Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 320 - Lore of the Gods

Chapter 320 - Lore of the Gods

In the depth of everchanging existence, there will always be these few constants... Loneliness, love, fear, and pain. It has been this way since the very creation of conscious life and will continue the same painful cycle until the end of consciousness.

In the Beginning:

Desperately alone, Chaos stood gazing out over the void of nothingness, wishing for something... anything to fill that void. She spent her time contemplating what could be outside the endless darkness and night that were Chaos's only companions until finally, she could take no more. Unable to take the silence and loneliness no longer, Chaos gave into the explosive energy that had been radiating deep within for many countless eons.

Out of the explosion came three primordial creatures; a beautiful daughter Gia, a magnificent son Eros, and a moody, terrifying son Tartarus. Though the creations please Chaos greatly, she feared the rejection of such magnificently crafted creatures... feared the pain their rejection of her own jumbled form would cause. So she merely watched as her creations slowly formed consciousnesses and desires of their own. Her beautiful daughter, much like her, suffered from loneliness and sought to change it by making creations of her own. Chaos watched as Gia created three creations of her own; Ourea the mountains, Pontus the seas, and captivating Uranus the heavens. Chaos watched as her daughter took pleasure in the company Gia had created for herself, envying the courage she did not have herself.

What Chaos didn't realize as she watched from afar was that she wasn't the only one who had taken interest in her new creations. The night and darkness that had surrounded her for eons shifted and rolled to life, inspired by her creations. Out of the pit of darkness stepped two beautiful creatures: Nyx, a ghostly pale woman with hair and wings as black as the abyss she'd crawled out of; and Erebus, a man with skin of such deep ebony nothing could shadow it. Upon opening their equally brilliant eyes night and darkness fell in love. They immediately embraced, vowing to never be parted.

Chaos was irritated at her old companions for being just as self-serving as they had always been. Chaos was just about to act out her rage and displeasure of the two beings who were now ignoring her own creations until movement caught her attention. Chaos realized her child, Gia, had taken interest in the dark beings' love and had cast her curiosity toward one of her own creations, Uranus, the heavens.

The pressure that had been building once again inside of Choas dissipated and was replaced by a warm, calm feeling as she watched her dear Gia and the strong Uranus. Their love was so all-encompassing that even Chaos herself was distracted by its splendor for a time, her irritations with Nyx and Erebus forgotten. But her joy for her daughter was only short-lived...

History on repeat:

Chaos watched with aw as the children of Gia and Uranus grew into strong, powerful titans, each possessing gifts and talents, unlike anything Chaos could have imagined. Although Gia seemed to share Chaos's joy of seeing the children grow more and more powerful there was one who did not. Uranus, instead, grew wiery of his children fearing that one day they would become more powerful than him. So, he banished them to the deep pits created by and named after Tartarus. He promised Gia that the act would not change his love and desire for her, but as time passed her resentment for Uranus grew. Blinded by the pain of losing her precious children, she journeyed to Tartarus. Gia begged her children to escape their unjust imprisonment and stand up against their father, but they were all too afraid... all except one.

Gia's youngest son, Kronus, stepped forward. "I will do as you ask, mother. I will strike down Father and free my siblings." He cupped her face in the palm of his massive hand. "I will bring a smile back to your face, mother."

Brought to tears by his promise, Gia made him a weapon strong enough to defeat Uranus.

Kronus slipped into the sky under the wings of Nyx. In one swipe of his sickle, Kronus was able to take down his father.

Uranus left with little option, accepted his defeat. As he bled out, he laughed spitefully at his son. "You too will know this feeling and from a child of your own loins no less."

Kronus only sneered back at his father. "I will know no such thing because I would never be so stupid as to imprison my own children so hatefully." He turned away then and set off back to Tartarus to fulfill the rest of the promise he'd made to his mother, Gia.

As Kronus held the heavy gates of Tartarus for the rest of his five Titan siblings, he gave pause. He studied the twelve other gruesome creatures that were his siblings. As they approached he slammed the gates. "I rather believe this place is more befitting for you, wouldn't you agree?" He spat out not waiting for their reply.

As he exited the deep pit himself, Gia ask. "What of your brothers the Cyclopes and Hecatonchires?"

He gave her the most charming smile as he cupped her cheek. "Worry not mother, they have stayed behind where they are happier." He held her face until the worry had fully dissolved.

A great span of time passed, and Kronus slowly began to forget about the brothers he'd left behind as well as his father's warning. No, there was something else that continued plaguing his mind... The beautiful Rhea. It did not take long before she too returned his affection.

On the day of his first son's birth, Uranus's words came rushing back. Terrified that his father's words would come to pass, and the throne he'd worked so hard to build would be taken, Kronos devoured his child. He continued the horrendous act with each of the children Rhea bore him... or at least so he'd thought.

Fed up with his paranoia and the loss of her children, the Titaness, Rhea wrapped a stone in swaddling clothes and gave it to Kronus, knowing he would devour the child before even setting eyes on him once. Once her husband did just as she expected, she rushed the baby to a place far from Kronus's sight. "I only hope that one day you will grow strong enough to avenge your brothers and sister, my beautiful boy..." She studied the baby for several long moments, brushing her fingers over his tiny chubby face. "Zeus... your name shall be Zeus... Grow strong my son and return to me once you have." She placed him in the arms of a nymph. "Please, take care of him. Our futures all depend on it."

And as Rhea had wished Zeus grew into a mighty god. With his heart set on vengeance against his father, he devised his plan. He knew he'd never be able to defeat Kronus on his own, so, he asked the seas for help.

Oceanus answered. The Titan of the sea gave him a potion that would cause Kronus to vomit up the children he'd eaten. Zeus knew his father would not drink anything he delivered himself. He used his charms to convince the Titan Metis to get his father to drink the potion, instead.

Though the plan worked and Zeus was finally united with his siblings the fight against his father, Kronus was far from over. A ten-year battle followed without either side winning any ground. Again, Zeus found himself asking for help. This time he was told of his monstrous uncles who had never left the depths of Tartarus. Upon discovering them waiting by the gates of the hellish domain, he asked. "Will you help me fight against my father Kronus?"

"Kronus? We would love nothing more than fight against him! He has left us here to rot!" One of the twelve monsters answered.

"You are not free?" Zeus asked.

"No!" They called out in unison.

Zeus thought it over as he studied the sturdy gate. "If I free you, you will help me fight against Kronus?"

"Yes!" They called out, their excitement building.

He stroked his chin. "What of your desires once freed and Kronus defeated?"

"We care not for anything but freedom!" They cried out.

"Very well. Will you serve under me?" He asked.

"Yes!" Their cries rattled the stone of the cavernous walls.

With this, Zeus smashed the bonds locking the gate. He watched as the monsters stormed out of the depths, following close behind them. To Zeus's surprise, his two brothers were waiting at the mouth of the tunnel, neither flinching as the monsters passed by them. "Well done, brother." Each said as he followed behind.

The brothers were building a new battle strategy when the monsters approached them again. "We have gifts for you." They said, handing each brother a special item. "Lightening for you who saved us. This trident for you, and a helmet of invisibility for you."

"Thank you..." Each brother replied as they took their gift.

With the combined forces and the use of the new gifts, the brothers were able to finally overthrow their father. In honor of the monsters who'd helped them, they banished Kronus to the deepest pit of Tartarus and shackled him there. The brothers then divided the domains of their newly acquired kingdom through a game of drawing straws.

Unwilling to be beaten, the untrusting Zeus rigged the game so that he would win the best of the domains, the sky. Poseidon drew next winning the sea, leaving the underworld to their eldest brother Hades.

Though his rule did not go unchallenged, Zeus was able to garner the help of others and punish those who opposed him. The world thrived under the hands of the new Olympian gods who rule with the aid of the titans who'd helped them.

Zeus's charms continued to grow alongside his influence. He was frequently touched by Eros.

He fathered many children, first with the titan Themis, then later with Metis. It was then that he was told he would face the same fate as his father and grandfather before him. Nervous with fear, Zeus devoured Metis... but not before she could become pregnant with Athena.

His love for the goddess overshadowed his need for self-preservation, though the paranoia of being overthrown never escaped him. He cherished his daughter and made it a point to see her gifted with all the best the world had to offer... and it was within this overbearing devotion that the goddess grew to resent her father.


Current day

The second the penthouse was empty, Zeus threw the glass of liquor he was holding against the floor. The pieces shattered around him as the liquid seeped into the carpet. "That arrogant prick!" He bit out clinching his teeth together as he thought back to the last time his brother had stood against him... and had nearly won. "He's right, that bastard..." His wins had only ever been achieved with help. He could never face his brother alone, especially not if Poseidon had strong allies on his side. His mind played over all his past mistakes as he paced the penthouse. "And fucking Nyx?! Would anyone willingly come to my side now? I doubt it..." He dug his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed the last number who'd called. "Choose your brother or your pathetic lover. You may only choose to free one... but only if you do one last thing for me then it shall be done."

[And you'll leave us in peace?] Selena's shaken, skeptical voice echoed across the line.

Zeus narrowed his eyes at his own reflection. "And I'll leave you in peace... You'll have to give up your current position... Though you'll have to do that regardless of what you choose. Your cover has been blown."

[Oh... That's fine. I've grown weary of the politics anyhow.]

Zeus arched a brow at his own reflection. "Then you've decided?"

A long silence fell over the line. [Yes... I have... What is it I must do for you?]

His eyes narrowed as his upper lip curled. "Find Joslyn Decker. Keep her safe until I can get to you."

[Why? What is the girl to you really? Surely it is more than her involvement with your nephew.]

"Right now she may be the only thing laying between us and a grand scale war." His words were low and calculated as he continued. "Do this job and you're free."