Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 47 - Fossil Raffle

Chapter 47 - Fossil Raffle

"Where is he?" May asked anxiously as their entire group looked around for Ace.

They had all been surprised when he told them to go on ahead and that he'd catch up, but they'd been touring the fossil sanctuary for a few hours now and he hadn't caught up yet. Misty had even tried to call him several times, but none of them went through.

Now Brock was getting ready to do the drawing for the young Aerodactyl, and they were all starting to get worried.

"You don't think he's in some kind of trouble, do you?" Dawn asked anxiously.

"No way! This is Aniki we're talking about!" Ash declared, having complete faith in his elder brother's capabilities.

As if on cue, Misty's Pokenav suddenly began to ring before she snatched it up and answered it without even checking the caller ID.


"Yo! What's up?" Ace's voice answered from the other end, alerting everyone as they focused on Misty.

"Ace! Where are you?!" She demanded with an angry tone from how casual he sounded, while they had all been worried.

"I've been a bit busy, which is also why I wasn't able to pick up your earlier calls. I'm about to head your way now."

"Busy with what!?!" She demanded angrily.

But before Ace could answer, the professor gently took the Nav from her and said into it, "tell me. What is going on Ace?"

"Nothing I'd like to say over an open channel." Came the reply. "I'll explain everything when everyone is back at the inn later. Until then, what's going on over there?"

Now they were all REALLY curious as to what Ace had been up to. And while the rest of them wanted to keep questioning him, the professor nodded slowly in understanding before saying, "very well. The raffle's about to start here, and Brock said that when you do show up, he wants you to be wearing your Ranger gear."

"Really? I'll take Pidgeot there then. He should have no problems being able to support me without my weights."

Oak had to bite back a laugh when he heard that as, based off of what he'd seen of the alpha Pokemon so far, it would be more than offended if Ace asked if it was able to carry him. If he asked it with a broken wing Pidgeot would probably still carry him, purely out of spite and stubbornness.

"Well then, see you in a few minutes." Oak said into the Nav, before the called ended as Ace seemingly hurried towards them.

He then handed the Nav back to a grumbling Misty, before alerting Brock that Ace was on his way.

Up on the platform that numerous people were gathered in front of, Brock nodded in professor Oak's direction to indicate he understood before preparing to go out in front of the crowd.

Usually their raffles weren't such a huge deal, but many people had gathered since the Pokemon they were giving away today was an Aerodactyl. And, as an added precaution, Brock had ordered the trainers that trained under him to act as their security in the event of any possible Team Rocket attacks.

So, with a large smile, Brock spoke into the microphone as the crowd hushed down, "Good afternoon Pewter city, and thank you everyone who came out here today!"

A small cheer greeted Brock for a moment before they all hushed down again, and he continued,

"Before we get started I just wanted to say how thankful I am that we can do this today, after the sanctuary suffered a horrific attack a few days ago at the hands of Team Rocket. I also wish to take a moment to thank those who fought against the criminals, especially the Ranger who single handedly turned the tide against them!"

This time there was a bit more awkwardness at Brock's words, as EVERYONE recalled how the Ranger in question was then falsely arrested and abused by the arresting officer, with bogus claims that he must've been a member of Team Rocket.

As if on cue, a whistling sound could be heard that drew everyone's gazes skyward, where they all saw a massive blur rapidly approaching them.

"GEOOOOOOOO!!!" The blur cried out as it shot past them, creating a powerful draft of wind that had everyone either holding their hats or skirts down.

Despite the assaulting wind it had kicked up though, every excited eye was on the massive Pidgeot as it swung around in a wide arc, a lone figure riding upon its back wearing the noticeable Ranger red jacket.

After performing a wide sweeping arc, the duo approached the platform at a more controlled speed before Pidgeot gently landed upon it. Immediately the Ranger riding on its back leapt off onto the platform beside Brock, and grasped his hand in greeting.

"Afternoon Brock! Hope I didn't cause too much of a stir!" The Ranger exclaimed behind the mask that covered his nose and mouth, while a pair of thick goggles obscured the upper part of his face.

"Not at all! What's a minor tornado here and there on a day like this?" Brock replied good-naturally.

"But, maybe now we can move on to the raffle?" He added once the handshake was over, his expression becoming somewhat serious.

As he said that a second figure flew up to the platform, significantly smaller than Pidgeot, but creating no less of a stir as everyone recognized what it was. Aerodactyl.

The Aerodactyl was small. Small enough that Brock was able to easily support its weight with his extended arm, showing how young it must be.

Several would put its wingspan at no more than three feet wide, which was tiny when considering that a fully grown Aerodactyl stood around six feet tall, and had a wingspan more than double that. And Brock's was even taller than that.

However that was exactly why they were raffling it off now, before it grew too old to properly bond with its new trainer.

Pulling out a strip of Tauros meat to toss to the Aerodactyl, Brock stated to the audience,

"She's just over two weeks old, and has shown almost none of the typical attitude and aggression one would usually expect from a pseudo-dragon. I can confidently say, that this Aerodactyl will more than likely be easier to train than ones revived from a fossil."

As Brock spoke the crowd grew increasingly excited, with several trainers standing amongst them that were hoping their name would be called.

And as if answering their prayers, a couple of Gym trainers arrived carrying a large lottery wheel that was see-through, allowing everyone to see the numerous slips of paper within that were held closed with tape.

The excitement was palpable as they set the wheel down, while one began to turn it several times. And when it stopped turning, Brock made a point to look away as one of his hands reached in to grasp one of the top tickets before drawing it out.

With every eye on him, Brock broke the tape sealing the ticket, preventing anyone from seeing the name that was written on it, and read the name on it. As he did so his brows shot up in surprise, and Brock declared,

"And Aerodactyl goes to, Gary Oak!"

Surprise and disappointment were evident amongst the crowd, the former because EVERYONE knew the name Oak, and the latter from those who were disappointed they hadn't been the one to win the Aerodactyl.

"Of course." Ace uttered under his breath, also feeling disappointed that he hadn't been able to get a fossil Pokemon today, along with being annoyed that Gary of all people won it.

The muttering and commotion continued for a few minutes before Brock motioned for everyone to calm down, and stated,

"Since it appears that Gary is not here today, we will contact him at the next available opportunity to let him know and transfer Aerodactyl to him." Many people grumbled when they heard that, with Ace's aura enhanced hearing also picking up several people muttering how there should be a redraw.

Before they could begin to depart though,

"Now onto the next item!" Brock declared, alerting everyone that there was still apparently more. Even Ace was looking at Brock curiously from under his goggles as he wondered what he had planned.

"Along with raffling off Aerodactyl, I also wanted to take this opportunity to properly thank the Ranger that saved the sanctuary!" Brock declared, before a Pokemon cry suddenly drew their attention to the side.

There, charging towards the platform, was a two foot tall blue and grey Pokemon with a rounded head surrounded by short spikes.

"Dos dos!" The small Cranidos cried out as anyone that happened to be standing in front of it quickly darted to the side, fear evident on their faces as they tried to avoid its lethal head.

It then nimbly leapt up onto the platform to join Ace and Brock, the former of which it happily approached while barking joyfully, "Dos dos dos!"

"Well it look like someone's happy to see you!" Brock exclaimed as Ace knelt down to pat the Cranidos, it's tail even waggling slightly in excitement.

"Hey buddy! I'm glad to see you're ok after getting stunned and pepper sprayed!" Ace exclaimed while the Cranidos barked back at him.

Brock then announced to the crowd below them,

"This Cranidos was the first one to hatch amongst its clutch of eggs. The FIRST clutch of eggs laid by our Rampardos mind you! This means that he is the first of his kind to have been naturally born in millions of years! And as a thank you from all of us here at the fossil sanctuary, we would like to gift him to this great Ranger in order to repay his kindness!"

Ace looked up at Brock in alarm as he asked, "are you sure?!"

Brock nodded as he replied for everyone to hear, "of course! Not only do we wish to repay you for your help the other day, but I know for a fact that you are a skilled trainer, and even a certified Breeder! I even looked over your exams myself when they were filed!"

Ace was surprised to hear that Brock had looked over his stuff, but then again it wasn't too surprising when he thought about it. This Brock wasn't just some small time trainer looking to become a Pokemon Breeder like in the anime. The fossil sanctuary had made him renowned all around the world as a Breeder, as well as a Gym Leader.

In that respect, you could say his fame was equivalent to professor Oak's when you think about it.

Standing, Ace offered a hand to Brock as he told him, "thank you Brock. Truly."

The older man smiled back as he accepted the offered hand and shook it. "No. Thank YOU for helping us. Just promise me you'll take good care of Cranidos."

"Of course! You don't even need to ask!" Ace answered, before pulling out a Pokeball and holding it out in front of Cranidos. "How about it?"

Perhaps it was just that excited, or perhaps it felt challenged by the round surface of the Pokeball.

Whatever the reason, Cranidos slammed his head against the Pokeball with significantly more force than was needed. He did however hit the button, activating the Pokeball so that it opened and sucked him inside.

It then gave a few jerks in the palm of Ace's hand, before falling still with a small ding.

Smiling under his mask, Ace placed the ball on his belt before turning to Brock, and saying, "thank you again, but I have to go. I'll make sure to turn Cranidos into a champion."

Though Brock frowned he didn't say anything, instead watching as Ace remounted Pidgeot before the alpha flapped it's wings to create a powerful gust of wind and take flight. And as the duo disappeared into the sky with their new companion, the event was officially over.

Brock meanwhile glanced down at the piece of paper Ace had slipped into his hand during their earlier handshake, which listed a specific room number for the inn they were staying at, along with the words 'come as soon as possible'.

Crumpling the piece of paper in his fist, Brock immediately glanced around for the professor and the others.


"Haa..." I sighed tiredly as I finished placing an order with the nearby Pokemart. After subduing Jessie there had been so much to do.

First I had to finish fucking her into submission, admittedly the best part, but then I had to grill her for anything and everything I could use against Team Rocket. There was mostly mundane information regarding their different hideouts and allies within Pewter city, but there had also been some surprising information as well. Not only had Jessie confirmed my suspicions regarding Sabrina, but she had also revealed ANOTHER Gym Leader who worked with Team Rocket. A troubling revelation to be sure.

And while she didn't know all the details, Jessie had also confirmed for me that there WERE going to be attacks and missions at Mt. Moon, Lavender town, and the SS Anne. Unfortunately, there were still several operations she didn't know about, so I was left in the dark about those.

I didn't mind though, as I now had a place to start weakening the organization and Giovanni's presence in Kanto.



A commotion drew my gaze to the side where Cranidos was becoming acquainted with the rest of my Pokemon, just in time to watch him Headbutt Squirtle across the room to test their respective strengths.

"Guys... Don't break the room..." I told them exasperatedly.

"Squirtle squirt!"

"I know you want to see if your shell is harder than his head, but you don't need to break the room finding out. Tomorrow we'll be back on the road, and Cranidos can ram you all you guys want. Ok?"



The two grumbled but didn't argue me, doubly so as Riolu gave them a stern look as if to say to listen. A look that would've been more convincing if I hadn't known he was the one egging them on before.

What they didn't know was that I was going to have everyone on my team that could help train Cranidos' head, as it was the greatest asset of their body. If I could turn him into an unstoppable spear capable of charging through any attack, or defense, then nothing would be able to stand in our way.

Just as I finished placing another order for training equipment for Crandios, weighted anklets along with another set of weights to train his neck muscles, I sensed numerous familiar auras approaching.

"Looks like they're here." I said with a wry smile, already having an idea of what was coming for me.

And sure enough the door to our room slammed open as the girls stormed in, with Misty at their head, and the professor following them along with Brock, Ash and Tracey.

"So just WHAT is going on!?!" Misty demanded the second she saw me, her face red with anger.

She wasn't the only one though, as I could see everyone else looking at me with either exasperation, worry, or anger.

"I'll explain when everyone else gets here. It should only be another minute or two." I tried to say placatingly, though that only made Misty even angrier.

*knock knock*

"Come in!" I said to the two people waiting outside, one of which someone I was expecting, the other being a surprise. But, it was a surprise I apparently needed to get Misty off of my back.

Everyone turned towards the door as it opened, only to see Captain Jenny standing there.

"Hello Ace. I got your message." She said in a sultry voice, before pausing as she seemingly just noticed the professor, Ash, Tracey and Brock present.

"Damn... This isn't about your earlier invitation, is it?" She asked me disappointedly.

"No. But you can stick around after we're done here. Tonight's our last night in town anyways." I told her with a smirk.

"That's good, because I brought 'backup'." She replied, before surprising the rest of us by pulling said 'backup' into our view.

Immediately a fountain of blood erupted from Brock's nose as we all beheld the sight of Officer Jenny, in a skimpy French maid outfit. The same Officer Jenny who had arrested me before, and was now trying desperately to keep her short skirt down.

"Captain!" She whined with embarrassment. "Not only the precinct, but here too!?"

Even as she whined I looked her up and down analytically, before her Captain explained while ignoring her,

"I can't directly fire her, so I found something else for her to do where we can keep an eye on her. Naturally, the position came with a uniform change."

"Very nice." I said, already imagining all of the 'punishments' I'd like to inflict on this haughty maid.

Officer Jenny meanwhile could only fidget nervously under my gaze, her face Crimson as any reluctance she showed earlier vanished.

"This bastard...." Brock cursed me under his breath from my fortune, but I just ignored him as I sensed the last of our group arriving outside.

A pair of Staraptor suddenly drew everyone's attention as they landed in our private pool area outside, where the two Rangers that were riding them dismounted before the large bird Pokemon took off again.

"Ace, we got your message." Wendy said as she entered the suite.

"Hi everyone~!" Kate greeted in a friendly manner.

Before I could even so much as greet and thank them for coming so quickly,

"Such beauty! Like the gentle southern breeze, if not for the storms you've created within my heart! Please, what is your name miss?" Brock declared the moment he saw Wendy, seemingly forgetting the maid Jenny just like that.

"Uh... Wendy?" She said uncertainly, as if not sure how she was supposed to reply before looking at me questioningly.

"Knock it off!" Misty declared as she delivered a spinning kick to Brock right in the head, sending him flying before landing in a crumpled heap on the floor.

"And I thought Ace was overly horny...." May uttered in disbelief.

"Right? At least he knows how to treat a lady." Dawn replied as they apparently compared me and Brock.

"So Ace, what did you gather us all for?" The professor asked suddenly, drawing every eye back to me, including Brock as he picked himself up off he floor.

Switching into business mode, I looked every single person in the eye while also checking their auras, before saying seriously, "before I begin I need you all to swear that what we're about to talk about doesn't leave this room. Not unless I give whoever it is you want to talk to the OK."

For the most part there didn't seem to be any opposition to my condition, as the professor, Ash, Misty, Dawn, and May all knew to trust me when I got serious, while Tracey appeared to simply be going along with whatever the professor was doing. Meanwhile Captain Jenny, Brock and Wendy all had firm looks on their faces while maid Jenny and Kate looked back and forth between them and me.

"While I do understand the need for caution sometimes Ace, and that you are in a unique position within the Union, please remember that I AM your superior." Wendy stated with authority. And she wasn't wrong either, as I was merely an Honorary Ranger while she was a Top Ranger, one of the twelve best in the world.

"Exactly. I do feel sorry for what happened before, but repaying that and simply doing whatever you command are two completely different things." Captain Jenny added after her.

Brock however was silent. And while I could tell he had similar sentiments as the two girls, he was looking at the professor intently.

"I suggest you both listen to him." The professor suddenly said to the two of them, surprising them and Brock.

"Depending on what he's going to tell us, it's understandable that Ace would be reluctant for anyone else he hasn't personally met to learn about it. And if that isn't enough for you to trust his word, Ace was the one who fingered the man that we believe is the leader of Team Rocket. Five years ago."

Every eye aside from Ash, May and Dawn turned towards me in surprise, including even Daisy as she wasn't with us when I called out Giovanni, and I hadn't told her afterwards.

"Is that true!?!"

"Then why hasn't anything been done about it!?!"

Brock and Wendy demanded one after the other, before the professor raised his hands placatingly, and said, "we have been investigating him, but there's too little evidence for us to make a move. However there is enough to question about them that we haven't given up. And this lead never would've even existed if not for Ace."

"Very well then, I promise." Captain Jenny suddenly said after the professor, surprising everyone before Wendy parroted her right afterwards.

Every eye turned towards Brock questioningly, who nodded slightly as he said, "I'll promise too. I owe you at least that much."

I nodded at them thankfully, before turning serious as I held up several small items.

"When we made to leave I noticed an aura that appeared out of place. So I doubled back to our room and found a member of Team Rocket planting these amongst our bags. They also mentioned searching the professor's room as well."

As I said that I set the bugs that Jessie showed me down onto the table, drawing every eye to them.

For the most part everyone turned pale or clenched their jaws at the information, while the girls turned slightly green and looked almost nauseous at the fact that someone had been in our room. Wendy however then picked one up and said,

"I can have our techs analyze them and trace where the signal is going. Then we'll finally have a lead on them!"

"No need." I told her, before holding up a folder for everyone to see. "I 'convinced' the member of Team Rocket to turn sides. In exchange for their cooperation, I promised to grant them amnesty when we bring the entire organization down."

"And you trust them!?" Brock demanded, understandably suspicious of the information in my hand.

"50/50. That's why I made sure there's a video of them giving me all of the information, which I stated might 'accidentally' fall into Team Rocket's hands if they ever double cross me." I replied with a confident smirk, surprising everyone present before I slid the folder over to Wendy.

I of course also made a copy of the video in question, and planned to slip it to Daisy before we left for safe keeping. That way if something ever did happen to it, there would be a backup.

Wendy meanwhile was looking over the information in the folder, her eyes growing wider by the second as she looked over the information inside.

"This is crazy..." She uttered in amazement.

"What is it?" Captain Jenny asked curiously, to which Wendy slid the folder over to her to look at.

"It details all of their hideouts, numbers, and even the sympathizers in Pewter city... If we plan this right, we can eliminate all of Team Rocket's influence within the city in a single day!"


Both Brock and Captain Jenny appeared surprised at the information, to which I nodded while saying,

"I'm hoping the three of you would work together on this. Brock and the Captain are a given, as the Gym Leader and Captain of this city's officers, but if Wendy and Kate participate then it'll make for some nice propaganda to repair the relationship between the Officers and Rangers. Especially after what happened a few days ago." I told them conspiratorially.

"Really?!" The Captain asked me with a hopeful look in her eyes, which was understandable considering the field day the news stations had been having ever since the story of my arrest got out.

"What about you, Ace?" Wendy suddenly asked me, once again turning every eye in my direction as they all awaited my answer.

Instead of immediately responding, I pulled out a map of the Kanto region before pointing at the area marked 'Pewter city'.

"We'll be leaving in the morning as we make our way east to Mt. Moon. We'll then pass through the caverns under the mountain to get to the other side, before making our way to the city of water, Cerulean. And once I get my next badge from them, we'll go further east before turning south to get to Lavender town, and then taking that route down to Vermillion city and my third badge."

Everyone gaped at me as they realized I had no intention of joining this particular battle, while Wendy even stated, "but Ace, we NEED you!"

I shook my head though, and said to her, "no you don't. Even if they don't know the whole story, you've an army behind you and Kate in the Officers and Gym trainers. Plus there's Team Rocket in other areas aside from Pewter, that I might 'accidentally' run into."

Everyone expressions darkened as they realized the hidden meaning in my words, as Kate asked, "you're going to challenge them alone?"

I looked at her confusedly as I replied, "what 'challenge'? I Just said that I'll continue my journey, along a specific route, and may or may not encounter Team Rocket during some of their secret operations that I have no way of knowing about. Besides, I won't be alone."

As if on cue, May and Dawn both nuzzled up to my sides while taking my arms and clutching them between their breasts. Kate blushed at the boldness of their action, while Brock watched on with envy. Even misty joined in after we have her a look, though she only placed her hand atop my head with reddened cheeks.

"We both decided years ago, we were going to follow Ace, no matter what!" Dawn declared as she flashed the charm bracelet I gave them.

"Yeah!" May declared, flashing her own bracelet. "The deepest ocean, or highest mountain! Where Ace goes, we go!"

I could sense some frustration coming from Misty behind me as the two girls flashed their bracelets, but it faded as she grabbed the pendant I had given her the other day with her free hand.

"I haven't known Ace as long as they have, but I intend to be the strongest water specialist in the world! I can't back down when there's a little danger involved!"

The girls and I beamed at Misty as she resolved to stay with us, despite the dangers involved.

"Alright then..." Wendy sighed in defeat. "Just call us if you ever need any help."

"Only then?" I asked with a suggestive smile and cocked brow.

"Yes. Only then." Wendy stated firmly, though I was sure I could also see a touch of red on her cheeks.

"If you run into trouble in Vermillion then you can turn to Surge for help. He may have an attitude, but Surge is still a member of the League, and a powerful one at that." Brock stated in his attempt to be helpful. Though I wasn't sure if he was trying to help us or Wendy.

I also had to hold back a biting remark about how Surge WAS a member of Team Rocket, and not at all likely to help me fight against them. The good news was that once I took Surge down, the Rockets wouldn't have their main source of import for illegal foreign Pokemon anymore.

However Surge was nothing compared to Sabrina, who was already being considered the strongest psychic of the age since her debut less than a year ago. From what I recalled hearing, she defeated the Gym Leader of Saffron city so soundly that there was no opposition to her taking over the Gym and turning it from a fighting type to a psychic type.

The former Leader had even 'fled' the city on a journey to become stronger, leaving his disciples to start and run their own dojo since they were no longer allowed to use the Gym.

I wasn't prepared to mention this to everyone just yet though. The girls of course after we left, and the professor in private, but not Brock and the rest.

So, I just smiled at Brock's idea to rely on Surge for assistance, despite the fact that he would probably be the very man I would be fighting against in Vermillion. Of course, my biggest concern with taking Surge down was wether or not I'd still get my Thunder Badge for it.

But, there was another thing Jessie told me that I wasn't going to hesitate to share.

"Professor, what can you tell me about the SS Anne?"

(A.N. Sorry for the longer and longer delays recently. I work full time and the summer is my busiest season, so I don't write as much. Plus my schedule has been pretty messed up for the last month, so that's been hurting my time as well.)