Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 15 - A Short Trip

Chapter 15 - A Short Trip

After May and Dawn left the days passed swiftly as I settled into a new routine.

Waking up first thing in the morning, Riolu and I would dress in our equipment and training Gi's before dragging Ash out of bed to begin our morning run. After that we would go through a series of exercises that were designed to work every single muscle in our bodies, before ending our morning sessions with some yoga.

Hey, don't knock the yoga. Not only does it help with the flexibility, but I got soooooo much ass by going to yoga classes in my previous life, some of which wasn't even married.

After yoga we'd have our breakfast, before going to professor Oak's to start our work. While Ash and I did our work everyday, Riolu would only join us every other day as he continued his training on his own, before joining us as our classes started at noon.

Incidentally, there was one day that Riolu didn't join us for our classes, saying when I questioned him afterwards that they were boring and useless. So I taught Machop a new move, which it promptly used on Riolu to kick his ass yet again the next time they sparred. Needless to say he didn't skip a lesson again after that.

For the rest of the day after our lessons, we usually varied it quite a bit. Sometimes Riolu and I would work out some more to build some extra muscle, and sometimes we sparred against one another for combat practice. More often we would work on him learning a new move to use in battles, after he mastered the five I bought from Silph Co.

And I'd have to say, Riolu was developing quite the impressive arsenal of moves to use on his opponents.

The next thing I knew two years has passed, Ash, Gary and I were all fourteen with three years left until we began our journey. Meanwhile Daisy had spent the last two years blossoming into a truly beautiful woman.

Despite being three years older than us, Ash and I both stood at the same height as Daisy, while her figure was fine enough to draw the eye of every man in town as she walked by. With a bountiful bust and plump ass, Daisy's little Vulpix had a hard time keeping other men away from her on my behalf until that fateful day.

The events that took place during May and Dawn's visit had drastically changed mine and Daisy's relationship, from one of a boy and girl who were really close, to a young man and woman who were constantly in a game of grab-ass. However, no matter what we did to one another when no one else was paying attention, we never crossed that final line. Never, until Daisy's seventeenth birthday.


"Ace..." Daisy moaned my name as she slowly lowered her hips down onto mine, engulfing my cock within her tight and trembling quim until all of it was inside of her.

The beautiful blonde woman smiled as she felt me twitching inside of her, before leaning down to plant her lips upon my own. Our tongues engaged in a battle of their own as they became entangled with one another, with her rock hard nipples pressing into my chest while my hands went straight to her ass cheeks.

"You vixen." I whispered to her when our lips eventually separated, making Daisy smirk as she began rocking her hips slowly.

Despite giving me her virginity only the night before, two years of constant teasing from my fingers and tongue had left the woman in my arms insatiable as we had sex six times the night before, and she had jumped me again this morning before the sun could rise. Unfortunately for her though, I was used to marathons thanks to my previous life, and had spent the majority of this life turning my own body into a living weapon. Plus I had developed a bit of a cheat.

Flipping her over suddenly, so that I was on top while Daisy was laying on her back below me, I began to piston in and out of her at an increasing pace that made her struggle to keep her voice down. With our eyes remaining locked on one another though, I could see a slight amber glow in hers as I channeled my aura before concentrating it on my cock and balls, making Daisy stifle a gasp as I grew even larger within her.

"C-cheater..." Daisy pouted at the unfairness as I ravaged her insides, before she had to literally clamp her hand over her mouth as I assaulted her G-spot with my little head, before doing so again.

I could feel Daisy's inner walls clamping down on me tighter with each thrust, until less than a minute later she had to bite my shoulder to hold in her screams as she violently came on my dick. And as her insides spasmed around me, I too soon came as I painted her insides white yet again.

Pulling Daisy up so that she was sitting in my lap as we both orgasmed, I kissed her yet again so that both of our mouths were too busy to make any noise, while both her arms and legs wrapped around me tightly.

There we sat as we came down from our respective orgasms, though my cock was still rock hard inside her, until Daisy finally said, "You can't cum inside me so much.... What if I got pregnant?!"

Though I was about to tell her not to worry since I was infertile, I quickly caught myself as I recalled that wasn't the case in this life, meaning I could very well knock her up. Unfortunately I couldn't undo an entire lifetime's habit, but I could think of an alternative.

"You know...." I began with a coy voice. "We don't have to worry about that if we were to try something else..." As I said that the fingers on my hand slowly trailed down Daisy's back to her butt, before slipping into the crack to locate their quarry.

Daisy shuddered as my fingers began toying with her butthole, swirling around her anal rim before one slowly entered it. Daisy gasped as I buried my middle finger up the first joint, then the second, before the entire digit was inside her ass as I swirled it around.

"Your fingers and tongue are one one thing, 'that' is something else entirely... It's too big!" Daisy said as I continued to finger-fuck her asshole, frustrating me though I didn't show it on my face.

While I was about to counter that it was definitely smaller than a baby's head, my words caught in my throat as we both heard someone coming up the stairs.

"Sis! Wake up!" Gary called out, making Daisy and I both move as she quickly leapt off of me, letting my still wet cock go free. I quickly leapt off of her bed while collecting my discarded clothes from the night before, as Daisy opened her window while hissing,


With the experience from banging many a man's daughter(s) and wives, I leapt through the open window right before Gary reached the door. The moment I landed on the grass I could heard Daisy shrieking at her brother for entering her room without knocking, keeping him distracted as I slinked across the yard, naked as the day I was born with my clothes in my arms.

Thankfully there still wasn't too many people up this early in the morning, so I managed to get home without running into anyone as I leapt up to my own open window.

Inside my room I found Riolu sitting in my bed, twice a big as when he hatched and giving me an unamused look as I grabbed a clean set of clothes.

"What?" I asked my Pokemon without a hint of shyness, to which he angrily declared,

"Ri lu Riolu!" I flinched a bit at my partner's accusatory tone, as he could feel my arousal through our connection the entire time I was fucking Daisy last night. While that in itself wasn't too unusual, as he said he'd feel it whenever we messed around before, this time was bit different since it was so strong he couldn't even sleep.

"Maybe you could meditate?" I suggested to him, making the Pokemon huff irritably as he turned away from me.



I replied as he called me a bitch, though there was a bit of a smirk at the corners of both our mouths as we called each other names.

Now dressed and ready, Riolu and I began our usual morning routine, though it was a bit later than usual because of my time with Daisy, as we got Ash out of bed.

A quick run, workout, and yoga session later, we then had breakfast before making our way to the professor's lab. Surprisingly, professor Oak was waiting for me as he said, "Hello Ace, I've got a bit of a special job for you today."

Even with nothing showing in the professor's expression, my mind immediately went to him knowing that I had been balls deep in his granddaughter a mere couple hours ago.

Thankfully though, that didn't seem to be the case as he handed me a parcel and said,

"I need this mailed immediately, but the usual ship that I'd send outgoing post on isn't going to be here for another couple weeks. Can you make the trip to Viridian city to mail it for me? I already set up a room at the Pokemon Center for you to stay in overnight."

To call me surprised would be an understatement before my mouth transitioned to massive grin at the opportunity.

"Really? You want me to go?!" I exclaimed gleefully, making Gary glare at me from behind his grandfather. He had already repeatedly called me a 'cheater' when out of his grandfather's earshot due to me having Riolu, and asked several times to get his own Pokemon as well since it wasn't 'fair'.

Of course professor Oak had refused every time, and tried to explain how it had been out of his, and my control when Riolu hatched for me. Personally, I believed he had a grudge against Riolu after the way they met, which Daisy told me about.

"Yes really." Professor Oak said to my exclamation, before adding, "you have your own Pokemon, and Riolu isn't a newborn anymore. You should both be able to make the trip fairly easily, especially since there shouldn't be any significantly powerful Pokemon between here and there. So, what do you say?"

"Yes!" I declared the second the professor finished speaking, eager for a chance to spread my wings a bit even if it was just a quick trip to Viridian.


A short while later I had thrown together some clothes and other supplies in my backpack, and said goodbye to mom, Daisy and Ash before Riolu and I departed.

Walking to the northern edge of Pallet town, I was dressed in a pair of loose jeans that wouldn't restrict my movements, my weighted black boots, a black shirt that covered the weighted vest on my body, and a dark green jacket similar to the one Ash wore in the anime.

Riolu meanwhile was dressed in his black training Gi with the Muscle Band on his arm as per the usual, which was helpful in hiding the numerous pieces of training equipment he was wearing from view.

"Wanna race?" I asked Riolu as we passed the boundary separating town and Route 1, making him look up at me sharply before he barked,


I quickly began channeling my aura through my body before both of us shot forward, kicking up a small cloud of dust as we did so.

After spending two years wearing my weighted clothing almost constantly I could barely feel it as we ran, the same of which could be said for Riolu as he kept pace with me on his notably shorter legs.

While the professor said that the trip would usually take an entire day when he'd send one of his usual assistants, Riolu and I planned to make it in a few hours as we raced over the rocky terrain. We didn't even take the actual path as we leapt over rocks, logs, and even small streams that were in our way as we went straight forward.

As Riolu and I ran though, we could both feel the auras of the Pokemon that had made Route 1 their home, Rattata, Pidgey, Spearow, Oddish, and even the odd Sentret that had made its way over from Johto.

As I was immersing myself in the different Pokemon that could be found around here though, Riolu and I both sensed a more powerful aura swiftly headed towards us, one full of hostility.

As we slowed and readied ourselves for whatever was approaching, Riolu and I were both surprised to see a Pidgey that was twice as large as any Pidgey I had ever seen before, standing nearly two feet tall. And for some reason, it was completely pissed off at us.

"Think you can handle this bud?"

"'Ri!" Riolu barked back at me, insulted that I even asked.

"Gee!" The little Pidgey cried as it rushed us and flapped its wings violently, moving faster than it should have due to activating the move Agility beforehand, as numerous blades of wind bore down on both Riolu and myself.

"Ri!" Riolu cried out as amber energy covered his body, indicating his use of the move Quick Guard to guard himself and I from the blades of wind.

Thanks to this he didn't take much damage, despite being weak to flying type moves, and before the Pidgey could recover from its attack he rushed forwards to deliver a Quick Attack combined with Ice Punch.

Crystals of ice coated the fur around Riolu's paw as he suddenly appeared before the Pidgey, surprising it even before he delivered a strong ice-powered punch to it.

"Pi-" the Pidgey began to cry in alarm, before the frozen energies transferred from Riolu's fist into it, generating a layer of ice that covered the flying type's body, and freezing it.

"Well done." I praised Riolu for finishing the battle so quickly.

"Lu!" He barked proudly in response, saying 'of course!' I shook my head wryly at my partner's pride, and threw one last look at the frozen Pidgey before we departed.

For the first time I lamented the fact that we couldn't catch Pokemon just yet, as this little bird was perhaps the strongest Pidgey I had ever seen. And if I had to guess, based off of its size and strength, this little guy was a young Alpha Pokemon, making the decision to leave him behind hurt that much more.

We had recently begun learning about Alpha Pokemon in professor Oak's lessons, Pokemon with a rare and powerful lineage that made them larger and stronger than their brethren. They were desired by all who knew of them, and owning one was seen as a symbol of a great trainer with a bright future.

Riolu scoffed at my longing to capture the Alpha Pidgey, making me shake my head at him as we continued onward, leaving the frozen bird behind.


"Haaaaaaaa....." Nurse Joy let out a long and troubled sigh as she sat at the counter of the Pokemon Center, frustration and melancholy filling her heart.

"Hello Nurse Joy." A young man said to her as he walked by.

"Hello." She said while putting on a fake smile, before her earlier melancholy returned after he left.

'Nurse Joy, Nurse Joy, Nurse Joy... Does anyone ever sees us as anything other than Nurse Joys?' She thought to herself with a silent grumble, her mood souring even more as she watched her older sister walk by the front doors to the Pokemon Center with her boyfriend. The same boyfriend that had confessed to HER when he mistook her for her older sister.

All at once the rage Nurse Joy had felt when the mistake was brought to light filled her once more, and she silently cursed the man for ruthlessly breaking her heart when he realized she wasn't the Nurse Joy he had meant to confess too.

What she couldn't understand, was how none of her sisters, aunts, cousins, and mother seemed perturbed by the same things she was.

They looked the same, had the same name, pursued the same career paths, but they were also individually different. Yet for some reason no one ever seemed to realize this!

They all saw every single Nurse Joy as one and the same, which was completely ridiculous!

"Chansey!" A pink egg-shaped Pokemon cried out as it approached her, apparently sensing her frustration.

"I'm sorry Chansey..." Nurse Joy said while patting her partner, who had only recently evolved from a Happiny a year or so ago. Around the time she had transferred to the Pokemon Center from the Viridian hospital.

As Nurse Joy was happily patting her Chansey, the front doors to the Pokemon Center opened with a small ding, making her face forward professionally while saying,

"Welcome to the Pokemon Center. Would you like me to heal your Pokemon to full health?" She chanted the usual line as the young man, about five or six years younger than her, approached her with a peculiar Pokemon by his side.

Though it wore a black Gi that obscured most of its body while a yellow band was tied around its arm, that wasn't strange to Nurse Joy. After all, there were plenty of people who loved to dress up their Pokemon in numerous outfits and accessories.

What made the small Pokemon so peculiar to her was that it was unlike any of the Pokemon she was used to seeing on a day-to-day basis, and Nurse Joy saw A LOT of Pokemon. Yet at the same time, she couldn't help the feeling in the back of her mind that she had seen it somewhere before at the same time.

Before she could place where she had seen it before, the young man, who was obviously too young to even participate in the Pokemon League, said,

"Hello, nice to see you again Nurse Joy. We're just here to drop off a package for professor Oak, and there should also be a room reserved for me for the night under his name as well." Though she accepted the package absentmindedly, Nurse Joy paused slightly as she registered something the young man said.

"Have we met before?" She asked him with genuine curiosity, as, while she didn't doubt he was confusing her for one of her sisters or cousins, like everyone else, Nurse Joy couldn't help the nagging feeling that she had seen the young man and Pokemon before.

"At the hospital." He began before pointing to the scar across his left cheek and rolling up his left sleeve to reveal a nasty bite mark. "I was mauled by Houndour two years ago, and you were one of the Nurse Joys that was taking care of me."

Immediately Nurse Joy recalled where she had seen the young man and Pokemon before, but as she did so she grew confused, after all, there had to have been a dozen Nurse Joys working in the hospital at the time. How did he know she had been the one who brought him his meals and attended to him during his stay in the hospital?

"I'm sorry, but I think you have me confused for another Nurse Joy." She answered coolly, testing to see if he truly did recognize her, or just assumed she was the same Nurse Joy he had met before.

This time the young man grew confused as a soft amber glow filled his eyes, and he said,

"No, it was you. Even if all of the Nurse Joys in Viridian city were lined up in a row I'd still know it was you, and I'd also recognize your Pokemon. Hello Chansey, I see you evolved since the last time we met."

"Chans chans see!" Chansey said in a joyful tone as she greeted the boy, but beside her Nurse Joy's heart was pounding in her chest.

'He recognized me?!?' She thought to herself as her cheeks warmed unconsciously. 'Even if all of us were lined up, he'd still know which one was me!?! D-does he like me!?! Maybe....'

As she struggle to organize her errant thoughts, Nurse Joy looked the boy up and down appraisingly. Sure he was young, but he would be considered quite handsome for his age, and she believed he would grow even more handsome over the next couple of years.

Plus years of tending to people and Pokemon showed her that he was quite devoted to both maintaining his body, and his Pokemon. She could see the muscles along his arms and neck, not too thick, but just nicely toned to give him a chiseled look. Meanwhile his Pokemon, that she believed was called a Riolu if she remembered correctly, looked very healthy and close to him as well.

"My mistake." She eventually said after looking the boy, no...the MAN, over.

"I'm sorry about that, what was your name again?" She asked after trying, and failing to recall it.

"I'm Ace. Ace Ketchum." The man, Ace said to her. And even as she continued the process of getting him a room, Nurse Joy's mind was almost entirely filled with something else.

'Nurse Ketchum...'

'Joy Ketchum...'

'Ace and Joy Ketchum...'

'Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace. Ace....'

'Ketchum. Ketchum. Ketchum. Ketchum. Ketchum. Ketchum. Ketchum.....'