Chereads / Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 17 - Curse Them All

Chapter 17 - Curse Them All

A few hours after the sun rose the next day, I found myself sitting in the commons area of the Poekmon Center, with three very sore and worn out, yet very satisfied, ladies sitting next to me.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were 'too ballsy', were you..." Emerald groaned even as her entire lower body hurt, in a good way.

I just smirked with pride as I enjoyed my late breakfast, a LARGE pile of eggs, bacon, and pancakes after a long hard night of fucking, followed by a few quickies this morning. I felt fantastic thanks to my years of working my body, all the experience I accumulated from my previous life, and the aura that I was able to channel through my body.

The three girls however, didn't have the same advantages I did.

I had completely and utterly exhausted them, but left them thoroughly satisfied at the same time. To the point that the three cucks couldn't even look at us this morning, all the fire they had yesterday completely extinguished.

"Pinap juice?" Nurse Joy asked as she arrived with a platter of three glasses for the girls, which Sapphire and Emerald readily accepted, while Ruby shook her head and said,

"I'm allergic, sorry." Though her professional smile never faltered, I almost swore that I heard Nurse Joy click her tongue when she turned around. Looking at her curiously, I was about to ask about it when I noticed two pamphlets fall out of Joy's pocket that drifted to the ground.

"What are those?" I asked while reaching out to pick them up for her, making Nurse Joy look back and say,

"Oh! Thank you for picking those up Ace. They're pamphlets for the Ranger Union and Breeder Association." Even as she said that I happened to glance over the covers of the pamphlets curiously, and grew interested in them.

The first one had man on the cover wearing a white and red uniform with a small vest, and red cowboy hat, who was pointing at me with the words emblazoned beneath him, 'We Want YOU To Join The Ranger Union!'

Flipping through the pamphlet, I glanced over the information within it detailing how one joined the Ranger Union to become a Pokemon Ranger. Unfortunately becoming a Ranger required several years of work and learning at the actual Ranger Academy, but there was something else that caught my eye that could work as an alternative.

"Ranger Associate?" Ruby asked curiously as she looked at the pamphlet over my shoulder, to which I nodded while saying,

"Seems interesting, wouldn't you say partner?" As I said that I showed Riolu, who had been eating his own breakfast that had been made by the Pokemon Center staff.

Unlike a full-fledge Ranger, which required years of training, Ranger Associates were typically otherwise normal trainers who met the lowest requirements to become Rangers, and would act like extra eyes and ears for the Union while also helping out if they were short handed.

As for why I was interested in the Rangers, it was because they would be a good way to keep an ear out for any disasters and incidents going on throughout the different regions where they operated. Instead of going to the Academy and Union headquarters in the Almia region though, becoming a Ranger Associate seemed like the best option so I could still do the different League circuits, while also having a connection to the Rangers if something happened.

Riolu of course agreed as his eyes lit up from reading the pamphlet, and he cried out, "RI!"

Nodding in agreement, I put it into my backpack before looking over the other pamphlet as well, the one regarding the Breeder Association.

The Breeder Association was a group consisting entirely of Pokemon Breeders who primarily cared for and raised Pokemon from eggs. Many of their programs had saved numerous Pokemon species from extinction, like the Lapras, while I had also heard talk of numerous breeding programs being set up for the Pokemon being cloned from fossils to establish wild populations.

While I didn't necessarily have an interest in becoming a Breeder, there were numerous benefits to joining the Association that caught my eye, such as the leniency on Pokemon carry limits Breeders had. With the official League regulations, no Pokemon battle would involve more than six Pokemon on either side, and so that had also become the typical carry limit to also ensure trainers were able to properly care for the Pokemon they had with them.

Breeders however were an exception, as their whole livelihood was based around caring for and raising Pokemon. Even if I was just a member of the Association, and not a full-time Breeder, I'd still be able to carry around several extra Pokemon without them being a part of my actual team.

Then there was the resources and information that would be available to me as a Breeder.

By joining the Association, I'd be able to buy the same Pokemon food and ingredients that I was already buying from them at a discounted price, while I would also have access to their network to learn the information needed to ensure I could raise and train my Pokemon as healthily as possible.

Though the Breeders were usually pretty open with their knowledge in order to help all trainers raise their Pokemon properly, they had been becoming increasingly secretive lately due to the actions of certain crime groups, like Team Rocket, that were stealing and selling Pokemon for profit. None of them wanted the knowledge and tricks they had developed over the years to be used to manipulate the poor Pokemon that were victims of the group's misdeeds.

"Do you mind if I hang onto these?" I asked Nurse Joy when she returned from the kitchens.

"Of course. I was just going to use those to restock the ones up front, but if you want them then go ahead. We have plenty." With her permission, I placed the pamphlets into my backpack before returning to my breakfast, as I asked the girls,

"So what are guys going to do now?"

Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby glanced at each other at my question, before the green haired girl said,

"We're going to head to Viridian Forest to make our way to Pewter city, and begin our League circuit on our own." Sapphire nodded as she added,

"We were originally planning to go with our boyfriends, but I think it would be more enjoyable if it were just the three of us." The other two girls readily agreed with Sapphire's comment as I watched them glance at me, before Ruby asked,

"What about you Ace?" I just shrugged noncommittally before saying,

"I still have three years before I can start my circuit. I'll probably hit up a few stores for some things I can't get back at Pallet town before heading home...and I need to return those worthless condoms." The three girls laughed awkwardly when I mentioned the condoms, all of the ones we tried using having broke in some way while we were doing the dirty last night.

And if the ten condoms we tried using all broke, then I could only assume the other one hundred and ninety would as well. Talk about a waste of time and money.

Well, if the same store clerk from yesterday was there again then it'll be fun to see her reaction.

"Do you have anything specific in mind?" Emerald asked curiously, making me recall the pamphlets Nurse Joy had accidentally dropped.

"I was thinking of getting a few textbooks to study the material needed to be a Ranger and Breeder. Aside from that I think I'll pick up a couple things for my mom and brother."


I'll get you some chocolate too..." I told Riolu with a wry smile, making my partner pump his paw victoriously.


*The previous night*

A solitary Pidgey was slowly making it's way back to its nest, it's body occasionally shuddering despite the nice warm weather. Within its mind were two figures, a human, and a Pokemon it had never seen before.

Curse them.

That was the thought going through the Pidgey's mind as it made its way through the underbrush, it's wings still too stiff from being frozen to fly.

Curse them all.

Murderous intent poured off of the Pidgey as it thought about the humans, it's mind going back the events several months ago.

A group of humans had flooded the forest, dressed in black as they sent out numerous powerful Pokemon with collars around their necks.

Pidgey's father, the previous alpha of this region, had always told it about how it was important for humans and Pokemon to live together in harmony with one another. These humans however shattered every single idea he had about them though, as their collared Pokemon started attacking the Pokemon of the forest, beating them mercilessly before the humans captured them.

There was nothing harmonious about this, only destruction.

Immediately Pidgey's father, an alpha Pidgeot, took flight to repel the humans and their Pokemon. The battle that ensued would remain with the Pidgey for the rest of its life, as its father fought ferociously to defend their home and the Pokemon that lived there.

However it was all in vain, as one of the humans barked out an order to one of the Pokemon, and the sky opened up to unleash a Thunder so powerful, it slew Pidgey's father.

What happens afterwards was a blur to the little Pidgey, but the rest of the Pokemon worth catching were captured, leaving only the 'weak' Pidgey, Rattata, Oddish, Spearow, and the dead Pidgeot. Even its mother was amongst those who were captured, as a collar was strapped to her neck and she was forced to serve those that slew her mate.

Humans are evil.

That was what the Pidgey had learned from the encounter, swearing to become even more powerful than its father, and get revenge for its parents and friends one day.

But it was currently too weak, as shown when it challenged that human and Pokemon earlier, and it had easily been beaten.

It had to get stronger, so it could get revenge against all the humans someday.

As it was thinking, the Pidgey soon found itself at the base of the tree that was its home, the largest and tallest tree in the entire forest. After a couple minutes to stretch and warm up its wings, which had thawed out even more, the Pidgey flapped them to hop up onto one of the branches, before continuing into the next as it made its way to the massive nest at the top.

"Geeeee..." Pidgey released a low whine when it arrived at the nest that was its home, a large empty and cold space where it's mom and dad once stayed with it.

All of the discarded feathers and down that remained had been brought over to one side, where Pidgey made its way before nestling within the makeshift bed. It was going to be cold again, as it was every night since losing its parents warmth.

"Piii...." The little bird whined again, a single tear escaping its eye as it trailed down its beak, and dropped into the bed of down.

Roosting within the bed, the lonely Pidgey soon drifted off into an uneasy sleep, like it had every single night since that fateful day.


By the time the sun rose the next morning Pidgey had recovered from the battle completely, and was ready to find itself a hearty breakfast of berries with a possible Caterpie.

After finding something to eat, the Pidgey then spent its morning flitting about to find something to fight to train itself. Just as it was looking about from the branches of a particularly tall tree, Pidgey saw something that ruffled its feathers, and made it narrow its eyes in recognition.

"Gee!" Pidgey cried out as it took flight, and headed straight for its quarry as they casually strolled through IT'S forest. Perching in a tree directly above them, Pidgey watched as the human from the day before walked below it with the Pokemon that beat it at his side.

"So what do ya think? Wanna see if we can make a trip to Viridian more often?"


"Well yes, I did In fact enjoy my time with the three of them, but that's not the reason I asked."


"Ok, not the entire reason. But I think you'd agree that getting to fight in more battles would be good for training with all the trainers in Viridian city."


"Alright then!"

The Pidgey didn't know exactly what they were talking about, and it didn't care as it watched them going on their way below it.

Though its first instinct was to charge and attack, it had learned from its previous loss against the unusual Pokemon. So, it decided to study the human and Pokemon, looking for any weaknesses or openings that would allow it to get the advantage.

The Pidgey watched as the duo went on their way, disappearing from its sight, but it's hearing was still able to pick them up. Just as it was about to follow though, a voice from below startled it.

"That shameless bitch..... 'Allergic' my ass..... She probably just knew about the contraceptives I laced the juice with..... She better not be knocked up with MY Ace's child.... AceAceAceAceAceAceAce-"

Pidgey saw a pink female human that appeared to be stalking the male from behind, and for some reason scared it more than the male and his Pokemon did due to the fact that it hadn't even realized she was there until she started muttering to herself.

Shaking its head to clear it, Pidgey began following the male human while also trying to keep an eye on the female in case she proved dangerous.

Eventually the young flying type found itself reaching a human settlement as it continued following the human, where dozens of the evil humans resided.

Pidgey made sure to note all of the humans it saw as it followed its quarry to a particularly large human den, where its instincts warned it of danger due to the numerous stupidly powerful Pokemon within.

Thankfully it's target didn't stay inside too long, and was out within a matter of minutes as they continued on their way to a smaller, less dangerous, den. There, another pair of a humans met them that consisted of one older female, and another male that looked exactly like the one that Pidgey was stalking.

With all three of the humans and the Pokemon going inside the den, Pidgey found a nice tree branch to settle upon as it studied the den. It's design and construction disgusted Pidgey, affirming its opinion on humans even further since they were so inclined to actually live in such things.

A quiet rustle nearby revealed to Pidgey the pink female human from earlier, who had climbed the same tree as it to get a good look at the human's house.

"Perfect spot!" The human female exclaimed joyously, before a strange device on her began to chime.

"Yes?" She said to it after pressing something, before an angry voice roared,


The human woman grimaced as she Mareepily answered,

"I took a walk....?"

"Tauros shit! Get your ass back here, NOW!"

The device made another strange noise as it stopped talking, and the human woman grumbled as she started to climb down from the tree to presumably return home. Pidgey didn't care though, outside of there being one less thing for it to keep an eye on while studying how to beat this human and Pokemon.

And there the angry yet determined Pidgey sat, watching the strange den for what seemed like hours as the inhabitants remained inside. It wasn't until the sun started going down, and it was considering returning to the nest for the night, that there was movement that made Pidgey alert.

The human it had been tailing exited the den alongside the Pokemon, before both sat in the middle of the strange patch of grass and closed their eyes. Pidgey watched the duo intently as their breathing steadied, tensing its muscles as it prepared to attack.


Pidgey dove down upon the unsuspecting duo with their guard down, channeling flying type energy into its wings and beak to deliver a devastating Peck and Wing Attack.

Take this!

Pidgey thought as closed in on them like a speeding feathery bullet, before the human suddenly opened his glowing eyes and looked right at it.

"Gee!?" Pidgey exclaimed in shock, before the other Pokemon moved faster than it thought possible, and something suddenly hit it with enough force, that it's wing snapping was the last thing Pidgey heard before losing consciousness.


"Gee!" Pidgey cried out in alarm as it awoke, finding itself in the arms of the human as he tied some kind of restraint around its wing.

"Hold up there!" The human exclaimed as it tried to escape his grasp, only for a surge of pain to lance through the wing that the human was trying to restrain.

"See? You're only going to hurt yourself even more." The human said as he forcefully held Pidgey down, and continued applying the restraint.

"Piiiiiii..." Pidgey growled angrily, despite the intense shame it felt from being captured by a human.

"Enough of that." The human said sharply, tying up the restraint finally before letting it go. "There you go. A week or two and it'll be good as new."

Quickly hopping away from the human the second he released it, Pidgey quickly looked at its surroundings as it tried to find a way to escape. Unfortunately, that didn't seem possible since it appeared they were INSIDE the human den, but Pidgey quickly saw a square opening that led directly outside.

"GEE!" It cried out as it hopped as quickly as possible towards the opening, only to slam against an invisible wall that stood in its way.

"I get you want to get away, but you really shouldn't until your wing heals. Sorry, but a certain someone used more force than he should have." Pidgey turned towards the human to see him looking pointedly towards the other Pokemon, who barked irritably,


"I don't care. Beating your opponent is one thing, breaking their wing is another."

"Lu...." The Pokemon pouted as it looked away with it's arms crossed, while the human approached Pidgey at the 'window'.

"As for you, you're going to have to stay the night in here at least because of your wing. I'll let you out in the morning."


"No, you're not my prisoner. I was just wondering why you were stalking us all day."


"Nothing to say to a human, huh? Well alright then." Saying that, the human went and touched something on one of the walls, plunging them into darkness as he and the Pokemon went to the large and strange nest.

"You can nest down with us, or find another spot to sleep for the night. Either way, I'll see you in the morning."



With both of them crawling into the nest, Pidgey pondered its options as it put its mind towards escaping.

Unfortunately, it was too injured to break through the obstruction the human called a window. So Pidgey set to exploring the room to try and find a way out, but the closest it could find was a small gap where it could sense more of the human den beyond.

Soon exhaustion began to catch up to the Pidgey, making it thoughts sluggish as it decided to focus on sleeping if it couldn't escape. The question was where?

The floor was cold and empty, and the only thing it could use for nesting was the bits of cloth that lay here and there. But Pidgey immediately dismissed that idea since they all smelled strongly of the human.

The only other things around it were cold and hard, like rocks, limiting its options even further.

"Gee..." Pidgey swore as it hopped up onto the human's nest, where he and the strange Pokemon were fast asleep, or seemed like it like they tricked it earlier.

Keeping an eye on the two of them, Pidgey settled down on an empty spot on the nest where it wouldn't touch the human or Pokemon.

Its not cold...

That was the last thought to go through the pidgey said mind, before it fell into the most restful sleep it had since its parents had been taken from it.