Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 46 - Naughty Team Rocket Interrogation Package

Chapter 46 - Naughty Team Rocket Interrogation Package

Jessie's mind and heart both raced as she tried to figure out what to do now that she had been caught by the twerp, while she was also offended that he'd called her a slut.

She couldn't call out her Pokemon, as there was no room in here for them to fight. At least, not without completely trashing the place and catching her up in it.

So Jessie did the next best thing and reached under her shirt to pull out a retractable baton that crackled with electricity after she pushed a button.

Even as he stood there with a cocky smirk on his face, Jessie shot forward while swinging the baton at his head. If she could incapacitate and capture him here, then their job would be half done.

What Jessie never expected was for the twerp to barely move his head, completely avoiding her baton before grabbing her by the wrist.

In a single movement the baton was knocked from her hand as the twerp twisted it up behind her back, before pinning her roughly to the wall.

"Nice foreplay." He whispered in her ear, making Jessie shudder at how she'd gone from on the attack to helpless within seconds, if that.

"Now, I think it's time we start the interrogation." He whispered to her yet again, his voice taking on sensual tones that confused and worried her.

He then betrayed her expectations regarding the word 'interrogation', which made Jessie think he was going to start torturing her. Instead, the twerp tore off her tight mini skirt, revealing her black satin panties underneath.

"You really went all out for this Team Rocket play, didn't you?" He asked her, confusing Jessie before she noticed he was referring to the front of her panties, which had the Team Rocket logo on the crotch.

But even then she was still confused.

What 'play' was he talking about?

"What are you talking about?" Jessie asked out loud.

By this point he was gently caressing her butt, but he stopped at her question before directing a fierce questioning look at her.

"The Naughty Team Rocket Interrogation package I ordered from your escort service. You ARE from the escort service, right?"

Jessie's mind raced as she went through an entire roller coaster of emotions within only a few seconds.

First was anger that he thought she was an ESCORT of all things.

Secondly was indignation that this service would dare make a mockery of Team Rocket in such a way. She was so annoyed by the knowledge, that she was already planning to report this to the higher ups once she returned.

And then finally, she also felt relief that she hadn't been exposed as an ACTUAL member of Team Rocket.

Not only that, but the twerp had also given her a way to reclaim the dominant position here.

No matter how strong he was, a brat was still a brat. And while she had only had three partners herself in the past, Jessie was confident she would be able to regain control of the situation and subdue him if she played along.

Even if it meant humiliating herself in the process.

"Of course I am~" She purred seductively to the twerp's earlier question, wiggling her butt invitingly as she did so.

"We just have a rule about breaking character, so don't tell my boss, please~?"

The twerp smiled warmly at her when she said that, and replied, "Alright, but let's get started already!"

After saying so, the twerp moved her while never letting his grip on her wrist up, annoyingly.

He began using his free hand to rummage through one of the bags in the room from a direction she couldn't see, which seemed as if he were taking his sweet time before he finally found what he was looking for. Jessie learned what it was when she felt something soft and fuzzy click around her captive wrist.

"Firstly, let's make sure my little captive can't go anywhere." He whispered in her ear again, before looping the chain of what she now knew were a pair of fuzzy handcuffs around a piece of furniture in a way so that she was mostly bent over with her hands in front of her.

As he cuffed her other hand as well Jessie was momentarily worried about being able to capture him when he let his guard down, as she couldn't with both her hands cuffed. But she then decided that he would more than likely free her afterwards since he thought this was all a play.

"Now then..... I do believe you are over dressed." He sneered down at her once she was properly restrained.

And as he said so, the twerp grabbed the back of her top, and tore that off as well to allow her breasts to bounce unrestrained since she hadn't been wearing a bra.


Jessie jumped at the sudden stripping that was forced onto her, making her breasts jiggle as they dangled beneath her, and her top was tossed away.

Again she was torn between marveling at the twerp's strength since there was no way Team Rocket uniforms were THAT flimsy, and indignation as realization of what was about to happen sunk in.

"Such sinful tits! I guess your 'boss' only hires the best women for his 'needs'." The twerp smirked as he began to fondle and squeeze her breasts,


Jessie....actually had to fight back a moan as, instead of the virginal awkwardness she was expecting, the twerp handled her breasts like an expert. Pinching and kneading them to the point of it being painful, but not too much so that she wasn't feeling pleasure from the action. And she wasn't even a masochist!

She even had to bite her tongue to keep any noise from leaking out when he got to her nipples, which he rolled and pinched with such skill that she had to question his age.

"Truly, your bosses are skilled in keeping their people from talking." He told her when Jessie kept any noise whatsoever from escaping her lips, which she had even forgotten by now that he was supposed to be 'interrogating' her.

Thankfully he left her tits alone at that point, but Jessie's relief was short lived as he grabbed the waistband of her panties and yanked, ripping them off as well to join her skirt and crop top on the floor in pieces.

Now Jessie was practically entirely naked, wearing only her thigh-high boots and long gloves, while her most precious place was being completely displayed to the twerp.

Even worse was when she felt his rough hands grab her delicate backside, before parting it so he had a clear view of EVERYTHING.

"So wet.... Such a slutty Team Rocket grunt." He taunted at her.

Jessie wanted to retort that she wasn't a grunt, but an advanced agent that was able to operate independently when her superior didn't have a specific mission for her to do. But she was unable to both because it'd reveal she was actually from Team Rocket, and because at that moment the twerp ran two of his fingers up and down her wet and sensitive slit.


Yet again she had to bite down on her tongue to keep from making any noise as his fingers poked, prodded, and ran up and down her wetness. None of them even went inside her, yet she was quickly brought to the edge of cumming before he took his fingers away and left her hanging.

Any reluctance she'd had before had vanished, as Jessie now only wanted to cum despite her partner being the twerp.

Relenting, she looked back to beg him to let her cum, but all thoughts vacated her mind when she saw what he was doing.

The twerp had peeled off his shirt to reveal all of his muscles and scars, before proceeding to drop his pants to allow his manhood to dangle freely. And she did mean DANGLE.

Jessie could only gape as, instead of the twerpy little virgin penis she'd been expecting at first, she was laying eyes on what could only be called a bitch breaker.

It was only now, at this moment, that she recalled their first fight against one another. He'd been naked then as well.

"I think you're wet enough now." He said to her casually, which Jessie desperately wanted to protest despite how much she wanted to cum. It didn't matter how wet she was, she was sure it wouldn't fit!

"Please...." Jessie pleaded in a voice unlike her usual confident and bossy self.

"Don't worry, you'll get it soon." The twerp said in what she supposed was a reassuring voice, but she felt nowhere near reassured.

With his hands firmly holding her hips all Jessie could do to try and get free was pull on the handcuffs holding her in place, but neither they nor the beam they were wrapped around gave way.

All she was able to do as he placed his head against her slit was a sharp intake of breath, before he thrusted forward and she was stretched to the absolute limit.

"GAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Jessie cried out, both with pleasure from finally cumming and some pain from how stretched out she was, while she could feel his lower head pressing up against her womb.

"So tight!"

"So big!"

Both she and the twerp exclaimed out loud from the sensations they were both feeling.


"AH!" Jessie exclaimed as she felt his hand give her ass a crisp smack, making her cry out before he began to slowly piston in and out of her.

"Looks like you're finally talking, you Team Rocket slut!" The twerp exclaimed, before punctuating himself by giving her ass another smack.

Jessie however was too distracted with him rearranging her guts to care about their supposed play.

"Let's start the interrogation then. So tell me Jessie, what are Team Rocket's plans for Mt. Moon?"


Jessie felt as if a bucket of cold water had been dumped onto all of a sudden, as, this time at least, she hadn't told him her name. Or anything regarding the operation about to start on Mt. Moon.

"W-what was that?" She nervously asked with a sinking stomach.


I smirked as I felt her already tight insides tighten and squeeze me even more in reaction to the bomb I'd just dropped onto her.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." Jessie said, unconvincingly I might add. Even if her insides weren't squirming anxiously, or her aura wasn't reacting with her current state, I could tell she was lying.

"Is that so?" I asked with disappointment in my voice.

"Moving on then. What about the attack on Lavender town and the Pokemon Tower? Tell me about that."

Again I didn't even need Jessie to answer as her aura reacted erratically to my question. If I had to guess, I'd say her mind was racing with trying to figure out how I knew about that.

Rather than letting her ask, or even answer, I continued on with the 'interrogation'.

"Also, I want you to tell me about the S.S Anne, and the Team Rocket base hidden beneath the Game Corner in Celadon city."

Jessie's aura exploded like fireworks as I recited the different Team Rocket confrontations I recalled from the games and anime, while her insides spasmed and squirmed with each question I asked.


She asked amidst the grunts as I continued to pound her.

"How what?" I asked in an impatient voice.

"How do you know all that!?!?" She demanded with a tone that demanded answers, within which I could also detect fear.

A smile slowly formed on my face as I told her softly,

"Why you told me of course. Right here, and now as we made love to one another Jessie."


Her confusion was evident as she obviously tried to figure out if there was any hidden meaning in my words. I then explained to her,

"I wasn't sure if any of that WAS going to happen, but your reactions just now confirmed them all for me. So thank you for cooperating Jessie. I'm sure your higher ups would be pleased to hear about where I got my information from."


This time genuine fear and panic filled Jessie's aura and voice as she pleaded, "P-please no! They'll kill me!"

Of that, I had no doubt.

Criminal organizations had no such concept of 'innocent until proven guilty'. You were guilty until proven innocent, and often times you didn't live that long.

If I were to 'accidentally' let slip where I got my information from, Jessie would be killed. Of that, neither of us had any doubt.

"How about an alternative solution then?" I asked, throwing her a lifeline.

"W-what?" Jessie asked.

"You give me ALL of the information you have from Team Rocket. All of their hideouts in each city, their future plans, the identities of their prominent members. Everything. And in exchange, I will not only protect your identity as my source, but I will also protect you from prosecution when I tear the entire organization down. How about it?"

Jessie was silent as she contemplated my offer, though we both knew she had no choice.

Even on the off chance she called my bluff, stating that they wouldn't believe me if I mentioned her or something, I had my own insurance in the camera I set up behind Jessie's back while getting the handcuffs. The evidence on that would be damning enough if I 'accidentally' passed it along to Team Rocket.

"What happens if I agree?" Jessie asked eventually.

"Well, after we conclude our little fuckfest, and you tell me everything I need, I let you go on your merry way to meet up with James and Meowth. After that, you will continue acting as if nothing's wrong, while also regularly contacting me as my double agent."

"And if I get found out!?" Jessie demanded.

"Well, if you get found out, and I hear about it, then I will tear apart the entire organization to save you." I purred into her ear, making Jessie shudder as I pressed even deeper into her. "I don't like people touching the things I decided to claim."

I pinched Jessie's ass as I said that, making my intent to 'claim' her clear.

If she agreed, then from this moment forth she was my property.

I don't know if she was thinking about it, or resigning herself for what was in store, but Jessie took a couple minutes before she gave me answer.
