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I Hate You, I Love You...

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Mia James is a quick witted British foreign exchange student which moved to China in order to for-fill her dreams and make a difference in the Shanghai Mental Health community. Aiden Li is the son of the most wealthy and powerful man in Shanghai. Two of the most unlikely people cross paths and fall into the deepest form of love until tragedy rips them apart. 5 years later fate brings them together but will their love spark again or break them both?

Chapter 1 - I Hate You, I Love You

Careless chit-chat echoed throughout the conference room as entrepreneurs began discussing the medical allocation of funds. An outstretched black business table housed various stations depending on the area of expertise. Doctors, pharmaceutical departments and various health professions scattered among the table in a linear fashion. This was a room made up of family wealth and silver-spoon fed children who hadn't worked their way up but rather been handed their roles. Of course, to be a professional work had to be put in but when coming from nothing it is much harder to find your way in the world. Highest power of the table sat with his fingers interlocked ignoring the childish bickering as they fought over where funding should be granted. The man was around 70 years of age considering he had more wrinkles than carved wood and had shallow, wisdom filled eyes beneath his top brand spectacles.

Instead, his eyes studied something more interesting to him. In his sight was a young girl no older than twenty-three biting her pen while reviewing something. Skin whiter than porcelain and smoother than satin complemented by waist long raven hair, she was a picture of youth and virility. Under black lenses her eyes were drowned by blue seas basking under the whitewashed light the conference room projected. The young girl didn't seem to be paying much attention, but it didn't bother the elder because he could tell she wasn't interested in squabbling over unnecessary things.

"I'm requesting £100,000 for the orthodontist department, we're short on dental tools and have very little staff." One of them bellowed over the rest.

"Impracticable, cardiology needs that money for a new heart monitor system. The equipment is outdated and overused. Teeth is hardly a priority over lifesaving equipment." Another interjected.

"Pulmonary departments need that money much more, there's a rise of disease with the current pollution epidemic."

Everyone began looking at the elderly man for resolve, but his gaze was still latched onto the young girl.

"Director what do you suggest?" one of them said after the director didn't respond. The young girl continued filling out reports. He cleared his throat.

"Dr. Mia James, you haven't said a word. What would your request be?" everyone directed their eyes to the young girl with looks of disgust on their faces. The girl slowly removed the pen from her mouth and looked at the director with a sincere expression.

"I have only one director, may I speak freely?" her voice was sweet and captivating. There was an undertone of kindness but also hid a true bitterness. The director nodded in consent and members began scoffing at his approval.

"As you know I am the only doctor within my department to match your credentials, so I appreciate your request I attend but I'm failing to grasp the general intentions such a meeting has?" everyone began chuckling under her breath with the naive idea this girl was far too young to understand such debates. However, the director looked at her with some interest.

"This is a debate for the allocation of funds for a particular department, funds only stretch so far so I'm giving each department a chance to state their reasoning it should be granted to them. Yet, you seem disinterested by this. I find it surprising considering your area of expertise needs all the funding it can get under such an unsupported community." The young girl nodded in understanding, but the director had given the academic response rather than the personal response she was seeking.

"I see you've bit off more than you can chew girl, I expect nothing less from a lower-class doctor. Come back when you understand the concept of a debate." One of the cardiology doctors spoke out of spite. The director watch amused to see the young girl smile at his words rather than frown.

"My name is Mia James, coming from a higher background I would have expected you to at least be able to listen. As for my role, we are both doctors in different fields but academically we achieved the same credit to become specialists. I'd hardly call playground manner bickering such as this a debate, you all preach your department needs the funding which I don't doubt. Sadly, your failing to see the benefits the patients will receive from the director's choice and instead are thinking of your own gain in the community." Mia spoke professionally but what she elicited was truly heartfelt. In previous situations within the medical field Mia had come across similar selfish doctors with unfavorable tendencies. Coming from doctors trying to earn themselves recognition by the directors to have a higher stature in the medical podium while also blinded to the actual benefits it would have on patients. This was very frustrating for her because she had fought her way up from nothing to help people with struggles. People had tried to pull her down her whole life, but she never lost sight of her goals.

"W-what right do you have to question the nature of our intentions you're just a Mental Health Clinician, you don't put yourself through life saving ordeals every day." One of them naively provoked her.

"Don't speak so carelessly about a field you don't understand. A mental illness is just as life threatening as a heart disease, just because it's not something openly discussed because it is considered shameful means it's any less life threatening." Mia said calmly but secretly she was sick of people making such a light association with mental suffering. Thankfully, she received this doubt from people all the time and managed to gain composure when speaking about it. The director began thinking intently about her words and gave her a reassuring nod.

"What rubbish, you expect me to believe that?" the otologist huffed.

"Would you believe it if your brother, parent or perhaps your child were standing on the edge of a bridge threatening their own life? Or would you rather my job not be of importance and they be forced to suffer in silence while they are fighting their own battle in secret? I live to help those who are afraid to be ridiculed or judged for their mental imbalance and it's stereotyped views such as yours which cause people to suffer the way they do." Everyone began retracting their thoughts at her powerful statements. The director was pleased with his decision to invite her.

"Dr. James what if my wife were in such turmoil? What would your plan of actions entail." The director asked out of interest.

"I could sit here all day speculating what would be the best plan to enact but without observation and records it would be impossible to say. Occasionally, I am sent out to help those in crisis therefore important details wouldn't be in my possession, so I would assess them on scene on a medical observation." Mia answered without misreckoning a single word. Skills work and general practitioner evaluation was something she prided herself upon but was routinely tested by those who lacked understanding of her area. The director nodded at her genuinely.

"I'm allocating £40,000 of the funds into your foundation Mia. Your words were very insightful, and I thank you for attending." Mia looked at the director thankfully at which he nodded. It was advocates like her he thrived to see because they put the patient's values before any selfish desires. From entering he noticed her clothing cost nothing more than £15 which was considerately untimely low compared to the £800 suits the rest were flaunting along with premium Rolex watched ranging from £20,000. While they all screamed wealth, she whispered sincerity, so her background was clear to him. Regardless from coming from so little this girl had clearly been through some hardship to become a practitioner, based upon the general principle that she wanted too. Not that she had been forced to in order to uphold a family name or to make a name for herself like the others.

Everyone else was speechless the director had granted such a large amount without her even asking. Mia looked at the hatred filled eyes piercing her but payed no attention as she gathered her notes and left without giving them the slightest bit of gratification by showing discomfort.

"Thank you, director I will ensure this funding, is well spent on the lives of my patients." With that Mia stepped out of the conference doors with an honest smile on her face upon hearing the uproar the minute she was no longer present. In a cheap navy suit and plain white shirt costing no more than the director's estimation Mia still looked professional, not up the wealthier standard but still professional. In her black heels she strutted towards the building exit, turning heads as she went. Mia held a captivating prescience because she was quite unique in Chinese standards.

When Mia had decided on her BSc Honors degree in Mental Health Clinical Science, she had chosen China to study because the country considered such illnesses to be unfitting and therefore a lot of people would suffer. In a stigma attached country Mental Health Clinicians were as rare as they come. Mia could have stayed in England which is where she originated from but at the age of 13, she academically excelled in language studies and science. Studying relentlessly and applying consistently to an academic scholarship in a Chinese reform school to complete her studies she was accepted by a lower-class school. Mia's father happily saved up money from his armed forces pension and shipped the whole family there to ensure Mia could realize her dream. England wasn't in much need of Mental Health Clinicians and when Mia studied the suicide rate in China, she found it truly upsetting. Numbers reaching up to 287,000 annually in the wealthiest capital of China, Shanghai. Mia could speak and read Chinese up to a professional standard so moving to the city of Hangzhou wasn't a very difficult adjustment for her. It took Mia and her parents a while to adjust to the changes in culture in order to maintain citizenship but eventually it came naturally like they were born there. Hangzhou had many wealthy areas and companies surrounding it, but Mia chose to stick to her morals and not strain her family too much on work due to the low wages the area offered. Therefore, they lived in the lower class quite comfortable which was no different to being at home.

Mia attended a lower-class high school called Hangzhou Official along with other lower-class members and was accepted enthusiastically by her peers. Mia came away from the school with a top graduation score beating all her classmates' hands down as well as life-long friend named Yan Yu. They had both attended the top classes together and formed a strong bond over the three years studying. Yan Yu was disinterested by working academically and wasn't very motivated by higher education so settled as a Shop Retailer while still supporting Mia in her University degree to become a Mental Health Clinician. In her three years of studying relentlessly Mia eventually graduated with three distinction and was granted her medical licence by the Health Commission under republic of China. Mia had worked for three years in practice working her way up to Clinician treating the mentally ill.

Mia had worked very hard to achieve her dream but there were sad times where she would doubt herself. In her adjustment to her new lifestyle Mia had faced many troubles, including the death of her father only two years after they moved to China and as a result her mother began developing a mental illness. After several suicide attempts Mia had no choice but to admit her to a psychiatric ward for her own safety, this only drove her more to succeed seeing her mother so distraught and in pain from her father's passing. Mia managed to afford the hospital fees but struggled initially to make ends meet so she had to take on two jobs whilst also completing her degree. All of this took its toll, but Mia wasn't one to admit defeat and so endured with the support of Yu Yan.

Mia often tried to study so she wasn't tempted by the past, but Yu Yan would often remind her of her high school days…Including the boy she almost lost everything over.

Mia walked from the hospital and stepped into her black Volkswagen Golf she'd only payed £400 pound for which was a stretch for her, but she needed a reliable source of travel when dealing with crisis that needed brisk responses. Mia adjusted her mirror steadying the cute strawberry car-refresher hanging from it and drove away from the hospital. Mia drove for a while tapping her fingers to the pop music blaring through her stereo until her small screen lit up letting her know a phone call was coming though. The caller ID read Yu, so she picked it up without hesitation.

Yu Yan, "Hey girl, how did the conference go?" Yu's voice was soft and calming which wasn't always the case, when Yu Yan was annoyed her voice was the most piercing thing Ally had every heard, like a cat being swung in a bag.

"Better than I'd imagined the director allocated me £40,000 for the foundation." Mia said excitedly. Mia had to turn down the volume at Yu Yan's squeals but smiled at her friend happiness for her success. Yu Yan had always been so supported of Mia's work and sure enough without it Mia wasn't sure she could have survived.

"That's amazing, I told you they would understand your ideals. So, was the director hot?" Mia rolled her eyes. Men seemed to be the only thing on Yu Yan's mind since they were in high school.

"If you find 70 years old men attractive then fantasize about him till your hearts content." Mia said sarcastically.

"What a shame… why can't I find a rich man to sweep me off my feet huh?" Yu Yan sounded generally discouraged by Mia's description. Mia tutted at her.

"Yu what have I always told you? You don't need a man to rely on or sweep you off your feet. Once you find love it won't matter if he's rich or not it just matters that he can provide you with a balanced lifestyle. Oh, and a high sperm count I want to be an Auntie soon." She giggled. Yu Yan burst into laughter over the phone. Mia would often counteract serious advice with crude advice because it stuck into Yu's head better.

"Speaking of males have you found yourself someone special yet?" Mia rolled her eyes once again and knew what was coming.

"I have no interest in dating I'm in the prime of my career. I don't need any distractions right now." Mia said sternly. Yu Yan yawned at her response.

"Boring, don't you ever stop working? Hey, who knows you might find someone at the reunion tonight." Mia gripped her head, she had completely forgotten about her high school reunion that night. Mia didn't say anything for a while and almost had a heart attack when Yu's voice screeched down the phone.

"Of course, you forgot. Come on Mia, I asked one thing for you to remember."

"I'm sorry but I'm glad you reminded me. Don't worry I won't stand you up. I have one more patient today then I'll get ready and meet you there." Mia was ready to hang up when Yu stopped her mind still.

"Make sure you don't enter the wrong suite Hangzhou elite reform school will be having their reunion there too." Mia couldn't think straight so she shook her head and gripped her steering wheel tight.

"Mia, I'm sorry I shouldn't have reminded you." Yu Yan said quickly realizing her mistake.

"It's alright, I can't keep that tragedy buried, forever can I?" Mia said weakly her mouth dried from inhaling to much air.

"What if you do see him?" Yu Yan asked out of interest. Mia immediately felt her heart rate flare up and an anger in her chest.

"For his sake I hope he isn't there. Yu, I have a patient review, so I'll have to go. See you at seven." Mia quickly hung up before Yu could say a word more. Mia breathed deeply to calm herself, she needed to remain clear headed if she was going to review a patient. Pushing it to the back of her mind she pulled up to a lower-class neighborhood scattered in poverty, like the one she'd gown up in. The house was quite small and tinted red while the wooden gate hung off it's hinges. Mia thought a higher-class individual would throw up his nose in disgust, but Mia was accustomed to such areas. She'd been visiting this address for a few months now, it was home to a family of three. A mother and her two children. The youngest was only 4 years of age and was at the grandparent's house majority of the time, the oldest was a 15 years old male who had recently been put in the system. Mia had made her assessments and concluded that he suffered from severe depression and had reclusive tendencies, so he rarely went outdoors. Mia knocked on the door and his mother opened it.

"Leina, it's a pleasure to see you again. May I come in?" upon quick observation his mother had dark circles under her eyes which indicated lack of sleep. Usually, this was noticeable if her son gave her a hard time, during one of his episodes. Leina kindly smiled and opened the door enlightened to see Mia. Generally, the room was tidy, and Mia knelt at the table while Leina slowly sat opposed.

"Leina, has Blaike been outdoors since my last visit?" Mia asked gently. Leina shook her head in sadness and Mia wrote it down on record.

"I see, what about his mood swings have they become more manageable with his medication?" Leina shook her head once more. Mia started writing down her brief review but stopped to see Leina start to sniffle and wipe a tear from her face. Mia took her hand and stroked it looking her in the eyes.

"This is a very difficult time Leina for you and your son both, but you must never lose faith in him. Blaike must say a lot of things that he doesn't mean because he is unwell, that does not mean he loves you any less. You have been a huge support to him and I am grateful for your effort." Leina wiped her tears and smiled at Mia stroking her hand back.

"I am going to do everything I can to help your son, it's my duty as a Clinician as well as a citizen to get him well again. May I see him." Leina nodded and found her feet. Mia followed her to the end of the house where Blaike's room was. Leina knocked on her son's door before wearily leaving Mia alone with him. Mia walked in and was quite alarmed to see Blaike looking very thin. He was a young boy with dark brown hair and eyes. Overall, he was very handsome, but he wasn't as attractive anymore based on his lack of sunlight and fresh air. Being a recluse had taken its toll on his health, but Mia couldn't force him to go outside so she helped his body by supplying vitamins such as Vitamin C to give an artificial replacement. Blaike was sitting glued to his Television screen watching cartoons and was so entertained he failed to hear Mia enter.

"Good afternoon Blaike, how are you feeling today?" Mia asked kneeling down retrieving her paperwork from her black compact file. Blaike jumped at the sound of her voice and spun around in bewilderment.

"I didn't mean to startle you. What are you watching?" Mia asked to stimulate contact. Blaike shook his head before answering.

"Spirit Pact" he said weakly. Mia smiled at him with a cheerful grin.

"I see, has Tanmoku-ki killed any evil spirits recently?" She asked genuinely. Blaike's attitude immediately brightened to hear she knew of his show.

"Do you watch it too?" he asked excitedly. Mia was happy to see his guard soon go down the minute she showed a similar interest. In honesty she'd never watched it but had overheard other younger patients speaking about it. Trust was a hard thing to get and an even harder thing to maintain but Mia prided herself on this.

"Of course, even Doctors have spare time to watch things." Blaike smiled and sat opposite to her. Mia reached her hand out and waited until he nodded consensually before placing her hand on his head. Thankfully, he didn't have a fever.

"That's great, Blaike have you been eating and taking your medicine regularly." Mia looked into his eyes while asking to see if he was going to be truthful in his response.

"Yep, every day." He said quietly. Mia looked at him with a complicated look for a while, Blaike knew she could tell whether he was lying and quickly gave in.

"Okay, I keep forgetting my medicine but it's hard when I wake up so late. It says to take it in the morning, but I always sleep till noon so it's too late by the time I wake up." Blaike whined his excuse but Mia kept her face serious.

"You shouldn't take the label so literally Blaike, if you were unsure you could have called me. If you don't take this medicine, then you will end up back in hospital again. You wouldn't want that would you?" Blaike shook his head sadly. Mia took a deep breath.

"From now on you take the medicine when you first wake up and after you've eaten otherwise it will give you stomach ache understood. I also have a deal to make with you." Mia said intriguingly. Blaike looked up in interest.

"If you go outside with your mother even if only for a minute, I don't want to push you too hard. I will sit and watch an episode of Spirit Pact with you on my next review. Deal?" Blaike nodded enthusiastically. Mia smiled and rubbed his head.

She stayed filling in the general questions and then left reassuring Leina beforehand. In the car, Mia glanced at the time and realized she was running late so getting ready was going to have to be brisk indeed if she didn't want the wrath of Yu Yan to rain down upon her. It took her under seven minutes on the freeway to drive into her second-class estate and park up in-front of her apartment building. It wasn't luxurious to say the least, but Mia enjoyed being smack center in the city, so she was ready to attend any crisis events that ensued. Mia made her way up to the apartment by elevator taping her foot impatiently, she didn't know what was more frightening. Being late and feeling Yu Yan's wrath or being kidnapped, so she hurried her way to her apartment. Locking her door behind her she felt the chill of apartment being empty since the early hours of the morning. Being out of the house often she didn't use much central heating, so her apartment was morbidly chilly most of the time. It was just a simple lay out, her living area and kitchen were conjoined separated by a small white breakfast bar in the middle. Then there was a single bedroom off to he left with a shower and toilet also conjoined. It wasn't much but it's all Mia needed.

While she scrambled through her wardrobe, she was stressed to see that she had barely any formal wear except from her work attire. Even they weren't suitable for a reunion, eventually she remembered the dress her mother had made her when she graduated from University as a gift. It always touched Ally's heart that even under a psych ward her mother still supported her dream, so this dress held sentimental value. Conflicted for a while staring at it, she eventually gave in and threw it on. It was a red dress with lace sleeves and a low V-cut neck, the skirt flowed out just reaching above her knees. Mia studied herself and was surprised she still fit into it. If anything, it was quite loose. Mia was quite small and petite since being a child but even when she was a full-grown woman was relatively small compared to the height and weight of British women. Still, she had long slender legs and defined cheekbones falling not far from her bright blue eyes. Mia wasn't fond of makeup as it agitated her skin, but she didn't need it anyway. Big long black lashes overshadowed her blue ultramarine signatures and her face was contoured finely. Mia was a flawless canvas which is why people found her so unique.

Mia threw on a beige trench coat over her dress and some red heels before racing out of the door. It made her dizzy how fast she was rushing but she didn't want to keep Yu Yan waiting. Yu wasn't much of a socialite and relied on Mia's company in public settings quite a bit, but once comfortable Yu was talkative as they come. Mia loved her a lot as she was the only friend to stick by her during the bad times and Mia would do the same for her when needed in a heartbeat.

Mia struggled to drive quickly and was caught at almost every red light down to the function rooms but made it with a minute to spare. Gormlessly, she looked around for Yu until her voice called her over. Mia rushed over and hugged her tightly, Yu looked at her in awe to see her looking so feminine. Mia looked at her back with a hopeless expression. Yu was an attractive girl in Chinese standards, she had shoulder-length hair and big brown eyes as well as a slim physique. For the reunion she'd chosen a short low-cut dress showing some cleavage and some high heels she could barely walk in.

"Who are you aiming to impress Yu? You'll break your ankles in those." She said hopelessly. Yu Yan looked at Mia up and down.

"You're one too talks, if you weren't my friend, I'd mistake you for a fashion model. I'm so used to seeing you in your work clothes I almost forgot you were female." Yu joked but Mia hit her arm playfully.

"Very funny should we get this over with?" Mia yawned. Yu Yan rolled her eyes at her before linking her arm and practically dragging her inside.

-------------------------------Function room-------------------

Both girls wandered in to see a very lively atmosphere as people drank and conversed left right and center. Mia felt slightly overwhelmed seeing so many faces after five years apart, of course like they used too back in school girls would scowl at her. Yu Yan told Mia it was jealousy because she distracted the boy's attention away from them, but Mia didn't believe so many people would fall victim to envy. Apparently, she was wrong. Mia soon spotted her enemy from high school and felt guilty admitting she was slightly pleased to see age had not treated her well. Rho Zhi was her name and before Mia entered the school Rho was the most popular girl for her good looks and intellect. When Mia came in and started beating her test scores Rho began rivaling which when failed resorted to bullying. Luckily, Mia was perceptive and strong-minded person so Rho's attempts to drive her out only made her more determined. Yu Yan tugged at Mia's arm.

"Look your mortal enemy still seems to despise you and from the looks of her I'd advise her not to frown anymore." Mia giggled, Yu had also noticed Rho hadn't aged well and was happy to point it out.

"Such a shame certain people can't let the past lie, I pity her." Mia said sadly. Yu Yan broke her eye contact with Rho and dragged her over to the bar. Mia knew quickly what Yu's intentions were and ordered before she could open her mouth.

"Water for me please." Yu pouted at her like a child.

"Yu Yan, I didn't come here for you to get me drunk I have work tomorrow." Mia said sternly.

"You're such a liar you have a free day tomorrow this is the perfect opportunity for you to let loose." Mia looked flabbergasted that Yu caught her in a lie. Yu smiled devilishly at her.

"Did you check my phone diary when I wasn't looking?" Mia asked confused. Yu sighed at her.

"No, you told me three days ago but your so caught up being a workaholic you forget little details like that. I on the other hand don't… so get drinking." Yu looked like she wasn't giving up, so Mia rolled her eyes and gave in.

"Can I get two large glasses of wine please." Yu Yan cheered her on as she ordered like a football soccer mom, even the bartender looked at Mia sympathetically. After getting their drinks they, both sat down conservatively in the corner. They both chatted about work for a while until Rho decided to make her tired debut. Rho wasn't much to look at, her once charming features were tired. Still, she had brown eyes and sandy brown long hair past her shoulders. Rho had also gone all out by wearing a short leather skirts and a leopard-print shirt showing her cleavage. Yu Yan tried to contain her laughter as she strutted up to them, but Mia looked at her like any other stranger.

"Can we help you Rho?" Yu asked amused. Rho ignored Yu and kept her eyes locked with Mia her eyes still filled with resentment like nothing had changed.

"Did you manage to snatch up that foreign rich boy Mia?" she spat her words hatefully and Mia clenched her hands under the table but kept a polite smile on her face.

"Unlike you, I don't need a man to rely on to maintain myself. What's it like to be behoved to someone for life?" Mia said nonchalantly. Rho looked at her confused.

Rho, "How did y- "

"The giant rock on your finger gave it away." Mia gestured to Rho's hand where a sizable diamond plastered her finger. Rho looked at her with an evil glare.

"How observant of you. Jealous?" she said waving the diamond in Mia's face. Yu Yan went to stand but Mia placed her hand on her knee asking her calmly to not let Rho bother her.

"Considering you look rather worn out defeats the desire to be jealous of much things. Are you sure your husband is treating you well?" Mia asked sincerely, and Rho's eyes soon burst into flames.

"You connive little b*tch I don't need pity from you!" she shouted causing the talk to simmer down around them.

"It wasn't pity, it was concern. Take it or leave it. Will that be all Rho?" Mia said unphased sipping from her wine glass. Rho went to say something else but was quickly reminded by Mia's face that she couldn't win. Huffing she stormed away. Yu Yan gave Mia a little applause.

"You still got it I see." She said admirably while clinking glasses. Mia didn't feel proud shaming Rho and felt rather sympathetic towards her that their past was still something she clung too. Women like that once tainted could never be replenished to a sway-able standard too ruled by their own self-resentment. Mia and Yu finished their drinks. Mia offered to get the next round and began rummaging in her bag for money until two thuds on the table interrupted her. Lifting her head, she was met with two glasses of wine and a less desirable sight and even Yu Yan looked a little surprised.

"It's been a long-time, ladies." A man's voice said in an intriguing tone. Tall and well built decorated in an expensive suit and golden chain stood Mia's pursuer from high school. Lei Gang was the most popular boy in school when Mia started and from the minute, he saw her, he was relentless in wanting her affection. For years, he begged her to date him, but Mia always politely declined. Yu Yan always warned Mia about his treatment of girls as it wasn't very favorable and at times quite unnerving. On several occasions he'd been seen forcing his lust upon girl after dating them for a while which was another reason Mia was reluctant to date him. Mia knew people matured and changed over time so didn't judge him right way like Yu did. However, in Yu's eyes once a pervert always a pervert. Mia smiled at him and put the money for the drinks on the table before gesturing him to sit.

"Your right it's been a while. How have you been Lei?" Mia said politely. Lei sat down and quickly drank down the vodka shot he'd brought over before answering.

"I've been great, I'm working on my own stock company now. It's still in the works but the money is good." Yu kept watching as his eyes drifted to Mia's cleavage, she was quite weary of him but smiled politely to avoid suspicion.

"What about you Mia? You were always top of the class I'm intrigued to hear your occupation." He said looking genuinely interested.

"I achieved my academic goal and currently serving as a Mental Health Clinician within the Huashan Hospital." Lei looked at her impressed, he was surprised she'd stuck to her morals.

"That's good to hear I always knew you'd do great things. Are you married?" Yu immediately could see he was hanging the bait above the water.

"No, I don't bother with such things. I'm very work motivated so I have little time for relationships." Mia said honestly hoping to sway him. Yu Yan could have strangled her for responding like that. Mia began drinking her wine to try and bypass her discomfort. Yu watched as Lei smiled as she drank. Quickly, she tapped Mia's arms to stop her drinking.

"Who knows sometimes work ethics are overrated, I'm sure if you have a decent man to rely on you wouldn't have to work." Lei said sternly. Mia looked at Yu confused as to why she was tapping her then looked back at Lei.

"I like my work ethic and everything about what I do. As I said I don't have time to pursue a relationship." This time Mia was sterner in her speaking apprehending that he wasn't getting the message. Mia continued drinking her wine but looked at Yu's glass to see it was still full. Before she could ask a speaker came on the podium at the entrance of the function room and began making an announcement.

"I would like to thank-you all for coming. As a special announcement we will be hearing a few words from one of our benefactors and supporters of the educational system our school runs under, he is from the Plure foundation of finance. Please welcome Sam James to the stage."

Yu Yan gasped and watched Mia's face go white at the sight of him taking the stage. Lei also recognized his face and looked at Mia.

"Isn't that your cousin?"