Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 419 - the magic power of love

Chapter 419 - the magic power of love

A cry sounded out over the monitor bringing the light conversation of the room to a halt. As everyone began to push up from their seats, Jos swapped the monitor for her glass of wine as she stood. "You guys relax. I'll check on them. They've already seemed to settle anyway." She noted as the crying seemed to fade just as quickly as it had begun.

Arei hesitated. "If you're sure…"

Poseidon stood regardless. "I need to head out regardless. Why don't I accompany you, dear."

Jos nodded with an amused smile. "Alright." She turned her attention to Arei as Poseidon handed him his glass. "You don't mind?"

Arei shook his head. "Not at all. I'll take care of this. Go on." He stood and began gathering the bottles and dishes they'd left behind.

Jos blew out a sigh as she turned toward the hall. "I feel like things are changing a bit too rapidly and that he's just going along with it because he thinks it's what I want…"

Poseidon chuckled as he laced his arm within hers. "Enjoy it while you can, my dear."

Their breath caught at once as they neared the nursery door. Jos's hand flew to her mouth in amazement. "How in the…"

Poseidon's mesmerized gaze followed the flow of magic around the room taking in the full illusions the children were creating. He leaned closure to Jos as he whispered, "I suppose this is the power of a gin and a kitsume when they link their powers as they have…" He nodded to where they were sitting up and holding hands through the bars of the cribs.

"But it looks so real…" Jos murmured as she stared up into the stars and planets spinning around the room.

"Perhaps one of their favorite shows or stories?"

Jos nodded. "Cam loves anything about space…"

"Then there is your answer. Kitsume have the ability to enter people's minds and to create illusions. She may be creating what she thinks will calm him the most. By holding hands his powers would amplify hers." Poseidon rubbed his chin thoughtfully as he worked through his theory.

"But Shelly hasn't said anything about his powers presenting themselves yet." Jos whispered quickly.

A smug smile curved his lips. "Yet, but Cam is barely two. He's only now learning what it is to be a human let alone a gin. Give it another year and I'd say we shall begin to see a full manifestation of his full powers… especially with this little one here to egg it on."

Jos tilted her head. "So then, how old would you guess her to be? We were guessing that she was nearly the same age as Cam… but if she can already do all this…"

Poseidon shrugged. "Power and age don't always present the same. I'm sure you had great power before you were old enough to realize what any of it meant."

Jos nodded thinking back to her earliest memories. "Yes… I suppose you're right… So then would it be right to assume that she is his age?"

Poseidon rubbed his chin again. "Time shall tell in the end, but I believe so." He released his hold on Jos's arm and stepped into the room slowly and quietly so as not to scare the children. He clapped lightly. "Beautiful my darlings." He lifted his hand and caused shooting stars to move across the room and both children let out amazed ah's. "You like that? What about this?" He asked as he lifted his hand and sent a tiny star through a full life cycle in a matter of seconds. The children stared in satisfied amazement at the supernova left behind until Poseidon finally closed his hand and walked over to their beds. He lifted Shiori and studied her as the entire room went dark. "So, most of this was your doing. Amazing, my dear. You have a gift." He sat her down in the same crib as Cam. "And you my little man, must have one vast imagination to dream up something quite so spectacular." He bragged as he ruffled the boy's dark brown hair.

Jos tilted her head. "What are you doing?"

Poseidon chuckled. "If they must touch to comfort one another then it would be safer to do it within the same crib rather than reach between the rails. Wouldn't you agree?"

Jos frowned. "But what about what Hecate said? You don't think this is encouraging that do you?"

He laughed. "Jos, you saw what they did, did you not? They are already connected, and it will only grow stronger. Do you plan to run away from Shelly? Cut her out of your life forever? Cut Cam out of yours and Shiori's life forever?"

Jos gasped as she clutched her chest. "No… No, I couldn't…"

"It has already been done… Leave them be." He ran his hand over the children's heads as they settled down in the crib and cuddled together, ready to sleep once again. "Let them enjoy the innocence of youth as long as they can. Let them experience the excitement of young love and the torment of first heartbreak. Let them work out their problems on their own without your interference and all will be right with the world, Jos."

Chuckling brought both of their attention to the door. "Good luck on that one. She no more knows how to keep her nose out of others' business than you do." Arei remarked as he leaned against the doorframe. He stood and walked over to the crib. "So, we have super magic babies? Nice… Do you think Shell's other two will be, too? Wouldn't that be something to be babysitting for them and the next thing you know the kids have a whole fucking zoo in the living room…" He chuckled. "Or worse an aquarium but without the tanks… just all fish and water everywhere. How would you even try to explain that to your homeowner's insurance? 'What do you mean my policy doesn't cover shark removal?! There's fish ass everywhere! It smells horrible!'"

Jos shook her head. "The zoo wouldn't be any better… what didn't kill the other would poop everywhere…"

Arei faked a shutter. "You're right…" His gaze moved back to the kids as he bent over the crib. "Alright, guys. First thing tomorrow we're laying down magic ground rules, you hear me?!" He ruffled both their heads before leaning down and placing kisses on both their heads. "Sleep well little ones." He raised and wrapped his arms around Jos. "I'll see you upstairs?"

Jos nodded. "Are you headed up now?"

He slapped Poseidon on the back. "I thought I'd see Dad out first, then head up."

"Ah, an escort. I feel special."

Arei shook his head. "Of course, why not? After all, you were encouraging chaos, where you not?"

Poseidon snickered. "I was encouraging creativity, there's a difference."

Arei arched a brow. "Really? Perhaps they should practice their 'creativity' at your palace instead of my home."

Jos couldn't hold back her giggles as the two continued arguing as they left the room. Just as she was turning back to the crib movement caught her attention from the dollhouse-style mirror on the opposite wall. Jos gasped as she backed protectively against the crib. "What are you doing in here… and now?" Her eyes darted toward the door.

Hypnos chuckled as he emerged from the mirror and gently closed the door behind him. "Not to worry, your man is way more focused on other things right now thanks to your latest announcement." He walked casually over to the crib and ran a cold hand over Shiori's brow causing the child to involuntarily shiver. "I just hope that doesn't mean you haven't gotten too comfortable with this new life you've found for yourself that you've forgotten our arrangement." He turned on her, malus in his eyes as he cupped her chin. He took a step closer bringing them toe to toe, his cold breath tickled her cheeks. "It would be a shame to lose it all suddenly…" He laughed as he released his hold on Jos and turned back to the sleeping children. "Though you may not need my help meeting that end on your own. You've always had a knack for bringing about suffering all on your own well enough." He scoffed as he stared down at them.

Jos shoved him away from the crib. "I said I'd help, and I will. Leave them out of this."

Hypnos chuckled as he held both hands up. "Very well. As long as you do as we've agreed, I'll do as I have… just know that will not guarantee that happy ending you're hoping for in all this." He spun his finger around the room. "This house, these people… Everything good must end. You of all people should know that. What then, Jos?"

Jos narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you mean?"

He gave a half laugh. "Perhaps, I shall wait until then to ask." He stepped forward and pressed his lips to her forehead. "Forget what I've said for now."

Jos stood there in confusion for a long while until the bedroom door opened once again. "Jos? Are you not coming to bed? Did the kids wake up again?" Arei asked as he peeked around the room.

Jos shook away the dazed fog that smothered out her thoughts. "N…no… Sorry, I must have… um dozed off myself…"

"While standing there?" Arei asked in concern now.

Jos shrugged. "It's been a lot of stress lately… I guess it's finally caught up with me."

Arei blew out a sigh. "Perhaps." He walked over and took the monitor from the nightstand. He slid his arm around her and guided her from the room. "Let's head to bed. What do you say?"

Jos nodded, confusion still clouding her mind.

Arei woke to find the bed empty again and anxiety instantly rakes through his body. She'd gotten up and ran downstairs to check on the children several times throughout the night almost like a nervous tick rather than parental concern. He prayed to all the gods of all the faiths that this would only be temporary and that as she realized that Shiori was theirs and that she was now safe and healthy her stress and anxiety would slowly wane. He forced his weary body from the bed stiff and tired from his own lack of sleep and worry. He made a quick stop by the bathroom to freshen up before trudging down the stairs. His eyes widened in surprise as he rounded the hall of the ground floor, however. The children were playing on the floor; and Jos was curled up on the sofa her hair tied up in a messy but cute bun, a baggy, soft pink sweater covered her loose pj's. She was busily scribbling in a notebook not noticing Arei's approach. He leaned over the back of the sofa and placed a kiss to her neck. "Good morning, Kitten. What do ya got going on here?" He glanced around the scattered sketches on the sofa and the post-it notes and scraps of papers spread everywhere along the sofa and coffee table.

Jos set the pencil and notebook down on her lap and turned her head up to return his kiss. "They're my sketches for the wedding…" She rummaged through the scattered pages on the coffee table for a few seconds before lifting one. "This was what I was thinking for the dress… Something simple but pretty. What do you think."

He took it, but his attention was quickly drawn to a sketch of their backyard decorated with simple wedding décor. He lifted it. "You want to do it here and not have something big and lavish at Dad's?"

Jos swallowed hard as she knitted her hands. "Well… yes… if you wouldn't mind…" She glanced away guiltily. "I know you and your father have a rather extended family and all… but I'm not sure I'm all that comfortable with a huge crowd like last time… I thought it could just be our close friends and family…"

Arei smiled as he lifted the sketch. "I love it. I couldn't agree with you more. Dad does tend to go overboard with things, and out of my 'extended' family, there's only a handful of them I'd ever care to see again. If it's alright that I invite some, then it's cool with me."

Jos nodded. "Invite whoever you'd like… as long as they can fit in the backyard."

He chuckled. "So, no giants or hippocampus then?"

Jos blushed. "I mean if you really wanted to I'm sure we could make room."

"I'm kidding, Kitten. This will be great." He bent and kissed her head. "I'm just glad to see you seem excited about it."

Jos reached up and squeezed his arm. "I am more than excited, Arei. I love you. I know this is what you have wanted for quite some time now, as have I… I just want to do it on my terms and no one else's."

Arei nodded as he bent and kissed her lips. "I understand that. Believe me."

She blew out a sigh. "Good… with that being said… You wouldn't mind doing me a favor today?"

"Sure, anything for my bride to be…" Arei arched a brow. "Well, nearly anything… what did you have in mind?"

She smiled sweetly up at him. "Oh… I have a few errands to run is all. I need to stop by the gallery, Russ's, maybe a few other places, then I thought we could meet up at the hospital. Rin called this morning and said Shelly and the twins were doing well. So, I thought we could take Cam to meet his siblings."

Arei nodded slowly. "I suppose." He cocked his head to the side. "You trust me with two kids?"

She giggled. "I suppose I'll have to. You are a daddy now."

He grinned widely. "Daddy… hum… I like the way that sounds coming out of your mouth." He purred huskily as he leaned over the back of the couch and captured her lips.

She pushed against his chest with a giggle. "Not with the kids right here!"

He glanced over at them. "They're too young to understand." He muttered before moving back to his assault on her lips. He slid one arm around her waist and the other hand cupped her ass as he lifted her from the couch.

Jos slapped his chest. "Not here!" She cooed, but before she could say more he seemed to freeze.

"Shit…" Arei muttered.


"I can't move." Arei muttered between frozen lips. His eyes shifted toward the kids to meet Shiori's who stared right at him.

Jos giggled, her laughter rumbling her entire body as she rolled from Arei's frozen body onto the floor. She crawled over to Shiori and pulled the child into her arms. "Baby, are you doing that?" She pointed to Arei. "Daddy wasn't hurting mommy. We were playing." She kissed the girl's forehead and sure enough, Arei crashed to the sofa head first, bringing another fit of laughter from Jos. Jos squeezed Shiori to her chest as she showered her head with more kisses. "My little bodyguard." She held her out slightly. "Mommy has to go run some errands. You must behave for Daddy as well, aright? No more tricks, ok?"

Shiori nodded.

Jos turned her attention to Cam. "Do you do these things to your mommy and daddy too?"

Cam shrugged.

"Are you going to try them now?"

Cam couldn't hide a giggle, though he tried with his tiny hand.

Arei laughed as he righted himself on the sofa. "A handful already, I'm telling you. What will we do with them?"

Jos tugged Cam over and pulled him onto her lap as well. She hugged them both against her, placing kisses on both kids' heads. "Love both their mischievous little butts and hope they don't get the twins in too much trouble?"