Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 421 - false allies

Chapter 421 - false allies

Jos gripped the steering wheel as she breathed in and out carefully trying to still her shaky nerves. She couldn't help the slight tremble of her hands as she pulled the SUV into the private airfield Zeus had sent her directions for. She glanced at the review mirror for what must have been the hundredth time. She bit her lip as a familiar shadow moved past it. "For once I wish you could actually come along with me… but you know well, if he senses your presence… well…" Her words trailed off as a large private jet landed on the strip. "He would probably kill me without a thought and there would be little you could do to help against him."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, Sparrow. But… I shall keep my presence masked just the same. Don't you worry?"

A Cheshire smile that wasn't hers reflected back at her in the mirror.

"The thought of being alone with him makes my skin crawl…" Jos groaned.

"More so than being trapped in my world with me? Even in the beginning?" Hypnos's teasing voice sang around the vehicle.

"Nearly… At least with you I suspected no true ill intentions."

"He is your family and honestly only wants the power that a reconciliation would bring. Keep that in mind as you speak with him today."

Jos nodded. She gave the wheel one final squeeze before releasing it and quickly shutting the SUV off. "Wish me luck then."

"Fair be well, little sparrow; and try to remember the sky is not his domain alone. A man who claims to be lord of all more often than not find himself be lord of not." Hypnos sent her a wink in the mirror before vanishing.

Jos didn't try to decipher his words as she stepped out of the SUV and locked the doors behind her. The gigantic lightning bolt was enough of a sign to know who awaited her as she sluggishly made her way toward the jet. As she drew near, the stairs lowered and Zeus stepped out onto the top step.

"What is taking you so long, Child? You act as if you were not the one who called this meeting… as if you're walking to your own execution." He arched a suspicious brow. "The only way someone would feel that way is if they were up to something. Should I have cause to worry, Child?"

Jos swallowed hard. "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that? The last time I met with you I lost my memories for over 500 years."

He shrugged with a light chuckle. "Ah well, I'd say by now you're seeing why I did so. Those boys are no good, my child. Last I heard you'd freed yourself of Areion, had you not?"

Jos glanced away as she brushed back as stray strand of hair that was being blown around by the wind. "Actually, that is why I contacted you. He and I have finally set a date for our wedding… and I'd thought we could put everything behind us… since you're my family after all… and… and… perhaps you could attend… possibly even… be a part of the wedding…"

Zeus appeared taken aback. "This is a surprise, and here I thought I'd become too old for surprises." He stepped aside and held out his arm. Come in, my child, and let us speak more on this matter." When Jos hesitated at the foot of the stairs, he insisted. "Come, come."

Jos bit her lip as she looked around the empty airfield. "We'll not be leaving… will we? I have plans for this afternoon."

Zeus chuckled as he pressed his hand to his chest. "On my word as a god. We'll not leave this airfield… though we may have to move about a bit. We can't block the way, you know."

An ache clenched the pit of her stomach. She knew better than to trust him, but she climbed the stairs anyway. "I was surprised when you said you could meet so soon." She commented as she stepped inside.

"As you know I've wanted nothing more than to earn your alliance for some time now." He caught her wrist bringing her around to face him. "You know, that is all I want… your alliance. You are my blood. We are family… you and I."

Jos frowned. "Family… it is odd how that word is used when referring to those of us with the blood of Greek gods or titans. It's such a twisted web is it not."

Zeus nodded as he poured two glasses of whiskey. "It is. I suppose that means you are aware of what you will be implying by asking me to take part in your ceremony."

Jos nodded. "I do."

"You will be pairing two brothers against each other again…"

"Or will I be repairing a broken family? I see it being able to go either way depending on the brothers' desires."

Zeus scoffed. "Only if one brother would accept the other brother as most powerful."

Jos took the glass offered her as she tilted her head. "But is one more so? One brother more so than the other two, that is? Are those brothers individually more powerful than some of the old gods and titans?"

Zeus narrowed his eyes as he sat down. "Watch yourself girl, gods, and titans lost much for saying less."

Jos shrugged as she swirled the amber drink. "I'm simply stating what others have been muttering since the beginning of your rule, grandfather." The word caused bile to rise in her throat, but she forced it down. "I simply want to understand."

His features seemed to relax. "It has never been about individual power with my brothers and I, or any of the other gods for that matter. It has always been about who can get the most powerful being to side with them and in the greater numbers." He shrugged. "It is simply the way of the world. Look at the humans. Once they learned this simple truth they began fighting wars and have yet to stop."

"So, why not make peace with your brothers before a greater threat becomes a problem? Surely you've heard about all the things we've had to deal with over the past several years."

"Yes, and have I not offered to help."

Jos frowned. "Yes, but it's always come at the cost of losing someone I love."

"Often the things we want most come with great loss, my child."

Jos nodded. "Do you think I haven't learned that in my long life? I've suffered plenty. You cursed my mother to that island. Poseidon cursed my father there… then you both saw to his release… I could have hated you both equally at one point, but I didn't. I could have openly accepted you, but you didn't give me that option. Instead, you wanted to give me ultimatums. Now I'm here to give you one. Be a part of my life and the life of your newly adopted great-grandchild and put your grudge and power-struggle with Poseidon behind you. I will be your granddaughter and his daughter-in-law. We can be a real family."

Zeus arched a brow in interest. "Grandchild?"

Jos hated herself for what she was about to do, but she knew it would be a chip in her favor. "Yes, have you not heard? Arei and I have adopted a young Kitsume. Her name is Shiori."

Zeus rubbed his chin. "A Kitsume you say?"

Jos nodded forcing down her anger and irritation. "Yes, she has already adapted well into the family." Jos giggled forcing herself to recall the tell of walking in on Shiori and Cam the night before.

Zeus set down his drink as his attention became sharpened on Jos. "That is rather amazing for such young children."

Jos nodded. "Yes, we're incredibly proud of them. We can't wait to see how their powers develop as they mature."

"Ah, nor I…" He muttered. "Who shall be giving you away at this wedding?"

Jos bit into her lip as she focused on the glass forcing the smile of success not to show. "No one, I don't suppose… I really don't have anyone."

"I shall fill the position as the closest living thing to a father… And have you gotten someone to perform the ceremony yet?" He asked deep in thought.

Jos shook her head. "No… But I'd recalled that in your traditions we need Hera's blessings before we could wed… though Arei said the one from before still technically counted…" She forged worry.

He took the glass from her fumbling hands and cupped her hands. "Do not fret about that, dear child. If you are truly wanting to forgive the past and move forward as such, then so do I. Leave Hera to me. I shall have her prepare the blessing, the vows, and the rights."

Jos forged cheer. "You would do that? Just like that?" She frowned. "Wait… I'm marrying Arei, still. That has not changed. You understand, right?"

He chuckled. "Yes, yes, child." He patted her hand. "When can I meet these children? Will they be at the wedding?"

Jos frowned. "Shiori will be, but I'm afraid Cam will not."

He nodded. "Ah I see… good, but still…"

"But perhaps you could stop by tomorrow or the next day? I'll still be babysitting. I should warn though our house is guarded by some powerful magic… so if you plan anything nefarious your plans will be foiled rather quickly."

He shook his head as he cupped her hands. "No, no… I would never…" He took out his phone and began scrolling through what looked to be a calendar. "Tomorrow evening you say?" Jos nodded, but before she could speak, he was already dialing a number. "Cancel my plans tomorrow evening. Yes, that too… Just do it. I don't care, just do it!" He hung up and sent her an awkward smile. "I look forward to this reconciliation. "Is… is there anything I could do or bring?"

Jos laughed awkwardly. "Well, I've not exactly told Arei about this yet… so…"

His eyes widened in shock. "You've not talked to him about…"

She smiled at him guiltily. "Any of it… He doesn't know I'm here talking with you right now, as a matter of fact."

Zeus ran his hand over his well-styled silvery, white hair. "Well, that will raise some complications. And Poseidon, you've spoken to him about your plan?"

Jos shook her head. "No… I wasn't sure if you'd agree, so I thought I'd talk with you first…"

He set back in his seat with a heavy sigh. "I see… Well… Hum… Perhaps it would be best to send Arei away tomorrow and invite Poseidon over instead… allow my brother and I to hash things out amicably first then, together we shall help Arei see the benefit in these new alliances you suggest."

Jos forced an awkward grin. "I'll contact him and see what I can do. Maybe Ry can help me get Arei out of the house for a bit tomorrow. Who knows."

Zeus blew out a sigh of relief. "Then it's settled. I shall visit you and these amazing children tomorrow. We shall have a nice sit down with my brother and work things out amicably… and find a way where Areion and Orion doesn't try to murder us all…" He blew out his breath loudly. "As I said earlier. It is not about power, my child, but strength of allies."

Jos forced her warmest smile as she stood and extended her hand. "We shall see."

He stood and pulled her into a tight hug. "We shall. Allies?"

She felt like her lips were going to crack as she smiled up at him. "Allies."