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Illimitable Until Death

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“From today onwards, you will become the Envoy of one of the Main Gods in the Dimensions of Gods. You will travel from one world to another and through that, you will attain what others will never obtain in their entire life.” The moment these words echoed in Fang Li’s head, Fang Li’s life was destined to be extraordinary… ===================================== Genre Action Adventure Comedy Drama Ecchi Fantasy Harem Martial Arts Sci-fi Xianxia

Chapter 1 - 0: Hides in the flaw in heart of hearts

„What per­son is a nor­mal per­son?"

This issue, can very funny, can the un­usual phi­los­o­phy.

The funny rea­son is very sim­ple , be­cause av­er­age per­son not with no rea­son at all asked a such ques­tion.

If one day, one­self per­son sud­denly asked such an issue, that own first re­sponse def­i­nitely is smiles?

After all, nor­mal per­son def­i­nitely not sud­den wants to ask such a ques­tion.

But the rea­son of phi­los­o­phy was sim­pler, noth­ing but is such an issue from the ob­jec­tive per­spec­tive, same can be­come a rich de­bate topic.

Just, such a de­bate topic, does not ar­rive at the high school words, some that peo­ple will not say ab­solutely, re­gards a school­work.

How­ever, this kind of issue, Fang Li in at­tend­ing the el­e­men­tary school first grade in first day has then raised to Teacher.

That year, Fang Li was only eight years old.

It can be imag­ined, when such an issue ap­pears from a mouth of eight -year-old child, stands on plat­form el­e­men­tary school Teacher with re­sponse of sur­round­ing one group of in­no­cent chil­dren's has awk­wardly with being at a loss.

Is cur­rently speak­ing, Fang Li al­ready not can be re­garded nor­mal per­son.

A such issue, should not emerge in eight -year-old child body ab­solutely.

No mat­ter but, looks from any as­pect, Fang Li is ac­tu­ally a nor­mal per­son.

The same age child when plays nois­ily, Fang Li is play­ing sim­i­larly nois­ily.

The same age child in caus­ing trou­ble, Fang Li is caus­ing trou­ble sim­i­larly.

Same age child in sim­ple-hearted, Fang Li is sim­i­larly sim­ple-hearted.

The same age child when the naivete hits fart, Fang Li hits the fart in the naivete sim­i­larly.

In other words, Fang Li is not pre­co­cious, is not un­usual, on the body on mind/en­er­getic is a nor­mal child.

only, Fang Li, in eight years old go to the el­e­men­tary school in first day, can­not help but asked such ques­tion.

Be­cause, ig­no­rant Fang Li, un­der­stood and other per­son only dif­fer­ent un­usu­al­i­ties.


That year, Fang Li was only seven years old.

Be­fore seven years old, Fang Li has grown up as an or­di­nary child.

But at that time, be­cause the par­ents need to be busy the re­la­tions that works to sup­port the fam­ily day in day out, most often ac­com­pa­nies in Fang Li per­son is the grand­fa­ther.

The grand­fa­ther loves Fang Li very much.

Fang Li wants to play, grand­fa­ther will ac­com­pany Fang Li to play.

Fang Li the par­ents scolded, the grand­fa­ther will come out to main­tain Fang Li.

The Fang Li clash breaks, grand­fa­ther will com­fort to be hard to en­dure Fang Li.

Fang Li to any toy has the in­ter­est the time, the grand­fa­ther will buy sim­i­larly that toy, only to let Fang Li is happy.

There­fore, Fang Li likes grand­fa­ther sim­i­larly very much.

Even if after is grows up, Fang Li can also very nat­ural told per­son, the per­son who one­self most liked was a grand­fa­ther.

When such a per­son dis­ap­pears from your world, what can you be re­spond?

Be­fore, Fang Li has not con­sid­ered this issue.

But sev­enth that year, Fang Li ac­tu­ally has to con­sider.

„... wū wū wū..."

Weep­ing sound sound in en­tire space.

Some of them are very de­press­ing, some are un­scrupu­lous, is ac­tu­ally ap­pointed every­one can feel in sad­ness and sad.

Under that weep­ing sound, en­tire vast space is fill­ing the sad at­mos­phere.

Under that weep­ing sound, the in­no­cent chil­dren were ex­ag­ger­ated, one by one then cries.

Fang Li like this places one­self in a such en­vi­ron­ment, a hand was being held by mother, the vi­sion throws to own front.

In there, is putting a black and white pic­ture.

The per­son on pic­ture, is Fang Li's Grand­fa­ther.

Watches that pic­ture, Fang Li thinks of the grand­fa­ther re­ally very much.

Fang Li knows that the sur­round­ing per­son thinks of the grand­fa­ther sim­i­larly very much, will there­fore burst into tears at this time.

But, Fang Li ac­tu­ally links drop of tears not to have the means class to come out.

Even if the par­ents are sob­bing, the sur­round­ing Sir and child are sob­bing, Fang Li does not have the means to burst into tears.

There­fore, Fang Li asked.

„Mom, why are you cry­ing?"

At that time, flowed mother of tears to reply Fang Li's like this.

„... Be­cause, the grand­fa­ther will not come back."

Fang Li knows.

This fact, Fang Li knows.

Fang Li knows that the grand­fa­ther will not come back.


„But, why can this cry?"

When Fang Li asked such when an issue, mother's ex­pres­sion is some­what is sur­prised, some­what un­cer­tain.

Then, mother then like this replied Fang Li.

„Grand­fa­ther will not come back, the nor­mal per­son will feel sad sad, will there­fore cry."

Heard these words, Fang Li again has not then said any­thing.

Just, in the Fang Li's heart, has a ques­tion.

„Should nor­mal per­son cry at this time?"

Be­cause of this, Fang Li in eighth that year, will ask a such issue to Teacher.

After grow­ing up, Fang Li knows that truly is the nat­ural mat­ter.

The death of fam­ily mem­ber, re­gard­ing a nor­mal per­son, should sob nat­u­rally.

Be­cause, will be sad, will be sad, that is a nor­mal per­son.

Looked from the angle of psy­chol­ogy, when an one's sub­jec­tive world and ob­jec­tive world of per­son have the uni­fied prin­ci­ple, that was nor­mal.

Be­cause, the psy­chol­ogy is the re­flec­tion of ob­jec­tive re­al­ity, there­fore any nor­mal psy­cho­log­i­cal ac­tiv­ity and be­hav­ior must main­tain the uni­for­mi­ties with the ob­jec­tive en­vi­ron­ment, even if only for­mally with con­tent.

When mind/en­er­getic or the psy­cho­log­i­cal and the out­side world per­son en­vi­ron­ment loses the uni­fi­ca­tion, then, this per­son can­not be un­der­stood in­evitably.

At that time, this per­son be­comes un­usual.

There­fore, from this the­o­ret­i­cally, Fang Li is not a nor­mal per­son.

On that day, Fang Li has not sobbed.

Oth­ers when sad sad, the Fang Li's in­ner­most feel­ings are calm.

Oth­ers in nat­ural, the Fang Li's in­ner­most feel­ings only then have doubts.

Oth­ers when the sob burst into tears, the Fang Li's in­ner­most feel­ings are sur­prised.

So is in­com­pat­i­ble, even can be called is un­feel­ing, not to be how un­usual?

How to say again that the op­po­site party pro­vides from young fel­low in a big way, is ex­tremely good with own sen­ti­ment, more­over fam­ily mem­ber who most like.

A such per­son has passed away, could not see again, be­cause is just a child, there­fore should sad sad not?

But, from be­gin­ning to end, Fang Li had not felt has tiny bit sad, the tiny bit sad­ness, and even an im­pul­sion of con­vec­tion drop of tears does not have.

At that time, the Sirs have not cared about this point, when only Fang Li had not un­der­stood that re­ally sig­nif­i­cance of death, or some­what pre­co­cious, had not been given the in­flu­ence by the sur­round­ing child, thus was ex­ag­ger­ated to sob.

Has Fang Li, under ig­no­rant con­di­tion, un­der­stood a mat­ter.

That is...

„I with the sur­round­ing per­son dif­fer­ent..."

That was Fang Li at that time an only idea.

After grow­ing up, why Fang Li un­der­stood then to be able such.

Not is only be­cause Fang Li started sen­si­bly, sim­i­larly was be­cause Fang Li un­avoid­able and ex­pe­ri­enced sev­eral same mat­ters.

That time Fang Li, is un­able to sob sim­i­larly, is un­able to feel sad sad.

Then, Fang Li un­der­stood.

No mat­ter the op­po­site party has how im­por­tantly to one­self, with one­self how in­ti­mate, once he ( she ) died, one­self ab­solutely will not shed drop of tears, will not feel that has sad.

That is not Fang Li is in­no­cent, is not Fang Li is also un­feel­ing.

A that only flaw.

Fang Li when seven years old then starts to have ig­no­rant, hide in the deep in one's heart per­son­al­ity flaw.

„I do not have death of means to the oth­ers to have the sen­ti­ment..."


„I do not have cer­tainly the means to have the sen­ti­ment to my death..."

This fact, in Fang Li 18-year-old that year, was con­firmed.



That is to­gether ex­tremely re­sound­ing im­pact noise.

That in­stance when the im­pact noise re­sounds, Fang Li only thinks a dizzi­ness, when the field of vi­sion re­stores, first in en­ters his view only piece of sky.

But, this sky ac­tu­ally grad­ual dye­ing has be­come the red, and bit by bit was given the sub­sti­tu­tion by the black.

The red ap­pear­ance is be­cause the Fang Li's iris starts to bleed.

The black ap­pear­ance is be­cause the Fang Li's con­scious­ness starts to van­ish.

At this mo­ment, Fang Li only thought body is not own was the same, the gear­ing can­not move, even did not have in­clud­ing the feel­ing.

The Fang Li only feel­ing is heat.

Very hot.

Very hot.

The whole body is giv­ing off heat.

Sur­round­ings, the one by one pedes­trian started to en­cir­cle, ap­peared in Fang Li that fuzzy field of vi­sion.

Fang Li did not have the means to hear them to say any­thing.

How­ever, Fang Li can ac­tu­ally re­al­ize that pe­riph­ery is fill­ing a star­tled fright­ened mood.

But body that one­self that given off heat has prob­a­bly any im­por­tant thing to be the same in the out­flow, mak­ing the ground under body start changes wet.

Fang Li trans­ferred under one dif­fi­cultly, saw near at hand as­phalt road.

There, grad­ual dye­ing is be­com­ing the red.

Is given dyed red by the blood that flows from the Fang Li's whole body.

There­fore, Fang Li com­pre­hended fi­nally.

Im­por­tant thing that own within the body that drained, is not only the blood, is the life.

Mean­while, Fang Li then un­der­stands that had any­thing.

Traf­fic ac­ci­dent.

Sud­den ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised.

Such ac­ci­den­tal/sur­prised, this coun­try will have over 100,000 every year.

Fang Li, but is this year in these 100,000 traf­fic ac­ci­dents, in.

„so that's how it is..."

Fang Li ac­cepted own des­tiny in­stan­ta­neously.

Not un­will­ing, has not hated, even does not have the fear or the re­sis­tance.

After all, Fang Li does not have the means to have any mood to 『Death』.

This was sev­enth then started the fact of ig­no­rant re­al­iz­ing that year.

Now, but con­firmed.

Must say that Fang Li will soon die this mat­ter to have any feel­ings words to one­self, that has one.

„After per­son died, where will go to?"

Had a such idea, Fang Li to close own eye.

In of Fang Li thor­ough los­ing con­scious­ness in an in­stant, cold voice has rinsed his mind.

„Se­r­ial Num­ber 11273 enter Main God's Di­men­sion."