Chereads / The Fate of The Heavens / Chapter 7 - Chapter 6 Qin Ming Battles Taotie Zishan

Chapter 7 - Chapter 6 Qin Ming Battles Taotie Zishan

The violet robed, azure robed, and white robed figures all stare down into the blue crystal that is currently playing a recording of the fight. "Little brother Taotie is having a great deal of trouble isn't he".

"Hmm just watch Miko, just watch".

Miko held her chin chewing on the top of her lip. She was clearly worried but if her senior-apprentice sister told her to relax she would naturally trust her judgment. The snake-like figure who was in azure robes was jumping joyfully "if Taotie dies I get him don't I, don't I".

Miko shot a cold gaze at him "Taotie won't die if you mention it again I'll kill you myself Yunshe".

The white robed figure just remained as cold and silent as ever.


Qin Ming and Taotie's arms met, blowing apart the surrounding area. The ground under them cracks and steam escapes from the cracks. The two release their spiritual energy wantonly; the energy was so great that the area started to burn and the grass in the area was completely incinerated. Everything within a kilometer looked like a barren wasteland. Although Qin Ming's energy was much much weaker than Taotie's he was still just barely on his level.

Qin Ming rams his fist into Taotie's stomach. Some of his internal organs ruptured. He spews blood from his mouth, however he is smiling greatly "oh ho, you think a punch like that can stop me".

Taotie Zishan slams his fist into Qin Ming's jaw and sends him back a bit "AHHHH COME GET ME ASSHOLE"!!

Qin Ming was yelling like a madman, he ran so fast that he turned into a streak of light. He sends both of his feet into his gut. Immediately afterwards a blast of pressure comes out of the otherside. "Argh you bastard"!!

Taotie's body becomes dark and ephemeral as he becomes a shadow himself. In an instant he disappears. Qin Ming becomes frantic "where is he''!

The shadow directly behind Qin Ming there is a dark hand that starts to pull itself up. In less than a second a dark knife like shadow stabs into his right shoulder. Quickly he grabs his flesh wound, he starts to act like a wild bull. He moves very fast and unpredictably. "How the hell did he attack me, I didn't even sense his energy".

It was as though Taotie had completely disappeared. He had completely morphed with the shadows themselves!

Qin Ming's shadow begins to stir again and a dark hand comes out. However he thought this was his mode of attack anyway so Qin Ming instantly turned around. He swings his fist with him trying to clash against Taotie's hand. This however was pointless after all shadows were fromless and ephemeral and essentially didn't exist! His hand simply passed through it as easily as a hot knife through butter. Taotie's voice boomed throughout the entire camp "so you, a little ant, you figured it out I think a reward is in order.''

In that same second ten exact shadow clones were formed. All ten attacked in unison, several shadow blades all slashed onto Qin Ming's body. He was drenched in his own blood faster than he could think. Several cuts along his chest and calves pour out blood like a river. All he could do was simply block the cuts although he lost a lot of blood he was able to remain calm. Qin Ming was entirely defenseless; all he could do was futilely hold his arms up to try and block. "Damn it, think Qin Ming !''

He was frantically yelling at himself trying to figure out how to beat the formless shadows. Qin Ming starts to grow more frantic with each slice. "GRRRR ENOUGH"!!

Qin Ming sends his energy off in every direction. He was breathing heavily, he became exhausted, he was low on power and he wouldn't be able to fight for much longer. Once the flash of light is over Taotie appears burnt and broken "damn it they warned me how vulnerable I would be".

Qin Ming became excited and was able to lure him out. He had to act fast; he couldn't do another blast like that. He appeared in front of Taotie Zishan in less than a second. Qin Ming smiled widely "you've been playing chicken with me forever now I'm gonna beat you to a pulp".

He was quite giddy; he was going to release all of his frustrations. He pulled his fist back and began to send a flurry of punches at him. He was sending thousands of palm blows in the span of two breaths. Taotie's skin was fracturing, spewing blood from his wounds. His body was fractured and beaten the more he blocked the more he was beaten. Taotie began to grit his teeth and his eyes were bloodshot. Taotie covered his fist in shadow energy sucking into the surrounding light into his fist.

His fists were like a vortex sucking everything into his greedy maw. This disturbance was enough to set Qin Ming off balance. He wouldn't let an opportunity like this escape him. He sends his fist into Qin Ming's gut. The vortex-like energy was massive, his chest was splintered apart and burnt to a crisp.

Qin Ming grit his teeth in pain but he still just slammed his shin into the side. His ribs were blown apart. The two were beating each other senselessly. They were covered in a soup of their own blood and each others as well. They turned into flashes of light clashing into each other. Every time they clashed another blast of pressure would fly off and destroy the surroundings. The two became extremely fast, sending a flurry of blows at each other absolutely ruining the landscape.

Qin Ming thrust his hand down onto his shoulder like a massive tidal wave. Once his palm reaches his shoulder he is sent flying down like a meteorite. He crashes into the earth causing a crater a kilometer deep. Qin Ming rushes Taotie Zishan. He smiled "oh yes the fun is just starting".

After all Taotie was happy, all he did all day was sit on his ass in camp. He was bored out of his mind. He was actually hoping someone would attack this base. Taotie Zishan was a bloodthirsty killer who prided himself on murder and slaughter. When you cage a bull they become more violent.

Taotie's body began to morph his skin pulled up in horrid knots of flesh. His skin starts to turn into stone. His hair started to grow over his entire body. He looked like a field of jade green grass. His body carried a sense of horror but also impeccable beauty. The tiny horns that protruded from his head grew to at least thirty meters. His entire body was roughly thirty kilometers. He became a giant among giants. He was now twice the size of the camp.

Qin Ming was startled by all things. After all, he knew diremonsters could transform into humans; he didn't expect Taotie Zishan to be one. "That mask of his, it's intoxicatingly beautiful".

"Do you think a mere mortal like you can defeat a god!? Behold I shall show you my true power"!! Taotie Zishan was going mad because you couldn't even see his eyes because of how bloodshot they were. It was like looking at two crimson pearls.

Taotie rasies his beatial plam and sends it into Qin Ming like a meteor. When the palm reaches the ground the entire camp is nearly blown apart. He sends palm after palm onto Qin Ming's almost lifeless body. "Did you really think a mere monkey like you had the right to stand up to divinity like me"!

"Did you think trash should be allowed to so much as challenge me"!!

Taotie Zishan was senselessly beating Qin Ming into the ground. Yelling his mocks at him. Taotie Qin Ming was already dead. It didn't matter how much he played with his food. In all honesty he was just beating away his frustrations.

Qin Ming was filled with anger as well. He caught Taotie's massive fist just as it landed once more. Everyone currently watching was surprised. Taotie had it worst of all "BASTARD!! INSIGNIFICANT GARBAGE!! HOW DARE YOU STOP ME!?!?! HOW DARE YOU!?!?"

Qin Ming ran along his arm. With his other arm he kept trying to slap him like a mosquito. Qin Ming was however too fast so he was able to effortlessly dodge them and slip past his hands. Taotie Zishan violently shakes his arm trying to throw him off. Alas this is simply wasted. He continued to run past everything Taotie threw at him. "Your hubris was too big and for that you die".

He spoke calmly and surely as if he was saying his own name. This caused Taotie Zishan to be stunned for a second. He quickly shook it off and then became even angrier. He charged forward his heavy hooves stomping on the ground and flattening the area. Qin Ming quickly put his arms up to defend. When Taotie slammed his massive body into Qin Ming he instantly spit up blood. Qin Ming gripped his hands together and slammed his hands down into the skull of the bestial Taotie. His hands were like massive heaven shattering malletes. Instantly his body fell down like a massive mountain range.

Blood was pouring out Taotie's head like a river. He just blew hot air then stood up again. The two looked at each other then disappeared into the air. They were sending thousands of blows to each other. Bones were shattered, organs ruptured. Nothing would stop them as they cascaded the landscape in each other's blood. The wasteland smelt of a horrid iron smell.

Taotie Zishan landed on the ground with a heavy boom "ANT THAT'S ALL YOU ARE AN ANT. I'LL SMASH YOU UNDER MY HEEL."

His body started to send several shadow snakes. Each of the snakes frantically charged Qin Ming like they were hunting prey. A couple actually smashed against his chest, some took chunks of flesh. The others, Qin Ming, just barely dodged. He didn't stop, he was so close to victory. He was charged with throwing whatever punishment he was given. His eyes were bloodshot; he was an absolute madman crashing past each of the snakes.

Qin Ming sent a heavy gut blow. He kept pushing forward into his body. Taotie was around thirty kilometers, so he was an ant compared to the massive Taotie. Qin Ming kept sending a flurry of punches into his gut. He was stretched out like a string of spaghetti. His gut was bening pulled outwards with such massive force. When he stopped applying force Taotie Zishan shot out like a rocket blowing away all the clouds in the area.

About two kilometers away.

The three figures all looked solemnly into the glass crystal. "Hmm this is quite troubling. The little brother was actually beaten even after showing his true form. Formidable, formidable".

Yunshe Li was jumping with a smile on his face "he's mine now isn't he, isn't he".

Miko Yang grimaced "fine take him if it'll make you shut up".

Of the four figures the only human among them was Miko. She was an utterly terrifying witch. Her power was no less than Taotie's in fact she was stronger! The other was a snake whose name was Yunshe. Finally the most dominating and utterly terrifying was a celestial dragon. She was the undisputed leader of the guardian three. Most of the members just called them the big three.

Yunshe however was just slightly weaker so he was dying to take his position. With him gone he naturally took his place.

Qin Ming was panting heavily and right after his body gave up and he hit the floor. In less then a second a nude Taotie came crashing down from the heavens. Taotie Zishan was an extremely proud man and only followed the strong, he was loyal to the strong. Trinity meant nothing to him, what truly mattered was raw strength.

"Hey kid you alive, whatever doesn't matter. You sure gave me hell back there I'm proud. Your master Sun Li, was it? Put in a good word for your ol' pal Taotie Zishan". He boomed with laughter then immediately gripped his side in pain.

Qin Ming moaned in pain "Su Lei". he was very proud of his master and father; he didn't like that he didn't remember his name.

"Yeah, yeah him. Listen kid I like ya so lets be friends".

"Didn't we just try to kill each other"?

He broke out in laughter "HAHAHA YES GOOD TIMES WASN'T IT BROTHER AHHH"!! His shattered ribs poked into his beaten lungs, however he didn't pay it any mind.

"You are weird but I like ya so welcome then junior-apprentice brother".

Taotie Zishan smiled then closed his eyes.

"Oh tsk tsk tsk brother did you really think you could get away with being so weak".

"Yunshe Li? What the hell do you want"?

Yunshe carefully stroked his blade then ran it across his tongue "oh my blade it was purring for blood so I thought I should take it out for a stroll".

Taotie shuddered "get out of here you creepy bastard"!!

Yunshe put his hand on his heart then used his blade to lean against it. "Wow hurt I'm hurt, no really I am. No matter the dead don't talk".

Taotie Zishan struggled to pick himself up "just like a vulture, you disgusting snake. You dare try to fight me while I'm beaten".

Yunshe became ugly to behold "oh you dare talk to me that way traitor. I'll have your head for that".

Taotie Zishan scoffed "words of the weak and scared".

Yunshe broke and charged straight at him. Taotie smiled then opened his arms to greet him. Qin Ming charged at Taotie then pulled him by the arm. "Idiot, you idiot. Do you really expect to fight in your condition".

Taotie Zishan groaned as he tried to break free. "Get off! Get your hands off of me and let me beat that damn snake to death".

Qin Ming shook his head and continued to fly off in the opposite direction.

Back at the base.

A dominating figure sat atop a dark stone throne and spoke coldly "did you get him cloud snake".

He shook his head "don't worry Tianlong Xun I'll get him after all it's all about the hunt I let them get away".

The one named Miko Yang was bursting with anger. Her entire body was coaxed in a violet flame. "You incompetent fool, how dare you le-".

Tianlong held her hand up "no need sister no need if I end up cleaning his mess again he'll be punished rightfully".

Yunshe felt his heart tighten then mumbled under his breath and left.

Deep underground.

Taotie held his chest tightly "aghh why does broken bones hurt so much".

"Stop whining you baby". Qin Ming held his wounds as well.

The two were breathing hard. They were fighting hard to stay conscious. Breathing hard, Qin Ming said "Listen Zishan, do you trust me? I have a healing principle under my belt, but it's dangerous. My hands would have to pierce your chest, and it only works if you are completely willing".

Taotie Zishan looked furious "I told you brother we are lifelong friends now, call me Taotie no need to be so formal"!

Qin Ming sighed "fine, fine so I take it you trust me". He stood up and walked over to Taotie Zishan.

"Now stay still".

He rammed his hand into his chest and gripped his heart. His body resonates a green aura. He sent a torrent of his spiritual energy directly into his heart. Taotie's heart began to pulse harder and harder. His blood was hot and ice cold. In the time it takes to boil a pot of tea or make dinner he finished. Qin Ming removed his hand from his chest, it was covered in a congeld jade green blood.

Taotie was re-energized. He was like a new man he jumped up his blood boiling, "that bastard Yunshe Li dares to stand against me, that little fucking weakling. I'm gonna kill that ant, pathetic snake. Crawl on your belly and eat dirt like the worm you are".

Qin Ming broke out in laughter "calm down brother Taotie, calm down we'll fight him in due time. Just give me a week to rest".

Taotie Zishan was grumbling "fine whatever".

In the blink of an eye a week passed by. The military camping rained on endlessly, in the Overcloud city more than fifty percent of Trinity was demolished. Lei Laoshi cared about his student's tempering so he only killed the people who could kill him in a single blow. However he left the other mortals to him.

Qin Ming was just barely fully recovered; he felt a bit rusty. "Hmm I wonder how strong that Yunshe Li is".

Taotie Zishan was pumped that he was finally able to get his revenge. "Taotie spar with me a bit, l don't feel confident in the upcoming battle".

Taotie's eye glowed with anticipation. Without saying a word he charged directly at Qin Ming. He caught his hands with his own. They were locked in a tight grip, it was so tight that the area shook from the pressure. They broke away then backed up. They were both cautious of the other and were circling around each other. They charged at each other then clashed again.

Qin Ming sent his fist into Taotie's jaw then his chest. He rammed his leg against the side of his chest then sent him flying. Taotie Zishan caught himself on the ground then pushed himself flying forward. He sent his fist at Qin Ming, then he slightly pushed his hand aside. Taotie with his other hand sends it into his gut, a slight blast of air pushes out from his other side.

Taotie Zishan sends another palm at him. Qin Ming slaps his palm away, causing him to become off balance. He spins around and uses that to send a blow to his right thigh. Qin Ming saw this then used his left palm to defend. He sends his right palm to strike against his chin. Taotie Zishan becomes frenzied. He sends a lightning fast palm blow to his chin, then sends his left leg to his gut, and in the same breath. He sends his left leg into his ribs. Right after he lands he rams his elbow into Qin Ming's jaw. He takes a step forward then puts both his palms into his chest.

When he sent his next blow Qin Ming caught it effortlessly. He then pulled him into his elbow, smashing the bridge of his nose. He sent his palm at Taotie again, then Taotie put up his forearm allowing it to slide across it. Taotie Zishan struck back with a chop against his neck. Qin Ming had trouble breathing for a second then he sent a backwards fist at Taotie. Taotie sent a palm blow back at him going to his throat. Qin Ming puts his forearm up to guard then pulls his arm forward. He sends his own arm under Taoties armpit then sends a blow to his chest with enough force to make his heart skip a beat.

Qin Ming sends another elbow blow to his back. Taotie tries to send his fist into Qin Ming's jaw, he however ducks under and sends his own fist into his gut. A blast of wind shakes the ground again. He keeps sending fist after fist into his chest finally sending a needle-like blow to his heart. Right after that a blast of pressure blows away the rock wall behind him.

They continue to go blow for blow. When he struck out with a fist or palm they would catch it, then send one of their own. When one sent a leg they would block with their leg. This continued for a couple of hours until Qin Ming sent a blow which Taotie caught. Taotie sent a blow as well, with Qin Ming's other hand he caught it. Both release each other and send a blow at the same time stopping centimeters from the other's chin.

"That's enough l think we are ready, let's head out".

They nod then depart, becoming blobs of smoke. They continue to move at great speeds until they reach an open plain and they see Yunshe Li standing alone. He was quietly humming to himself "oh my friends you finally arrived".

Taotie Zishan grows angered just by seeing Yunshe. "YOU BASTARD"!!

He instantly turns into the thirty kilometer caricature of himself. Yunshe Li yawns totally unfazed by Taotie Zishan. Taotie charges Yunshe. With a simple sword swipe against his heels he comes crashing down and turns back to his human self.

"What!? That damn snake, how did he get so strong"!

Yunshe Li becomes ugly to behold "I'm not strong you're just weak".

Taotie Zishan grits his teeth "Qin Ming this guy is too strong, what do we do?"

Taotie naturally followed the strong. To him even Tianlong Xun was nothing but an ant compared to the brilliance and power that Qin Ming could exude.

Qin Ming thinks for a moment then he looks at Taotie Zishan "follow me".

They two charged for great power and speed. As they moved the ground under them shattered apart. Yunshe Li's face changed "what the?"

Yunshe Li was a composed and cool man, he was also very, very childish. For him to react in such a manner was surprising to say the least. Whenever Yunshe Li was in a battle or on the hunt he would be deadly serious, like he was a new person. However when he was around Miko Yang and Tianlong Xun he would act very childish.

Taotie Zishan and Qin Ming smashed against his chest and back, like two massive mallets smashing into each other. Yunshe coughed up blood, his body tensed up as every nerve flared with pain. "GRR BACK OFF''!!

Yunshe Li struck out with his blade sweeping the area with sword intent. When one of them tried to advance he slashed down with heaven shattering force. Uhsinow backed up "damn it I can't get close".

Taotie Zishan just smiled gleefully "no worries brother Qin Ming no worries at all. We've got him cornered like a common street rat".

Yunshe Li couldn't help but grit his teeth. Taotie was infamous for his taunts, however Yunshe Li was incredibly smart and wouldn't be fooled. Yunshe kept his defense at their utmost limits. "Idiot you can't win a battle by defending, attack"!!

Miko Yang's voice rang out in his head. He knew damn well he couldn't win if he didn't fight. How could he if he let them down an inch he would instantly be attacked by the two. "Whatever I'll just have to kill one then move onto the next" Yunshe Li thought to himself.

Yunshe Li disappeared into thin air and traveled at high speeds. He appeared directly behind Qin Ming and struck him down with his blade. The blade struck into his shoulder blade. Qin Ming smiled with horror "ah thanks there was a really tight knot in my shoulder".

Yunshe was paralyzed with fear. "What the hell are you"!?

Qin Ming just slammed his fist into the side of Yunshe's skull. He was sent flying back about a meter. Qin Ming was easily able to catch up and he slammed his fist into his chest. A blast of wind escaped from his back and splintered apart the ground. Yunshe Li smiled and used his blade to stab into Qin Ming's abdomen.

Miko Yang was biting her nails. "We should help him".

Tianlong Xun looked at the nervous wreck that Miko was "calm down, he wanted to face them both let him".

They continued to watch and Tianlong was secretly just as nervous but she wouldn't allow Miko to know that. Afterall he was facing Taotie and Qin Ming all at once.

Taotie rammed his elbow into the back of Yunshe Li's neck. He fell over just as quickly. Yunshe felt hopeless and cornered. "What to do, what to do".

He pushed them back and stood up just as fast. He ran he fist into Taotie's gut. Then he slashed his side with his blade. Qin Ming came to rush him, Yunshe sucked his teeth "tsk tsk tsk".

He instantly struck his leg out. He kicked him flying back. Yunshe Li took out another sword and stabbed Taotie. The blade effortlessly went straight through him.