Chereads / Strange Love / Chapter 277 - Baby Mine

Chapter 277 - Baby Mine

Russ continued to glare at Arei as he paced nervously back and forth along the entire length of the waiting area. He snarled his upper lip in growing irritation as he moved his focus out the window.

"Do you think everything is alright in there?" Arei asked Raven for the millionth time since she'd come out of the room. "It's been nearly an hour since you guys came out."

Raven arched her brows at the giant man, a slight snicker coloring her words. "As I said when you asked ten seconds ago, first babies take forever."

"Isn't it enough you've stollen the only woman I've ever loved from me, do you really have to push between my sister and me?" Russ grumbled as the massive man returned to pacing.

Arei stopped in his tracks. "Maybe you should be more concerned, instead of finding more reasons to hate me..." He was about to return to pacing when Russ pushed angrily away from the window.

"I am concerned! Concerned about whether I'll even be able to see my sister and nephew if they're going to be staying with your ass!" Russ barked out as he stomped toward Arei.

Giorgos shot Ry a look as he let out a heavy sigh and pushed his large frame up from the tiny chair he occupied. "Enough..."

Russ snapped on Ry. "Enough?! Tell this pompous asshat to stop rubbing it in my face how much more my loved ones want to be up his ass!"

Raven rolled her eyes in irritation. "He's said nothing to you."

"No, they just came in sporting, what, an engagement ring?! You've been together all of a few fucking weeks and already you're engaged?! Well good fucking luck with that, you know she has a ring from me too..." Russ bit out.

Arei narrowed his eyes, "You really think this is the place?" He tossed his hand toward Shelly's room. "While your sister is in there giving birth? This is what you want to do? Show your ass as always like the child you are?!"

"I'm not a fucking child!" Russ bit out. He was just about to kick off their fight with a punch when the lights of the entire hospital floor began to flicker.

Everyone's focus moved from Russ to the lights. Another light flicked on above the door to Shelly's room and extra staff members began running toward the room.

"Fuck!" Ry, Russ, and Arei all three charged toward the room followed closely by Raven.

Arei's eyes instantly fell to the floor where several nurses were bent. All he could see was familiar silver and turquoise hair. "Jos!" He slid to her side on his knees.

Russ stumbled backward into Ry who stood just as shocked in the doorway. "Holy mother of fuck!!!" Raven said as she froze in mid shove against the two men blocking the door, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Rage radiated from the sea god as he stood protectively over Shelly and her baby. "Who are you!" His words vibrated the walls around them, his anger and focus not moving away from the strange newcomer until a trembling hand slid into his. He didn't take his eyes off the man as he sent Shelly a glance. "It's alright, dear. You and your baby have my protection."

Shelly shook her head as tears flooded her eyes sending rivers streaming down her face. "It... it's ok..." She forced words past her trembling lips. "He's... he..."

Rin held up his hands in surrender, his eyes darting from his wife and new baby to the crazed man blocking his way. "I'm not here to hurt them... I just want to see... my son..." His words broke, coming out hoarse and raspy. "And my wife."

Poseidon's eyes widened and quickly shot around to Shelly. When she nodded her head, his attention moved to the others in the room. Jos was just coming to in Arei's arms and the others by the door were pale and staring as if they were seeing a ghost. He cautiously stepped aside and watched as the man moved with haste to Shelly's side, first pulling her into a careful hug and showering her in kisses then shifting his attention to the baby. Poseidon swallowed hard against the building of emotion as the situation began to sink in. He watched as tears flowed freely from nearly every eye in the room.

"He's perfect... You're perfect... I love you so much..." Rin whispered against her head, his voice still very raspy.

"How?" Shelly asked as she searched his face, her fingers tracing every detail of his face as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Rin smiled down at her, his baby tucked into his arms. "Because you wished it..."

"But how???" More tears filled her eyes.

Rin balanced the sleeping baby in one arm as he pressed her palm against his lips and kissed it. "I'm not entirely sure, but I'm sure mom and dad will be able to explain it... until then..." He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss. "It feels like both forever and only yesterday when I last kissed you..."

Shelly couldn't help the choked sob that escaped her lips. "Last I saw you... I thought..." Her blurry gaze moved to an angry scar going from one side of his throat to the other. Her fingers trembled uncontrollably as she ran them over it.

He caught her hand and brought it back to his lips. "Shh... Don't think of any of that ever again... We're together now..." He whispered soothingly.

"But... you were..." She shook her head as more tears ran down her face. "You can't leave me again, please tell me you'll not leave me... that this... that this isn't something temporary."

"I'm not entirely sure, love." He placed another kiss on her knuckles.

"I wish... I wish! I wish we could be together always, never to part again!" Shelly cried out. She clasped his hand and tugged him toward her, meeting his lips with a passionate kiss of her own.

Rin chuckled as he pulled away, feeling a slight squirm in his arms. "I'll not be going anywhere anytime soon, love." He lifted the bundle in his arm and placed a light kiss on his son's forehead. A choked sob brought his attention to the others in the room for the first time. He followed the sound to Russ who was being supported by Ry still. "Russ... You alright, man?"

Russ struggled to right himself. He brushed the tears from his own face as he nodded. "You... your alive..."

One corner of Rin's mouth turned up into a smile. "It would appear so..." He handed the baby back to Shelly as he stood, sending her a wink. He walked over and pulled Russ into a hug. "I'm glad to see you here, by her side..."

Tears streamed down Russ's face as he held his best friend in a tight hug. "I've been such a dick lately... you'd hate me now..."

Rin chuckled. "You've always been a dick, dude... but you've also always been a solid friend and brother." He pressed his forehead against Russ's as he clasped the back of his neck. "What do you say we dry all these teary eyes and name a baby? His godfather should have a say in names, right?"

Russ smiled widely at his best friend. "Yeah, I guess so..."

Ry stepped forward lowering his phone from his ear and handing it out to Rin. "Here, there are two more people eager to speak with you."

Rin smiled and nodded to the oversized man as he held his hand out knowing well who it would be. "Mom... dad..." He nodded again. "Yes, she's fine... the baby too... Yeah, come on over..." He hadn't even lowered the phone before two more bodies were materializing in the room. Rin handed the phone back to Ry as he held his arms open for his parents.

"My boy! You've come back to us! We were so worried!" Jamila exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed tightly. She pulled away after several long seconds and tugged his forehead down to her lips. She studied him for several more seconds before nodding and turning her focus to Shelly and the baby. "My dear! I've missed you so much! And this little guy! I've been going mad with anticipation!" She rushed toward them, pulling Shelly and the baby both into her dainty arms.

Rin's attention moved to his dad. "How?" He whispered.

A warm smile spread across his father's features. "There is much the two of you need to learn about the bond you made in the ritual room that night. We weren't allowed to tell you then... but I believe it's time you know now..." He stepped forward and embraced his son. "But first I'd like to meet my grandson."

Arei watched the happy reunion from his spot on the floor with Jos tucked safely in his arms. "I wouldn't have guessed this is how the night would end..."

Jos shook her head as she wiped away tears of joy. "Me either..." She gave his arm that was wrapped around her an affectionate squeeze.

"I guess this means we're going to have an empty nest before it's even filled?" Arei remarked with a hint of disappointment in his voice.

Jos giggled, "I'm sure we'll see plenty of the three of them..."

Poseidon held his hand out for Jos. "What do you say the two of you get out of the floor so we can give them some privacy?"

Jos nodded as she took his hand, letting him tug her up from Arei's lap. To her surprise, instead of releasing her once she was on her feet, he pulled her into a hug and placed a light kiss to the top of her head. "What was that for?" She asked, embarrassment coloring her words.

He nodded toward the loving family gathered around the hospital bed. "Seeing such a moving thing makes you appreciate those I have... I don't need this to see you as my daughter." He lifted her hand and placed a kiss to the ring. "But I'm overjoyed to see it still..."

New tears streamed down Jos's cheeks as she tugged her hand free and wrapped both of them around his waist. "Thank you."

"You're always welcome, dear." He said placing another kiss to her head. He tugged her free and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, turning them toward the door. Everyone who'd been blocking the door slowly backed out leaving Arei to pull it closed behind himself.

Andy flung herself into Peg's arms the second she was out of the room. "I love you! Let's go home..."

Peg arched a brow as he studied his wife. "Please tell me watching that hasn't made you want another baby?"

She shook her head. "But it makes me even more thankful we are able to be together..."

Peg cupped his wife's face between his hands, "As am I." He murmured as he lowered his lips to hers. After a lingering kiss, he lifted his gaze to the rest of the room. "Well, you heard the wife... We're heading home. We'll be back tomorrow to visit with the new little family." He waved to everyone as they turned down the hallway.

Poseidon gave Jos one more squeeze before releasing her. "The two of you should probably head back as well. It's late and you've had a long day."

Jos nodded. "Thanks... We'll be back first thing in the morning..."

"I'm sure you will. Take care dear." He said as he turned his attention to his son. He gave him a pat on the back. "Congratulations again. I'll see you tomorrow." He watched as they left. He turned his focus to Ry and Russ. "Are the two of you ready to call it a night?"

Russ shook his head. "I'd like to say goodnight to Rin and Shelly before I leave... I just figured I'd give them a little longer before I went back in..."

Poseidon nodded. "Alright." He turned his attention to Giorgos. "Is that alright with you? If you need to, you can go ahead and leave. We can find our own way back." He gave the man a sly smile.

Giorgos shook his head. "I can stay a little while longer, it's fine." His eyes moved back to the room as two new people stepped out.

Ry followed his gaze. "Oh, hello guys." He held his arms out to Jamila as the tiny woman stepped into his embrace. They'd become quite close over the past several months. He'd kept her updated on Shelly and the pregnancy. "I'm glad to see your preparations paid off."

Jamila nodded. "Us as well... We'd began to lose faith, but our dear girl pulled through in the end..."

Ry chuckled, "I'm sure had she known... and been in a position to speak, she would have long ago."

Jamila laughed against the tears streaming down her face. "Oh, to be sure! But there was too much of a risk of telling her. It could have rendered the magic useless..."

Ry gave her another tight squeeze. "It worked out well enough..." He'd thought the couple crazy, grieving parents unable to accept the fate of their son when they'd told him about all the measures, they'd taken in preserving the body. Jamila had sounded half-mad as she spoke of her baby boy returning to them one day, but obviously, he'd been the fool for doubting her. Ry nodded toward the door. "Why don't you go ahead and say your goodbye's and we'll head back to the palace."

Jamila nodded. "We must be getting back as well. Every time I leave, it leaves our own palace vulnerable as you both know."

"Come on." Poseidon said, clasping Russ on the back and guiding him toward the room. "I want to say goodnight as well."