Chereads / Devotion [BL] / Chapter 28 - No.1 Crush

Chapter 28 - No.1 Crush

Shinobu couldn't shake off the feeling that he was being watched.

He grabbed his coffee from the counter and casted a quick glance around the busy café.

"Going to be a late one," his colleague grumbled next to him. "Sucks that we don't even get to enjoy our last night in the city."

"Yeah," Shinobu agreed, although he was ready to go home. He did not like being away from Ren and the latest move from Kozuka irritated him.

Be reasonable, Shinobu's brain admonished. For now.

They left the café but the prickly sensation crawling up his neck remained. The same sensation which had troubled him since the week before whenever he left the office.

But who would bother to trail him? A crazy notion.

So he ignored it and got on with work, which wasn't difficult. Between his firms's branch office, client dinners and the hotel, sleep and daylight were strangers.

By the time he boarded the train to head home on Friday, Shinobu was ready to crash.

He checked the personal messages on his phone and snorted.

A photo of a cactus, with long and threatening thorns, from Ren.

'How about this? Looks like a 'Fuck Off' to me!'

He replied, 'Will think about it. Just boarded the train.'

Settling into his seat and closing his eyes, Shinobu dozed off with the tempting thought of buying a cactus for that bastard.

He only woke up when the train's conductor passed by the cabin to verify the passengers' tickets.

A new message waited for him on his phone.

An unknown number. Two photos, two words and one name.

Shinobu stared and grimaced. Any sleep left in his system dissipated. His blood dipped a few degrees.

'Caught you.'

At least his instincts were not off. Someone was following him after all. The photo was taken just before he went on this trip.

A night out in the entertainment district. A familiar face grabbing him for a kiss outside a hotel. Both getting into a cab.

Without context, incriminating.


He checked his watch.

Twenty minutes away from the station. The damn play likely ended half an hour ago.

Enough time for him to think.

The sender must have thought that he was easy game.

Too bad for him, Shinobu grew up rough and constantly looking over his back.

He was in for a surprise.


He promised Shinobu that he would deliver the message politely. It was therefore only polite to set an expectation before he accepted the invitation. He called Kozuka before Friday and an awkward conversation ensued.

"Thanks for the tickets. And flowers," he tried to sound light. "A bit too much for a friend."

"Not for you," Kozuka returned.

"Kozuka-" Ren began.

"We're just watching a play. For old times' sake?" Kozuka said gently. He chuckled. "You know, you never actually told me what happened when you left our last date."

Ren supposed he did owe Kozuka that. After his call with Shinobu that fateful night, he simply messaged Kozuka that he was sorry and had to leave. His mind too consumed with the possibility of getting back together with the love of his life.

Kozuka had accepted it so easily that Ren didn't think he was serious anyway.

Was he wrong? A little guilt latched onto Ren's conscience.

"Okay, as friends. For old times' sake," he agreed.

They met at the theatre after work and spent time before the curtain rose discussing literature, Kozuka's new job at his father's company and recent headlines in the news. Safe topics. Friendly conversation.

It was quite enjoyable.

After the last applause and they filtered out of the theatre, Kozuka held his arm and asked, "Want to grab a drink?"

A glint which was unmistakeable in his eyes.

An alarm sounded in Ren's head. So much for letting his guard down.

"Shin's coming home so I am going-"


"Kozuka? Fujiwara?" a female voice called out excitedly.

They turned around.

Ren couldn't believe it. A course mate from their time abroad.

"Miyahara!" he exclaimed.

"It's so great to see you! Is it just the two of you?"

"Yes," Kozuka said a little too politely.

She went on merrily, oblivious to the underlying tension, "Why don't we all hang out? I'm here with a couple of friends. Sakamoto and Ando. They were in our year too."

Ren's sight followed her gesture and saw another woman and a man waiting for her. They waved when recognition registered.

"Thanks, but I was actually-" Ren started to decline.

"Sure, why not?" Kozuka cut in with a grin, seemingly changing his mind. "It'd be fun to hang out."

"Perfect!" Miyahara clapped her hands and turned to Ren. "Come on, it's still early. Let's go!"

There was safety in numbers.

How bad could it be?