Chereads / Illimitable Until Death / Chapter 2 - 1: First Skill from Innate Skill

Chapter 2 - 1: First Skill from Innate Skill

Then, after the per­son died, where will go to?

Fang Li does not know.

Be­cause, Fang Li can af­firm, after one­self died, the place ab­solutely ab­nor­mal that ar­rives.

„This... Where is here?"

Looks at the sur­round­ing en­vi­ron­ment, at a loss of Fang Li whole face.

At this mo­ment, the Fang Li right per­son is on piece of vast open space.

open space very bleak, with­out any flow­ers and plants trees, only then ex­poses the land for build­ing in air, pre­sents one type makes in the per­son heart un­able to rise any warm ashen.

Four sides open space all around has wall.

Four sides the wall open space to tight sur­round­ing in in­side, has iso­lated with out­side world thor­oughly, such as a bleak prison.

Al­though place above does not have the ceil­ing, but Fang Li has not felt ex­is­tence of sun­light slightly, only then un­known light source is il­lu­mi­nat­ing en­tire space.

Fi­nally, in such closed space, only then above the Fang Li front wall, has door to­gether.


Fang Li is al­most sub­con­scious wants to walk in the gate di­rec­tion.

How­ever, in this time, an ice-cold sound ap­pears in the Fang Li's mind, let Fang Li just body stiff on the spot that planned to move.

„Starts to trans­mit in­struc­tion mes­sage."

in­struc­tion mes­sage?

What is that?

In the Fang Li's heart just reap­peared such an idea, the next in­stance, looks like has any­thing from the mind deep place to be un­earthed sud­denly by the mem­ory that one­self for­get, like has not own mem­ory to pour into force­fully to the mind, mas­sive mes­sage start to flee in all di­rec­tions, but left.

But with is that ice-cold sound that these mes­sage ap­pear.

„Main God's Di­men­sion, by being called Main God ex­ists to cre­ate space that."

„space does not have the end, but it ac­tu­ally re­lates to fic­tion­al­ize with the Fan­tasy form ex­ists in peo­ple the one by one world in mem­ory."

„Here, you can ob­tain long-awaited power."

„Here, you can ob­tain the in­ex­haustible wealth."

„But, these things, must strive by you com­pletely, Main God's Di­men­sion gives you merely is an op­por­tu­nity."

„Se­r­ial Num­ber 11273, you in­stan­ta­neous were se­lected in of death, ob­tain lived again a op­por­tu­nity, en­tered this Main God's Di­men­sion."

„Start­ing today, you be­come Main God's Envoy in Main God's Di­men­sion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion again and again in the one by one world, such, you will ob­tain the thing that oth­ers can­not ob­tain for a life­time."

„Nat­u­rally, the premise is you can ob­tain all these qual­i­fi­ca­tion Ex­change Points."

„Ini­tially en­ters Main God's Di­men­sion Main God's Envoy to ob­tain 1000 Ex­change Points with 5 free At­tribute Points, please prop­erly use, in order to avoid died in first Dun­geon World."

„Leaves your time not to be many, after 30 min­utes, first Dun­geon World will then open, be­longs to your first test also to ap­proach."

„In this pe­riod of time, you are un­able to leave own per­sonal space, only then through the test of first Dun­geon World, you can truly be­come Main God's Envoy, opens to the in­fi­nite pos­si­bil­i­ties path."

The words fall, that ice-cold sound looks like thor­ough com­pleted own Quest to be the same, the re­treat, left Fang Li's qui­etly, only then that mas­sive mes­sage.

These mes­sage, look like new di­rec­tor in a game is the same, told Fang Li Main God's Di­men­sion some basic in­for­ma­tion.

There­fore, Fang Li knows that just that sound was not great ex­is­tence in own con­ver­sa­tion, but like Sys­tem An­nounce­ment in game, a Main God's Di­men­sion basic per­for­mance.

When re­ceived these mes­sage, Fang Li grad­u­ally re­sponded from the ab­sent-minded con­di­tion, the at a loss ex­pres­sion started be­comes com­plex.

„Lives again one time...?"

Should this be able to be a lucky mat­ter?

What a pity, re­gard­ing this, Fang Li does not have any feel­ing.

„Died ob­vi­ously did not mat­ter..."


Died did not mat­ter.

Be­cause, Fang Li then did not dread the death in­born.


Should say that came from in the per­son­al­ity flaw, keep­ing Fang Li from hav­ing any sen­ti­ment to 『Death』 this con­cept, from nev­er­the­less was far dreads a say­ing.

„But, can undy­ing words that also be a good thing."

After all, Fang Li only to death any feel­ings, has not meant that Fang Li wants dead.

Has a such idea, Fang Li to defer to in­struc­tion mes­sage, will re­al­ize to im­merse in own mind.

The next sec­ond, an in­for­ma­tion starts to reap­pear.


Char­ac­ter: Fang Li

Race: human

Rank: Fifth Rank

STR: 1

VIT: 1

AGI: 1

INT: 1

( Human Race 20 -year-old youth on av­er­age At­tribute, be­sides INT is 5.)


In Main God's Di­men­sion, Main God's Envoy Abil­ity mainly com­prised of three parts.

One: At­tribute.

Two: Skill.

Three: Equip­ment.

These three parts have car­ried on the dig­i­ti­za­tion by way of Main God's Di­men­sion, can, what­ever Main God's Envoy con­sult, fre­quently grasps own Abil­ity.

And, At­tribute is then rep­re­sent­ing in­di­vid­ual basic Abil­ity.

STR has de­cided phys­i­cal strength.

VIT had de­cided with­stands Abil­ity.

AGI has de­cided the Agility per­for­mance.

INT has de­cided In­nate Skill in Mys­tery as­pect, namely ex­er­tions of strength of all mir­a­cles pos­si­bly with de­gree.

Main God's Envoy Abil­ity then from pro­mot­ing these basic At­tribute starts.

But av­er­age At­tribute of Human Race 20 -year-old youth, be­sides INT is 5.

Al­though Fang Li is also less than 20 years old, this year just 18, but STR, VIT, AGI and INT four basic At­tribute, are ac­tu­ally 1.

„... in other words, even if in human, I is also that one level of most dregs?"

Fang Li cor­ner of the mouth twitches.

He wants to ask re­ally very much that ten -year-old human chil­dren be­sides INT, how many other three At­tribute av­er­age value are?

Dif­fi­cult to be in­ad­e­quate, does a he ten -year-old child com­pare?

„Ok, who makes me not like the sports."

Since sev­enth that year, the ig­no­rant start re­al­ized that own un­usual Fang Li then no longer every­where plays like the or­di­nary child nois­ily.

This phe­nom­e­non, after grow­ing up, gets stronger and stronger, mak­ing Fang Li thor­ough be­comes hikiko­mori, every day holds lap­top com­puter to earn a liv­ing with Smart­phone, even if goes out to get to­gether with the friend only to eat and drink, like hit­ting a bas­ket­ball kind of out­door sports firmly re­sists.

Such life, Fang Li ten years, which the body tis­sue mass en­ergy good to have gone?

After ac­cept­ing one­self that won­der­ful dregs in­com­pa­ra­ble At­tribute, Fang Li has as­signed out Skill Win­dow.

Ini­tially en­ters Main God's Di­men­sion Main God's Envoy, Skill Win­dow is nat­u­rally spa­tial.

But, the Fang Li sur­prised dis­cov­ery, in own Skill Win­dow had Skill un­ex­pect­edly.

More­over, lets Fang Li sur­prised Skill.


Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion (In­nate Skill): Can be able to see the thing 『Death』, 『Death』 this type the form re­ceive that con­cept that does not have the en­tity by vi­sual mes­sage, man­i­fests to be sim­i­lar to doo­dle 『Line』, when 『Line』 of ob­ject shut off, the shut off part will be coursed the end di­rectly, cre­ates death that is un­able to cure and is un­able re­turn to orig­i­nal state.


Fang Li is stu­pe­fied on the spot, shortly af­ter­wards ob­serves the sit­u­a­tion all around that starts to hurry first.

„Mir­ror... Mir­ror... Does not have the words water sur­face of mir­ror to be also good!"

What a pity, this per­sonal space any­thing does not have, has piece of open space.

Ac­tu­ally sys­tem sound reap­pear­ing of Main God's Di­men­sion again, as al­ways cold de­c­la­ra­tion.

„One side or­di­nary mir­ror, value 10 Ex­change Points."

10 Ex­change Points?

Doesn't that need to hes­i­tate?

Fang Li di­rect con­fir­ma­tion ex­change.

the next mo­ment, a mir­ror not any omen sud­denly flashed in front of Fang Li's, fell into Fang Li's hand.

Took this mir­ror, Fang Li was see­ing own face fi­nally.

That is one, al­though not can be re­garded hand­some ex­tra­or­di­nary, ac­tu­ally gives peo­ple one type to have the close­ness very much, has quite hand­some face.

The hair color is black-col­ored, is not glossy, may very be pure.

Fang Li clear re­mem­ber­ing, the color of own pupil is the hair color is also same, con­sis­tent pure black­ness.

But, at this mo­ment, pre­sents in the mir­ror is ac­tu­ally not in the im­pres­sion fa­mil­iar pitch-black eyes.

That is one pair is given to fully oc­cupy by the ice blue rain­bow light, the cen­ter sec­tion pre­sents lus­ter bright col­or­ful eyes like the rain­bow.

„Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion..."