Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 319 - Declaration of War

Chapter 319 - Declaration of War

"Hum... It's only a matter of time then... a matter of waiting for the right catalyst." Zeus grumbled as he fumbled with the keys to the penthouse room overlooking the illuminated Athens skyline. His brows arched as he pushed the door open of the dark rooms and looked around.

[I'm not sure how much more you could possibly do that you haven't already without a declaration of war against Poseidon.] Selena sighed into the phone. [I must go. I'm already running late.] She paused for several long seconds. [Please, consider what I've said... You can not allow your paranoia to get the better of you.]

Zeus only grunted into the phone as he walked through the dark penthouse, his eyes adjusting as he went. His eyes narrowed as they landed on the man sitting in an armchair by the wide, floor-to-ceiling windows. "I'm hanging up." He bit out as he ended the call.

"You should take her advice, brother." Poseidon said as he swirled the liquor in the glass. He turned his attention away from the beautiful nighttime cityscape, a wide smile spreading across his face.

Zeus frowned as he moved over to the lamp in the corner and flipped on a light. "What brings you by this time of night?"

"Can I not simply want to pop in and say hello to my baby brother?" He unfolded his long legs and kicked the other chair toward Zeus and nodded toward it. He took the second glass from the tumbler tray and handed it to Zeus. "I hope you don't mind. I got tired of waiting and helped myself."

Zeus arched his brow as he took the glass and walked over to the windows instead of sitting. "Surely, you didn't come to mere conversation. What do you want?"

Poseidon gave a sarcastic chuckle. "What do I want... I should ask you the same." He snatched the busted watch that he'd taken off Jos's arm earlier from the side table and tossed it to Zeus. "What do YOU want, brother?"

He studied the busted watch with barely concealed irritation. Poseidon's earlier declaration had not been lost on him. It had played loud and clear across the app linked to the watch. "Am I not the head of the Olympian council?" He tossed it back to Poseidon. "It is my duty to make sure your bias toward the girl does not result in her harming more people."

A dubious smirk spread across his lips. "Was that the reason for your interference the first time around?" Poseidon lifted his hand causing the watch to disappear mid-air. "I don't recall Selene being part of our council... Or even high enough on the faction council to be in direct contact with you." His smile widened as he tilted his head. "Unless you're mixing business with pleasure yet again... but you wouldn't be dumb enough to go behind Hera's back with yet another affair, would you?" He shook his head. "I suppose the cock never learns."

Zeus glared at him. "So, you've come to start a fight with me, within my own home?"

"Home?" Poseidon chuckled as he unfolded himself from the chair and walked over to stand beside his brother. "Has your wife kicked you out yet again?" When Zeus only continued glaring, he continued. His playful good mood morphed into one of dark, seriousness. "I am not here to start a fight, brother, rather finally end one." He held his brother's gaze. "Unless you want the age-old question of which of us is the most powerful, you will cease your current activities. You have interfered and devastated with my children's lives enough. I'll not stand for it a second longer. I have set back and pretended to be ignorant of all you have done, but it ends here."

"So, you are threatening... Does one girl you have absolutely no connection to really mean that much to you?"

Poseidon pondered the question for a few extra seconds as he studied the amber liquid in his glass. "Does the girl mean that much to me... no... But she does mean the world to someone I do care deeply about; someone I owe an unpayable debt to." He threw the drink back, finishing the contents. "Do not mistake my words, she has earned her own special place in my heart, aside from her connection to my son, but his happiness is my ultimate goal."

Zeus arched a brow. "How noble of you, and I'm sure the girl's immense power has nothing to do with that 'special place' in your heart?"

Poseidon let out a heavy sigh. "Answer me this, have I ever stood against you for my own gain? What makes you think the addition of one girl will change that?" He continued without waiting for Zeus to answer. "Besides we both know your true power has never been your strength but rather your ability to rally allies to help you fight."

His brows knitted as he moved his focus back out the window. "A person's desires change all the time, brother..."

Poseidon shook his head as he turned and walked back over to the decanter. "Your desires my, but mine do not. I simply want my children to find happiness." He slowly poured himself a drink and took a long sip before finally meeting Zeus's gaze again. "You should know by now; I don't see you as superior... rather I simply do not want the responsibility that would come with overthrowing you. Not then, not now, not ever." He through back the glass, finishing its contents in one swallow before slamming down the glass. He held Zeus gaze with a deafening serious much unlike his usual free-spirited smile. "If left no other choice, I will go up against you and take all that you hold dear." A wicked smile curved his lips. "And I believe you'll be surprised to see the individual willing to stand behind me and 'that girl' as you call her. Do you think as many will willingly stand behind you this time? I think not. I think every one of the gods and titans alike have become endlessly fed up with your bullshit." He was just about to disappear when a chuckle rolled through his chest. "By the way, baby brother, I know you've been listening in on her through that watch... were you astute enough to pick up on who has been trying to warn her against your tricks?" His eyes danced with excited triumph as realization dawned of Zeus. "Yes... but I can only wonder, are the brothers acting on their own or is their mother more directly involved? Jos would be a creature Nyx would take interest in as well." He stroked his chin forging contemplation but couldn't hide the smile that curved his lips at Zeus's sudden stricken expression. "Take this as a promise rather than a threat. If anything happens to Joslyn, it will be war." He said with all seriousness as he disappeared from the room.


Light giggling and chatter echoed around the large kitchen of the palace as Russ tried his best to focus on not burning another pancake. It had been nearly a week since that awful night. They had held a memorial service for all who'd lost their lives that night. Tears burned his eyes as he recalled the pain and beauty that had filled the hearts of everyone who'd came out as the glowing lanterns were released into the air along the cliffs overlooking the turbulent sea. It was obvious no one in the palace was over what had happened, but everyone worked diligently to cheer one another up when they began falling into the darkness of despair. Russ jerked slightly as he was pulled from his thoughts by a light touch to his arm.

"You're about to burn another one..." Jaden snickered as she leaned forward to get a better look.

"What do you expect from royalty!" April called out from the bar where she and Jos were slicing fruit for the meal.

"He's always enjoyed cooking, especially when he's upset." Jos snorted slightly as she added. "He's just never been very good at it."

"Hey, you're more than welcome to give me a hand if you think you can do better!" He furrowed his brows as he stared down at the gas stove. He scratched his head. "I've just never cooked on one of these..."

"Move to the side, kid. I'll do it before everyone starves from your attempts." Ry said stepping into the room.

"Be my guest." Russ said giving a mocking bow.

"How's the home repairs going?" Jaden asked Jos.

"Arei's out meeting with the insurance adjuster now. Once the Fire Marshall's official report is turned over to them, we should be able to begin repairs."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... It seemed like such a lovely home." Jaden said, sadness heavy in her voice.

Russ walked over and rested his chin on Jaden's shoulder. "You're both welcome to say here as long as you need, though I'm sure Poseidon has already offered as well."

Ry chuckled from the stove. "Even with all that's happened, Arei would rather take you up on staying here than he would dad. I don't think they'll ever see eye to eye on anything."

Russ shrugged. "That's fine with me. It's not like we don't have the space here." He said turning his attention to Ry. He arched a brow as Ry strolled over with a plate of perfect pancakes. "Where's your cat apron?"

Ry was just about to whack Russ upside the head with the spatula when the doors of the kitchen slammed open.

"We're sorry, Sire... but they insisted." The two guards posted outside the main doors of the kitchen were able to say before they were pushed out of the way by well-armed men. The emblem for the Embassy rested on the thick Kevlar of each man's vest.

"We have reason to believe Joslyn Decker is currently residing here."

Jos's entire body trembled as she pushed up from the stool. "I am she..."

The lead man nodded and began moving forward taking cuffs and something else from his belt as he did. "You are under arrest and are to be detained immediately. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the courts. Any resistance will be met with extreme force." He was pulling her trembling body toward him and placing the cuffs, when Russ moved to stop the guard, but Ry stopped him.

"On what charges?" Ry demanded, keeping a tight hold on Russ.

The man turned cold eyes down to Jos. "The mutilated body of Councilmen Marcus Rigoletto was found earlier, not far from your residence. The council has reason to believe it was Miss Decker."

"On what grounds?!" Ry growled.

The guard sent Ry and irritated glare. "It is well known that the councilmen and Kraken were not on good terms. The injuries were consistent with the other victims of the Kraken, and the head of the European vampire association were able to uncover and hand over undisputable evidence that the councilmen and Miss Decker have been in contact since his escape."

"Lies!" Ry growled. "It's obviously a setup, she's not left my brother's sight this entire time!"

The man arched his brow. "Is that so? Then where is your brother now?" When Ry only glared and bit into his lower lip, the man nodded. "As I thought." He turned his focus back to Jos and tugged her toward the door.

"No! Wait, I can't leave like this! At least give me a chance to tell Arei goodby-" Her words were cut off as a syringe was plunged into her arm causing her to go instantly limp. He scooped her into his arms and headed toward the door. He paused just outside the door and turned back. "Oh, and you should know, your brother was picked up earlier as well on suspect of involvement... or in the very least allowing the crimes to happen. I wouldn't expect to see him leave the Embassy prison with his job still intact, Orion the hunter." The man bit out before turning leaving, followed by twenty other armed guards.

Russ struggled against Ry's grip. "Let go! If you're not going to go after them then I will!" His body rumbled with the impending shift of the Alpha form. Everyone else in the room were frozen in place by shock and worry.

Ry gripped Russ tighter. "No! Let them go. There is nothing you can do against them. Interfering right now would only cause Jos more problems and get you locked up as well." He nodded to the others in the room. "There are too many other people relying on you now, kid. Leave the corrupt council to me." He said as he glared at the armored vans as they pulled away from the driveway. "Leave it all to me..." The low growl of his voice held a malice that Russ had never heard there before.