After coming out the training area, Aaron had fully mastered all of his previous skills and abilities to Germal's level. He had also came up with a plan to complete this quest on his terms.
He doesn't really like that he has to do this, but at least with his plan no one should die. He's going to make an illusion that causes all food and drink to taste awful. This will cause unrest among the entire population. That should be enough to complete the mission.
"Ritz honey. You look like you are starving, here let me go get you some food." He told Ritz. "Okay daddy." she replied in a weak and untrusting tone. She still didn't believe him, that she wasn't a burden.
Over the next few days though, Ritz was getting better, at least physically. Aaron no longer seemed depressed, which helped, but he kept going put late at night.
After morning came, Aaron woke up Ritz. "Honey, I am going to have to send you to wait outside of the city. Daddy is going to do something and I don't want you to get effected. It will take a day or two, then I will come get you and we'll continue to rhe capital."
Ritz started to break down and cry. "I knew it, I am dragging you down." she said between sobs.
Aaron was shocked, he didn't think she was still feeling down. "No no honey. Right now you are my anchor, otherwise I would probably be going insane. I just don't want you to suffer. Daddy won't be effected because its my own doing. I swear, you are not a burden, you are my light in this hell hole." he said as he held her in his arms and stroked her back.
She sniffed and asked "Really?". "Of course honey. Besides. at some point you'll have to learn to live without me, I will die. But not anytime soon. Now be a brave girl and go camp outside of the city and wait for me."
It took Ritz awhile to calm down. "Okay daddy, I will wait for you." After saying this, she started to pack up.
Both of them started walking to the gates of the city. During which people still looked at them with pity and spite. And there were even some the followed them.
They made small talk until they reached the gates. "Okay honey, you be good, and take care of yourself. I'll come get you in a day or two." Aaron said after reaching the gate. "Yes daddy. Good luck, and I love you." Ritz replied.
"Love you to honey. Now get going." he said as he hugged her before giving her a push towards the gate. As she walked through the gate, she looked back only to see him smiling and waving at her.
It wasn't until she was out of sight that he went back to the inn. But not before stopping by the fountain in the middle of the city, where he had decided the central portion of the illusion to be set. There were too many people right now, and he couldn't finish it, so he just went back to the inn.
Time past, and the sun set. He waited another hour after the sun set before going back to the fountain.
He sighed, "Why are you four following me? You've been following me since this morning." as he stared at a dark alley.
"So you knew?" a rough voice sounded out as four men walked out. They were full of muscles and looked like the typical thug. "But so what, what you've done to that little girl, well, lets just say you won't be able to do anything to anyone any more." all of them started to laugh.
"So I guess you're the leader right? Well, please go away, I don't have time to deal with vigilantes that don't know anything." Aaron had sighed and shook his head at them.
They stopped laughing, and sneered at him before rushing at him with daggers the pulled out from their backs. Aaron's eyes narrowed as he dodge the first dagger by leaning to the side. He swept the back leg of the first man and pulled on the outstretched arm, throwing him to the ground.
He side stepped the second man and chopped the back of his neck, making his faint and fall on top of the first man before kicking the third man's hand knocking the dagger into the air. He hooked his leg around the man's arm and used it as leverage to send a kick with his other leg to the side of the man's head, knocking out a few teeth before he also fainted.
After landing he just stared at the man who had spoke. That man was shivering as he watched everything happen in a few seconds. "Who- Who are you?" the man stammered as he backed up a few steps.
"Just someone who is trying to protect his daughter." Aaron replied before rushing him and punching his gut, causing him to topple over in pain. "Now leave and don't bother me again. Take your friends with you."
"Fine fine, what ever you say." The man said scared out of his wits. He had never seen anyone move like that before, and wouldn't come back without even more backup. He dragged away the one of the fainted man, while the first man to charge grabbed the other as they left.
'Sheesh, whatever, time to finish this illusion so I can get out of here.'