the people who are involved in my personal life and my son's"

"So what, you did an investigation on our family?"

"I didn't really need to, the guards that were there that day suddenly realized who you were after the fact. You are quite famous I was shocked to hear that a world renown fighter was working at a public hospital in town."

"Well it isn't something I just blurt out. Anyways I have to get back to work. The life of someone in the medical field never really ends. I'll leave my daughter with your son for today." He bowed his head to Violet and when he came back up he smiled at Aston insinuating "If I so much as see a scratch on her when I get home I will end you." Aston jumped a little and just repeated nodded his head back to him.

"Oh of course sir I won't let a single hair on her head get out of place." Yeah because now you know better. One day dad just so conveniently took us to the community center to "play" while he hit the gym. We once came in when he was working out on a punching bag and it literally bursted open from where he punched it and sand just came falling out. Right next to him was Uncle Aren doing the same thing kicking a bag but instead of breaking it he just made it hit the ceiling.

"Take care sweetie!! Call me if anything comes up ok?" Dad said as we were about to leave.

I went inside the limo with Aston and his mother and the whole time she was gleefully smiling and Aston and I were just frozen from the awkwardness of the situation for about 5 minutes. She seems harmless, but I can't forget that this lady is in charge of one of the biggest trading and financial groups in the world. I can't let my guard down around her for a second.

"So Eli, mind if I call you Eli, I hear that you're attending Lilia on a dance scholarship. You must be very good in order to get into Lilia."

"Uh yes, but I'm pretty sure that I'm not as nearly as good as your son is at music. After all with all of those awards and accolades to his name I'm sure I'm not even in his league." I said humbly.

"Oh never mind my son. You need to have more confidence in yourself sweetie. After all when it comes to performing it's all about the confidence you exude. You could be the greatest dancer in the world but if you can't get up on that stage and at least pretend you aren't the greatest thing ever then you'll never amount to anything." Was she trying to give me advice? In the manga Violet only seemed to care about two things. Her family and her business. What category did I fall under? What was her game?

"My son told me that he was impressed with your private performance for him up on the rooftop at school. He said you would make a great partner in the future."

"Did he say that?" Getting praise from a genius. I didn't know whether to feel proud or feel disturbed.

"Mom!! I told you not to tell her that!!" So that was it she was just hoping for me to do a number with Aston. Well Aston did have the same idea when I first met him so this isn't much of a surprise.

"Well thank you Aston, I didn't know you thought so highly of me." After I said that Aston started to blush a little and like the tsundere that he was he turned his head and said, "Don't get so full of yourself. You're still light years behind me."

"Oh well than I guess since I'll never be up to your level than maybe I should give up on the fantasy of us becoming partners. Oh woe is me." I said in an overly dramatic blatantly sarcastic tone.

"I never said that, I only meant that maybe if you were to associate yourself with me a bit more than it would make your dancing better." While we were playfully arguing back and forth like this, Aston's morning just sat back and watched astounded by the fact that there was someone out there who could get a rise in her son like this.

"My son, unless it's on a musical instrument I'm afraid he isn't good at expressing himself. Nor is he very good with or just interested in other people. So when he told all about you it piqued my interest as well. I hope that you'll remain friends with him from here on out." So she was concerned that Aston would be lonely? Made sense considering that in the manga he didn't really talk or hung out with anyone besides the heroine. It's kind of cute. Just because they come from a different class than me and dad, she still has the same concerns towards her child. Most of the time in books and manga, children who are the inheritors of s business or a royal line the parents put the company first rather than their children.

"Aston's really lucky to have such a kind and thoughtful mother like you Mrs. Izumi." Remembering my past life, for me I was always the independent one. My parent never really had to watch over or worry about me which don't get me wrong is a good thing but I did feel a bit over shadowed by others. Taking care of others was just in my nature, I always put someone else first before myself and well, so did everyone else. It was a good thing to be kind and generous but just once I kind of wanted someone to look out for me for once.

We finally get to Xander's house and unsurprisingly it's a massive villa on a 20 acre property. These damn rich people. My jaw just drops in awe at this massive plot of land and at this mansion. 20 acres close to the city with a private entrance and garden. I could've sworn I saw a herd of houses and an elephant near by while we were driving. Was this someone house or a zoo?

"Aston Eli welcome to my humble abode!!" Xander said as he was getting out of His massive gold plated door front door. Humble? It's like someone placed their giant 4 story mansion on a zoo.

"I see this place is as immaculate as ever."

"Well my mother was originally from a property management company for hotels and resorts." That would explain why there is literally EVERYTHING in this house. His smile was a bit too plastic for me. Something was up. Xander in the manga was as sincere as they come. What was this ominous feeling?