Chapter 4 - The Encounter (2)

I woke up in a panic and sat up immediately. Only to realise that I was already in a sitting position and almost hit the back of my head on a tree that was supporting me and keeping me in said sitting position. If it wasn't for Hikari placing his hand behind my head quick enough I would have hurt myself. "w-" I tried to say but Hikari stops me by putting his hand over my mouth. "shhh... rest now okay?" He assured me that it was now okay to rest. On hearing this I calmed down and fell asleep, giving into my physical exhaustion. "Let's get you a home." He said as if I could still hear him. Hikari jumped up into a nearby tree and jumped from tree to tree until he reached the entrance of the Inochi no ki tribe. There stood two teenaged Grovyle who were standing guard at the entrance. "Shefu Forest! We are at your disposal!" The Teens said in unision. They both knelt down on one knee and bowed their heads in respect of their leader. "Ha and Kureo there is no need to be so formal now!" Hikari assured them as he lifted both of them up into a standing position one at a time with just one arm while the other arm held me as if he was holding a newly hatched Pokémon.

"Who is the new Wakai hito?" Ha asked. "Is this another Wakai hito who was abandoned by their trainer Shefu?" Kureo asked. "This Wakai hito was found falling from the sky according to Kage." Hikari explained. "She needs to have a hut and quickly, so go inform the Hatsumei-sha and have them build her a Treeko hut quickly!" Hikari ordered. "Hai Shefu Forest!" They shouted as they both ran off immediately.

By the time Hikari walked over to where the Treeko huts were the Hatsumei-sha crew had already built the hut. "We will be taking our leave now Shefu!" The leader of the five bowed and then they all disbanded for the day. "They really are quick." Hikari muttered to himself as he walked into the hut. It was so small he had to crawl to enter the hut, but he expected that, she is a Treeko after all. He then was able to position himself into a crouching position and walked over to a freshly made Rīfubeddo and gently placed me down. "Rest well Wakai hito" He said as he left.