Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 50 - Publicity

Chapter 50 - Publicity


I shook my head as I watched Jessie, James and Meowth fly into the distance, until they became little more than a twinkle in the sky.

We were in the middle of breaking camp on our third day since leaving Pewter city when they attacked us, using a large Rhydon styled drill to do so. But a powerful Thunder Punch from Riolu, accompanied by a round of electric attacks from May's Pichu and Dawn's Luxio, had damaged the machine to the point where it exploded and sent them flying away.

None of this was a surprise to me of course, as Jessie had informed me of the attack just last night.

One of my orders for her, after finding out she and James had been tasked with my capture, was to continue attacking us as if nothing was any different, except I wanted her to give me a heads up if possible.

As for the reason they had been tasked with capturing me, THAT had made me literally laugh in Jessie's face. My Pokemon I could understand, as I had several rare and powerful Pokemon, while several also had Alpha bloodlines, Pidgeot, Combee, and Squirtle. To say nothing of Charmander.

But to think they believed I actually had the ability to CONTROL another person's Pokemon. The very idea itself was probably the best joke I'd heard in a while.

Regardless, I had already known the trio would attack us this morning, and how. And while I did feel a little sorry for Jessie being attacked in full alongside James and Meowth, it was necessary for her to retain her cover.

"Well that was interesting..." May said as we recovered from the attack.

"I'll say. Is all of Team Rocket like....that?" Dawn added while looking to Misty and I questioningly.

"They certainly appeared a lot more dangerous the first time I saw them..." Misty replied, apparently recalling when the two of us fought them back in Viridian.

"I bet that's just their own particular 'brand'." I commented, with this being the third time I'd fought Jessie and James.

"Geo!" Pidgeot declared beside us, giving his own input as the only other one to fight them all three times alongside me.

I still hadn't told him about one of the things Jessie told me, the reason they wanted him in particular. From what I'd heard from both Jessie and Pidgeot years ago, I concluded that it was very possible that Lt. Surge was the one who killed his father. And if Pidgeot recognized Surge when we eventually arrived in Vermilion city, then it could get very hectic.

For the moment though I focused on Mt. Moon, which was looming over us more and more with each step we took towards it.

While the road originally started out through a pleasant forested area, as we headed further east it gave way to more rocky and rougher terrain. It didn't help the girls that we had mostly gone off the beaten path in order to better train ourselves, and our Pokemon as we traveled.

"Cranidos, I want you to smash that Boulder." I told my fossil Pokemon shortly after we departed camp, who readily charged forward to do just that as he rammed his head into it.

"Bee bee!" Combee declared as she darted about, collecting pollen and such to produce honey. I had also managed to somehow attach a light weight to her as well, working her little wings so that they'll become stronger and hopefully help her evolve as fast as possible.

All around us our Pokemon worked even as we traveled, all in the name of growing ever stronger after tasting their first Gym battle.

Charmander was relentlessly raking his claws across the various rocks around us in order to learn Metal Claw, while Squirtle was also trying to destroy the rocks around us with just his water attacks. And after tasting his first defeat at the hands of Brock's Golem, he was also having everyone else attack him when we made camp for the night to temper his defense abilities.

Dancing in the sky above us was Chatot, Swablu and Tropius, as Pidgeot worked the three of them in the pursuit of learning new moves, and becoming more skilled at flying in general. Though I could tell he wanted to focus on his own training more than anything after losing to Rhyperior.

Meanwhile we had Exeggutor using rocks to train his psychic abilities alongside May's Baltoy. With them was Happiny, who was mimicking them as she tried to train her move Gravity. That was the first thing I wanted her to work on aside from healing since I had plans for when she was able to properly control the move.

A little ways away there was also Grovyle working with Pichu and Luxio, as all three worked to learn the move Flash for when we went through Mt. Moon.

Not everyone was dedicating themselves to training though, as Miltank slowly meandered along while chewing on the grass beneath her. And taking advantage of her slow pace was May's recently evolved Delcatty and Dawn's Glameow, as they both napped in the sun on her back. Miltank didn't mind though, as the extra weight might as well be considered a part of her training.

At least, that was the feeling I was getting from her as she walked by me.

As for MY training, currently I was walking along our path on my hands, with Riolu doing the same thing beside me.

"Betcha I'll make it further than you without falling, pussy!"





As per the usual, we began calling each other names while trying to go as fast as possible on our hands, all while poor little Combusken tried just to balance on its claws to mimic us.

"Do you even realize how ridiculous you look?" Misty asked me in exasperation.

I looked back at her, upside down, and said, "if it looks stupid but works, then it ain't stupid."

I then turned my attention back the competition with Riolu, who was trying to use my brief distraction to get ahead.

"Hey! You little cheater!"


"No you don't!"

"Ru ri lu!"

"They're not gonna help you win!" I exclaimed as he cried out to the girls for help.

I ignored the feeling of the rocks and sticks digging into my palms as I desperately tried to keep up with Riolu, who was quickly losing the ground he'd stolen while I was talking.

"Hey Ace~" May called out to me in a playful tone.

I glanced over at her to see that the crazy girl had pulled up her skirt and pulled down her spats, while wearing no panties under it.

My eyes locked onto the beautiful patch of pale and smooth skin that made up her lower lips, time seeming to slow for me as she captured my undivided attention. I was so captivated, that I hadn't even felt my hand slip on a patch of grass in front of me, until my other arm buckled and I fell face first into the dirt.

Even as I came to a sudden halt with my face, my waist and legs still had their momentum as they continued forward to bend my back, until I was sure I felt my toes tap the back of my head.

Even Riolu paused in place in the wake of my sudden fall and scorpion-er, Skorupi, while May had frozen so badly she was still flashing me.

I slowly peeled myself up off the ground without anyone making any moves or sounds, my face stinging a little in the places where the rocks had scraped it. May was rigid as I slowly turned towards her without the slightest shift in my expression, before I said to the two other girls,

"Go on ahead and find a place for lunch. I need to have a 'discussion' with May."

Even if May wanted to run from me she couldn't with her spats wrapped around her knees, forcing her to stand there as I rose to my feet and approached her.

"Come on May, let's go have a chat." I said while picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder, making to flip her skirt up and give her ass a nice crisp smack as I did so.

I noticed Dawn covering Piplup and Happiny's eyes to protect their innocence as I scanned the group one last time, before turning and heading into the brush to find some privacy.

Away from the road I found a large log laying on its side that appeared to be nice and smooth on top, which would work perfectly.

"Ace...please..." May pleaded. Though with the suggestive undertones in her voice, as well as the Reds and pinks in her aura, I could safely guess she wasn't asking me to stop.

I laid her over the log so that her ass was pointed at me with her skirt flipped up, and I began undoing my belt before hauling my shorts and boxers to fall to the ground around my ankles. I then slid the head of my penis into the crack of her ass, pausing slightly as I pressed it against May's puckered backdoor, making her tense up anxiously.

Fortunately I wasn't going to go there with her, just yet. Instead, I continued sliding the tip of my penis down until it was pressing into her already wet and hot folds.

*Pa! Pa! Pa!*

I slapped her pussy with the shaft of my cock, making May moan in anticipation as she eagerly awaited the penetration.

"Such a naughty pussy." I hissed to her playfully, making as if I was going to enter her, before 'missing' the hole entirely.

"Oops." Was all I said, making May groan with frustration as she pressed her ass back towards me. But all she accomplished by doing that was pressing it up against her butthole again.

We continued this game where I would tease her and May would try to get it in herself, only for me to make it miss yet again. And with each failed attempt May's need would grow until she was literally dripping love juices down into her spats.

But then, right as her desperation reached its peak, I finally grabbed her hips, and thrust my entire length into her all at once.

Mays voice echoed through the ravines around us as she came instantly from finally being penetrated, possibly scaring some trainers that might be nearby, or making them think there was a rare Pokemon or something crying out.

But no. It was just an overly horny girl orgasming.

And as she came, I could feel May's inner walls squeezing and squirming around me before I even started moving. And when I did, hoo boy, did May start singing.


It was a little over an hour later when May and I caught up to Misty and Dawn, who were both picnicking under a large shady tree that was next to a river. Within it Misty's Pokemon were frolicking with Spheal, Piplup and Squirtle, while the two girls ate their lunch with the rest of the Pokemon.

"Save any for us?" I asked casually, even as I was supporting May since her legs were threatening to buckle at any given second.

"Here you go." Dawn said as she handed me a sandwich, extra crunchy peanut butter with fresh Combee honey. Thankfully even SHE was able to do that much.

With May also receiving a sandwich as we both sat down on the blanket alongside the other two, we then began to eagerly chow down after all of our vigorous 'exercise' the last hour. Even the gratuitous amount of peanut butter wasn't an issue, as Misty passed me a glass of ice cold Miltank milk to wash it down with.

When I started on my second sandwich I pulled out my Pokenav, and opened the news app on it to check up on what was happening.

"Anything new?" Dawn asked curiously, as May and Misty also turned their attention towards me.

"A few dozen more arrests, bringing the total up to one hundred twenty six. Plus crime has already plummeted in Pewter by over three hundred percent, and its proposed to drop further over the next several days."

I then started reading the article itself that had been posted, detailing the joint efforts of the Rangers, Officers, and the Gym trainers to clean up the streets of Pewter. It stated that the heroes of this operation were the two Rangers involved, Wendy and Kate, Brock, and Captain Jenny as they personally led the charge on each location they attacked. They also stated they had received this information on the Rocket hideouts from a mysterious third Ranger, the same one that had been mistakenly arrested last week, but they were not present for the actual arrests as they instead scouted more possible Rocket hideouts.

"Well at least they aren't mentioning me by name, or using my picture." I said once I finished reading the article out loud for the girls.

"I still don't understand that. Why don't you want people to know you're a Ranger?" Misty questioned me with curiosity etched on her face.

"Well, I know I'm gonna be famous in the future as it is anyways. Plus when you consider how many people I'm gonna piss off as a Ranger, I'd just like my peace and quiet while I can get it."

Though the girls just looked at each other confusedly at my reasoning, I recalled what happened after I started getting famous in my previous life. Paparazzi hounding me all the time looking for a scoop to sell, estranged family and old friends wanting to get a taste of my fame and the money I made, and then there were the numerous scandals involving the women I'd fucked in the past, claiming to have given birth to my children and demanding child support.

The last one stopped though after I published the diagnosis that I was infertile, though it also had the mixed result in my love life after that. Several women ended up avoiding me once they learned I couldn't be their meal ticket.

With how famous the really successful trainers were in this world, I knew it was just a matter of time until I reached a similar level of status yet again. Until then, I just wanted to enjoy the quiet moments like this with my girlfriends and Pokemon.

"Are you Ace Ketchum of Pallet town?" A voice suddenly cried out.

"Arceus damn it."

I swore under my breath as I turned my attention towards the voice that called out for me, while Misty and Dawn both shifted to try and hide Charmander from their view. There I saw a kid who looked like he was only twelve or something approaching us, wearing a blue cap with matching shirts, and a yellow shirt.

"Que? No habla ingles." I responded back to him with a confused looked, like I hadn't understood what he said.

"Huh? I don't know what you said, but you gotta be him! I recognize the scar on your cheek and your weird eyes!"

"My eyes aren't weird!" I snapped back irritably, no longer caring if he recognized me or not. "What do you want?"

"My name is Joey, and I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!" The kid declared as he held up a Pokeball and took a stance dramatically, though the girls and I just blankly stared at him.

"How old are you?" May questioned while looking him up and down, making the boy flush as he shouted,

"Shut up! Just because I'm not seventeen doesn't mean I can't battle yet! So let's go!"

Directing his attention to me at the last part, I could only shake my head since he was technically right.

Though you had to be seventeen to join the League and challenge the Gyms, there was no real lower limit for when someone could start training and battling Pokemon. The only real(unofficial) requirement was being able to take care of them, and that was easy given how plentiful food was in this world from berry trees and shrubs.

The only reason Ash, Gary and I had to wait was because professor Oak didn't want us to breeze through the Gyms without breaking a sweat.

"How'd you even know about me anyways?" I asked him curiously, as I don't think I'd done anything to be THAT famous that trainers were already searching me out.

"Are you kidding?! You've been all over Pokevision for the last few days!"

THAT got my attention, as I quickly pulled up Pokevision on my Nav to check what he was talking about. I didn't have to search too hard though, as a video showing Brock and I was on the homepage of the app, posted from the League itself.

While that in itself wasn't too strange, as they often posted the battles between Gym Leaders and their challengers online, the video title directly stated I took on Brock's actual team and won, despite not having a single Badge under my belt. And while such a feat wouldn't typically be considered that impressive, in the description it also stated how I had been on my journey for less than two weeks.

Attached to that video were several others of my battles while in Pewter, as well as in Viridian over the years, which was fanning the flames of my sudden popularity. The strange part was that the videos of my battles in Viridian were posted by someone with my face as their profile pic, with several hearts surrounding it, while their name was 'OfficialMrs.Ketchum'.

"Ok. That's not creepy at all..." I slowly said while the girls looked over my shoulder. Misty was as surprised as I was, while May and Dawn appeared unperturbed by it.

"You didn't know?" May asked curiously.

"Nope. I never get on Pokevision to begin with." I stated while thinking I should probably change that.

"Are we gonna battle or not?" Joey demanded irritably, making me sigh as I prepared to get up.

"Sure, I'll take you on!" Misty suddenly declared beside me, making me look at her in surprise.

"You sure?" I asked her, to which Misty snorted while saying,

"Of course! I also need to battle as well every now and then!"

As she stood across from him, Joey appeared annoyed as he stated, "I don't wanna fight some weak girl! I wanna fight Ace Ketchum!"

I saw a tick mark appear on Misty's forehead as she stated, "listen brat! I am the woman who gonna be the world's greatest water specialist! You should feel honored to fight me!"

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with." Joey said without any motivation. "Go, Rattata!"

"Tatta!" Cried out the purple rat that appeared before us as it prepared to fight.

"Humph. Go Krabby!" Misty shouted a she sent out her own Pokemon, a large red crab.

"Goo chee goo chee!" Krabby scuttered while opening and closing its claws threateningly.

"Battlers ready? Pokemon ready? Begin!" Dawn cried out as she officiated the match.

"Krabby, Harden!"

"Rattata, quick attack!"

Both trainers gave their orders to their Pokemon, as the battle began.



While Ace and the three girls were dealing with an annoying youngster, another young girl sighed forlornly.

"Excuse me!" Stated one woman irritably, startling mini Joy from her thoughts as she exclaimed,

"Eh? Oh! Sorry!"

"Humph! The standards of the Pokemon Center sure have fallen! Where is your manager! I want to file a complaint about your laziness!" The woman declared angrily, fluttering Joy even more.

"If you'd like to come over here, I'd be more than happy to help you." Another Joy stated in her professional tone, making the woman snort as she stated,


As the woman walked away Joy lightly slapped her cheeks to try and straighten herself up so she could focus. But even as she did that, Joy couldn't help but wonder what Ace and the others were doing right now.

The next couple hours passed like that, with Joy being absentminded as she worked, even as her Happiny tried to cheer her up. But just as she was getting ready to go back to her room,

"Joy, the Madam wants to see you." One of her aunts said suddenly, making her look up in alarm.

With shaky footsteps, Joy made her way to the office where her grandmother worked from, the Madam of all the Nurse Joys in Pewter city.

Though she didn't want to, Joy knocked softly on the door leading to her office.

"Enter." Came the curt response.

Slowly, Joy opened the door to find her grandmother sitting behind her desk, while her Blissey happily snacked on crackers nearby.

"Close the door behind you." Madam Joy ordered sternly, making Joy gulp nervously as she did just that once she and Happiny entered the office.

"Do you know why I called you here?" Madam Joy asked her without even looking up from the work on her desk.

"N-no..." Joy answered nervously.

"It is because you have been VERY sloppy in your work lately. Slacking off, daydreaming, and making even more mistakes than usual."

"I-I'll do better!" Joy exclaimed anxiously.

"No need. You're fired." Madam Joy stated without any emotion.

"What...?" Joy uttered in disbelief, making Madam Joy look up at her for the first time.

"I said you're fired." She repeated emotionlessly, while the seriousness of the situation hit Joy like a blow from a Machamp.

Whenever a Joy caused problems they were often sent to another Pokemon Center or otherwise punished. Being fired was the most severe form of punishment, as it essentially banished them from working at any other Pokemon Center in the world.

"B-b-but why!?! I'll do whatever you want! Please don't fire me!" Joy cried out with tears forming in her eyes, as she felt as if she was being ripped from her entire family.

"I don't need a Joy that causes problems. So you're fired. Now get your things and get out." Madam Joy stated yet again, as if she were bored with this conversation.

"What am I supposed to do...?" Joy asked as she truly did start crying, falling to her knees as she did so.

"Who knows, it's not our problem. Maybe you can find some trainer to take you in. But no Pokemon Center in the world will now." Madam Joy said while turning away.

"Eh...?" Joy uttered as she looked up confusedly.

"There is a ferry heading to Cerulean city that will leave in an hour. I suggest you get your luggage and be on it. I don't want to see your sorry face here again." Madam Joy continued as if it weren't her problem, though Joy's mind was racing.

Finding a trainer? Taking the ferry to Cerulean?

If she did that, then she'd be able to catch up to...


It was only right then that Joy realized what was really going on, as a fresh set of tears threatened to fall for entirely different reasons.

She then got up and rushed Madam Joy, hugging her tightly from behind.

"Thank you..." Joy told her quietly.

The Madam of course just snorted as she stated, "just get out of here, or you'll miss your ferry."

Joy nodded as she turned ran from the the office, a smile on her face as she went to go pack her bags, only to find the rest of the Nurses Joy gathered as they waited for her.

"We took the liberty of packing for you." One said, holding out a large suitcase since they didn't have their own bags with storages like most trainers did.

"And here's your ticket." Another said, offering Joy a slip of paper that would let her get on the ferry without issue.

"Thank you... Thank you all!" Joy exclaimed as she accepted both. She wanted to hug each of her family members, but one of them shooed her away while saying,

"Go! Don't miss your ferry!"

"R-right!" Joy stated, as she hurried out the inn as well as she could with her large suitcase, Happiny happily trailing behind her.

As she left the Madam joined the other Joys in watching her leave, before one asked her, "she's not really fired, is she?"

The Madam snorted as she stated, "of course not. She's much too talented for that. Now back to work."

"""Yes!""" The Joys all exclaimed as they did as she bid.

Mini Joy meanwhile rushed through the streets of Pewter as quickly as she could, though she did trip and fall a few times, only for Happiny to slap a bandage on her.

Thankfully, she managed to reach the ferry with just minutes to spare as she flashed her ticket and hurried on board. And as she settled in, Joy was filled with a feeling of elation she hadn't felt since Ace left three days prior.

When he departed she had desperately wanted to ask to go with him, but she couldn't bring herself to do so because of her duties at the inn. But with her being fired, Joy no longer had to worry about that she prepared to meet him again. And when she did, Joy would tell him exactly how she feels.

As one Joy was settling in on the ferry, another was leaning against the guardrail on the side, appearing picturesque as the wind lightly blew through her hair.

"See see!" Her Chansey declared, making her smile as she said,

"I don't care if they get angry. I'm coming for you, MY Ace."