Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 13 - Truth

Chapter 13 - Truth

Sitting nestled deep within the western mountains of Kanto resided one of the most sought after and majestic buildings in the entire region, where the strongest trainers of the Kanto and Johto regions resided. The Indigo Plateau.

It was here that the Elite Four acted as the ruling body over both regions, with the Champion at their head. At the moment however, a certain individual was casually walking through the halls of the Indigo Plateau that was not a member of the Elite Four, a tall Dragonite at his side.

"Samuel." A raspy voice uttered out loud, drawing professor Oak's attention to an elderly woman that was hunched over a sinister looking cane with a rainbow colored gem mounted to the top.

"Agatha." Oak said in a curt but polite tone, before he nodded politely to her shadow as it seemingly shifted with a mind of its own.

"Professor Oak! What bring you here?" Boomed a voice that made both Oak and Agatha flinch, as a hulking behemoth of a man strode over towards them.

"Bruno. Unfortunately I'm here on business today." Oak replied as he accepted the beefy hand Bruno offered him, and tried not to wince as it crushed his.

Oak then looked around curiously before asking, "where's Alastair?"

"That old fool is away right now. He says he's going to retire soon, and needs to find a successor." Agatha said with a bit of a sneer, before Bruno followed up with,

"There's a promising young woman who specializes in ice type Pokemon that he's been training. He's hoping that she'd be ready to make her debut by the next conference." Oak nodded in understanding, though part of him was a little bit disappointed he wasn't able to meet his old friend.

While Agatha was his rival back in the day, Alastair was the only other remaining member of the Elite Four from professor Oak's days as Champion.

Since it couldn't be helped, professor Oak simply continued on his way through the halls while making small talk with Bruno, while Agatha occasionally added her input on something. When they finally reached his destination though, Oak sighed before grabbing one the Pokeballs he kept on himself.

Opening the doors, the group was greeted by a beastial roar that Oak calmly tossed his Pokeball out to.

"Can you take care of this Arcanine?" He asked calmly, as a large canine covered in majestic red and tan fur appeared.

"NINE!" Arcanine cried out challengingly, before a Pokemon covered in orange scales with a flame at the tip of its tail swooped down to do battle.

"CHAR!" The Charizard roared as it charged with its entire body cloaked in flames, to which Arcanine charged forward as flames ignited within its fur as well.


There was an explosion of fire as the two clashed, which Dragonite protected Oak and the other two from with the heat and flames its body, before moving out of the way to reveal the Charizard laying on the ground, unconscious.

The flames from their clash had barely cleared when another roar rang out, and a dragon type with three heads rushed towards Arcanine while amassing dragon type energy in its center mouth. Arcanine responded by amassing fire type energy in its jaws, before exhaling it in a powerful torrent of flames as the Flamethrower clashed with the Hydreigon's unleashed Dragon Breath.

The two attacks collided in an explosion of power as the two Pokemon continued pouring more energy into their attacks, while another roar echoed out as a surge of water approached Arcanine from the side.

Breaking off the Flamethrower suddenly, Arcanine avoided both attacks by using Extreme Speed to close the distance between itself and the Hydreigon instantly.



Two hits landed on the dragon type that sent it flying into the wall, as Arcanine used Double Kick on it before disappearing once more, and reappearing next to the Gyarados that tried to attack it with a Surf.


Sparks arcing from within its mouth, Arcanine bit down on the Gyarados as electricity from the Thunder Fang penetrated its body, instantly knocking it out.

"Honestly..." Professor Oak said once it was apparent no more Pokemon were going to make an appearance.

"Don't you ever get tired of greeting me like this Lance?" He asked the man who walked in to check on his team, the current Champion and most powerful figure in the entire Kanto and Johto regions.


For the next week my life was a curious mix of eventful and uneventful due to my arm and leg being wrapped in casts.

In the morning I get up with Riolu and do a bit of review on his training, before spending the morning meditating until our lessons began at noon. Once they were done I'd spend the rest of the day with May and Dawn while Ash or Daisy occasionally joined us, before retiring to take a bath with the three girls.

The mothers justified it as 'bridal training', which told me they apparently REALLY wanted me as a future son-in-law, while I think my mom was just excited about the idea of having a bunch of daughters in the future.

And since I couldn't get out and do much even as I spent time with the girls, I instead added a few tasteful drawings of them to my notebook. They of course looked over my notes and drawings as well when we were bored, taking a few pointers for themselves when they got their own Pokemon in the future as well.

I didn't mind of course, since hopefully we'd be traveling together anyways.

And finally, after an agonizing week of suffering from chronic boredom, the day finally came where I could get my casts off, which was also the day before May and Dawn went home.

"FREEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" I cried out like I was liberating Scotland, when a couple of professor Oak's assistants used some of the tools in the lab to cut them off. And the second afterwards I began scratching the itches on my leg and arm that had been plaguing me for the past week, nearly orgasming as I did so. That feeling was almost better than sex...almost.

"Feel better?" Dawn asked with a humorous smirk on her face, to which I just nodded while saying,

"You have NO idea..." My relief must've been funny to everyone since they were laughing lightly, but I didn't care. Also, I had ANOTHER scar in the shape of a bite mark under the cast on my arm, where the Houndour used Bite on me.

Mom looked somewhat sad when she saw yet another permanent mark on my skin, but didn't say anything about it.

"So what now?" May asked as she traced her fingers over the scars on my arm.


"Exactly. Now I can get back to training so the next time I'll be the one kicking ass, not the other way around."

"Language." Mom said while grabbing onto my ear, before adding, "and you shouldn't plan to get into something like that again!" I didn't say anything and just smiled wryly at her 'mom voice', knowing better than to try and reason with her.

Thankfully I didn't have to say anything as Caroline muttered to Johanna,

"If he was like that with one arm and leg, I wonder how he's gonna be with BOTH of them?"

"I know! Hopefully three girls will be enough..."

My face twitched as the two mothers began gossiping and giggling as if I, and their own daughters, weren't there, making me wonder what was actually going through their heads.

Surprisingly May and Dawn only had a slight blush on their cheeks from the gossiping, having developed fairly thick skin after all the 'bridal training' they underwent in the last week.

Their gossiping however reminded me of something I'd been meaning to talk to the girls about before they left, so I said to them,

"How about a walk together? Maybe to a certain little waterfall I know of?" If Dragonite didn't destroy it too... I added inwardly with a sly look at the dragon type in the corner, who appeared obliviously unaware of what I was thinking about him.

"If it's safe this time..." Dawn said shyly, to which professor Oak readily said,

"I've upped security in this entire area since then. I dare Giovanni to try anything now." With a more venom in his voice then I ever heard professor Oak use before, it would be an understatement to call me surprised at how he talked about the Gym Leader. Apparently the professor fully believed me about his involvement in Team Rocket now.

Unfortunately though, there was absolutely no evidence of Giovanni's involvement to be used against him, meaning that the League couldn't move against him just yet. And with professor Oak on guard against him, I was sure that Pallet town was safe for the foreseeable future.

So, without further concern over our safety, I led the three girls out of the lab to go have our talk. Behind us I could hear Ash try to follow, only for mom to keep him from doing so to give us some privacy.

With the girls on my heel, along with Riolu and Vulpix, I quickly led them in the direction towards my house, where I stopped briefly and said to them,

"Wait here for a moment. There's something inside that I need to get." Without waiting for their response, I hurried into the house and upstairs, taking them two at a time despite my right leg still being a bit stiff and awkward.

In my room I retrieved a key that I kept hidden and used it to open a locked drawer in my desk, within which was a thick and heavy notebook. Grabbing it, I relocked the drawer and swiftly returned to the girls outside before continuing on our way into the forest.

As we walked I could hear the girls discussing what I wanted to talk to them about, each one giving voice to a different theory and hope. But as we got further, my attention was grabbed by the destruction caused to the forest from the battle a week and a half ago.

Much of the vegetation was charred black where it had been burned by the fires, while we quickly also arrived at the foot of the great chasm created by Dragonite, which looked like an ugly scar across the land itself.

Thankfully though, going by the way the scar was pointed, the swimming hole that I took the girls to before was still intact. Plus I could see numerous grass and ground type Pokemon working along the scar and the burned areas, smoothing the ground out and pollinating it to help the destroyed vegetation recover faster.

Many of them happily greeted Daisy and I when they noticed our presence, due to them being from professor Oak's collection, while several also tried to play with Riolu and Vulpix. Unfortunately though we had to break the playtime up so the Pokemon could get back to work, and so we could get to our destination.

After leaving the working Pokemon behind, the four of us continued on our way until we reached the swimming hole that I had brought May and Dawn to before, and that Daisy would often go to with Ash and myself since we found it.

"You know..." May began with a sly smile. "I didn't get to bring my swimsuit this time either."

Daisy and Dawn both giggled at May's comment, while I just snorted at her and said,

"If we go swimming, I'll just strip you naked and we can go skinny dipping. It's not like I haven't seen it all before." May adopted a look of mock distress at my comment, moving her hands as if to cover herself as she said dramatically,

"You brute!" I just smirked at her faux distress, setting my notebook down as I slowly sauntered up to her with an evil look.

May fluttered her eyelashes as she pretended to shy away from my approach, and I could hear her heart pounding louder with each step I took with my aura enhanced senses. While I WAS tempted to just strip her then and there and throw her into the water below, I hadn't brought them here for that.

So, restraining my primal and evil urges, I surprised May by grabbing her waist and bringing her close so our bodies were pressed up against one another, and our faces were only a an inch or two apart. I then wrapped my arms around her waist and butt, making sure she couldn't get away from me, before my smirk widened.

"What are you- KYAAA!"

May screamed out as I leapt up into the air, forcing her to cling to me for dear life as we flew towards the rock we laid on before together. My lack of practice in directly using my aura enhanced strength was evident though, as we were about to overshoot the rock and land in the water.

With a thought, an amber colored projection appeared in the air that I kicked off against to fix our trajectory, shattering it as I did so.

'I need to learn how to make them stronger....' I thought to myself as May and I gently landed on the rock, despite the fact that I only managed to successfully make an aura projection a few days ago.

Putting that thought to the back of my mind for the moment though, I smiled wryly as I looked down at May, who was still clinging to me for dear life.

"You can let go now May." I told with humor in my voice, to which she slowly opened her eyes to see that we were in fact on solid ground.


"Jerk." May pouted as she thumped her fist against my chest, making my smile more genuine at her fairly cute reaction.

I then surprised her by quickly pecking her on the lips, before releasing my hold as I turned back to the bank.

With a bit more control than before, I leapt back to the bank where Daisy and Dawn were waiting for me, the amusement going out of their eyes when they realized they were next.

"Upsie Daisy!" I said while sweeping Daisy into a princess carry, her Vulpix curled up tightly in her arms as I did so.

"Don't you dare drop me!" Daisy exclaimed, right before I leapt up into the air to land on the rock once again with noticeably more grace.

"Phew....." Daisy sighed with relief as I set her down, while Vulpix immediately leapt down onto the rock to begin sniffing around it curiously.

With the two of them and Vulpix now safely on the rock, I leapt back to the bank one last time to retrieve Dawn, who had picked up my notebook to hold onto. Before I could go to pick her up though, Dawn nimbly dodged my hands with a playful gleam in her eyes.

With a smile tugging at the corner of my lips, I moved faster than she could dodge and grabbed Dawn by the waist before quickly sealing her lips with my own. With Dawn momentarily pacified by the kiss, I swept her up into my arms and made the final leap over to the rock.

By this point the only one still not on the rock was Riolu, but that was ok since I already told him what I was going to tell the girls a couple nights ago. Instead the little Pokemon was currently practicing his swimming, as he doggy-paddled across the swimming hole.

"So what did you want to talk to us about that we had to come all the way here?" Daisy asked while keeping an eye on Vulpix, who was cautiously pawing the water.

"And why'd you bring this notebook?" Dawn asked as well as she scrutinized the book in her hands, which was also locked with a padlock.

Instead of immediately answering I motioned for everyone to sit down, before adopting a serious expression as I looked over the three of them.

Daisy was currently dressed in a flowing yellow sundress that seemed to make her blonde hair glow in the sun.

She was the one I had known amongst the three of them the longest, and what someone would consider the 'childhood friend' despite being three years older than me. And it was probably because of the fact that we were together almost every single day for the past five years, and there was pretty much no other boys in Pallet town near our age, that she began developing feelings for me.

My gaze then shifted to May, who was dressed in her signature red tank top and compression shorts, neither of which did much to hide her budding figure from my lecherous gaze. Then I looked to Dawn, in her signature top and skirt as well, though I couldn't help but notice that she was sitting in a way that blatantly displayed her panties to me.

Both girls were lovely in each their own way.

May was outgoing and exciting, wanting to go new places and try new things all the time, with a competitive streak that I had seen firsthand as she readily competed with Daisy and Dawn when she could, especially during our baths.

Dawn on the other hand was more reserved and modest, or at least she was when we first met, but after her walls came down I had been able to find a playful and carefree girl in her place.

Though my relationship with both girls paled significantly against the time I'd spent with Daisy, I had grown to deeply care for both in the short time we'd known each other. In comparison, even if they had been messing around or toying with the idea of dating me when I brought them here before, me 'sacrificing' myself for them surely had a large impact on their maidenly hearts, which would also explain some of the extremes they'd pushed themselves to in the last week.

No matter who I looked upon out of the three of them, I saw someone who I wanted to spend more time and grow even closer with in the future, each girl filling me with feelings that I never experienced in my past life. But with these feelings came two factors that worried me, a beastly desire, and concern for their well being.

"There's two things I wanted to talk to you three about if we are going to stay together..." I finally began, making all three sit up attentively as they waited to hear what I was going to say. Deciding to start with the less impactful subject first, I then told them,

"Firstly, the three of you need to take responsibility for the beast you've awoken." The trio of girls cocked their heads to the side in confusion at my words, as May asked me,

"What do you mean?" Looking to the girl, my serious expression was replaced by another more predatory look, as I said while leaning closer to her,

"I mean, that you've all awoken something you shouldn't have with your antics this last week. And now I need for all of you to either take responsibility, or accept that it might take more than the three of you to satisfy me in the future."

May just scoffed my words as she stated, "so you're saying that you want MORE girls in the future?! Sorry buster, not gonna happen!" With both Dawn and Daisy nodding and voicing their agreement, I just smiled cockily before saying,

"Ok then, the three of you will just have to try and keep up with me, starting tonight." Seeing my confident smirk and attitude, I saw a flash of uncertainty within the girl's eyes as they realized I was serious. If they couldn't keep up, then they'd have no choice but share even more in the future.

But even that paled in comparison to what I wanted to discus next, as I added,

"Of course, that's only if you want to stay together to begin with." This confused them as well, as Dawn this time asked,

"The part of more women aside, why wouldn't we want to stay together with you?"

With three sets of curious eyes boring a hole through me, I unlocked my notebook before leafing through the pages until I found the one I was looking for.

"When I was younger I had a dream about a Pokemon more powerful than any other I ever heard of, a Pokemon calling itself Arceus." As I said this I pulled out the page I wanted, and showed the girls the drawing of the Pokemon on it. And as they scrutinized it, I told them,

"Arceus told me that this world would face numerous dangers in the future, and he wanted me to help combat these dangers when I grew up, or the world itself could be destroyed." The girls looked up at me in alarm when they heard that, none finding any words to say when they saw the seriousness in my eyes.

Though I was obviously leaving out several key points, like my first life and how I was reborn specifically for this purpose, I decided to tell the three of them the truth of my future. The reason for this was that I didn't want May and Dawn to travel with me in the future without knowing of the potential dangers involved, and I refused to leave them in the dark when they could potentially be injured because of my fate, or even killed.

Though they may have been dragged into numerous conflicts in the games and anime originally anyways, I intended to give the two of them the chance to choose this time around. But if they couldn't bring themselves to face the dangers involved, or share me with other women for that matter, then tomorrow could very well be the last time I ever see either of them as they go home.