Chereads / The Fate of The Heavens / Chapter 10 - Chapter 9 Encounter With Old Man Wen Shui

Chapter 10 - Chapter 9 Encounter With Old Man Wen Shui



"Be quiet Taotie, you don't want to scare him after he has just woken up."

"Hmph ya don't know the kid like I do."

"Oh are you saying you know my little brother more than I?"

Taotie Zishan is a little bit more quiet after that. Qin Ming slowly woke up, in a cold sweat. He looked around a bit confused. "Ah, where am I?"

Ryu shook his head "are you really that worthless of a junior that you don't even recognize your own school?!"

Qin Ming laughed a little bit and grabbed his forehead. In between his middle and ring finger his horn poked out. Whenever he was stressed or worried he would lightly grab or scratch his horn. Oddly enough it gave him a warm feeling. He felt much, much more relaxed after a while.

It was like a bad dream he had just woken up from. He had remnants of battles, like he could almost see himself fighting Tianlong Xun and Yunshe Li! Although his memory was fuzzy he could feel that those two were his friends.

In the next moment the doors on their end flew wide open. "JIANGSU!!"

Taotie looks confused "who?"

The man stumbles over. He was covered in cuts and bruises! He chuckles a little bit "don't worry little brother I'm fine."

He covers his gaping wound with his hand. He winces a bit for the pain, he sucks in cool air. Once he settles he feels the presence of another dragon. They both catch the other's eye "you're!"

Tianlong Xun stands up and releases a wave of spiritual energy. Jiangsu has no time to react; he hops up and pushes Qin Ming out of the way. He opened his arms wide "COME AT ME!!"

He also sends a torrent of spiritual energy at her. Once the energy clashes Tianlong Xun's is sent back "POWER MORE POWER!!!"

Her skin starts to turn scaly and an azure color. Her palms grow sharp talons and her wrist grow sapphire fur. Her sandals break apart as her feet grow and sharp spikes rise from the top. After her transformation is complete she lets out a soft sigh.

She looks back at Jiangsu, her eyes turn a deep crimson as they fill with murderous intent. She once more sends her spiritual energy at him, her energy starts to become a more violet color as opposed to her white color. This violet energy also held a hint of a sinister presence! Jiangsu turns wide eyed "is she actually pushing me back!"

Jiangsu shakes this feeling off. His palms start to turn a dark black as his fingernails turn into a blood red. His fingernails turn to talons. His wrist grows crimson colored fur. Jiangsu's eyes turn into an azure color. His transformation was very, very different from Tianlong Xun or Qin Ming. He held a sinister intent behind it, while Tianlong Xun and Qin Ming were both a bit more proper.

Jiangsu lifts his hand up about to thrust forth an unstoppable amount of force! Qin Ming is terrified. Without thinking he jumps forward in front of them both. He puts his hands at either side. "ENOUGH OF THIS!!"

Tianlong Xun steps back "huh?"

Jiangsu snaps out of it "Qin Ming get out of the way!"

Qin Ming doesn't move "if you wish to cause big sister harm you will have to kill me first!"

Jiangsu puts his hand down and backs up a bit "big sister?"

Tianlong Xun slowly puts her hand on Qin Ming's shoulder "little brother who is this man?"

"Little brother? Qin Ming who is this Celestial Dragon"

"I could ask the same."

They both turn their gazes towards Qin Ming. Qin Ming feels nothing but endless pressure "uhh well believe it or not she is related to us in some way, I can't explain it but… I get the same feeling from her as I do from you!"

Jiangsu takes a step back "ah so that's why that crazy old coot sent us here."

Jiangsu instantly drops to the floor and smashes his head into the ground. He did this with such force the ground under him cracked! "Please forgive my little sister. I had no idea. Simply sensed another Celestial Dragon and Moved to protect Qin Ming!"

Tianlong Xun puts her hand on her mouth and laughs a little bit "no, no, it is I who should apologize! To be truthful I also sensed our blood and also moved to protect him!"

Jiangsu stands up and soon they both break into laughter. "Yes, yes our little brother can be a handful. Here let me show you around. I still feel bad for attacking you without any provocation."

Tianlong Xun sighs "fine if you must."

Jiangsu smiles and they both head out.

Thousands of planets away.

This world was quiet peaceful and it was green with plenty of forests covering the face of it. Although there were plenty of trees one spot grew no tress at all. It was a deep crater that scared the planet. This world had several beautiful, almost crystalline lakes dotting across the planet. On one of those lakes a cave could be seen not to far. In the distance a beast's roar echoes throughout the trees. "Ahaha did ya really think I'd go down that easy?!"

An azure Celestial Dragon coils its body and slams against the hatchet wielding old man. "Come now little Deng Xinyi will fight a bit harder than that. I can't belive ma son would chase after ya!"

Her eyes turn bloodshot "DECREPIT OLD MAN!!" she sends a heaven shattering palm at the old man. The palm comes down and slices apart his flank.

He smiles and quickly the flesh starts to grow back just as quickly "do you ever expect to reach his level like that?"

He lifts up his hatchet and he sends it down at her. His face turned demon-like as his hatchet sent down endless murderous intent! Deng Xinyi's heart tightens up slightly, she desperately tries to block. Dodging was simply out of the question; the woodcutters' blows were simply unfathomable!

A yellow robed old man comes through a portal that quickly closes up. This old man had a very long white beard that lightly kissed the ground. He radiated endless love and delight, his body was like a warm hug. His face was also covered in soft wrinkles.

The two battling instantly notices this man. The woodcutter throws his hatchet into the air and starts skipping over to the old man. He was waving his arms in the air "OLD MAN SAGACIOUS!"

Sagacious Sun Li sighs "Wen Shui!"

The two tightly hug each other "ah Deng Xinyi I don't belive ya met ol Sagacious over ere!"

The Celestial Dragon slowly comes over. Once she gets close enough to him her nose reels from the smell "ack that smell!"

Sagacious Sun Li lowers head "aw do I really smell that bad?"

He lifts his arm up and sniffs himself. Wen Shui slaps his back "ol friend don't worry she is like this with everyone. She 'as a short temper!"

Deng Xinyi shakes her head "no, no, he just smells oddly familiar to my deadbeat husband!"

She pulls closer and starts to take bigger whiffs "well that 'deadbeat' husband is the undisputed strongest of the Three Realms."

Deng Xinyi grows a frown on her face "a low-life is a low-life big or small. Ah you are training my children!"

Sagacious Sun Li smiles and turns towards Wen Shui "you had not told her yet?"

Wen Shui slaps his head "AHH that's what's been buggin me fer a while! Yes yes let me introduce ya. Deng Xinyi this is ma good pal good ol Sagacious Sun L- err Su Lei"

Deng Xinyi folds her arms "I had figured as much. Where did you send them again Wen Shui?"

"Was it Firecloud, or Oldjade I forget?"

Sagacious Sun Li chuckles "it is the Oldjade world"

Deng Xinyi seems to smile "Oldjade huh I wonder if Jiangsu or his brother have met Tianlong yet."

Sagacious Sun Li strokes his beard "ah that's right you don't know the little one's name yet. It's Qin Ming''

Deng Xinyi rolls the name around her tongue "Qin Ming huh? When he is at the Divine Mortal level, bring him here, I wish to meet my son."

Sagacious Sun Li looks to the side and trails off "well…"

Both of them pulled closer to Sagacious Sun Li "YOU WHAT!?!"

"I gave ya the kids cause I thought you could provide em… well ya know real guidance."

He puts his hands in front of him "listen, listen old man Wen Shui Can. I have my reasons for this. I was in command of training the Celestial army. Trust me ok."

Wen Shui calms down a bit more "fine, fine I guess I'll trust ya fer now!"

Deng Xinyi doesn't seem to be happy at all "you better teach my children. They have to meet their father!"

Sagacious Sun Li smiles "Oh is that why you're training with Wen Shui?"

Deng Xinyi becomes a bit embarrassed "so what if it is?"

Deng Xinyi had a very deep love for Xùrì Lièrì. She was devastated when he left her. How could he do that to her? She had so many questions for him! Deng Xinyi was training every single day to reach his level. She only made minor breakthroughs, not enough to reach a new level of power, let alone Xùrì Lièrì's!

Wen Shui took a grim look on his face "a-ave ya told the boy who his 'real' parents are?"

Sagacious Sun Li felt his heart sink. He had never told him, but he knew that he was very much alike to Xùrì Lièrì. His temperament was very similar too. His love for his friends is also quite similar! "I-"

Wen Shui had visible tears "don't ya dare finish that sentence lest the answer is yes!"

Sagacious Sun Li shook his head.


Wen Shui slammed his fist into the side of Sun Li's jaw. A blast of wind shook the earth as the blastwave de-leaved all the trees on this world. Some of the rivers shook so hard that all the water spilled out of it. Sagacious Sun Li was speechless, all he felt was a numb pain. He lightly rubbed his face "TELL THE BOY DAMN IT HE DESERVES TO KNOW, DO YA WANNA END UP LIKE ME HUH?!?"

He had long ago messed up his chance with his child; he didn't want to see his dear old friend condemned to the same fate. "Look it's not that I don't want to, it's just do you think he'd understand?"

"Understand? Listen ol pal ya love the kid right? Then tell him! He would thank you for it, maybe not immediately but at one point he would."

Sagacious Sun Li understood this much, he knew why Xùrì Lièrì had left so early, he knew all these things! Sagacious Sun Li bowed at the two the left just as quickly. With a simple wave of his hand a tear in space appeared and he leapt through it.

Back on the Oldjade World

Qin Ming was sharing a meal along with Tianlong Xun, Jiangsu, and Raya. He gently sips on his tea "the Allclans tournament is right around the corner."

Jiangsu nods "That is it, do you think you're strong enough?"

Qin Ming shakes his head "no, no I don't think I will be in time!"

Tianlong Xun is slightly surprised "Why don't you think you are ready?"

Raya puts her cup down on the table "Akemi or not you're going!"


Qin Ming turns his head over to Tianlong Xun "he is insanely powerful, even stronger than you. He makes you look like a bumbling idiot in terms of the Dao of Space!"

She chokes on whatever she was drinking, spitting some out into her hand. "No way could that be possible! He is a genius, the Dao of Space is not easily mastered!"

Qin Ming shook his head "precisely what makes him such a threat!"

Instantly a crimson like portal opened up right next to Qin Ming. Lei Laoshi steps out of it, he pulls on Qin Ming's arm guiding him over to another room. "Master what is all this about?"

He shakes his head "right now I'm not your master. Listen, I have something important to tell you!"

Qin Ming tilts his head "what do you wish to tell me father?"

"I'm sure you know I'm not your 'real' father. I look so much different from you or your brother! Listen, almost eight years ago your mother gave birth to you, you know that much, but your mother you don't have the slightest clue who she is. Her name is Deng Xinyi, and your father is Xùrì Lièrì. He was an extremely powerful god, in his past life his name was Star god. Your mother is also a powerful Celestial Dragon! She was second only to Mother Nuwa."

Qin Ming was confused; he was trying to make sense of everything that's happened. He sharply sucked in his breath. Water was welling up in his eyes. "Why did my father leave? Why didn't my mother take care of me?! Did she not want anything to do with a weakling like me!"

He started to sob uncontrollably. Su Lei instantly grabbed him "it's okay son it's ok. It was never your fault."

Qin Ming pushes him away, nearly cracking a rib. "WHY WON'T YOU ADMIT IT!!"

Su Lei looked down at him kindly and with a smile that endlessly gave love. "My boy, I won't lie to you. You are not the cause. But I also can't tell you why either. If I tell you it would only put you in danger. I'm trying my hardest here!"

Qin Ming stood up and wiped his eyes off with the sleeve of his robes. He turned around and gave a final glance at Su Lei. "Qin Ming don't go!"

He shook his head and slammed his palm into his head a couple of times. "I need to think!"

Qin Ming jumped up and broke through the ceiling. He flew off in any direction. Su Lei could only watch as he departed. He had already tagged him. He knew exactly where he was! Qin Ming just needs time to cool off.

Deep in the mountains


He screams out loud he screams out so much that a blast of pressure escapes from his mouth. The blast was so great a small crater formed under his feet. "Ay boy stop ya screamin!"


He turns around and sees a humble man sitting on a rock. The man was in green clothes made of burlap. He had a scruffy white beard. He put his finger in his ear scratching the insides of it. He pulls out his fingers and blows off the wax.

"Who are you?"

He looks surprised "me? Oh I'm just a simple woodcutter. Tell me, boy who has been lyin to ya?"

He turns around, his face turning red from frustration. "My fat- my teacher. He told me he was my father, he's been lying to me since I was born!"

The woodcutter sighs "ay boy do ya still love him? Did his love fer ya change? Na, na now that has happened. Let me tell ya somethin boy I had a child of my own, 'cept he wasn't 'really' mine. When I finally told him he ran off in a big huff and puff!"

He started to laugh uncontrollably. "AHAHA ya see ma boy was the emotional type, he felt first then thought."

Qin Ming starts to calm down. For some reason he felt the same warmth from this man as he did his brother or Tianlong Xun! "What ever happened to your boy?"

He stared at the ground, his eyes unwavering. Tears pool up in the corners of his eyes "bout that we still haven't spoken since then. Ya should forgive yer ol man."

Qin Ming sits down in front of the man "might I be so bold as to ask his name?"

The old man looks at the kid with a sparkle in his eyes "ah ma boy, ah he was the strongest man I've ever known. Ya might know him, in fact he is quite popular. It's Xùrì Lièrì!"

He spoke calmly with a hint of pride in his voice. "Your son… is my father. So you're my grandfather."

The woodcutter smiled "I know, I held ya in my arms when you were just born!"

He trailed off then pats the log next to him "sit boy, sit next to yer gramps!"

Qin Ming slowly walked next to him "yer father loved this world so much, whenever he was upset he always traveled to the Oldjade world. And ya know what he always sat down right ere. He would look off into the distance and see the sun set over the mountain range. It really did calm him down!"

He places his hand on Qin Ming's shoulder "yer father really loved ya, ya know. But he was hurt. I don't blame him really! He had ta leave ya see! He asked me 'fore you were born ta look after ya. I want to grow strong, so much stronger than anyone! Ya know when I told him I'd bring ya ere he was surprised, he wanted ya ta live on ol Nameless."

He shook his head "bah the young fool! I knew you wouldn't flourish there. Could have dropped ya off in any random Major world. Ya wanna know why I chose ere?"

Qin Ming nods softly "yes I do grandfather!"

He laughs a bit and shakes Qin Ming a little bit. "AHAH GOOD, GOOD, I thought ya say no! Well Brought ya ere cause I wanted ya ta enjoy this sunset like he did. Whenever ya missed him I wanted ya ta come ere and see what he saw. Sit in the same place he sat when ya felt just as miserable. This place was special ta him, and I wanted that for ya."

The sun was turning a deep orange, he grabbed his grandson "let's sit for a while ay, lets not worry bout a thing!"

Qin Ming held onto his grandfather tightly and he started to sob loudly. He felt that warmth in the sun just like he said. He felt his father's warm smile, which he never saw once! He felt his warm embrace it was as though his father was here! The woodcutter laughed "heh I miss him too, I do. If ya ever feel alone again ya can come here and I'll be ere waiting fer ya!"

Qin Ming was trying to breathe but he completely broke down. He couldn't stop holding onto his grandfather! "Ya know yer a spittin image of him. It's almost as if he was ere with me! Let it out boy, just let it out."

"Why didn't my mother take after me!" He looked up at him, his eyes red from tears.

"Oh that, well ya see yer ma she is working tirelessly to reach his level. Yer ma she also only wishes ta meet her love once more. Nothing could separate those two since the day they met! She can't take care of ya and train, selfish yeah but can ya blame her!"

After a few hours together and talking about his father and mother the woodcutter stands up. "Well ma boy it was a delight meetin ya. I have to get back ta ol Nameless. We will see each other, and I will be back, oh and tell ol man Sagacious, Wen Shui said hi!"

Before Qin Ming could say any words of protest he disappeared. Qin Ming had calmed down a great deal, he walked all the way back to his school. He had opened the doors and instantly ran to his father. He grabbed his legs desperately hugging them.

In truth he had felt relieved. He thought that Qin Ming was going to be cold and distant to him forever! "Qin Ming I'm so sorry I wish I had told you sooner."

"Don't worry about it, twas I who acted poorly!"

They were even closer than ever after this moment. The day passed over like normal after which.

The Next Day

Lei Laoshi gathered all his students into one place. "Listen up the Allclan tournament is due to start any day now make the proper preparations and let's give em all hell!"

All of the students roared out loudly and raised their fist to the air. The Allclan tournament was a tradition that's been around long before the two great continents formed. Before it was to honor the young warriors, now it's more of a show of good faith. It's to represent peaceful coexistence.

For years both the continents have been at the brink of war. Now the tournament is used to scout out promising youth and take them into their side. Each of the continents had to send representatives and every year they went. The most dangerous competitors were the Diamond Sanctum, and Jade. Qin Ming had a personal feud with the Diamond Sanctum. That was the country that held his rival, he was sure he'd see him again. He just knew it!

"Let's not relax just yet, we don't even know if we will make it. If you thought before it was hard this is going to be grueling back breaking work!"

Lei Laoshi walks by each of his students "Augus your enlightenment in the Dao of fire is insane, however you lack in terms of your skill and power."

He continues "Tianlong Xun you are terrifying. Your grip on the Dao is quite firm but you lack power. You can't just rely on partial transformation! Ryu you are strong but in terms of the Dao you lack even more so than Naomi, you are trying to master two at once and focus on one!"

"Taotie Zishan and Yunshe Li, your Dao Realms are fairly new and thus lack stability. Naomi, you rely too much on the fact that you have a Five Elements Elixir in your body, you need to work on everything."

"Miko Yang you have a deep understanding of everything, however you do need more work on the Dao of Fire so training with Augus can't hurt. Raya you should work more on the Dao of Earth, if you train it to a high enough level nobody can touch you! Qin Ming you need the most work! You have relied too much on the fact that you have the [Stellar Transformations] and partial transformation! You must work on the Dao of Martial Arts! This is all"


They each depart. Naomi felt the worst. She had always felt like she was the strongest! But when she fought Augus for the first time she realized that she was a frog in a well. Qin Ming felt equally worse he had just been told he needed the most work! He could hold his own, but only when he awoke his dragon half! He was quite lacking in every other regard. Naomi pointed at Qin Ming "you, I want to see what everyone else thinks is so great about you!"

Qin Ming's eyes glowed and he gestured for her to come at him "oh then why don't you come here and try It!"