Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 276 - Baby I'm Coming

Chapter 276 - Baby I'm Coming

"Wait! You can't run all the way to the hospital with her! You don't even know where it is!" Jos shouted as she chased Arei down the stairs. "Besides, it's her first baby. She'll be in labor for several hours, there's not too big of a rush!" Shelly let out a howl as she was jostled down the stairs in the massive man's arms. Jos grabbed her phone and began searching for the first name that came to mind. She listened to the ring of the phone as she waited for Poseidon to pick up on the other end.

[Sorry, I was in the shower. What can I do for you, dear?]

"Shelly's water just broke and we don't have a vehicle. I was hoping you could send your taxi driver friend-" She was cut off.

[Anyone in the driveway?]

Jos ran around to the windows of the front of the house. "No, Arei's probably halfway to town by now ON FOOT!" Her eyes widened in shock as a sleek black SUV materialized out of thin air. "Did... did you send this?"

[The vehicle? Yes, dear. We'll meet you there... Um... what hospital will you be going to?]

Jos quickly pulled open the door and ran down the stairs toward the waiting SUV. Her breath released in a relieved huff when she saw keys hanging from the ignition. "I guess the one closest to werewolf territory."

[Alright, drive carefully, dear. We'll meet you there.]

The line no sooner went dead, as Jos quickly punched in Arei's number. It rang and rang. "Come on, pick up!!!" She cried out as she shifted it into gear and hit the accelerator. When his voicemail picked up she quickly hit redial. "Come on!!" The call was finally answered. "Where are you! Your dad sent a car, I can pick you up."

[Dad sent one?! Drive straight toward town I'll wait for you!] With that, he hung up.

She fumbled with her phone as she hit Raven's number. "Hey, Shelly went into labor! We're on our way to the hospital right now... well Arei's crazy ass is running her to the hospital while I'm stuck trying to catch up!"

[Hahaha... Never boring with you guys. Alright, send me the name of the hospital, and I'll get Isha to teleport me over.]

"Alright, as soon as I know which we will be going to, I'll send you the information!" Jos said as she slammed on the breaks bringing the car to a dead stop. She hit the unlock button and watched as Arei gently set Shelly into the back seat then quickly rounded the vehicle.

"Scoot over, I'll drive, you search for an address." Arei said as he pulled open the driver's door.

Jos nodded and quickly slid across the center console. She Typed rapidly with the thumb of one hand as she tugged on the seatbelt with the other. "Here!" She called out as she shoved the phone into Arei's range of sight.

To Jos's surprise, Poseidon was already standing outside the emergency entrance with a team of nurses by his side.

"Easy does it." Poseidon instructed as the nurses worked to lift Shelly onto a gurney. The second the wolf was stretched out, Poseidon began stroking her fur as he walked beside the gurney.

Arei took Jos's hand as they quickly followed behind. The small room the gurney was pulled into was already full of people. "We'll have to ask everyone to wait in the waiting area until we can get her settled in. Then you are more than welcome to return until its go time." The nurse said.

Jos didn't release Arei's hand as she pushed forward toward Shelly. She grabbed her paw. "We'll be right outside alright. As soon as they allow it, I'll be right back in!" She waited for the wolf to nod before finally turning and leaving the room.

Russ bent and kissed his sister's head lightly. "We're all here for ya, sis." He hadn't even made it out the door of the room when his eyes landed on Jos and Arei. They seemed so in sync with each other, with every move. Her body language played off his perfectly in a way Russ had never known was possible. He let out a heavy sigh as he turned away for them and the small crowd gathered around.

Ry leaned against the wall of the waiting room. He couldn't help the smile that spread across his lips. I can't help but notice a particularly large, shinny rock sitting on a very important finger... Like to share?" He nodded toward the hand resting on his brother's back as they filled Peg and Andy in on what was happening. He could see Jos's cheeks and even her ears redden as the room went quiet and all eyes turned to the couple.

Jos quickly retracted her hand from around Arei as her worried gaze shot up to his brilliant, gleaming eyes. A wide smile spread across his lips exposing the whites of his perfect teeth. "It's up to you, however much or little you want to tell them."

Jos swallowed hard as she looked around the room at the expectant faces before moving back to him. "I mean we haven't even really discussed it yet..."

He wrapped his arms around her and placed an affectionate kiss on her head. "Then that's all they need to know." He searched her eyes. "If you'd like I'll tell them all to mind their own business. It's fully your choice."

Jos swallowed audibly as she glanced toward the small, waiting crowd. "I'd at least hoped to tell everyone at once..." She whispered.

"You realize we are all supernatural creatures capable of hearing every single thing the two of you are whispering about... right?" Ry chuckled as he pushed away from the wall. He walked over and clasped Arei and Jos both on the shoulders. "Whatever you've decided or haven't decided, I'm glad to see that thing back with its owner where it belongs."

Poseidon walked over and patted Jos and Arei's backs. "Welcome back to the family, dear. We've been expecting you." He added with a wink.

Peg and Andy squeezed each other in tight hugs as they nodded in agreement, silent tears burning Andy's eyes.

"Wait... What am I missing... OH Shit!" Raven said as she glanced around the group, her eyes finally falling on the ring she hadn't seen Jos wear since the day she gave it to Cam. "How in the hell did you get that thing back?!"

Jos sent Arei another nervous glance. When he simply nodded, she turned in his arms wrapping her other arm around his waist. She held the ringed hand up so everyone could see. Tears blurred her vision as she spoke. "Cam had given it back to Arei fifty-odd years ago, and I happened across it in the office earlier..." Her gaze moved back up to Arei. "We didn't get to talk too much about... things before Shelly's water broke... but..."

Arei's smile widened even more. "That ring won't be leaving that finger any time soon." He pulled her into his arms a kissed her lips affectionately as everyone else in the room either gawked or stared in warm joy.

Raven shook her head. "Damn... I leave for a few days and miss all the excitement... Russ becomes friends with the enemy's kids, Shelly goes into labor, you two not only get back together but get fucking engaged... What else have I missed?!"

Everyone's attention snapped around to the sound of a bottle hitting the floor. Russ shook the shock from his expression as he bent to retrieve the bottle of soda, he'd gotten from the vending machine. He forced a stoic expression as he glared at the rest of the over-joyed group. "Excuse me if I don't share in the rest of your joyous celebrations." He was just about to turn from the room when the nurse walked over.

"She's settled in now if you'd like to rejoin her. She's only dilated to a seven right now, so it will still be some time. Once she reaches ten, we'll ask that only five of you remain in the room." The nurse stepped to the side and held her hand out toward the room inviting everyone inside.

Several gasps sounded as everyone filed into the room one by one. "It shall always be a pleasant surprise to see your beautiful face, my child." Poseidon said, not wasting any time to push through the group and take his place at Shelly's side. He ran a hand over her hair before trailing her jawline. "You are a stunning beauty, you know that?" He lowered and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

Happy tears streamed down Shelly's cheeks as she wrapped her arms around the god's torso. "Thank you."

He chuckled. "Thanks for what dear?" He asked as he settled on the bed beside her.

Her teary eyes shimmered up at him. "For everything... I was... worried..."

A knowing smile spread across his lips. "That we wouldn't see you as a human or feel the same for you once you were in human form?" He caressed her cheek, brushing a trail of tears away with the pad of his thumb. "I have lived a long life and spent many of those years in various other forms as my children have. I've never seen you as anything less than the girl you are right here, right now; and I'm sure the same goes for everyone else here today."

"Speak for yourself... I feel like a complete dumbass right now..." Ry said as he walked over behind his dad and leaned against the wall. "I can't believe I used to pet you... I bet you think we're all assholes for doing so, right?"

Shelly laughed. "No, not at all. It was actually quite nice and very therapeutic. It was the physical contact I needed to recover from my... ordeal without the discomfort such physicality would mean among humans."

Ry shook his head as a grin curved his lips. "Well, that speech doesn't make me feel any less dumb, but thanks." He reached out to pat her head but froze in mid-movement.

Shelly giggled. "It's alright, I really don't mind if it's you guys." Her eyes moved around the small group in her private delivery room. "I hope we can all still be as close... even if I don't return to wolf form. I can only imagine it would be hard taking care of a child in that form..." Another giggle left her lips accompanied by a few others in the room.

Raven shrugged, "I dunno, might go viral a wolf raising a baby. There have been enough myths about such things. We can wrap him in red blankets... Little red riding baby..."

Shelly shook her head as she laughed, "You're ridiculous- Ahhhh!" Her words were cut off as a heavy contraction caused her to double over in the bed.

"Easy does it, dear. Here take my hand." Poseidon said as she gritted her teeth against the pain. He nodded toward Jos as she settled on the opposite side of the bed. "Grip our hand's dear. Squeeze as much as you need to."

Andy ran to the sink and began filling the basin with cool water. "Can you carry this over to the bedside table?" She asked handing it to Arei who stood closest as she turned to the many cabinets and began searching for towels. Gathering a handful, she pushed past the others and dipped one into the water then rang it out before pushing past him to dab the perspiration off Shelly's forehead.

Peg frowned. "As eager as we all are to meet the newest member of the family when he arrives, I'd say it would be best if us guys waited in the waiting area... It seems the ladies have it under control and we are only getting in the way."

Ry pushed away from the wall. "I couldn't agree more!" He mussed Shelly's hair before lowering and placing a light kiss on her head. "Give'm hell, girl!"

Peg awkwardly patted her foot. "Can't wait to meet the little guy, it's been a while since there was a baby in the palace." He tugged Andy over for a quick kiss before following Ry out of the room.

Russ didn't say anything as he headed over to a chair in the corner and flopped down. He nodded to Shelly as he tossed his feet up and laid down on the hard couch, forging sleep.

Shelly rolled her eyes as she sent Jos a 'can you believe him' look. She laughed lightly as Jos only shrugged. She turned her attention to Raven. "What about you?"

Raven shrugged, keeping her distance. "I mean the thought of childbirth still freaks me out, that hasn't changed... but... I dunno, figured I'd stick in here as long as I could..." She sent Shelly a croaked smile as she crossed her arms and shrugged.

Arei's worried eyes moved from Shelly to Jos. "Will you be alright if I go?"

Jos's eyes automatically moved over to where Russ was laying.

"Don't worry I'm not so much of an asshole to cause problems while my sister is giving birth..." Russ mumbled.

Arei, Poseidon, and Shelly all three gave sarcastically huffed laughs. "Sure, you won't... because I'm staying, and your little ass don't want to meet your nephew as a dog, isn't that right?" Poseidon said. Russ glared at him from one barely open eye. "That's what I thought. Go on, son. Things will be fine here. After all, I don't want you to become traumatized by the experience." He winked at Jos. "I'm still holding out for krak-stallions..." His focus quickly moved to Shelly. "Not to say I'll not be enjoying my soon to be, grandchild... If that's alright with you that I consider him as so..." Poseidon rubbed her tight stomach, feeling another contraction ripple through it as he did so.

Shelly forced a smile through the pain. "That would be great! What better godparent than and- ahhh- actual god... Ughhh."

"You're doing great, dear... Just try to relax as much as you can between contractions." Andy coached her as she pressed a fresh cool cloth to her forehead. Andy's attention moved to Jos and Poseidon. "As close as they are becoming, I'd say we'll be in active labor within the next hour or so."

"Hum... Then that is my queue to leave." Arei said as he bent to kiss Shelly's forehead. He paused, "Um..."

Shelly giggled. "It's fine..." She held her hands out to the giant man. "After all you have my fluids all over your clothes... I'd say that's enough to consider us family, even if that doesn't." She nodded to the ring on Jos's hand with a wide, approving smile.

He returned her smile as he lowered and kissed her head. "As much as I'd love to stay by your side, father's right, I'm not quite ready to witness the... um... beauty... of childbirth." He gave an over-exaggerated shutter. Shelly giggled more as Andy gave an annoyed huff and slapped his arm. "What?! I've watched the discovery channel!"

"You and your brother's all three are idiots!" Andy growled as she set the cloth back into the cool water. "Get going!" She shooed him away with a wave of her hand.

Three hours later.

"The head is crowning! Push, dear, push!" The doctor called, ignoring the quickly departing feet behind her as Russ and Raven made haste out of the room.

"Come on, you can do it! This is the worst part! Keep pushing!" Andy encouraged as she continued to pat the perception from Shelly's brow.

Shelly gritted her teeth, crying out loudly as she squeezed Jos and Poseidon's hands tightly, thankful they'd stuck by her side. She could feel her body rip and tear, but she continued to bear down against the pain and pressure.

It felt like a lifetime had passed before the first cry of new lungs was filling the room. "Congratulation's momma." The doctor said as she set the tiny bundle in Shelly's arms.

Poseidon leaned forward for a better look along with Jos and Andy. "He's beautiful, just like his momma."

Tears streamed down Shelly's face. "Yes, he is... I just wish Rin were alive and could be here to see him as well..."