Chereads / Illimitable Until Death / Chapter 3 - 2: A pair of eye that is impossible to have

Chapter 3 - 2: A pair of eye that is impossible to have

Re­gard­ing Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion, as hikiko­mori, Fang Li is not strange.

That is came from TYPE-MOON se­ries «Tsuk­i­hime» with «Kara no Ky­oukai» spe­cial Abil­ity.

The hold­ers have two.

One is «Kara no Ky­oukai» Ry­ougi Shiki.

One is «Tsuk­i­hime» Tohno Shiki.

That is can see ob­ject Abil­ity of 『Death』 as the name sug­gests di­rectly.

Has this Abil­ity per­son in most ob­jects sur­faces vi­sual to being sim­i­lar to the crack deep line, namely Line of Death, if cuts along the line, that will cre­ate to the ob­ject is not de­fen­si­ble and un­cur­able in­jury.

But has one of the Abil­ity con­di­tions, then must per­son­ally ex­pe­ri­ence a death, and un­der­stood the death.


Looks that in the mir­ror that to as if can give ice blue eyes that wins the per­son whole body body tem­per­a­ture, Fang Li self-ridiculed.

„Truly, I can also be con­sid­ered as to ex­pe­ri­ence one time dead."

But, ex­pe­ri­ence death just ob­tains the Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion con­di­tion, did not use the Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion con­di­tion.

Re­mem­bers ac­cord­ing to Fang Li's, even if ob­tained Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion, this to the eye did not say thing that the use can use.

„Let alone, strict, should not be ac­cord­ing to logic im­pos­si­ble has this in TYPE-MOON World I to the eye is right."

Fang Li clear re­mem­ber­ing, in the TYPE-MOON se­ries world, has most basic set­tings all things to grow from 『Root』.

So-called 『Root』 is the ori­gin of all things.

In there, not only has all starts, even records all ends.

The human soul also grows from this 『Root』, thus ob­tains the shape, ob­tains the wis­dom, in ex­is­tence that the earth mul­ti­pli­ca­tion lives.

Be­cause through­out is the de­riva­tion from the re­la­tions of 『Root』, there­fore, the all mankind con­nec­tion in TYPE-MOON World 『Root』.

Be­cause 『Root』 records all ends, the con­nec­tion 『Root』, nat­u­rally was equal to re­al­iz­ing the death of all things.

Just, brain of human, al­though has the func­tion of re­ceive and send­ing a let­ter, but the con­nec­tion 『Root』 『Line』 is ac­tu­ally clos­ing.

Only had to ex­pe­ri­ence the death, has un­der­stood the death, that this 『Line』 will be opened.

Ry­ougi Shiki and Tohno Shiki then through ex­pe­ri­enc­ing death, can thus know and un­der­stand that the thing 『Death』, sees the thing 『Death』, and even can through shut­ting off this 『Death』, the ob­ject com­pul­sory di­rec­tor end.

This, is Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion.

„How­ever I in TYPE-MOON World, sim­ply did not have the so-called con­nec­tion ob­vi­ously a 『Root』 say­ing."

How­ever, Fang Li ob­tained Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion.

„In­nate Skill... In­nate Skill... in other words I have In­nate Skill in this as­pect is right?"

„My only feels to 『Death』 ob­vi­ously aloof."

Fang Li sighed slightly, mir­ror re­ceiv­ing.

No mat­ter what, since had in­clud­ing Main God's Di­men­sion, that in­con­ceiv­able mat­ter can­not be feels strange.

Al­though the Fang Li's At­tribute dregs to is not good, but there is such pair of Mys­tic Eyes, with­out doubt to Fang Li fol­low­ing Dun­geon World one line of ad­van­tage, does not have the fault.

„Re­main­ing also 990 should Ex­change Points with 5 free At­tribute Points, how use?"

After 30 min­utes, Fang Li then must ex­pe­ri­ence first Dun­geon World.

Fang Li must for the fol­low­ing trav­el­ing sched­ule, take ad­van­tage of the re­sources in skilled per­son.

There­fore, Fang Li has spent for 25 min­utes holds to rack one's brains, fi­nally fi­nally had the mo­tion.

First, Fang Li se­lected 5 free At­tribute Points com­pletely on AGI, AGI up­graded to 6.

„Has Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion, so long as can hit the ob­ject, that can cause the enor­mous dam­age, then, pro­mot­ing STR then not to have what to will."

„How­ever the VIT words, after its con­sid­er­a­tion was hit this can re­sist, might as well should con­sider that from the be­gin­ning how can not be hit, there­fore, pro­mot­ing VIT might as well pro­mote AGI."

„As for INT, by my pre­sent con­di­tion, this At­tribute is un­able to dis­play, in ad­di­tion had been equal to that has not added."

„Sum­ma­rizes , to pro­mote AGI with­out doubt is my only choice."

„So long as there is a speed, no mat­ter moves, fends and re­treats also or is the at­tack, will have the safe­guard."

Pro­motes AGI to let Fang Li's move­ment speed, at­tack speed, re­flex nerves, motor nerve and even jump­ing abil­ity , etc. all ob­tains the pro­mo­tion with the Agility per­for­mance re­lated phys­i­cal abil­ity.

In brief , to pro­mote the speed in body.

Be­sides the pon­der, this At­tribute ba­si­cally can pro­mote body all and ve­loc­ity cor­re­la­tion Abil­ity.

Re­gard­ing hikiko­mori, this At­tribute is with­out doubt more im­por­tant than other At­tribute.

Adds 5 free At­tribute Points after AGI, Fang Li ac­cord­ing to in­struc­tion mes­sage, has used the Main God's Di­men­sion ex­change func­tion, pulled open one to ex­change In­ter­face, started to ex­change Item.

Fang Li has used 100 Ex­change Points first, has ex­changed han­dle dag­ger.

In Main God's Di­men­sion, there is Rank Equip­ment to help Equip­ment ob­tain the extra pro­mo­tion.

These pro­mo­tion some are am­pli­fi­ca­tion At­tribute, some brings Skill, can there­fore be­come one of the im­por­tant at­trib­utes Abil­ity that de­cides Main God's Envoy.

Equip­ment Rank is the same with Char­ac­ter Rank, from high to low, is di­vided into First Rank, Sec­ond Rank, Third Rank, Fourth Rank and Fifth Rank.

But, has Rank Equip­ment gen­er­ally quite ex­pen­sively, by Fang Li that 990 Ex­change Points, does not ex­change now.

Since the ex­change had Rank Equip­ment, Fang Li nat­u­rally can only ex­change han­dle or­di­nary dag­ger.

With­out the words of weapon, even if there is Mys­tic Eyes of Death Per­cep­tion, Fang Li could not cut op­po­site party Death Line, killed the undy­ing enemy.

Then, Fang Li one after an­other has ex­changed many things.

Sta­mina Re­cov­ery Po­tion: Re­stores Sta­mina of user con­tin­u­ally( few), du­ra­tion 10 sec­onds, 300 Ex­change Points.

In­jury Re­cov­ery Po­tion: Re­stores the in­jury of user con­tin­u­ally( minor wound), du­ra­tion 10 sec­onds, 500 Ex­change Points.

En­ergy Com­pres­sion Cook­ies: Re­stores the en­ergy of user con­tin­u­ally( nu­tri­tion), du­ra­tion 10 sec­onds, 50 Ex­change Points.

water bot­tle: The vial, may in­stall water vol­ume 10 liters, 30 Ex­change Points.

After hav­ing ex­changed these, Fang Li has ex­changed leg bag with re­main­ing 10 Ex­change Points, one pack­age of bis­cuits has loaded into which with a thermo two po­tion, don't in the flank of thigh.

As for dag­ger, Fang Li don't in waist.

Then, Fang Li all Ex­change Points spend freely com­pletely, does not re­main.

Said hon­estly that as Di­men­sion Novice, the Fang Li's ac­tions can def­i­nitely can be called is brave.

After all, but here Main God's Di­men­sion, can ob­tain all , can lose all world.

Here, so long as there is Ex­change Points, that then al­most can ob­tain all.

On the con­trary, so long as does not have Ex­change Points, when Ex­change Points turns into the neg­a­tive num­ber that in­stance, the fate has one.

Once Ex­change Points is in­suf­fi­cient, that can by oblit­er­ate.

There­fore, here is the ex­pert heaven, the hell of weak one.

Tak­ing this into con­sid­er­a­tion, no mat­ter who, will not choose to spend freely own Ex­change Points, in order to avoid the Main Quest fail­ure, Ex­change Points is when in­suf­fi­cient, fi­nally by oblit­er­ate.

even/in­clud­ing Naxie se­nior Main God's Envoy this, that let alone ini­tially en­tered space rookie.

Fi­nally, be­cause fears the hand to fear foot to cause Ex­change Points not to have the use to be ap­pro­pri­ate, the hand sign is in­suf­fi­cient, died a tragic death in Dun­geon World, such ex­am­ple oc­curred fre­quently ini­tially is en­ter­ing space rookie body.

But Fang Li ac­tu­ally spends freely Ex­change Points, sim­ply not hes­i­tant.

Be­cause, Fang Li any­thing feared that only does not fear death.

Then, 30 min­utes passed.


„Dun­geon World: Ka­baneri of the Iron Fortress."

„Quest Dif­fi­culty: Fifth Rank."

„Num­ber of Par­tic­i­pants: 1."

„Main Quest Num­ber: 3."

„Quest 1: strike to kill 10 Ka­bane, com­plete ad­di­tion­ally ac­cord­ing to the strike to kill in­di­vid­ual sup­ple­ment re­ward."

„Quest 2: Pro­tects the im­por­tant Char­ac­ter Yomokawa Ayame se­cu­rity in falling to the enemy of Ara­gane Sta­tion, is sep­a­rated until Iron Fortress smoothly, will pro­tect the sur­vival of Ara­gane Sta­tion peo­ple ad­di­tion­ally ac­cord­ing to the sur­vival quan­tity sup­ple­ment re­ward."

„Quest 3: Ob­tains 3000 Ex­change Points, extra gain ac­cord­ing to Ex­change Points sup­ple­ment re­ward."

„Fail­ure Pun­ish­ment: The fail­ure of each Main Quest will deduct 1000 Ex­change Points."

„Com­ple­tion Re­ward: Set­tles ac­counts ac­cord­ing to final evaluation "