Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 321 - Tears of the Gods

Chapter 321 - Tears of the Gods

Poseidon had just teleported into his palace when a maid ran up to greet him. He rubbed his pounding temples as the nervous girl fumbled over her words. "What is it, child? Just spit it out. It's been a very trying day already."

She wrung her hands as she stuttered. "Your son is here, Sir. He is waiting in your office... He... he's very upset, Sir..."

He nodded. "Thank you." He frowned as he walked past her toward the stairs. He didn't even have to ask as to which son was waiting. There was only one of his children who could upset the staff quite so much. He pushed open the office door, murmuring a greeting before even looking inside. "Arei... If this is about my conversation with-" his words were cut off when his eyes landed on his son.

Arei had been pacing like a caged beast inside his father's office most of the morning wearing a trail in the expensive Persian rug. His frantic, worried eyes immediately landed on Poseidon as soon as he entered the room. "Father! Dad... You have to help!"

Poseidon couldn't help but stare at his son in shock as he made short work of his large office. His eyes moved in stunned disbelief from turbulent, pleading eyes to the massive hands engulfing his. "Um... Are you alright, son?"

"Please! I've never asked you for anything... but you have to help her!" Tears burned Arei's eyes as his knees gave out, and he collapsed onto the floor still holding Poseidon's hands. He pressed his forehead against his father's hands. "Please... I beg..."

Poseidon cleared his throat before answering. "Of course, I'll help you, son... but first you have to get off the ground and tell me what you need." He tugged his son up and guided him toward the sofa with a hand between Arei's wide shoulders. "Is it Jos? What has happened now?"

"The council, they sent guards to arrest her early this morning." His voice broke as he continued. "It's a setup! And to make matters worse the bastards sedated her. There's no telling what harm may come to her." He turned and clutched his father's shoulders instead of sitting. "We have to hurry! There's no time to waste!"

Poseidon nodded in understanding. "Very well, we'll leave immediately. And you're sure she'll be at the Embassy?"

Arei nodded. "She'd have to be. It's the only facility strong enough to contain her!"

{Not necessarily, if she's been sedated... but this information may only make him more frantic.} Poseidon pondered his options, his hand still resting in the center of his son's massive shoulders. "Alright, calm down. We'll get to the bottom of this..." Poseidon frowned as he prepared to teleport them to the Embassy prison. {So, you've chosen war then, brother... very well. I'll not sit back and watch as you torment my children any longer. My debt to you has been paid many times over now.} His bitter thoughts grew colder as he watched despair and worry plague his son... a son he owned his own debt to... His mind slowly drifted back to the day that had begun the feud between him and his brother, the day his childrens' lives had first been endangered because of their power struggle as gods.


"What in the name of Tartarus do you think you're doing?!" Poseidon called out as he came upon his most beloved daughter cowering to his brother Zeus. "Unhand her this instant!"

"I will do no such thing! You and your traitorous daughter have taken enough from me. I'll not let it stand for a second more!" Zeus billowed out as he clamped his hand tighter around the beautiful girl's wrist. "There shall always be punishment for theft and since I can not condemn those who ordered such acts directly..." Zeus's eyes flared with a manic combination of rage and glee. "I shall punish those you hold dearest!"

"What are you on about?! Leave her be, she's done no wrong. As you said yourself, my child has simply done what has been asked of her. Punish me instead, brother!" Poseidon pleaded as his worried gaze held the tear-filled eyes of his dear, sweet Charybdis. "I am the one who implored her to claim lands in my name and gifted her the ability to rise and lowing the tides."

A snug smile spread across Zeus's face. "I choose both." With that Zeus and Charybdis were gone.

Poseidon screamed in angry frustration as he racked his brain for something... anything he could do to help his daughter. He rubbed his temples as he focused all his energy toward locating her. He threw precaution to the wind as he teleported to her the second her presence was detected. He was not surprised at all when he found himself at the bottom of the sea, but what was surprising was the beast chained to the seafloor. At first, he stared in confusion, unable to understand why the teleportation had led him to this spot, but one look into the monster's wide eyes gave him his answer. "Chary... it's... it's you?" He dropped to his knees beside the massive creature. His hand trembled as he reached out for the smooth, slimy skin. "My beautiful child..." His tears merged with the saltwater that surrounded them. "My brother will pay for what he's done to you." He whispered as he tried to embrace the breast. Poseidon had lost track of how long he'd been grieving beside what was left of his daughter when the sea parted and Zeus appeared.

"I wouldn't spend too much longer like that, her memories of you will surely begin to fade soon. I'd hate to see you brought down by your own favorite child." Zeus taunted.

Poseidon narrowed his eyes hatefully at his brother. "You'll pay for this!"

A snarl curved Zeus's lips as he extended his hand out toward the monstrous beast causing it to call out in a booming roar of pain. "Choose your threats wisely brother, for there are still worse things that can be done."

"Leave her be! You've done enough!" Poseidon shouted.

"I'll leave her be when you leave... Though I must say I'm excited to see how monstrous she'll grow to be." He laughed hardily as his retort garnered the intended response from his brother.

Poseidon embraced the creature as best as he could one last time, whispering as he did. "I will find a way to save you. Be brave my beautiful daughter, be brave." He forced himself to release her as Zeus caused another surge of pain to shoot through her body.

"Yes, be brave while you suffer in place of your father. Retaliate and her punishments will be tenfold."

Poseidon glared at his brother who was still smiling smugly as he sent his daughter one last apologetic glance before vanishing.


The rumble of thunder grew closer, heavy clouds rolled in from all around, the threat of an impending storm growing more apparent. Gia patted the soil around the last of the plants she'd been planting as her gaze traveled across the horizon. She wasn't at all surprised when a beautiful Stallion came galloping over a hill in the distance. She pushed herself up from the spot she'd been crouching in and walked toward the rapidly approaching horse, brushing her hands off on her apron as she went. It slowed the closer it got until it was finally standing in front of her. She pursed her lips and tilted her head to the side studying it as she stroked his muzzle. "I assume this means you've changed your mind about my previous offer?" The horse let out a loud whinny. She searched its eyes for a few moments. "Hum... Lucky for you that I am still willing..." She let her hand slide away from the horse's soft fur as she turned and headed back to her humble cottage. She glanced back at the horse with an arched brow as she pulled her front door open. "Surely you do not plan to remain in that form?" Her sultry laugh was cut short as the horse shifted forms in front of her eyes. It wasn't that she hadn't grown accustomed to creatures shifting... It was just that this particular creature was absolutely stunning regardless of his form...

Taunt muscles flexed with barely contained rage as large bare feet ate up the distance between them in wide steps. Poseidon caught the hand she'd used to cover her giggle and tugged her against his nude body, unashamed or shy about his current appearance. He took advantage of her small gasp as her body collided with his, her hands pressing against his bare chest, and captured her lips in a tantalizing kiss. He waited, teasing the part of her lips with the tip of his tongue until she yielded to him.

Gia swayed against his strong, heated body as she drank hungrily from his sweet lips. She struggled to tug her hands free of his grasp, but he held her wrists tight keeping them pressed against his chest. She could feel his lips curve into a smile against hers causing her to force her lust-heavy eyes to open and meet his.

Poseidon held her gaze for several long seconds as he made it a point to devour her mouth and press his hardening body fully against her, before finally breaking their kiss. "I want boys... strong ones... Ones that can go up against my brother and win." His words came out as nothing more than a seductive purr, but they echoed with a hard-felt resolve.

She searched his eyes for any sign of doubt or deceit, but finding none, she nodded. "Very well... How could I refuse such a request when you show up on my doorstep in such a state." She pressed up onto her tiptoes to seal their agreement with a kiss before leading him into her cottage.

Her eyes burned into his lean, sculpted body as she untied the apron. As it fell to the floor her fingers moved to the buttons of her blouse. She held his heated gaze as he prowled toward her. She could feel desire course through her body as his long fingers stopped hers.

"Allow me, my goddess." He whispered huskily.

She arched a brow not stopping him from undressing her. "Your goddess? Am I to believe one of the all-mighty Olympians see someone like me as anything more than a primordial beast?"

His eyes sparkled up at her as he freed her breasts. "You know we all see you as far more than that." He squatted slightly, still holding her gaze as he took one of her pert nipples into his mouth. He sucked hard before nipping the bud lightly. "Let me show you what a beast I can be."