This includes the format in which I will be presenting system ideas from now until the end of this encyclopedia, The format is subject to change in the case of a special type of system which does not fit inside these bounds. Notes will be written bellow for use, although they don't need to be strictly followed.
Name: (What ya call your system)
System strength: (What type of world does this system help in? How powerful is it?)
Currencies: (How many type of currencies your system takes and what they are called)
Currencies acquisition method: (How this currency is gained)
Levels: (Are there levels this system adheres to and how does leveling affect the system as it ranks up)
Upgrades to system: (Can you buy upgrades for the system to gain more abilities and functionalities? If so what can be bought?)
Goal: (What does the system want to turn the "host" into)
Standard personality: (Character traits this system likely takes, this however differs from iteration to iteration)
Presets: (What is already found in the system post upgrades)
Preferred host type: (What is this systems ideal host?)