Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 301 - Work and Play

Chapter 301 - Work and Play

Jaden couldn't help the snicker that slipped past her lips as she watched the prince sleep atop the stack of documents he was supposed to be working on. She'd found herself doing a lot more of that lately... smiling... laughing... her expression turned pensive as she studied the prince. His long, blonde hair was down today framing his smooth, handsome face. Once the tension of his near-constant brooding expression was relaxed by sleep, his youth was apparent. Long lashes framed line-free eyes. He was probably the most beautiful man she'd ever seen, even compared to the attractive men who clung to his side. Her nose twitched thoughtfully, what would it be like to have such close, dedicated friends? The palace she grew up in was nothing like this. The environment was harsher, with more rigid rules. They would never allow any of the new plans and policies the prince was already implementing to see the light of day. She herself would now be rejected by the Islandic werewolf clan, her perfect pedigree tarnished the second someone inferior birth had touched her whether she'd been a willing participant or not... In truth, the prince's offer had been somewhat of a saving grace, though she'd never admit it aloud.

Full lips pursed out in a pout, more than likely he'd been thinking of the task at hand when he'd fallen asleep. This thought brought another half-hearted giggle. One icy blue eye opened locking with hers. They reminded her of the clear waters surrounding the island.

"What? You've been staring at me for a good ten minutes now..." Russ grumbled, not lifting his head from the table.

Jaden arched a brow. "What? Am I not allowed to gaze upon my husband to be? Or is it because I'm not working efficiently enough for you? Though I must say, unless coating them in drool is part of the task, I'm not quite sure if your work would be considered efficient either..."

"Meh..." He grumbled as he sat up and pushed his hair back out of his face. "I wasn't sleeping, ya know... I was resting my eyes..." He sent her a playful smile. "I can't help my mouth also relaxes and some drool escapes in the process... blame it on being part canine." He shrugged his shoulders as he leaned back against the chair tugging top paper from the pile. His brows furrowed. "I can't even remember where I left off." He grumbled as he searched the paper.

Jaden chuckled as she pushed up from her seat and walked around the table. She scanned the document from over his shoulder. Leaning against the back of his chair she pointed to the second line of the form. "Here... You're still here..." She stood back up and crossed her arms over her chest, trying her best to forge a scowl. "You've not gotten anything accomplished at all today, Russ..."

He chuckled as he turned in the chair, propping his elbow on the table and resting his cheek in his hand. He sent her a wide, crooked smile. "I've accomplished one thing... You're finally using my name without hesitation..." He shrugged. "I consider that a win."

She rolled her eyes in amusement. "Might as well, you've been quite persistent about it." Her eyes moved from his widening smile down to the documents. "Would you like to take a break for a while, and we'll start back after dinner?"

Russ nodded. "Sounds like a plan to me... I'm no closer to understanding this shit than I was a week ago." He pushed up from the chair and stretched. "I'll let the kitchen staff know we're finished for the time being. I'm sure they've already started preparations, considering the number of mouths they're feeding now... but just to make sure..."

She laughed as she shook her head. "You mean you're going to go snatch a snack while they're working hard a preparing everything?"

He laughed, "More or less... Do you want anything?"

She shook her head as she moved back around the table. "No, I'm going to finish up here, then go check on the girls..." Her smile faltered as her gaze met his again. "I really do thank you, Russ... for all you've done for us... You truly are a kind and benevolent leader."

Russ turned away from her as he ran his hand through his hair. "I'm not good of a person as you think me to be... I wish I were... and I'm doing everything I can to make up for past selfishness... but it will never make me a good person... If anything, the fact that I'm doing all I am for such reasons would only prove how self-centered and egotistical I really am..."

"I see the harm of such mutually beneficial things... And you can't be held accountable for what your uncle did. As you said, you would not be old enough to take over under normal circumstances for another two years." It was her turn to glance away in mild embarrassment as she added. "Besides, you are making your own sacrifices in all this..." She glanced up at him from vailed lids. "Freedom... and love..."

He clenched his fists by his sides to keep from reaching out for her, against the urge to pull her into his arms and test the depth of an imprinted attraction. He clenched his jaws against the question burning at the tip of his tongue. "I'm sure I'm not the only one sacrificing things... especially freedom..." He began walking toward the doors, stopping in front of them to turn back to her. "Are you sure I can't bring you anything?"

She shook her head. "I'm fine, I'll see you at dinner."

He nodded and left the room.

Jaden let out a long breath as she settled back down into the chair. Her eyes stared through the paper in front of her. Her words had obviously struck a nerve. What would a long-term relationship be like with him? Would he always carry the same irritation and disdain as he did currently...? Does it really matter if he did? {It's not like I actually love him or anything...} Her eyes trailed to the other side of the table. Her lips curved up at a remaining damp spot on one of the forms. {It is probably only admiration for what he has done and an appreciation for beauty... and the lack of civil conversation for so long... Yes, that's definitely it...} Jaden smiled to herself and her new resolution as she took up the pen and began writing once again.

Another hour had passed when Jaden finally set the pen down and stood from the stack of papers. Her eyes moved to the now empty glass on the table. She gave an overexaggerated stretch before glancing at the old-fashioned clock on the wall. {It is about time for dinner anyhow... might as well stop here.}

Giggling caught her attention as she made her way down the hall of the floor they had been given. Her eyes followed the sounds to a group of girls and a few maids standing by one of the open windows. She arched a brow as she headed toward them and peered over one of their shoulders. "What's so interesting?" She murmured as her eyes followed theirs to a group of men below.

One of the girls stepped to the side, allowing her a better view. "It is the prince." She pointed down below. "He is training with the guards again!"

Jaden watched as the topless men below battled it out with long staffs. "He does seem quite skilled..."

"Skilled?! Is that all you think as you watch them?!" One of the girls giggled. "I've never seen such a display of testosterone in all my life!"

Jaden stroked her chin. "I suppose... but such things are common and necessary within pack life."

April arched a brow as the other girl giggled again. "And you find nothing appealing about these common, necessary acts?"

Jaden forced a stoic expression. "I do appreciate the art of their training... and I see nothing wrong with appreciating one's husband to be... He is much more agreeable than my last intended... However less inclined he may be to reciprocate those feelings..."

April shrugged. "Ya never know-" Her words were cut off as the massive, tattooed man smacked the prince square on the ass. She squeezed on eyes closed as she arched the other brow. "Maybe he's bisexual? I hear it has become popular again in recent years..."

Jaden frowned. "I've never heard of any such thing among pure-born wolves."

April shrugged again. "I mean his clan do have heavy ties to the wolf god Apollo. He was known for his promiscuity with both genders... besides most of his friends seem to be..." Her eyes moved from the crowd below to Jaden. "Would it really be that bad of a thing if he were? You wouldn't have to worry about him forcing himself on you."

"I suppose you're right..." Jaden said as her attention stayed focused on the men below.


Jos couldn't hide her amusement as Arei wrestled the diaper loss from the squirming baby. "Are you sure you don't want at least one little one? You're a natural at this." Before her words had even fully left her mouth, the baby was shooting a stream of pee directly into the large man's face.

Arei glared at her as he blocked the stream of urine with the already wet diaper. "Yes, nothing says natural like a face full of piss..." He grabbed a dishtowel with his free hand and wiped his face. "Tell me again how I got roped into babysitting?"

Jos laughed as she set down the spoon she'd been stirring the soap with and held her finger out for the chubby hand to clasp. "I volunteered to watch Cam while Rin and Shelly travel into town for diapers and a few other things, and you were 'roped' into it because you love me..." She murmured sweetly as she lifted to place a kiss on his cheek.

Arei scrunched his brows together in concentration as he struggled to quickly change out the diapers and work the tiny tape tabs with his thick fingers. "Couldn't Rin just poof some diapers in or something?"

"I'm sure he could have, but what fun would that have been?" She leaned over and tugged the tabs loose without issues and secured them into place causing Arei's frustration to grow. "It's their first time going out and enjoying the day, just the two of them since before the baby was born..." Her words held a soft lull as if to both answer the question and to soothe the baby at the same time. She lifted him off the counter and carried him to the bassinette. Her eyes moved over Arei as she cracked the music box of the mobile attached to it. "You may want to consider a quick shower before dinner..."

He arched his brow with a smile. "You don't say..." He closed the distance between them in four wide steps and pulled her into his arms. "You know in any fantasy I've ever had involving getting peed on, it hadn't involved another man..."

She arched a brow as a wide smile spread over her face. "Oh, so you often fantasize about water sports? I wouldn't have pegged you for the type..."

He chuckled, "You'll not be pegging me for any type... I'm firmly against pegging..."

"Should I be concerned for the search history of the electronics?" She teased.

"Oh, for sure." He whispered as he lowered his lips to hers for a lingering kiss. "Now, if you'll excuse me... I'm off to take my third bath of the day... Who knew something so small and cute was capable of projecting so many different substances out of its body within such a short span of time?

Jos couldn't help the breathtaking laugher that rumbled through her body as she watched him stomp off toward the stairs. "Make sure to wash behind your ear. I'm pretty sure you missed some vomit from earlier!" She called after him.

Arei didn't turn around as he shook his head. "I'm sure I have... Probably more than one spot of vomit and at least a spot or two of the poop bomb from earlier..." He hid the amused smile that curved his lips as he made his way up the stairs. Seeing how much joy the baby had brought to Jos over the past few weeks, he'd found himself wishing something he hadn't wished since his childhood... to be anyone... anything versus what he was... who he was... To be someone who could give her the child she seemed to desire so much. A dull ache settled in the pit of his chest as he pulled off his soiled shit and worked his sweatpants off before stepping into the shower. "If..." That one word had always haunted him... So many ifs in his long, long life...