Chereads / The Fate of The Heavens / Chapter 9 - Chapter 8 The Beast Linage

Chapter 9 - Chapter 8 The Beast Linage

Ryu and Augus slowly fall to the ground. Augus looks at everyone then back at Ryu "I'll sit this one out you go tie down that snake guy."

He looks at Augus "sure whatever."

Tianlong Xun looks at the two new arrivals "they are fairly weak I'll kill them now!"

"Tsk tsk tsk did you really forget me!?"

He rushes over to Tianlong Xun and smashes his bestial palm into her back. Qin Ming stood like a tall mountain. He coldly looked down at her. She looked back up then became furious. "How dare you lay your hands on me you filthy mut!!"

Qin Ming just shakes his head. Tianlong Xun struggles to stand up. She just snorts hot air from her nose. Then she moves to strike her palm against Qin Ming. He grabs her palm and sends one back at her to strike against her ribs. She lifts her knee up and blocks effortlessly. The battle field had become a wild battle field!

Taotie Zishan fought Miko Yang. Ryu fought against Yunshe Li. Qin Ming fought against Tianlong Xun.

Several blows flew out; each concussive blow would smash apart the ground. It must be understood that Qin Ming 'normally' was comparable to a human Yunshe Li. Ryu was slightly stronger than Qin Ming. However the Qin Ming who was partially transformed was comparable to Tianlong Xun. She was the leader of the Three Guardians, and she had unparalleled strength. She was stronger than Taotie Zishan, Miko Yang, and Yunshe Li put together!


Tianlong Xun struck out with her bestial palms. Each palm blow contained a hint of the true meaning of the Dao of Air. Tianlong was very, very close to fully mastering the Dao of Air, and thus was able to strike out with a hint of the true meaning. Each blow would shudder the air itself and a few cracks would appear. Qin Ming would feel his entire body shake and tremble with each blow. He was able to remain quite sturdy. After all, he didn't immediately blow into pieces.

Qin Ming was only skilled in the Dao of Martial Arts, he didn't have any other Daos at his disposal. Tianlong Xun however had the Dao of Martial Arts, the Dao of Space, and the Dao of Air. Once one gained a Dao Realm they would naturally be able to gain mastery over the Dao of Space!

Qin Ming attempts to strike her with his beast-like palm. When he gets within an inch of her his hand considerably slows down. It's as if his hand was dunked into pudding! "The Dao of Space is this formidable."

Of course he recognized the use of the Dao of Space almost instantly. Before he would constantly battle against someone who used the Dao of Space! He felt his heart clench, he was never able to beat Akemi even once! He backed off a bit and calmly thought to himself. "How am I going to beat hi- her."

In truth this interaction did remind him of his old friend! He shook off his fears and burst forth. Instantly it was as though he was trying to push through the sea. His movements slowed down considerably. Tianlong Xun, however, found it incredibly easy to move through the gelatinous space. It wasn't because it was her own technique, no it was because she had a firm understanding of space. This technique didn't tell the difference between friend or foe. She had to depend on her understanding to move.

Qin Ming gritted his teeth, "damn it damn it!"

He desperately tried to move in this space, but all he did was tire his arms and legs! This was the true power of the Dao of Space one simply couldn't battle! It didn't matter how fast or strong you are, if you couldn't even move what did it matter? Tianlong Xun didn't find any joy in this "pity, what a pity!"

She didn't like killing her own, but if she had to well then. She lifted the palm up and slammed it down into his chest. The space around her finger tips turned into delicate ribbons. She had completely dominated this battle even without her Dao Realm! Once her palm landed on body it wasn't blood that flew out. It was in fact sparks! Tianlong Xun frowned "huh whats this."

Qin Ming had instinctively grown scales right where her palm landed! These were not ordinary Celestial dragon scales, these were Godbeast scales! They were incomparably tough. Tianlong would definitely have a rough time trying to actually damage him! She scoffed "fine then!"

Her entire body grew scales, she lost her robes, her hair turned into a beautiful azure color. Her legs grew a bit thicker and her toenails grew twice their size! Her claws became slightly more durable and sharper. She had once more transformed! This was one step away from her true form.

Qin Ming smirks "oh why not show me your true form!"

Tianlong grows ugly to behold as she frowns deeply "you think you deserve it?"

She throws her palm once more, this time carrying heaven shattering force! The collision did very little to his physical body, however he did cough up blood. He slowly wipes the little trickle of blood off his face, "that's all you got."

Tianlong Xun twitches a bit "this bastard really does intend to make a mockery of me!"

All this time Qin Ming wasn't merely laying back letting her vent her anger on him. No! He had been constantly trying to disrupt the gelatinous space. However the technique she used really was quite unique. It was not something one could easily break! Thus he had reverted to mocks to try and hope she slips up. She was actively keeping this space distorted. Meaning if she lost focus for even a second he would have his opportunity!

"Fine if you won't shut up I have other methods of keeping you silent."

She put one of her beast hands on his chin, the other one opened his mouth with a single claw. She put her hand into his mouth intending to snap the jaw apart. He grew frantic about what he was going to do! If he lost his mouth he would eventually die. Not because his mouth was essential to life, no he could live without. No it was because he could no longer distract her, if he was trapped in this space he would die!

He did the first thing that came to his mind. He starts to viscously lick her fingers in a last ditch attempt. She pulls her fingers out of his mouth "y-you vermin, how dare you do something like that to me!"

"This is my moment."

He instantly sent his Dao to clash against the space she set up. He had spent a good time analyzing the technique so he understood where to hit it. Any space changing technique had certain weak points that if hit enough would cause them to crumble.

He fell down and landed gracefully on his feet. His eyes flashed with a golden light "you are formidable but this spatial distortion was crude and child-like."

Tianlong Xun flustered, "My technique is child-like, what do you call licking me."

Qin Ming shook his head. He charged at her and sent his beast palm at her chest. When his palm landed all of her scales were blown off of her body. He lifted his other hand and sent another palm just as massive. This caused her bones to be shattered apart. She vomited up a pile of blood "how did he get this strong, we should be equal!!!"

It was true they should have been equal after all they have virtually the same lineage! Qin Ming's mom was a pure Celestial Dragon who had a child with a star god. Tianlong Xun also had a father that was a pure Celestial Dragon, and her mother was a human. Humans when Mother Nuwa had first created them had been weak, and fragile. However it was the Three Sovereigns of Humanity that had brought the human race to prominence! It was because of them that humans had been allowed to grow and prosper!

Humans were incredibly smart, and as a result had been able to gain enlightenment on the Dao faster than any other creature! This is why she had control over three Daos! In terms of the Dao, Tianlong Xun beat Qin Ming. In terms of raw power and ability Qin Ming beat Tianlong Xun. Qin Ming was very creative and could pull himself out of almost any situation. Tianlong Xun was very technical and skilled and could finesse out of any situation she found herself in. They were polar opposites!

Qin Ming's lineage was slightly more powerful. Xùrì Lièrì was one of the three strongest figures in the entire Three Realms. He had long ago ventured into the vast, and endless void. However when he conceived Qin Ming he had added a slight amount of his Divine power into his mother. Thus he was much closer to his god half than his beast half. His god half formed his body, his beast half held many secrets and power, like transformation. His god body had an intrinsic divine ability known as [Stellar Transformation]. Although Qin Ming couldn't actively use it yet he still had that over Tianlong Xun.

What Tianlong didn't notice was that he had grown about three meters, his muscles became firmer, his meridians were slightly more open. His blood flowed much easier! Everything had improved just slightly. This slight advantage allowed him to control the battle!

Tianlong shouted curses at him as she turned into a blob of smoke. Qin Ming did the same, the two were locked in high speed clashes. Qin Ming was constantly improving as he fought against Tianlong Xun. he was gaining slight insights into the Dao of Air, and the Dao of Martial Arts! This was his first time fighting a battle against someone who eclipsed him in both.

Prior to their battle Tianlong Xub had two Dao Realms, one of air and one of martial arts. About a week before he had arrived she had been able to merge the two into one! Her punches were carried by the wind. They were not only faster but they were much stronger too! Using a Dao Realm required a bit too much energy, she had already used it against Taotie Zishan. If she used it again there was a chance it wouldn't be stable. It would just be a waste of energy.

Qin Ming sent a blow to her gut, then lifted his leg and slammed it against Tainlong Xun's head. The blow to her head was so great she turned into a stream of light. She came crashing down and blew a hole in the ground about ten meters in length. Qin Ming rushed down just as fast.

When he got close to Tianlong Xun, she swept her arm outward. When she completed this action, a massive gust of wind blew him back.

"Hmm so this is the Dao of Air, yes, yes this does make some sense."

Air can be considered in two ways essential to life, and a cause of death! To sailors it meant whether or not they made money or ate. To people it was used for breathing. When a storm would arise it would destroy homes and collapse caves. The Dao of Air ment life and death! Ushsinow actually came to realize this once he had a slash across his chest. He had always been attuned to the Dao of Air. This was because he was a Celestial Dragon, he would have made this breakthrough on his own of course! It was only because of Tianlong Xun that he had made it early.

As the saying goes, it is better to listen to a word of wisdom from a master than it is to do ten years of reading. Although they were enemies he couldn't help but feel a certain familial closeness from her. He saw her as more of a sister than an enemy. After all, she did help him succeed in the Dao of Air. She also helped provide guidance to the Dao of Martial Arts. He pulled his fist back and he was in the middle of sending a palm blow. For a split second he hesitated. Tianlong Xun was a master and so she naturally noticed this, she took the opportunity and sent twenty blows at him in a second.

He was blown back, blood poured from cuts on his body and broken bones in his body. He stayed at a distance he honestly didn't want to fight her any longer. He saw her as family, he could never hurt her! "If you won't come to me, then I shall!"

He winced for a second. In that moment he remembered all of his times sparing against Lei Laoshi and his brother. He realized that this battle was simply no different. "Fine then sister if that's how you want it."

His voice sounded calm and collected, he knew what he was doing. He burst forward to meet her. Both of their forearms met each other in a clash.


A blast of pressure flies off in every direction. Everyone is sent flying back from the sheer force of the blast. The earth under them is destroyed. They met in a lock for a good thirty seconds. "So little brother has reached One With the Breeze!"

He smiles back "appears I have."

They both strike out with their palms, which meet each other. When they do another blast just as great is sent forth. Both of them had bloodshot eyes, they had become crazed beasts! In truth Tianlong couldn't form into a real Celestial Dragon, she had been born a human! If she could, why would she hold back? Even if she could, she wouldn't. At this point she had grown a soft spot for Qin Ming. She truly did see him as a brother.

They both had a new found respect for each other. When one would battle against each other one would learn more than words. With each of Qin Ming's blows all Tianlong Xun could sense was compassion. This was why they stopped trying to kill each other and moved to temper each other.

Qin Ming was constantly growing, and the faces of Yunshe Li and Miko Yang were growing more grave. "W-what a monster, how can he keep getting stronger in the middle of battle."

What they didn't realize was that the battle between Qin Ming and Tianlong Xun had already 'stopped'. They also didn't realize Tianlong Xun was already on his side!

"Let us intervene."

"Yes, let's."

Miko Yang and Yunshe Li both send mental messages to each other. Their plan was to help Tianlong Xun kill Qin Ming before he had any more time to grow. Miko raised her hand and sent down a torrent of flames upon Taotie Zishan. Yunshe Li transformed back into a human and slashed his sword across Ryu's chest and once he did that, Ryu was blasted away. In that brief moment of confusion they both met up with each other.

After they met up and joined forces no one on this battlefield could block their attacks. However once Augus saw Miko Yang use flames his eyes instantly lit up with anticipation and eagerness. "AH HA SOMEONE THAT CAN POSE A THREAT TO MY FLAMES!!"

Instantly the area of around twenty meters grew hotter. Flames started to coax Augus's body; they were a deep sapphire color. His eyes met Miko's "you've been holding back my little wall flower. A rose with such a sharp thorn was hiding amongst these lotuses!"

Miko Yang felt her skin crawl. "Who is this to so brazenly speak of me!"

Augus spares no more time and rushes up to meet her. Yunshe Li instantly becomes a serpent to block his attack. Augus gets a crazed face as he is stymied. "OUT OF MY WAY YOU SCUM!!"

He moves his hand and sends a constant stream of sapphire light to cover and push away the serpent. With one simple movement Yunshe Li is sent flying away. Augus cocks his head and shoots a glare at Miko Yang. "Now where were we?"

Miko Yang pulls away "who is this detestable worm?!"

Augus grins "you'll soon find out!"

He throws his palm into her gut. His fist was trailed with flames. These flames looked like a wild typhoon. Once the blow landed her skin was blown apart. Her body was thrown away.

Miko Yang was secretly surprised and awe-struck. She was a natural genius in the Dao of Fire. She had never once met someone who could challenge her in this regard. So then how was it that this unknown figure could?

She sighs "fine then if that's how you want it."

She turns into a spiral of violet flames as she rushes over to them. She meets Augus with great swiftness. Both meet each other with their fists covered in fire. The collision was so great that the blast alone was enough to smash rocks to bits. However the blast of fire that escaped nearly killed everyone present.

They send a flurry of blows at each other that was no lower than the first collision. Augus sends his knee into the side of Miko Yang. She grips her side in pain. She smashes her shin into Augus's rib cage. The sternum and a couple of ribs are smashed apart into fragments!

The blood travels down Augus's lip, he however doesn't care in the slightest. He just continues to smile like a madman! "So it appears you do have strength!"

Augus pulls back his fist and smashes it back into her side. He grabs her face and sends a blast of sapphire flames through his finger tips! She grits her teeth in anguish. She puts her palm on his chest and pushes it back. Once she does this his entire body is covered in violet flames.

The Dao of Fire was fairly strong, however it wasn't a Dao suited for battle like the Dao of Martial Arts. The Dao of Fire however could seamlessly be mixed into another Dao path. Even the Dao of Water. When one could mix the two into one the power it could release was terrifying. Although the two were natural opposites they could still seamlessly mix! If the Dao of Air and the Dao of Fire mixed together the power would also be breathtaking, those two would support the other and rise both to new heights. Even the Dao of Wood would mix well, it didn't really matter to the Dao of Fire!

Augus lifted two fingers up and instantly a pillar of flames at Miko Yang in one go. Like a fish can never drown in water, Miko Yang will never be caught in flames too hot. She walks out calmly and causes a dragon of violet flames to appear. With simple movements of her hands she sends the dragon to consume Augus. He opened his arms wide and welcoming.

The dragon takes a bite out of his flank "heh is that all this lizard is capable of?"

Augus guides his hands in a swift like motion and behind him nine sapphires mixed with violet colored qilins appear! These nine beasts stomp out like a raging bull. Miko Yang desperately tries blocking, but with each hove stomp she is sent further into the ground! After eight of the qilins attack her guard is completely broken. The last one to attack was the most terrifying! With this last collision a kilometer of ground is smashed and broken apart. Also little splotches of lava appear on the ground!

Miko Yang pulls herself out of the crater. She slowly laughs. Those slow laughs turn into a crazed laughter! "It seems as though I've met a real challenge!"

Augus smiles as he slowly walks over to Miko Yang. "Good, good, l'm glad!" he loudly cracks his knuckles. He pulls his fist back. The air around his fist becomes hotter and starts to make a loud hissing noise! In an instant his fist is coaxed in sapphire flames! Right before he could send it at her, his fist is caught in a grotesque tentacle. "Oh Taotie you wish to hinder me as well. If that's so then I'll have to burn you up too!!"

The tentacle catches on fire and leads back to Taotie Zishan! Without a second thought he cuts off the tentale from his body. "Augus didn't anyone teach you that you shouldn't steal from others! I've let you have your fun now give her back to me!!"

Taotie Zishan also burst over to Augus in a second! Augus stands up ready to fight him "oh but you could never truly fight her like I, I think she's mine!!"

Miko Yang becomes slightly irritated "I'm standing right here!"

Augus and Taotie Zishan both look over at her "oh yes, yes, yes I forgot it's up to her!"

Miko Yang uses this confusion and grabs Yunshe Li and rushes over to Tianlong Xun! Augus looks a bit hurt "was I really that bad of a choice she decided to run?"

Taotie Zishan sighed "I know how you feel, she is less concerned with the thrill of the fight. She wants victory over anything else!"

Augus shook his head "she should learn to enjoy herself more! Pity what a pity!"

Augus looks a bit tired, he raises his hands into the air and a giant wall of flames bars her path. Miko Yang turns around "ARRGH BASTARD YOU BASTARD LET ME THROUGH!!!"

"Let us stop for today little brother, you learn quite fast but I feel as though you have reached a bottleneck for right now"

Qin Ming nods "yes big sister Tianlong I would agree so. Thank you for allowing me to spar with you, I have learned greatly!"

Tianlong Xun notices a wall of flames "hmm these don't feel like Miko's, little brother who is controlling these flames."

Qin Ming feels his heart warm from this sensation, "these must be my senior-apprentice brother's!"

Tianlong Xun seems to understand. With a casual swipe of her hand a gust of wind clashes against the flames. Just as quickly the wall of flames died down! "What is the meaning of this mess!" Tianlong Xun boomed out with a loud roar!

Instantly Miko Yang and Yunshe Li stopped in their tracks. Augus just laughed like a madman "who dares to extinguish my flames and thinks they can get away with it. I don't care if it's a grain of sand, if it's mine you'll have to fight me tooth and nail for it!!"

He instantly rushed Tianlong Xun. She just sighs "little brother are all your friends this violent and brutish?"

Qin Ming looks to the side a bit embarrassed, Tianlong Xun lightly chuckles, "tooth and nail you say?"

Augus reached her in less than a second, Tianlong Xun transformed her palm into a bestial one! With a quick chop he was sent into the ground, unconscious! Ryu seems to become red hot with anger "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY FRIEND!!"

Tianlong Xun sucks on her teeth "another one!"

Qin Ming steps in front of her "let me handle this big sister."

Qin Ming puts his arms out wide "stop this senior-apprentice brother, Tianlong is not a threat!"

Ryu stops in his tracks "how can you say that after she tried to kill you, and did what she did just now!?"

Qin Ming looks to the side "I know it seems bad, but honestly she won't harm you. Do you really think Augus would have listened to reason anyways?"

He puts his hand on his chin then scoffs. "Fine whatever!"

Ryu backs off a bit. Tianlong Xun feels a bit more relaxed "Yunshe Li, Miko Yang, do what you want, I will not care what you pick, however I have chosen to join my little brother. Trinity was merely a stepping stone for me anyways their goals are too short sighted anyway!"

Miko Yang and Yunshe Li walk over to her "Tianlong Xun whatever decision you make I shall as well, I have already decided to follow you to the ends of the earth if need be!" MikoYang kneels to Tianlong Xun. "Yunshe Li, your decision?"

Yunshe Li also kneels "you three are my family, naturally I shall follow as well!"

Tianlong Xun felt easy, "good, good I didn't wish to fight any of you later down the line."

It must be understood that in this world the only thing that matters is strength! If you are strong, people will follow. Trinity was strong but it was merely a big fish in a small pond. It was as Tianlong Xun had said before that their goals are too small. Why were they even constructing the Tower of God in the first place? It was precisely because they could keep this small comradery under their thumb. They were only building about five of them only because any more they would have attracted the Crystal Emperor's attention. If that happened they would have been finished before they even began!

Tianlong Xun didn't mind that she was a part of a meaningless campaign. If she however met a group she liked much more, she would naturally follow behind. "Let's move quickly. If Trinity hears about us turning traitors, they will send their immortals to come kill us!"

Qin Ming picked up the still unconscious Augus and quickly fled along with everyone else. While they were in the middle of flight Qin Ming suddenly fell out of the skies. "Qin Ming!!"

Yunshe Li quickly coiled his serpentine body to catch him out of the skies. Qin Ming was still in his partial transformation. When he transformed back his body ate up tons of energy. Thus he could no longer stay afloat. He was never really in control. It was more like his beast half was keeping him going, and so when he was knocked out of that state he was also knocked unconscious!