(To my dearest daughter Rin,
If you are reading this either Marma or Duke, hopefully both, had sent this letter to you so take good care of them. As to why you may be reading this, I have most likely went to meet your mother. You can cry but please don't lose hope on life as this old man would have to go eventually so if it happen earlier it won't make a difference. Smile and live happily in my stead. Your mother and I want this of you.
I prepared this as I have noticed that I am being followed and I fear that I may never meet you or talk to you again. So this letter is a fail-safe in case anything happens and would serve as my last message to you. If you read this, don't hate or seek revenge, that would be a waste. Seek love and enjoy life, don't embroil yourself in dark emotions. Passerine, my child you better be smiling through life as that is my wish. The best would be that I could show you this in the future and we could laugh about it though.
I love you Rin. I don't want to leave your side but I know you are falling ill and may not have much time left. I hope you know that we moved to the hut on the hill to avoid the eyes of the townsfolk so they would not think you had the plague or even if they thought so they would not burn you on a stake as you were living far away from them. The hill is to protect you but making you feel lonely on that hill is my fault as I left. I'm sorry for making you go through this. Only the deep wilderness would have a cure for your illness. Also do not blame yourself as this decision is mine and mine alone so just blame this old man as I would still do it if you gave me a second chance.
I hope Marma's and Duke's child can keep you company as they did for me. Take care of the child as he will be your best companion.
As for the cure, I have found it with much difficulty by avoiding danger with Duke's eyes and Marma's speed. I have attached the medicines in small bags to both Marma and Duke in hopes that one will safely make it to you. The herb is to fight the illness and it is said to be enough to heal most illness and it is considered a Grade B herb. The crystal is said to be a mana crystal that has absorbed the nature of stone and would halt the pain of those who consume it. Take it and once again please live life to your fullest.
Love yours truly Tunstall Wyvernheart, Father of Passerine Wyvernheart.)
With tears flowing down my beady eyes, I grabbed the letter as well as the medicine bags and took off without looking back.
Soaring at high speed but caring not to damage the contents of the bag I zoomed back to the hut.
I sat in front of Rin, letter in one claw, medicine in the other. I screamed Rin's name in hopes of waking her up while I consider other methods like force feeding her the medicine mouth to mouth like birds or by grabbing water to douse her awake.
(Rin! RIN!) *Screech! SCREECH!*
Luckily I didn't have to resort to such drastic measures as Rin's eyes twitch and opened slowly and weakly. However, immediately after waking up Rin started coughing heavily as blood sipped down her hand that was covering her mouth.