the second I tell Jackson to run with miyu and Kai he hands me miyu and says " were leaving!". cole also hands misty to kasey and grabs her hand. before we even take a step kasey and misty get pulled into the portol. I panic and look at cole . hes about to jump in but then I fet pulled in with miyu. after I fall the portal closes. I was terrified. I see kasey crying beside a rock and walk over nervously. "k-kasey do you know where we are?" I ask making sure miyu was ok. I walk over and instead of kasey looking like she was crying she looked like she was eating something. "k-kasey?" I say hesitating. "ah!" says this deformed creature."ew! ah!" I scream but before o knew it miyu was floating and her tail grew gold and puffy and her bright green eyes sparkling and this golden light hits the creature. "awww miyu yes!" I say proudly. "nancy! are you ok?!" screams kasey waving and beside her misty standing up. "misty can walk?! and how come you look like a warrior in 10 minutes?!" I ask tickling misty. "yes misty can walk and 10 minutes over there in our world is like 10 years here! miyu will be up and walking in no time!" exclaims kasey. "what happened here? what was that thing that looked like you?!" I ask her still confused. "it's like a apocalypse and that thing that looked like me is like a zombie" she says tiredly.