Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 160 - A Rude Awakening

Chapter 160 - A Rude Awakening

"Ngh..." I groaned as I stirred to consciousness, finding myself laying on a bed amidst a sea of naked flesh.


"I can't believe it..." I uttered in disbelief as I recalled the events of last night. "I was 'defeated'..."


It was quite strange really. Even in my last life it wasn't unusual for me to marathon until I dropped, even if there were still women to please. There was only so far that a single human could so in such matters.

But ever since I lost my virginity in this life, I had never once been 'defeated' in bed.


My introspection was interrupted by the continuous banging on our door, which I was pretty sure was what woke me up to begin with.

"Who the hell is that?" I muttered irritably, crawling my way out of bed while taking great care not to disturb the girls that were still sleeping.

I didn't recognize the aura outside my door, only that it was notably more concentrated and controlled than any other aura I had seen on someone. This person must be an aura user.

I opened the door in a way that kept him from seeing anything, or anyone, inside the room without bothering to put on any clothes. Standing outside was a man who looked to be in his thirties, was dressed like he was on his way to a renaissance fair, and who's aura radiated self importance along with his obvious disdain for me.

"Ace Ketchum. You have been summoned-"


I didn't even listen to what he had to say before I slammed the door closed in his face, already being done with whoever this arrogant asshole was. Before I could even turn around though...


"Ugh!" I groaned while opening the door again, to see the same ugly mug glaring at me on the other side.

"You would do well to show some respect boy! I am here to bring you to Lady-"

"I don't give a shit." I snarled, cutting him off while letting my own aura flare up a 'little' bit.

"I just woke up, and I don't answer summons from random people who are nothing but rude. If your 'lady' wants to meet me so badly, then tell her she came come to me, naked and with her cheeks spread. Now then, GOOD DAY."


I didn't even give him a chance to respond as I slammed the door in his face yet again, and THANKFULLY, he had the sense to leave this time.

Shaking my head at the situation, I made my over to the room's phone and called for room service, a small buffet to be brought to the room basically, for the girls once they started waking up.

Once that was done, I went to the shower to quickly rinse off the lingering sex and dried juices from last night from my body, refreshing myself in the process as I prepared for the day.

As I left the bathroom I found Joy also awake, having received the first of what was to be MANY carts of food that were going to brought to the room. There were seventeen of us here after all, spread out around the suite since there was nowhere near enough room on the bed. Rosa was even curled up on the chair like a Meowth.

"Morning." I said to Joy while planting a light kiss on her cheek, prompting a furious blush to cover her face as she seemingly recalled everything that happened last night. Especially since she had not been left out of the finale, once I fought back the lingering voice from my previous life calling me a criminal. What was wrong there wasn't here, and it was time I came to terms with it.

"Good morning..." She answered in a small voice, before busying herself by trying to take care of everyone as they slowly began to stir.

"I ordered quite a bit of food, so everyone should have enough to eat." I told her while grabbing a plate of fruit for myself as I headed towards the door.

"Ok, we'll see you for lunch?"

"If we don't meet up before then." I replied before closing the door behind me, and making my way to the same place where my pokemon and I had been training ever since coming on board. Of course, I ate my fruit on the way.

I arrived to the arena to find Lucario meditating nearby as he waited for me, even as his silent shadow clung to him lovingly from the side.

"Looks like you had an eventful night." I commented to him as I approached, stirring him from his meditation before he directed a flat look at his companion.

"You could say that."

I smirked at my partner's 'trouble', recalling as I did so my promise to one day build him his own harem of female Lucario. There was only one so far(not counting Ash's Riolu), but with Gardevoir, Empoleon, Blaziken and Absol added into the mix, I was pretty sure he was off to a good start.

"Don't worry, it gets easier to handle after a while." I told him with a smirk, to which Lucario glared at me reproachfully while his new girlfriend clung to him even tighter, a smile on her face the entire while.

"Lets just get today's training started." He stated while rising to his feet, along with Cynthia's Lucario.

"Alright then. Come out everyone!" I declared, calling out the pokemon I had decided to start with.

"CHAAAAAAR!" Charizard roared as he appeared, before Onix, Golem, Tyrantrum, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Tauros, Vespiquen, Persian, and Snorlax appeared around him.

"Alright, you all know the drill." I told them, receiving numerous cries of affirmation before they all turned and started ganging up on Charizard. As was the norm after he got his ass kicked by Lycanroc.

I then released Chansey from her pokeball to keep an eye on him, before releasing Miltank as well to get her morning milking out of the way.


Miltank lowed in contentment as I milked her, enough to fill a couple buckets at that.

The entire time I was alternating my attention between her and the battle between Charizard and everyone else.

As before, he was primarily being atttacked by my other pokemon with their rock type moves, or with their strongest physical attack moves. Charizard meanwhile would either tank, defend, or retaliate against each attack as best as he could.

It was a brutal and vicious way of training, but effective.

Onix, Golem, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Tauros, Snorlax and Tyrantrum were all heavy hitters that were attacking him from the ground, while Persian and Vespiquen were sniping him with Power Gem from the ground and air respectively. All while Lucario watched over them and gave them orders to help train his Coaching move.

Even Miltank was eager to get in on the action with her Rollout, as indicated by the way she literally Rolled Out the moment I had finished milking her.

I'd almost feel sorry for Charizard if he weren't the one roaring at them all to bring it on...

'Here...!' Came a voice within my head, heralding the arrival of Ralts as she Teleported in front of me with her hands up in show.

"Welcome back Ralts. Did you do as I asked?"


"Thank you. Now can you give me a hand with this?" I asked while pointing to the buckets of milk.

'Yes...!' Ralts declared with determination, even before I pulled out several glass bottles to pour the milk into.

Just like how Joy was my breeder assistant, I was training Ralts to help me manage and take care of my pokemon as well, on top of being able to battle. Just like now, pouring the fresh milk from bucket into the bottles using only her psychic power, allowing her train controlling it. I also planned to buy her some puzzle toys and other things, like building blocks, for further training in the near future.

For a little while I alternated my attention between her and Charizard, directing Ralts as she focused her psychic powers, and occasionally giving orders to either Charizard or my other pokemon to better their battling skills and cooperation. But for every attack that Charizard blocked or deflected, there were two or three more that connected, each one dealing significant damage due to his significant weakness against rock type moves.

And then, after Charizard took a particularly hard hit from Golem, he went down on one knee.

Everyone paused as they watched Charizard carefully, as it was obvious that he was FAR from finished. And that was even more evident when his entire body began to glow.

I gave Charizard my full attention as Blaze activated, making his fire power soar as the heat radiating from his body intensified to the point that I could feel it all the way over here.

"Now! All of you!" I commanded my other pokemon, who all rushed him once more.


With a roar, Charizard unleashed a flurry of flaming attacks onto them, flames hot enough that even Onix and Golem were forced to recoil before them.

"Hold it." I ordered Charizard, trying to get him to hold the power up for as long as possible while mentally counting the seconds in my head.

"Feel the power Charizard, master it and control it." I told him.

"Chaaaaaaaaar..." He growled before grabbing Tyrantrum as he charged him with talons wreathed in flames, and throwing him across the deck.

Blaze lasted for nearly a minute before Charizard began to run out of energy, and the aura surrounding him began to diminish before fizzling out entirely.

"Thats enough." I declared, calling an end to the training as all of my pokemon stopped moving.

"Chansey!" My little healer cried as she hurried forward to tend to Charizard, who was all battered and bruised from the beating he had taken until now, but not nearly as much as he was when we first did this training. It was rough, but effective.

"That was excellent everyone." I told all of my pokemon as Chansey healed Charizard, as well as a few minor injuries my other pokemon had.

"Once Chansey is done healing everyone I want you all to get some rest back at the lab in case I'll need you today. I'm expecting a lot of battles today as well."

There was a fair amount of excitment at my words, since more than a few of my pokemon were eager to show off. Especially against so many powerful trainers with their powerful pokemon.

As I sent them back I swapped them out for the next round of pokemon that I intended to train this morning, Chimchar, Croagunk, Machop, Tinkatink, Cubone, Eevee and Dratini.

"Alright Chansey, if you will."

"See see!"

Crying in affirmation, Chansey used Gravity on all of us present, including myself and Lucario. To Eevee, Machop, Cubone and even Dratini this was standard, but for Chimchar, Croagunk and Tinkatink this was the first time they were training under added Gravity.


"This is how my pokemon and I train." I told them, getting their complete attention. "Today we'll start light, a few exercises before I split you up to spar. Chimchar, Machop, Croagunk, Eevee and Dratini will all spar against Lucario, while Tinkatink will spar against Cubone."

"Tink Tink!"

"The two of you are singled out because Cubone uses a bone club, and you have your hammer, so your fighting styles will be similar in a sense. I want the two of you to familiarize yourselves with each other, and learn from each other." I explained.

And with that Tinkatink seemed satisfied that I wasn't looking down on her, and we began our training.

Of course it was fairly difficult for Chimchar, Croagunk and Tinkatink at first, since this was their first Gravity training session. The former two soon began to adapt though, thanks to the fighting typing they possessed even if Chimchar hadn't evolved to acquire his yet. Tinkatink meanwhile may looking a 'doll', but she was a 'doll' that ran off of pure spite that hated to lose with a passion.

Once the exercises were finished we took a brief respite so they could catch their breaths, at which point both Lucario and I noticed several auras approaching us.

"Hm?" I hummed as Lance arrived, along with Steven, Cynthia, and several other people I didn't know. Scratch that, one of them was the prick from this morning, along with several others in matching uniforms and a beautiful woman walking between them. Curiously enough, ALL of the uniformed people and the woman between them had abnormally high auras.

"Ace, this is Lady Ilene of Rota." Lance said as they approached, to which I cocked a brow due to both the introduction, and Lance's own aura as he seemed irritated by me.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Ace Ketchum, though I must apologize that I cannot meet you under the.....specifications that you requested." The lady said with undisguised humor in her voice, while the man who woke me up glared at me angrily.

"Well, Lady Ilene, I was a little cranky this morning." I explained while approaching them.

"I apologize for that as well." Ilene said while glancing at the man. "My orders were to bring you to me when you awoke. NOT to wake you up first."

"I appreciate the apology. It HAD been a pretty late night for me, so I would have appreciated the chance to sleep in a little longer." I told her with a smirk. And I swear to Arceus, I saw a hint of a blush appear on the queen's face while Lance went stone-faced.


Either the queen was REALLY innocent to blush at what I just said, or she knew more about what I was up to last night than she should be.

"Ahem!" She coughed lightly to change the topic. "Anyways, the reason I wanted to summon you was because I wanted to make you an offer to join the Rota kingdom."

I cocked a brow at the rapid attempt to recruit me, while Lance, Steven and Cynthia all directed pointed looks at her back, which the queen pointedly ignored as she awaited my answer.

"And why would I want to go to Rota?" I asked her curiously, only for one of her guards to step forward. Not the dick, but an older man who looked to be in his fifties at least. Yet from what I could feel, the old man could easily bend just about anyone who slighted him over his knee if he so wished.

"Because..." The old man began seriously.

"In Rota, you would be able to join our order, the Aura Guardians who have devoted themselves to the protection of Rota and the royal family. Through joining us, we can teach you and your partner how to properly wield the massive amount of aura you both possess."

"Oh?" I asked while glancing between the old man and the queen.

I then pretended to ponder their offer for a second, so as not to appear too rude, before answering.

"As much as I'd like to accept, I would have to refuse. There's simply too much for me to do here in Kanto, and I don't like being tied down. It's also why I was given a special position amongst the Rangers, since I had no intention of devoting myself entirely to the position."

"I see... Well I cannot say your answer was unexpected." The old man said sadly as he stepped back into his earlier spot, confirming that they had indeed spoke to Lance and the other Champions about me already.

"Oh yeah, I would also say my brother would more than likely refuse you as well. I mean you can ask him, but he's been waiting our whole life to go on this journey. I highly doubt that he would be willing to go to Rota." I added while recalling Ash, who I could easily see them going to after they were done with me.

Ash may not have as much aura as me, but he did possess significantly more aura than even most of them before me. I think the old man was the only one I've met who would have Ash beat.

But there was one person who didn't accept my refusal.

"Humph! Truly arrogant to look a gift-Delibird in the sack and say no." Sneered the dick from earlier, prompting numerous frowns from his companions along with his queen.

"I'm sorry, but I think this conversation is a little out of your league nameless extra." I told him, making the man grind his teeth angrily at my jab. But a look from the old man silenced him before he could say anything else.

"Perhaps a demonstration is in order?" Ilene suddenly suggested, drawing everyone's attention back to her.

"Yeah? What did you have in mind?"

"How about a friendly spar between yourself, and Ser Gregor?" She suggested, gesturing to the dick as she did so.

"I would gladly fight this lowly reprobate in the name of your majesty and Rota!" The man, Gregor apparently, declared as he kneeled before her.

"Sure, I could use some exercise." I replied, making Ilene beam happily.

I then turned and made my way out onto the arena that we had been training on, which Lucario was already herding my pokemon off to the side so they were all out of the way.

"Now I want you all to pay close attention." I told them as I took my place, while Gregor took his across from me.

By this point there was a sizable crowd growing as several trainers got up early, and apparently heard of the gathering of high-level VIPs over here. Amongst them I recognized Korrina, Wikstrom and Hala, along with Clair and a few of the guys.

"Pretty arrogant to be looking away from your opponent."

I looked back at Gregor at his comment, and fought the urge to snort at how HE was the one being arrogant. Yes, the guy was undoubtedly an exceptional fighter. But I doubted he would even be able to beat Surge.

"You may begin." the old man from before declared from the sidelines, apparently being the one who was going to officiate the sparring match between us.

"Let me show you the difference between PROPER training and being naturally gifted!" My opponent cried out as soon as the match began, already moving as he channeled his aura through his body.

On my side I was content to simply stand here and watch as he came to me. After all, there were GENUINE aura users that had trained as part of some kind of elite group. I would be stupid to pass up the chance to see how they use their aura compared to mine.

Unfortunately the first thing my opponent did was pretty basic, using aura to reinforce his muscles and bones to augment his strength. Literally the FIRST thing I had figured out on my own after gaining control over my aura.

I watched as he channeled his aura into his legs, increasing his speed as he shot at me like a bullet. It was nowhere near as fast as my pokemon when they used Quick Attack, but still in the realm of being considered super human.

But apparently that was just the start since he then launched hismelf into the air after building up speed, tucking his legs in so that he flew at me with his knees pointed at me like a pair of battering rams filled with aura to reinforce them.

I raised my arms up to catch the two knees right before he could hit me, holding Gregor up in the air as I did so. But then came the first real surprise of the fight as a pulse of aura shot out from his knees into my hands, jarring them as if I had blocked a punch from a Primeape instead. And I knew, cause I had fought one.

"Interesting." I said out loud as I studied the way he was controlling his aura.

"You haven't seen anything yet!" Gregor snarled as he pushed off with his knees into a backflip, swinging his foot out as he did so to try and kick me in the face.

I leaned back slightly to avoid the kick, which was coated in aura to create what seemed to be some kind of blade of energy. Not like the ones you'd see in cartoons mind you, which would go flying to slice whatever, or whoever, was unfortunate enough to be within their path.

No, this was like a small blade that was attached to his foot as it went by my face, only to dissipate immediately afterwards.

I studied that maneuver as well as Gregor landed lightly on his feet, only to pivot instantly while bringing his foot up at my face again. What was with this guy and putting his feet in my face?

I put my arm up to block the hit right before it could connect, feeling as if the blow came from a Machoke as I did so. I then wrapped my hand over his leg to grab onto it, making Gregor pale slightly as I squeezed it hard enough that I heard a slight 'crack', before swinging him up overhead and tossing him away from me.

"I'll admit, you have strength." Gregor said as he landed nimbly, though I noted that he was favoring the leg that I had grabbed as he did so, before his aura began to react with it.

"But strength isn't everything, especially when you're fighting a genuine aura guardian!" He declared while taking a stance to fight once more, while his leg was beginning to heal much faster than it would have naturally. Oh I was DEFINITELY testing that one out the first chance I got.

Just as I was thinking that, Gregor moved yet again as his entire body began to radiate aura. And then a second Gregor appeared, and a third.

"Double Team, huh?" I asked out loud as the three Gregors surrounded me, before one threw a punch.

I could sense the fist coming way before it could connect though, and shifted myself just enough to avoid it right as another punch shot at the place I had shifted to. I had to use my own aura for the first time as I created a glowing layer on the left side of my jaw, blocking the hit before it could connect.


I don't think I even needed aura to feel the surprise radiating from Gregor at the sudden use of it for the first time on my side, but I was just getting started.

For the first time I moved, channeling my own aura to enhance my body as I moved fast enough to catch even Gregor by surprise as I kicked right at him.


The aura guardian gagged as I sent him flying with the one kick to his stomach, knocking the wind out of him too as he rolled a few times. To his credit though, the guy did manage to recover as he rolled to his feet, and glared at me even more hatefully.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Aren't you the one who tried to kick a blade into my face?" I asked him in exasperation, though apparently that wasn't why he was glaring at me.

"Why are you using an actual weapon?" He demanded, triggering a series of mutterings around us as I cocked my head in confusion.

"Weapon? What are you talking about?" I asked confusedly.

"Your shoes! They have to be some kind of weapon that you use or something!" He declared, drawing a significant amount of attention to my feet as he did so. And I finally realized what he was talking about.

"Hey, can I get a quick time out? Just for a few seconds?" I asked the older guy, who just blinked in surprise at the request before looking to Ilene questioningly.

"I'll allow it." She said while looking at me with interest.

"Thank you. And for your information, I'm not using a weapon." I said to Gregor, reaching one of my hands up to the opposite wrist at the same time, and removing the band that was wrapped around it.

"Huh?" Gregor uttered in confusion, but he just watched what I was doing instead of asking for clarification.

I quickly pulled the bands off of my wrists as everyone watched with undisguised curiosity, before I tossed them over towards my pokemon.

"Hold on to those for me, won't you?" I asked them, right as the two seemingly innocent wristbands crashed to the ground right in front of Chimchar.

"Char?!" He exclaimed in shock at how hard they hit the ground, before poking them experimentally. And while he did that, I began removing my shoes.

"What was that?!" Gregor demanded in surprise, giving voice to what I'm sure everyone wanted to ask as I pulled off the first shoe.

"Well, I WAS in the middle of training when you guys interrupted me." I said pointedly, removing my other shoe as I did so before tossing them to the side as well, letting them crash right in front of Tinkatink.


"Sorry about that! Here, these go with them!" I called out to her, tossing another set of bands as I did so that had been wrapped around my ankles, which hit the ground as hard as my wristbands.

By this point Gregor was fairly pale as he realized what I was doing, and he turned even paler as I peeled my shirt off as well, revealing the training vest I usually wore underneath.

"Don't worry, I'll get rid of this 'armor' as well." I assured him, undoing the straps on the vest before pulling it off as well, and tossing it in front of Croagunk. Where it too landed with a crash.


"Man! That feels GOOD!" I declared with relief as most of thre strain on my body was lifted, but then I recalled something else too.

"Thats ok now Chansey. You can remove the Gravity from me!"

"Chansey! See See!"

With a happy declaration, she did just that and the pressure that I had been feeling up until now lifted as well. It was testiment to Chansey's control over the move that she was able to keep the Gravity up on me alone without influencing Gregor up until now.

"Oh man..." I groaned from the relief while rolling my shoulders since they felt a little stiff, and I had just realized it. Meanwhile I pretended to ignore Gregor, who was ashen white by this point.

I then started bouncing lightly on the balls of my feet to help get the blood flowing properly again while looking over at the old man.

"Ok! I'm ready to keep going!"

"R-right..." He said somewhat shakily, before resuming the match.

"You better watch out Gregor~! Here I come!" I called out my opponent, before channeling my aura throughout my body to use a move I had been practicing ever since my fight with Surge. One of several in fact.

Quick Attack!

My body moved as a blur as I shot over to Gregor's side, hopefully appearing to our audience as if I had teleported right to his side, before I planted an open palm into it before he could even react.

Force Palm!

I felt several of his ribs break as I sent a pulse of energy directly into Gregor's body from the side, sending him flying while also coughing up globs of blood. And when he came to a stop at Ilene's feet, he didn't get back up.

Instead, when Gregor looked at me while barely retaining consciousness, it was with none of the anger and contempt from before. There was only fear in his eyes.

"We gonna keep going?" I asked him innocently, as if I hadn't just shattered his ribcage while holding up a hand and channeling the power of Zapdos.

Seeing the lightning crackle up and down my arm, Gregor's eyes went white and he promptly passed out. Ending our spar after he received only a single actual blow from me.

(A.N. Sorry for the delay, I've been pretty busy for the last week and haven't had the time to sit and write.)