Chereads / ReWrite System / Chapter 92 - Brother

Chapter 92 - Brother

"Any news from the main camp?" I ask, cuddling him from behind.

"No, everything is still just statics." Buue replied, slapping the orb is his hand before sighing and putting it away.

"Do you think they are still out there?"

"The one leading the group is my brother, knowing him I'm sure the group can stand their ground. It would even be plausible that he had send more people to look for the teams that couldn't report like us."

Nodding to his words, I smiled before whispering, "Want to make out?"

"the children will be too busy competing to notice, besides the two addition to our group only sticks with the boy since they they could move. I'm sure it'll be fine."

I reason out when he gave me an incredulous look. He gape at my words and keep opening and closing it like a fish before he finally nodded.

It was too bad that it wasn't meant to be.

"Just you see Vayne, next time I will surely make a better sculpture than you!"

"I'm sure you will, with enough practice anyone could do it."

"Again with that reason, just accept the compliment already shesh. no need to be so considerate."

"...But it's the truth tho."

The familiar arguing could be heard getting closer and closer, prompting me to let my husband go and wink at his disappointed look. "Next time." I mouthed to him before making my way to the children.

"Welcome back everyone, so what was today's challenge?" I ask them once they enter the campsite clearing.

They look at one another before taking out various wooden sculptures. after taking it out they all had various degree of expression starting from modest and shy to smug and proud.

I couldn't help but shake my head seeing this. Excluding Vayne's casual smile, the expression for the best and worst are reversed.

"Roland, may I ask what that is?"

"It's you Miss Aerith, I am quite proud with it!"

I could feel one of my vein pop from that answer, I know he doesn't mean harm but it still kinda unpleasant to be told that with a smug look when his carving look like a disfigured potato.

"What about you Jill?"

"Its not that good but I tried making a hero from stories I've read."

Although she doesn't seem confident in her work, it actually looks quite decent. the hero are holding his shield at the side while posing his sword to the front, as if challenging his enemies to attack him while giving a silent encouragement to the Allies that might be behind him. The most notable feature however is his face, if one look carefully it resemble a certain Roland* in the group.

"You've done well Jill, it looks very much like a real person. Keep it up." I praised her to which she blushes and pull the hood of her robe to cover her face, how cute.

Turning to the last two, I could only smile wryly. I don't know if they got bored but they are already using their sculptures for some kind of fighting role play. Jack with his roughly carved monkey and Jareth with his smoothly carved tiger.

As for Vayne.. honestly I question how he is able to make such detailed sculpture or rather figurine, the figurine is that of a smiling young fox girl wearing a blazer and a skirt. Each details of it starting from the facials down to the fold and shape of the clothes and even the shape and curves of the tails are made so carefully that the figurine almost look life like if not for the fact it's made of wood, it is even polished so smoothly you would think it was made by a master craftsman with years of experience in his belt rather than a 13 years old kid.

"And where might the inspiration for this come from little Vayne?" I ask while holding back my glee, it's rare for him to remember details about things that doesn't interest him after all. I could tell I'm not the only one curious of this detail but am the only one bold enough to ask.

"The inspiration comes from a friend I am close with before." he answered casually as if he is talking about the weather, I couldn't help but raise a brow to that.

"Just a friend?"

"Just a friend."

"Well, I'm sure she must be a very special friend then."

"Kinda, she's the one that taught me the basic of magic."

I let out a dry laugh at his answers, it is clear he only remembers that about her and nothing more. somehow I think his future relationships looks bleak.

Speaking of worrisome relationship I turn towards Jocelyn and Roland. the two, mostly Roland, are talking about the sculptures they made and exchanging ideas of what they might make for their next competition.

On the side I could also see Jack stealing glances at the two as he talk to my son, from his look I could tell I'm not the only one concerned with how these two will progress.

As for the two new additions, who's names are somehow Soy and Bean, already started on pitching a campfire and preparing the roots and vegetables to cook. I'm pretty sure no one are worried about them back stabbing us or anything along that line of thought. with the respectful and grateful look they gave us and the almost reverent gaze they give Vayne, it is pretty hard to imagine them doing anything that will harm us. not to mention the boy are there helping them doing their work.

"What's for lunch?" Buue ask when he joined us, Flo is happily riding on top of his head.

"From the look of it, we'll be having meat stew but since it's ultimately those two are the one on cooking duty it'll be better if you don't expect much for the taste." he laughed bitterly at my answer, probably remembering the first time the two cooks without supervision.

"Don't worry, with him helping them I am sure it won't turn out bad. Probably."

Don't give me that look okay, I'm also worried! It's not like they'll magically do well with an expert help you know, I complained internally.

Looking at them following the kid's instructions, we can only hope.

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

"Come on, hurry up slowpokes we're almost out!" I called out to the team, rushing pass even the surprised Vayne at the front.

"Hey wait up, it's dangerous to move alone!" he bellow as he jump from branches to branches, trying to keep up with me while still keeping a keen eye on our surrounding.

I actually agree that I'm being reckless right now, but I can't help the excitement. We have been stuck in this forest for over 3 months and now that we finally reach the outskirts, I just can't wait to bask in the sunlight.

Passing the last thickets of scrubs, I halt in shock as a metallic glint pass through my vision.

Sparks flew as metal collide against metal, dagger against a sword, Vayne's against an unknown assailant.

Instinct takes over as I try to make heads and tails of the situation. Casting various buffs to both of us, my mind finally catch up to the fact that I would have died if the kid didn't come.

Tapping my staff to the ground, I summoned several earth javelins beneath the assailant. I thought his full plate armor would at least slow him down for on of the javelin to hit but he quickly disengage from Vayne and dodge the spell as if his armor weight nothing.

Sensing slight killing intent, I rolled to the side and launched 3 fireballs towards the source of it. Glancing to the side, I see a few arrows where I previously stood while the spells I casted was easily blocked by another assailant with a shimmering great shield.

Scanning the area I spotted a few more men similarly dressed in black all around the area with one of them carrying some kind of banner. It dawn on me that this is the unknown soldiers from that was reported roaming the blighted land.

They stood a distance from us with weapons drawn and bows ready but they haven't reengage with us after the first clash. The rest of our party soon join us and silently take their position for the confrontation.

The expected fight never come, instead the center of their line parted to let a young man walk to the front.

"It is good to finally see you brother, it is quite a surprise seeing you visit us so soon." his casual demeanor and exaggerated gesture, coupled with his mocking tone It is clear he is toying with us. although from his words, something sticks out the most.

"I am not your brother and I certainly didn't come for a visit. what nonsense do you speak of." replying to the man's words, Vayne gesture for us to retreat. prompting us to take out our escape crystals. this of course, didn't escape the man's observation but he seem to dismiss it with a sneer.

"Your words wounds me brother but that is fine, in time you will learn to accept us." at Vayne's words he pretend to be stab by knife, bending his body slightly before directing his words to me, "on the other hand could you cancel your spell old lady, I would hate to see my men slaughter the friends of my brother." it wasn't a request but an order.

His insult got to me, age have been a sensitive topic for me, yet his words caught my attention and made me realize something. although it felt different, there are a large concentration of spells directed to all of us. Numerous enough that even if I expand all my mana, my barrier won't be able to protect everyone.

Reluctantly, I dispelled all of the spells I put around our enemies and concentrate on charging my crystal.

"Good, now what do you think brother. would you come with us now or should we wait until your friends departed?"

His words confuse me but when I felt a surge of mana directed towards us, I understood what he is implying.

My vision was replaced with a sudden flash before it return to normal. The desolate grey trees and grass are replaced with patches of brown soils and the hustle and bustle of people at the camp a few feet from where we appears.

"The fucking idiot didn't come with us!" Jareth exclaimed at the side, his voice and actions clearly show how upset he is. I myself agree with him, it is very upsetting how he force us to leave when we figured he is planning to stay behind.

"Where's Soy and Bean, I thought we gave them our spare crystals?" Roland ask, prompting me to look around us.

There are others that blink into places around us from using their own crystal, they are all carrying various degrees of wounds and quickly head towards the camp for help. but Roland is right other than our original party, minus three others, Soy and Bean are no where to be seen.

"Seems like we doesn't just have an idiot but three if them." groaning, I rub my forehead for the coming headache.

"We can complain later, for now let's report to the higher ups. We might fail our original assignment but we have enough information to make up for it. there is also the chance they will send the army if we report the people we just met." Buue said before walking towards the base, having not much option we follow him towards the largest tent.

Here's to hoping we won't be too late.