Chereads / Heisei to Sengoku / Chapter 21 - New rules

Chapter 21 - New rules

"Kyaa" Harumi screamed and turned around. She looked up at Nobunaga's face who had a devilish smile on his face. She turned pale, what was he doing here? She shouldn't be home until tomorrow, and what was he doing here?

"I thought, lets go home fast so I can see my lovely wife." He spoke slowly. "Only to find her trying to run away..."

"Well, you see..." Harumi tried to come up with a plausible reason why she was here but she couldn't come up with a good lie. Before she could say something else Nobunaga grabbed her by her waist, hoisted her up and threw her over his shoulder. With long strides he walked back to the castle.

"Let me down!" Harumi yelled angrily while she tried to get loose but Nobunaga's grip was like steel and wouldn't move an inch. He ignored her completely.

They walked back in the castle through the sliding door Harumi had used earlier that night. In the main room of her quarters her tree maids stood to one side. They looked terrified, not sure what Nobunaga would do.

"Go back to sleep." Nobunaga ordered them while he still ignored the yelling Harumi who was still hoisted over his shoulder.

"Lord..." Masa-kun tried to speak with a trembling voice.

"Lady Nohime will stay the night in a different room, we will clear this all up in the morning." He cut her off without slowing down. With angst in heir eyes they watched as Nobunaga took Harumi away. They wouldn't close an eye for the whole night due to their concern for their lady.

Eventually Nobunaga opened a door to a room and put Harumi down.

"What was that?" She yelled still angry.

"I'm very tired, I rode my horse for hours straight to be home sooner only to find my wife trying to run away. We will discuss this in the morning. In the meantime I have to make sure you don't pull such a stunt again." Was the only thing he said before he left the room. Most of the rooms in the castle had sliding doors made from rice paper. This room on the other hand had all four walls made of wood and had a normal door with a lock. She heard Nobunaga lock the door from the outside. She grunted angrily while looking around the room. It was clearly not a cell, but it wasn't very welcoming either. There was a futon in the far corner and a small desk with a candle on it. The room didn't even have a window. Still angry Harumi let herself fall in the futon and screamed in the pillow. She was so pissed of that she couldn't help but cry. All het build up emotions from the last couple of weeks came flooding out.

Harumi didn't notice that she had fallen asleep. She rubber her eyes. Even without a mirror she could tell that her eyes were puffy and red from all the crying. When she turned around she was startled again. Nobunaga said at the desk with his arms crossed over his chest. He didn't look pleased.

"What do you want?" She asked pissed off. Maybe it was wrong of her to try and run away but he had no right to lock her up in a room.

"eat something." He said slowly while he handed her a bowl of rice.

"I'm not hungry." Harumi said. At that moment her stomach made a low growling voice. Nobunaga didn't say anything, he only raised one eyebrow and looked at her skeptically while there was a small smile on his face. Admitting defeat Harumi rook the bowl with rice and started to eat.

"Do you hate me that much?" Nobunaga asked after a while. Harumi almost chocked on some rice. She didn't expect this question.

"It isn't that I hate you or something like that..." She said after a few coughs.

"Then what is it?" Nobunaga asked with a stern expression. Harumi had to look away. Remorseful she looked at the bowl with rice. She hadn't even thought about what kind of effect her actions would have on Nobunaga.

"Well, you left with saying anything." She said, trying to evade his last question. She couldn't tell him the truth but she didn't know if she could lie to his face.

"I was very buzzy, you are smart I would have thought you would know that." He said.

"Listen, you can be very happy I found you just in time, do you have any idea what would have happend if you had run away?" He asked. Harumi had the feeling he was scolding a young kid. She shook her head what made Nobunaga sigh.

"For one, if word got out that you had run away, your father would have a proper reason to attack me. At the time we aren't ready for such a powerful enemy. And do you even know what it is like outside these walls? You wouldn't survive a single day!" He sounded more worried than angry.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." Harumi whispered.

"Yeah, and to make sure it wont happen again, you will have to stay by my side." He said with an evil grin.

"What?" Harumi shouted.

"Well, you're not stupid enough to try this when i'm around, so in the future when I'm away from the castle, you will come with me." He explained.