"I just don't get it!" Slapping the piece tainted meat to the ground, Vayne pulls his hair in frustration.
"Easy there kid, maybe a little rest will refresh your ideas." I suggested to him but when my hand about to grasp his shoulder, he turn and smack it away saying "No i can't take a rest, I don't have enough time for that, they don't have enough time for that!"
Saying his piece the boy return to his studies, testing various diagrams and symbols to adding various unknown substances to the meat.
Sighing I left him to his devices and check on the people he mentioned. A few pace away, two people are laying down on the sheet cover. their breath are short yet quick with their temperature way above the norm.
Their complexion are pale with their skin almost hugging their bones, signs of severe malnourishment.
These people are part of another team, what's left of it anyway. We met them by chance as we venture deeper into the forest, deep enough that light doesn't pass through the canopy of leaves anymore. Their equipment are battered and they are covered in wounds, they were barely standing then and the relief of meeting another human being seem to sap whatever extra energy they had left them as they slumped to the ground.
I don't know if we're the ones losing our way in this forest or the other team are the ones who do, but we decided to help them nonetheless.
It was as we were tending their wounds did we noticed the unusual health conditions for some if their members.
After that it only goes downhill for the sick ones and we can't move much either while taking them with us. Their temperature keep rising until one day one of them started coughing and start vomiting blood.
It didn't take long before the man died from blood loss and various internal damages. his party members, whom are still fine, told us that the sick ones becomes that way after eating some of the mutated animals from the forest.
Shaking the memories away, I look towards the team healer. "How are they?" I asked, to which Jocelyn shook her head. indicating no change to their condition and if it stays that way, it is predicted they will follow the other three that has already passed away.
"We're back" announced a lovely voice from the hollowed tree entrance. I turn to see my beloved, most beautiful and sexy goddess, crawl her way into out camp site followed by our son, two other boys, and a puppy. The way she wiggles her butt when she came in is still as entrancing as ever.
"Welcome back, how are the conditions outside, any immediate danger?" I asked as I take her into my embrace and kiss her forehead.
Chuckling, she returned a kiss to my chin before answering, "There are no immediate danger as of yet, the barrier are holding up with the cores the boy gave. But I think we'll run out of things to forage soon if we don't change location."
Nodding, I held her closer to me, "Don't worry, if we really need to we can change location. The kid found bear burrow with plenty of wild vegetation not too far away, although the poor thing end up over there." at the end of my words, I shift to let her see the boy cutting another piece of meat from the carcass beside him, the bear is almost left with only bones now with a pile of dust are on the boy's other side.
"Should we really let him be? It's been a week and he hadn't take even a wink of sleep, should we just sedate him?" Jareth asked, gesturing to Vayne whom taking yet another piece of meat after his recent one turn to dust.
I do not know what the two talk about last month but after that day, my son keep on challenging him to various random things even in our situation. It is embarrassing seeing him beaten in his every challenge but it is also good he seem to get along with the boy in his own way.
"Let him be, it would be better if he collapse from exhaustion rather than forcing him to rest." that way he won't blame anyone and it'll be easier for him to accept it if he fails, is what I didn't say. He will forever blame himself and everyone if we force him to sleep and his patients died, or at least I think he will.
"What is he even doing, trying to make it edible? All I see is him playing with food!" said a man with a small stature.
"Yeah, besides we don't even know if these two will make it after that. We should just leave them." added the tall skinny man beside him.
These two well adorned men are part of the other team and from their equipment they are a cartographer and a merchant.
But even if they are part of the people we help I really want to beat the crap out of them, we clearly saw them being protected by the rest of the team before we got to them so hearing how ungrateful they are makes my blood boils.
A hand clasp my shoulder, making me turn to see my wife shaking her head. Her gesture remind me of my duty and oath. Forcing my temper down I decide to ignore the two grumbling idiots but what I didn't expect are what they say next.
"Hey kid, I don't care what image ya trying to show but stop with the act. I know you probably just trying to show off so ya can hook up with the girls here."
"Yeah, if you grovel and apologize for keeping us in this dump we might even consider getting you a pretty slave."
With their words, I feel my temper reaching it's limit and I could tell not the only one turning hostile towards the duo.
"Seeing how you can have nice clothes and good equipment, your mother must be a plaything for some rich noble right? then you should be honored we are taking you under our wings."
"Yeah, maybe you could even call her and then we can play with her for a night. It would be even better if ya have a younger sister, I always like playing with those still developing mounts."
"That's it, I had enough with these fools!" Roland yelled at the side, brandishing his sword just as I take my mace out. but before we could move the two already has their face half planted into the ground.
"Could you say that again? I don't think I quite hear what you two said just now." Vayne said as he lift their face up from the dirt, his expression is that of a warm smile but his tone although warm and light made me feel more danger than any monster I ever encountered.
"You little shit, what do you think you're doing! Do you know who I am!" is what I think the man trying to say through his broken teeth and jaw.
"Oh was that what you said? Let me change my question then." Vayne warm smile then replaced by a cold indifferent expression, his question and chilling tone cooled off my temper immediately, "Do you want to try dying?"
After saying that he move at a speed that I could barely see, taking the two with him somewhere outside. I know I'm not the one it was directed to, but what I saw before he disappear make me resolve to never get on his bad side. I definitely do not want to be the one receiving that wide smile of his.
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
"Run little rats, run as fast as those little legs takes you." the nightmarish voice echoes among the trees.
Having no source of light, I just run as fast as I could even when I ran into trees or trip over roots. Fear is a powerful drive and painkiller.
Tears and snot wet my face but I don't have time to wipe it as I need to keep running but even then, the sounds of footsteps getting closer behind me become closer and closer.
Along the way I stop hearing Piccolo's breathing when he run besides me but the distant scream I heard fill in on what might happened.
My lungs are burning, my eyes dry, my throat parched, and my body hurts all over but I think I'm finally making distance, I don't hear his footsteps anymore.
"I found you~" the voice whisper sweetly next to my ears but to me it is the sound of death.
Tripping over a root I lost my balance but before I touch the ground something grab the back of my clothes and slam me to the nearest tree. I wanted to move but a foot quickly pin me to the tree.
"I found out something interesting with your friend, sadly he had to sleep so I can only try it with you now. So without further ado." I can't see him but from his tone, I can tell that he clearly enjoying this. "thank you for your participation."
I could feel him prying my mouth open then chunks after chunks of rotten smelling items are shoved inside it before he make me swallow it. It taste slightly wet, sour, bitter, yet also sweet with hint of rust.
The feeling of it moving down to my stomach is negligible for the most part but when it passes down my chest it felt like it melts into liquid flame, burning me from the inside.
The sensation never continue down to my stomach, instead it moves to my heart, making it spread in my veins with every beat.
I tried to scream but the pain stop me from doing so. My breathing start to become ragged and my senses start to feel numb.
Just as the pain start to become unbearable a small cold object, almost like a needle, was pressed against my neck. I don't have time to wonder what it is before it slid through my flesh, reaching my vein before injecting something.
The unknown injection spread the same way as the burning liquid but this time it cooled everything down, extinguishing the flames within me.
But even with the flames gone, the damages are done and I couldn't even twitch my fingers without pain.
After what felt like eternity, his voice resounded above me.. no, below? That's not right either, it is everywhere.
"How fascinating, to think the problem are magical and not physical. This test also shows that the substance are able to neutralize the corrupted mana yet the current concoction are unable to repair the damage done. Guess I know what to do now, Thank you for your participation."
His voice drifted further and further away with each words, I don't know if he left or not, I can't see him. But I wish he killed me, the pain and the isolation are driving me insane.
"Please... Anyone..." I manage to squish out those words.. but no one answered.. no one heard me.. no one will comes..
No.. something did come, it's just that it isn't something I wish to encounter.
"Hello there, we meet again."
That voice, it's the same person that chase us through the forest.. and it whisper right beside my ears..
Oh merciful god of light.. please.. have mercy for my soul..