Hi! It's me, the author of this. Sambrood.
Yes, I'm alive still.
I've just been real busy and I can't seem to keep up with everything.
I just wanted to come here to quickly give everyone who's been waiting for a new chapter some sort of update.
I now I said I'd come back in October and we're already a third of the way thorough November but I'm still not ready to get back to writing.
No, I'm not giving up on writing. As if I'd ever do that tsss.
Also no, I am not burned out although maybe everything else than writing will do trick.
I've always been a sort of nervous guy so I really try my best to take everything slow and chill but sometimes, the world doesn't want to agree with me you know? My heart is beating so fast all the time it's like it's going to explode any minute now. My hair was already falling out so I might go bald soon.
Going back on the topic, Born from a Divine Gamble, TV show of a bored god, the space exploration story and even the collector will come back eventually once I've been through what I got to deal with.
I won't go into all the details because I don't really want to and it has nothing to do with you all but here is some sort of summary to give you an Idea.
I've had a health problem suddenly hit me and it knocked me out for around three full weeks. (no it didn't have anything to do with the pandemic and no I was never in any real danger, it was just awfully painful.)
Then I have to prepare for winter. It's usually quick and easy but it's awful when a certain health problems stops you from standing up properly.
I reworked my CV and entrusted it to a friend that might know a guy. I have no idea if something will come out of it or if it does, when it will.
The final and most annoying of my current problems is that I received a letter from some governmental agency about someone trying to use my name to get funds from them. I don't know what the fuck to do about that and its stressing me out to no end. Might be some sort of identity theft, I don't know. I hate bureaucracy so much I get nervous seeing bank reports in my mail so that's gonna be a fun mess to deal with. I've been sitting here for a week already with that letter on my desk so no writing has been happening at all.
Anyway there you have it. My break has been extending itself for much longer than I wanted but I'll be back eventually. I have many many flaws but I'm no quitter.
I haven't checked any comments in a good long while and I don't really feel like it because I get the impression I'm gonna throw up every fifteen minutes but I might check quickly later to see if there's anything urgent I got to deal with on this side of my life.
I guess what I'm saying is: Despite everything and the lack of profit from this, here is still the place I enjoy hanging out the most. I look forward to writing again to you all sometime soon I hope, with a lighter heart and a more relaxed state of mind.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Halloween even without going out much, a good Thanksgiving if you celebrate that and also a good new year I guess if I'm not back by then. (I should but who knows? There's always things happening whether you want them to or not.)
P.S. Sorry if there are any spelling errors, I only used the basic corrector because I can't be bothered to put any more work in this right now.