Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 420 - Curious behavior

Chapter 420 - Curious behavior

The front doors of the gallery were already flying open before Jos had even gotten the SUV fully pulled into her usual parking place out front. She smiled and waved to the eager wolf that rushed out to greet her. "April! How's it going?"

"Great!" She said cheerfully as she held the door open. "A tourist group is scheduled for a tour this afternoon and a school group later this week. AND I just heard from Shell! She and the babies are doing great! I can't wait to make it over to see them after work!"

Jos smiled as the young werewolf continued chattering. "That's amazing. We also plan on stopping by the hospital this evening."

April followed Jos through the gallery. "So, what brings you in today?"

Jos forced a smile. "Oh, I didn't tell you? I've finally found a buyer for that large piece we've been restoring for some time now."

April's eyes widened. "Really? But you said it would be hard to sell that piece because of its value even after the amount of restoration you had to do to it."

Jos's forced smile only slipped slightly. "Ha yes, but this particular buyer will want what I have to offer far more than he will care about the imperfections that may appear on the surface… as a matter of fact, I bet he'll be so distracted by the offer I'm willing to make… he'll not even notice the imperfections of the whole picture itself." The double meaning of her words was lost on April who just nodded beside her, her eyes now searching a massive canvas for imperfections.

"You did an amazing job restoring it. Only a trained eye would be able to tell what was done by the original painter and what was done by you." April bragged.

Jos chuckled. "Well, that is the hope." She turned toward her desk and retrieved the packaging materials.

"Here, let me give you a hand." April jumped in.

They had just finished packaging the painting when the bell at the front of the gallery sounded announcing guests. "I can finish up here if you'd like to go greet them." Jos commented as she wrestled the large canvas off the easel it had been sitting on.

"Are you sure? I can help you get it out front first."

"I'll be fine." Jos answered as she continued struggling.

April tilted her head skeptically. "You don't seem fine. Here just let me give you a quick hand. I'm sure the guest can look around for a few minutes."

"I'm fine. You don't need to be lugging and tugging on this in your condition, besides I'll have to wrestle it inside the buyer's flat anyway."

Familiar laughter brought their attention to the open doors leading from the main studio. "Some things will never change. Here let us get that for you." Russ chuckled as he stepped into the room.

Jos rolled her eyes as she continued fighting with the awkward canvas. "And let royalty do my dirty work, never. Besides, like I told April, I'm going to have to get it into the client's house…"

"Then maybe one of us should go with you there as well." His eyes sparkled with playful familiarity as his hands clamped the sides of the painting over hers. "Now let go."

Jos let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine… Have at it."

Russ lifted it without problems. "Alright, now was that so hard? Where is it going?"

"The back of the SUV."

He arched his brow. "Is it going to fit?"

Ry chuckled still leaning against the open doorway. "Maybe if we cut it in half. Do you think your client will mind? You can tell them it's a new style or something." He scoffed.

She gave him a shove as she walked by. "Ass…"

He chuckled as he followed them. "Maybe so, but at least I know when something is too big to fit inside."

April nearly choked from behind them. "Is that so… Surely not…"

A wide mischievous smile curved his lips as he turned his head and sent her a wink. "I mean I've also lived by the saying if there's a will there's a way… but ya know sometimes somethings require way more persuasion and sometimes it's a complete bust… I fear this may be one of those rare busts."

Russ shook his head. "Who knew your only two busts in history would find themselves together in the same back seat."

Ry shrugged. "Well, not yet. Firstly, we haven't gotten that big bitch in the back seat yet, and secondly," A wide smile curved his lips as he walked past Russ to the other side of the SUV. "You've yet to live but a single lifetime. Things could still swing in my favor."

Russ shook his head. "You're ridiculous."

"Ridiculously persistent."

"That too." Russ Pushed the painting inside the back hatch. "So good so far, but you're definitely going to have to lay down the back seats."

"Already ahead of you."

"So, what brings you guys by today?" Jos asked as she watched them work.

"We came out to check out the progress of the town. Several more people are moving back to town… new people moving here. There's been tons of repairs, new buildings going up, old shops reopening. It's been amazing. We've extended the help of the palace staff as much as we could. So, thought we'd come to see the progress for ourselves today." Russ replied while he continued carefully maneuvering the canvas. "Ah, there ya go." He righted himself as he closed the hatch. "How about you? What are you into today? Would you like to go around with us?"

Jos smiled warmly at him. "You know what, I would love to actually. I could knock out two birds with one stone. I was planning on stopping by the palace and talking to you and Jaden later after stopping at some shops in town… this will give me a chance to speak with you while checking out some of the shops as well."

He nodded. "Awesome. What kind of shops are you looking for?"

Jos's cheeks reddened as her eyes moved between Russ and Ry. She turned and caught April's hand. She tugged the girl over. "Well, I guess now would be as good of a time as any to say this. Arei and I have finally set a date… We are going to marry… well, soon…"

Russ arched a brow. "That doesn't sound much like setting a date."

Jos bit her bottom lip. "Well, we're trying to see how quickly we can get things together. We'd like to be able to do so within the next couple of months."

"I would ask what the rush is… but I guess we all know the answer to that. Is the council pressuring you?" Ry asked.

Jos shook her head at first but then nodded. "Well, it will be expected of us within the next year or so… but we're doing it because we want to do so before they place the demand on us. We… that's not entirely true I suppose… there isn't much of a we in it… I want to do it on my terms."

Russ nodded. He slowly moved forward toward her. He took her hands from April's and pulled her into his arms. He hugged her tightly. "If you're happy and this is what you want, then I'm happy for you." He whispered against her hair.

Jos nodded as tears spilled down her cheeks. "I am. I really am."

"Good." He whispered as he loosened his grip. He wiped her tears away. "Then tell us what shops you'd like to visit."

April squealed from beside them. "I wish I could go too! You'll have to keep me up on everything you pick!"

Jos smiled as she pulled away from Russ. "That reminds me. I have some sketches if you'd like to see them." She moved to the front seat of the SUV.

"I'd love to!"

"Here. I'll pick them up later, so you can just sit them on my desk when you're finished."

"Will do! You guys have fun!" April threw her arms around Jos for a parting hug, wrinkling the folder before turning back to the gallery. She sent them a wave before going inside.

Ry shook his head as he threw his arm over Jos's shoulder. "I'll try not fucking it up this time, I promise."

Jos let out a surprised laugh. "I'm sure there's nothing you could do to mess it up this time around."

He arched a brow as he pulled her closer. "Is that a challenge?"

Jos's eyes widened as she shoved him away. "Gods no… Please no… Ry… please be good… I beg."

He burst out into laughter as he scooped her up into a hug. "Alright, lil sis… I can call you that now, right?"

Jos narrowed her eyes. "I don't know… it's almost as weird as that 'lil one' thing of yours…"

He chuckled as he set her back on her feet, tossing his arm over her shoulders again. "Fine, just Jos then. So, just Jos. How's my little buddy doing today?"

Jos laughed happily as she told him what Shiori had done to Arei this morning, but it was Russ who interrupted. "She already has that much magic? And Arei couldn't break it?"

Jos shrugged. "I'm not sure if he really tried to break it, to be honest. It was the cutest thing, though."

"You're not concerned at all?" Russ asked as they neared the first store.

Jos pushed Ry's arm off. "All I'm currently worried about is how I'm going to make it around the whole town with this mammoth hanging off me."

Ry laughed. "Russ does have a valid point, but I'll agree it is too soon to worry too much." He goosed her sides. "Ok bride-to-be what all do you have on your shopping list?"

Jos jumped forward several steps before turning back and glaring at him. "Will you ever grow up?"

Russ shook his head. "Nope. He only gets worse as he gets older… Or so it seems."

Ry grabbed Russ around the waist, pinning his arms to his sides as he did, and spun him in a circle. "What can I say your childishness has worn off on me, My King Puppy."

Jos hid her surprise at Ry's open playfulness. She hadn't seen that side of him in well over 500 years… since before she'd learned there were two twins…

Russ struggled against the giant man. "Don't call me that in public! What if someone sees!"

Ry laughed harder. "Then say the magic word."

Russ growled. "Damnit Ry!"

"That's not it." Ry teased.

"Not here!" Russ growled under his breath.

Jos cleared her throat as she continued toward the first shop. "I'll need a bakery, a seamstress probably, maybe someone who could cater something say 50 to 100 people…" She continued muttering to herself until she sensed them following behind her again. She glanced over her shoulder. Russ's face was flushed, but Ry seemed pleased. She made a mental note to question at least one of them about their new odd relationship later.

With their arms loaded down Russ and Ry helped Jos cram everything into the SUV. "Thanks guys. You've been a real help today. I still need to stop by the palace later to talk to Jaden about a few things, but I'll have to go meet this client first. I can give you guys a ride back though if you want."

Ry shook his head as he waved her off. "Nah, it's alright. We'll be fine. Right?" He asked turning back to Russ who was stepping onto the sidewalk beside him after putting the last bag behind Jos's seat.

Russ leaned against the passenger window. "Go do your thing. We'll be fine. We'll probably see you later at the hospital anyway. Hell, Jaden may or may not be there too… Maybe you can talk to her there."

Jos furrowed her brows. "What do you mean may or may not be there?"

Russ shrugged. "She's been super withdrawn and stranger than strange lately… maybe coming over and talking to her may help… maybe it will hurt more… who knows at this point."

Jos frowned. "What has April said about it?"

Russ shrugged again. "Wouldn't know… she won't talk to April about anything either." He patted the window frame. "Be safe. We'll see you later."

"Ok… you too. Later."

Jos couldn't help but watch them in her rearview mirror as she pulled out and drove away. Ry tossed his arm over Russ's shoulder as he had hers and directed him into the parking lot beside the gallery that was reserved for guests. Jos shook her head. She didn't have time to work out whatever oddity was going on between the two of them now. She had more important things to deal with before it was time to meet back up with Arei. She lifted her phone and selected the number she'd gone through hell to acquire.

Her heart pounded against her ribcage as she waited for the call to be answered. Finally, a gruff voice answered.


"Zeus… This is Joslyn. We need to talk. Where can we meet that is discrete?"