Chereads / Devotion [BL] / Chapter 26 - Possession

Chapter 26 - Possession

From afar, he watched as Ren's face lit up for the person who just arrived at the restaurant.

The man was, Kozuka had to admit grudgingly, attractive. He touched Ren's elbow in a familiar gesture. They didn't stop talking even as they sat down at a table by the window, giving Kozuka a clear view from his car.

They must be regulars at the humble establishment. The manager came by and greeted them like old friends.

What struck Kozuka was how happy Ren looked. He was an easy-going and friendly person, someone who naturally attracted others without even trying. But he was also fiercely private and there was a barrier which he kept.

Ren was now laughing and he seemed to be teasing his dinner companion. The other man appeared to be the quiet type but when he spoke, he sent Ren blushing and won a hot, flirtatious smile from the brown-haired man which caused Kozuka's blood to race.

When they left, the street was quiet and Ren had a mischievous grin on his face. He tiptoed slightly and gave the man a quick kiss.

The man was taken by surprise and gave Ren a reproaching look, although his hand reached out to ruffle Ren's hair affectionately.

Kozuka stared in disbelief. The pair strode down the street and turned into an exit to the metro.

He gritted his teeth.

This was what Ren had left him for? An unknown, ordinary man? It defied logic.


They were kissing madly in bed and Ren managed in a helpless laugh between gasps for air.

"We just did it yesterday!"

"You're too cute." Shinobu was unrepentant. "Turns me on."

"Pervert." Ren might say that but he was quite happy to be ravaged by the man above him.

They were on the verge of removing each other's clothes when the doorbell rang incessantly. They tried to ignore it for the first couple of times but it didn't stop.

"Shit," Shinobu cursed as he backed off. Ren pouted and sighed.

"I'll get it. You look like you're about to kill someone."

"I AM about to kill someone."

Ren laughed and they both climbed out of bed reluctantly. He washed his face and pulled a sweater over.

"Coming!" he shouted as he went to the door. "Who is it?"

Looking out of the door hole when no one answered, Ren was shocked to see Kozuka standing there.

He opened the door and stared. "Kozuka! I-This is a surprise!"

Kozuka smiled. "Apologies for the intrusion. I was in the neighbourhood and thought I'd try my luck."

"I didn't know you are back in the country!" Ren was incredulous. "Please, come in. Sorry it might be a mess. We weren't expecting any visitors."

"Thank you for having me." Kozuka bowed politely as he followed Ren into the living room, noting the tasteful furniture. Nevertheless, the couch was inviting, and the table had an assortment of books and other items on it. Pictures lined the shelf on the wall.

This was a home, he realised.

"Please sit." Ren gestured to one of the couches. "Can I get you coffee? How did you know where I live?"

"Fuumi mentioned it to me when I bumped into her," Kozuka lied, mentioning one of their common course mates. "Coffee would be great, thanks."

"Oh, Fuumi?" Ren grinned. "Sure, I'll be right back."

Kozuka took the opportunity to examine the pictures on the shelf. Some were random, beautiful shots of places. A few of a group of people with Ren and the man. A couple of the pictures, almost camouflaged by the more vibrant ones surrounding them, were of two of them alone.

The first was old. Ren was in his high school uniform, leaning against what seemed to be a school fence with a wide grin. The other man, smiling slightly, was next to him.

So they knew each other from back then.

The second was more recent. It must have been a spontaneous shot taken by a third person. Ren and the man were browsing a catalogue in a store. An ordinary scene but even on a piece of paper, the air of intimacy was unmistakable.

Kozuka narrowed his eyes.

"Here you go!" Ren announced. "Oh, you are looking at the pictures!"

His smile back on, Kozuka turned around and took the coffee, murmuring words of thanks.

"You have some really nice pictures," he remarked as they both sat down. "They must mean a lot to you."

Ren agreed. "Most of them are friends from home before I went abroad. We still stay in touch so that's been great."

"You live here alone?" Kozuka inquired. "It's very spacious."

"No way! With my partner. He should be out in a moment. He's kind of grumpy before noon on weekends," Ren laughed.

Kozuka was shocked at how open Ren was with his relationship and it must have showed on his face since Ren added ruefully.

"Ah, you didn't expect that, did you?"

"No, some people are less direct about these kind of things, that's all," Kozuka managed smoothly.

Ren agreed. "That's true."

Before he could say anything else, Ren's attention was caught by the figure walking out of the bedroom.

"Shin! Meet Kozuka," Ren introduced them. "We met when I was abroad."

"Good morning," Kozuka said politely.

"Morning," the man returned evenly, cool grey eyes assessing him.

"Let me get you more coffee," Ren bounced up from the sofa. "Makes you less likely to growl at our guest."

"I'll get it. You guys want anything else?"

"No, thanks!" Ren smiled.

The man nodded and ventured into the kitchen.

Kozuka watched him leave and forced his face to remain friendly.


"Shin, you're so well-behaved today!" Ren exclaimed after they closed the door.

"Let me guess. He was after you," Shinobu commented wryly.

"How did you know?" Ren had the grace to blush.

Possibly from Kozuka's longing glances at Ren or the guarded expression which he gave Shinobu.

He shrugged. "Just a hunch."

Ren looked as if he was going to change the topic but then confessed awkwardly, "You know when I called you THAT night?"


"Um, I was out with him."

"Oh, really," Shinobu drawled slowly.

"Nothing happened!" Ren protested. "I called you and-"

Shinobu didn't give him a chance to finish his sentence.

Ren sighed and melted as Shinobu kissed him deeply. He leaned onto Shinobu after they broke off.

"Doesn't matter. You are mine," Shinobu told him in a low voice laced with possession and affection. Ren was impressed with himself that he had not turned into a puddle.

"You're not even jealous, huh?" Ren teased. "Aren't you a confident one?"

"I could show you how jealous I am," Shinobu suggested and drew his hips close.

Ren tried not to swallow. He supposed they WERE interrupted previously.

He encircled his arms around Shinobu's shoulders. "Carry me."


When the door closed, Kozuka could hear still low murmurs of voices and Ren's laughter.

Then silence and Kozuka did not have to guess what was to follow.

His fake, polite smile vanished and was replaced by a bitter scowl. He needed to find out more about this mysterious man. How could someone so normal, with no apparent connections, managed to capture Ren?

It was unacceptable.

He would fix this.