Loptr gently pushed the two girls into the room, leaving them with the two creatures he had resurrected through his magic and controlled. He closed the door behind him, ignoring the cries of distress from the young ladies with a satisfied little smile.
"Aah, hearing the voices of terrified people will always give me so much well-being..." He would have scared anyone by saying that, but for a necromancer, his class fit him perfectly well.
He mentally received the information he had asked his zombies, who were taking measurements. Once everything was over, and the voices of the players had calmed down, he opened the door happily. They were both lying on the ground, half conscious, as if they had seen the worst thing in their lives.
"Well, I asked other of my subordinates to prepare your costumes. There is no time to lose, neither for me, nor for you, I suppose." He said clapping his hands. Immediately, the two undead who took the measurements turned into dust, falling to the floor of the annex.
"Get up, I still have a couple of things to teach you before you start working." Ofelya and Sasaki feared the worst but the two girls got up slowly, trying to recover from the horror they had seen. Certainly the VR of this game was wonderful when it came to simulating a realistic world. But in front of a zombie truer than nature, it was necessary to have the heart well hooked.
"As long as I don't have to see such a monster so closely... Everything suits me." Ofelya Declared holding her head, a little disoriented.
The man passed his right hand over his left arm, and Ofelya's arm glowed at the same moment.
"I just sent you a spell, the 'Neko-curse'. It's not a useful spell, strictly speaking. It will only serve to curse the customers' dishes before serving them. I could not send it to you, Sasaki, we'll see that at the class pavilion a little later. For now you'll do without it." The girl sighed, and looked down. She was a little tired of feeling disabled and different in this world where she had come to erase her deffects.
"Since I'm the boss of this establishment, using this spell will not consume your magic points, but mine. However, I would be aware if it serves anything but bewitching the food..."
"Neko-cuuuuuurse !" Ofelya could not resist the urge to cast the spell on her friend, and a cloud of purple smoke surrounded the girl who had not even been able to step aside because of the surprise. The smoke took on a skull-like shape that seemed to laugh ominously, before disappearing, causing some cosmetic flashes.
Sasaki did not seem to have changed when we looked at her without paying too much attention. Yet in the middle of her hair had appeared two small cat ears, and a black tail was coming out from beneath her short skirt.
"Ofelya ! Why don't you ever think about the consequences of your actions or words before acting ?! Do you have a brain or have the zombies eaten it ?!" Sasaki shouted at the little girl who plugged her ears, smiling proudly.
Loptr, who had not taken very well the thoughtless action of the archer who was going to become his employee, decided to take part in the conflict.
Ofelya only had time to turn her eyes to him before feeling herself swept away in a hurricane of smoke in her turn. When she was visible again, large rabbit ears and a small bushy tail had appeared on the archer's body, which was blushing with embarrassment.
"H-Hey, why am I the only one to be a bunny ? Isn't this place called the Neko Bar ?" With tears in her eyes, she had approached Loptr to complain while Sasaki savored her vengeance behind.
"You're as hyperactive as a rabbit, so I've decided you'd be like that. Now I'll ask you to be quiet and let me talk to the end." The necromancer replied in a dark voice that immediately calmed Ofelya.
"I have a few rules to tell you before you start working." He began to walk back to the main halls, and the two new waitresses followed him without saying a word.
"First of all, you will have to learn how to stay calm. I won't tolerate screaming in my bar, while I'm doing everything I can to keep the noise levels right." Loptr snapped his fingers and a black mechanical collar appeared around Sasaki and Ofelya's neck.
"If your voice exceeds a certain level, you will take an electric shock, like animals." Sasaki was beginning to understand why this establishment paid its employees as well. With such strict and dangerous rules, few people had to come to apply, and the waitresses who were working here already had to be half masochistic...
"Secondly, I will not tolerate contradicting or insulting a customer. The customer is your king, and if he wants to touch you or look at you, he has the right to." It was outright prostitution ! The more the time passed and the more Sasaki said to herself she would prefer not to stay very long here...
While they were still following the man. A hand rested on Ofelya's shoulder. Turning around, she saw the emaciated face and foul smile of a new zombie standing behind her, and she could not help screaming in terror. Her collar went off and she screamed in pain as she rolled to the floor.
"Ouch! But how many volts are there ?" She said quietly, standing on the ground with her eyes closed, to avoid seeing the zombie again.
"Just a little crystal of lightning." Replied the boss calmly, before putting his eyes on the zombie.
He had scared Sasaki too, but she had tried to hold back her voice, though disgusted by the creature's too real appearance. He held in each of his hands a large purple dress, similar to those she had seen on the other waitresses a little earlier.
"These are your outfits. Put them on, and you can start working."