Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 161 - Harmony

Chapter 161 - Harmony

"Humph." I snorted as Gregor passed out, canceling my aura to allow the crackle of lightning to die down.

"Pretty pathetic." I said while shaking my head at the guy.

"Perhaps... But did you need to hit him so hard?" Ilene asked with a forced smile, even as the other three Aura Guardians present hurried to tend to his injuries.

"Not my fault the guy talking so much smack was just a little bitch." I said with a shrug, right as one of the spectators rushed right at us.

"That was SO amazing!" She exclaimed excitedly while rushing at us on rollerblades, her long blonde hair flapping in the wind through the holes of her helmet, which was white and red to match her dress and rollerblades. Unfortunately, she was wearing cycling shorts underneath.

I recognized her immediately due to the dossier that Lance had given me about all of the Gym Leaders and Elite Four members on the SS. Anne, as Korrina of the Shalour city Gym in Kalos.

Korinna spun around me for a moment on her skates before coming to a stop with a wide smile on her face.

"I've never seen anything like that before! And it was so COOL how you just took off all of those weights and stuff! Do you really do that for training everyday?!"

"Thanks, and yes I do train with all of it almost everyday. There wouldn't be much of a point otherwise." I told her.

"That's so true! Maybe I should start doing the same...."

Korrina then went silent as she contemplated adopting my training style for herself, which I had no problem with since she seemed ok, and there was also her type specialty.

As if she were reading my mind, Korrina immediately bounced back and asked, "Hey, can we have a battle?"

"Sure, I don't see why not." I answered while glancing at my current pokemon pointedly.

"Are these all of the ones you have right now?" She asked, even as the drone arrived to officiate our match.

"Aside from my Breeder pokemon, yes. Like I've said a few times, we were in the middle of training." I explained as we approached them.

"Hmmm... No offense, but I don't think they would do very well against MY pokemon. Come on out, Mienshao!"


I eyed the foreign pokemon curiously when it appeared, as I had never seen a Mienshao in person before, and we only got a middling lesson on them during our classes. All I knew about them was that they were the evolved form of Mienfoo, they were fighting types, and that they used the fur on their arms like whips when fighting their opponents.

"You're right, especially since I've only had Croagunk for a couple days, I just got Chimchar yesterday, and Machop is only a few weeks old." I said, listing off the fighting type pokemon I had present, aside from a certain someone of course.

"So that just leaves your Lucario." Korinna said with a wide smile. It couldn't be any more obvious who it was she wanted to battle against.

"Looks like you're up partner." I said, turning towards Lucario.

"I could do with some real exercise." Lucario said as he stepped forward, though it was obvious through his aura that he was looking forward to fighting against such an exotic opponent.

"Alright then, Lucario versus Mienshao." I stated, and Korinna nodded in eager agreement.

"Yes! This will also help me see how my pokemon is compared to a Champion level pokemon!" She declared excitedly, while the aura of her Mienshao also flared up in anticipation.

We quickly made our way to our respective positions while Lucario and Mienshao took their's, the crowd from before still watcing on with interest.

"The battle with begin in 3, 2, 1!" The drone announced.

"Mienshao, use Aura Sphere!" Korinna began immediately.


With no hesitation, Mienshao produced a sphere of pure aura that it launched at Lucario.


Meanwhile time seemed to slow for Lucario and I as the two of us both steadied our breathing, synchronizing it as our auras merged, and Lucario and I became 'us'.



We heard Ilene exclaim in shock from the side, but ignored her as we opened our eyes to see the Aura Sphere from Mienshao coming at us.


We snorted indifferently as we flicked our wrist to send a Vacuum Wave at it, making the Aura Sphere explode right before it reached us.

"Bounce, and Hone Claws!" Korinna ordered.

Without a word, Mienshao leapt up into the air with all of it's might, becoming little more than a dot in the sky as it did so. And while it was up there it would sharpen it's claws in preparation for it's next attack.

While it was up there, we began moving our body in a dance that helped to focus our energy and spirit to sharply increase our attack capabilities, Swords Dance. And it was right as we finished that Mienshao came hurtling back down at us with it's freshly sharpened claws flashing in the morning light.

At first it appeared that we were doing nothing to defend ourselves, even opening our arms to allow it to hit us squarely in the chest. But right before Mienshao's attack could hit, our fur shimmered with a metalic sheen as we used Iron Defense.


Sharpened claws clanged against iron-hard fur, doing almost nothing to us, but leaving Mienshao wide open.


With double the strength that Mienshao had just used, we slammed both of our fists into it to send it flying back.

"Mienshao! Use Acrobatics to recover!" Korinna commanded, prompting her pokemon to skillfully maneuver in mid-air so that it landed on it's feet, before coming at us once more while moving wildly to keep it's movements unpredictable.

Well, it would have worked against anyone else.

As it landed in one spot and prepared to move yet again, we used Extreme Speed to appear beside it without giving it time to react, and then slammed it with powerful Zen Headbutt.


Mienshao cried as it flinched from the attack, giving us another opening.

Fire Combat!

With our fists and feet alight with flames, we pummeled Mienshao without any regard for our own safety and defense.

"Get out of there Mienshao!" Korinna worriedly ordered it, but it was unable to since we would not let it.

No matter which direction Mienshao tried to use to get away from us, we cut it off and continued pummeling it. It even sustained numerous severe burns all over it's body from our ceasless barrage of attacks.

Finally we ended it with one last punch, and Mienshao fell flat on it's face.

"Mienshao is unable to battle! Ace and Lucario are the victors!" The drone declared, before flying off.

"Damn..." Korinna swore as she returned her pokemon. "But that match was so cool!"

I smiled wryly at her rebound in attitude as Lucario and I unsynched our auras, even as she zipped over at me on her skates.

"I mean, I also have a couple of Riolu. But they're nowhere near as strong as- Woah!"

The next thing I knew, Korinna was flying at me as she seemingly hit something with her skates. Naturally, I had to catch her instead of just letting her fall to the ground. Only, that resulted in both of us falling to the ground as she landed on top of me, and I could feel something soft against my lips.

"Oh my~!"

I heard someone exclaim from the sidelines, along with numerous other people muttering and the sound of numerous shutters as people took pictures. And I mean, why wouldn't they when Korinna basically just threw herself at me in what had resulted in a kiss?


The skater-girl pulled her head back as if the contact between our lips burned her, her entire face turning beet-red as she did so, before she shot off on her skates while crying out, "I'm sorrrrrrrrrrry!"

I watched her as she rapidly disappeared from view, before shaking my head lightly at what just happened while getting back onto my feet.

"Well, that was interesting." Lucario said as he approached me with a smirk.

"Yes, but she tasted pretty good." I said, licking my lips a little as I said that.

Lucario just shook his head at my reply before going to see what my other pokemon thought of the match, right as Lady Ilene approached me yet again.

"You can use Harmony?"

I cocked a brow at her demeanor, which demanded answers. Answers I didn't know as I asked her in return, "Harmony?"

"Yes, Harmony. It's a powerful ability that only the greatest Aura Guardians and their partners can learn to use after many years of practice. It allows them to completely merge their aura with that of their partner's, fusing their senses and strengthening them significantly."

"Oh? But I've been doing it for years as part of my training with Lucario, even clear back when he was just a Riolu. I'll also do it with some of my other pokemon depending on the battle, like when Charizard and I battled against Clair last night. Then there was the times I did it with Zapdos and Mewtwo as well." I said as I ticked off all the different times I synchronized my aura with a pokemon's which was apparently called Harmony.

As I did so though, I noticed Ilene growing increasingly pale while her expression looked as if she were being slapped in the face with every word I said. Until finally she slumped to the ground as if in defeat.

"To use Harmony so easily, and even with Legendary pokemon...." She uttered in disbelief, while one of her guardians came forward to help her.

I just scratched the back of my head awkwardly, while also wondering if she had been told about Mewtwo already since she hadn't seemed confused when I mentioned him. But with all of the attention I was receiving right now, I decided that I should probably leave her to her attendants for the moment and take my leave.

"I think it's safe to say that training is done for the day." I told Lucario while glancing over my other pokemon. For Cubone, Dratini, Machop and Eevee it was just another day, while for Chimchar, Tinkatink and Croagunk it was the first time they had seen both Lucario and I fight seriously. And needless to say they were all awed. Even Chimchar was radiating a burning desire to grow stronger after witnessing our matches.

Noting their newfound admiration, I returned them all to their pokeballs before collecting my training gear. With all that done, Lucario and I then took our leave while nodding to Lance and the others in acknowledgement. Interestingly, Cynthia's Lucario had rejoined her as well, but from the looks she was giving my Lucario I concluded that she was still far from satisfied.

"So did you ever find Koga yesterday?" I asked him, half seriously and half joking since his shadow had gone with him.

"Yes we did. He's set up a sort of base in the cargo bay of the ship, riddled with traps and such." Lucario answered, to which I nodded slowly in contemplation. Naturally, it looked as if it wasn't going to be easy to get the Soul Badge from the patriarch of a genuine ninja clan.

I began planning when I would make my way down there to challenge him, in what was assuredly the center of his clan's operations on the SS. Anne. I also wondered if I could get him to give me Janine after I kick his ass.... Questions for when we finally battle.

And speaking of ninjas and secret agents...

"You go ahead without me, I have some 'business' to take care of." I told Lucario while spying a certain someone.

I felt the annoyance from Lucario as he readily walked away, probably to explore the ship some more since it was so huge. As he left me, I walked right up to a lady who was handing out towels to passengers aboard the ship with a professional smile on her face.

"Excuse me miss!" I called out to get her attention.

"Yes sir? How can I help you?" She asked with a professional smile.

"Well you see..."



"You like that? Take you butt slut!" I declared before thrusting into Jessie's ass with more force than before, making her cry with both pain and pleasure at the treatment her backside was receiving.

Currently we were in a closet that they stored the pool towels in, and I had her bent over while I pounded her backdoor with reckless abandon from behind, while also massaging her wonderful tits as they hung freely from her uniform.

"Why do you...HAN!....always put it....HAN! my butt?!" Jessie asked amidst her moans, before I made her climax by tweaking her nipples a little.

Her bowels squeezed my cock even tighter than they normally were as her body tensed from the orgasm, forcing me to slow my thrusts as I waited for the wave of pleasure to pass. And when it did, I pulled her up so that her back was pressed against my chest as I thrusted up into her, and moved on of my hands down to her soaking wet cunt.

"You're the one who didn't want to risk getting pregnant." I growled in her ear, burying my fingers into her cunt as the greedy hole tried to suck them in further.

Either because she didn't have a reply for me, or because she couldn't reply, Jessie didn't answer as I continued to fuck both her holes with my cock and fingers, pressing each of her erogenous zones inside of her as I did so. Finally I too reached my peak, and gave one last thrust before filling her ass with my seed.

"Ngh..." Jessie groaned as I filled her bowels, before we slowed things down as I leaned back against one of the racks that were holding the towels around us, pulling her back with me as I did so.

"So tell me, what are the details of your attack?" I asked her, as I hadn't approached Jessie just to plough her.

Both Sabrina and Giana refused to tell me anything unless I could read their minds, so Jessie was the only source of information I had. Plus, based off of how she usually acted, I was pretty sure Giana wanted to see me beat Giovanni without her help, like a game.

"Haaa...Haaa...Haaa..." Jessie took a moment to answer as she tried to catch her breath, before finally saying as she leaned into my chest to relax,

"Unfortunately the majority of us are being kept in the dark, especially since the little show you put on when Cassidy bugged your room. Thankfully she was the one who received the blame for it since you so easily discovered it."

"Well, I DID learn where the bug was by reading her mind." I said absentmindedly, making Jessie look at me sharply since I hadn't said I was a psychic to her.

"Anyways..." She continued slowly, knowing she couldn't really demand answers from me.

"All I know is that we are going to attack on the final day of the tournament, when everyone is gathered in one location for the awarding ceremony for the top trainers. Until then we're putting as many agents on board as possible to prepare for the attack, and taking stock of what pokemon each trainer has. But I do know that the ultimate endgoal is to have NO survivors once the attack is over."

I fought down a groan since there was basically no new news, and anything that was new was simply confirmed for me since we merely speculated it before. It was especially irritating that Giovanni was playing things so closely to his chest now.

But that didn't mean that I planned to wait patiently for them to attack us.

"You said Cassidy is in hot water for the bug situation?" I asked Jessie for clarification.

"Yes, she was disciplined for her 'failure', though apparently it actually was her fault, and has been on probation ever since."

"Ok then. I want you to arrange a 'meeting' between us either today or tomorrow, so I can turn her to my side."


Unexpectantly Jessie went silent at my words, only speaking when I was about to ask her what was wrong.

"Does it have to be HER?" She asked slowly.

"Oh come on." I said while rolling my eyes, realizing what the issue was.

"I don't care what kind of rivalry you two may or may not have." I said, roughly pinching her nipples as I did so to earn myself a restrained moan.

"But, if I can turn even more Rockets to my side, then the better. And besides, I'm in the process of starting my own company right now. Not only will I be able to add you to my official payroll soon, but I will also need more agents to do such important jobs as I need them. Especially infiltrating and spying on some of the other Teams that have cropped up recently."

With each sentence I 'disciplined' Jessie by my rough handling of her body, pinching, twisting, and roughly squeezing her sensitive areas as I pleased.

"So you WILL arrange a meeting between Cassidy and I. And when I turn her into a slave addicted to my cock, she will become one of your new subordinates."

I felt Jessie tighten around me as I mention Cassidy working for HER, and knew the idea appealed to her greatly. I fought the urge to roll my eyes once again at the apparent rivalry between the two women, and immediately imagined having the two of them writhing under me as I alternated between fucking them both at once.

"Fine. But how do you want to 'meet'?" She eventually agreed, and asked.

"Just find a reason to send her to my room, but make sure you notify me beforehand so I make sure no one else is there." I told her, starting the movment in my hips once again.

I then proceeded to fill Jessie's ass with another three loads of cum, which made her cum numerous times as well despite her previous griping. And by the time we exited the towel closet, there was slight spring in my step while Jessie was hobbling slightly.