Hi everyone, again, sorry. Every updates have to start with that I guess.
Like I said in the last update, I'm in the process of rereading everything in order to write a coherent new chapter. I've also done a few livestreams on Twitch were I talked a lot about the story and what was happening with me but I had massive audio problems so even if you had been there, you wouldn't have gotten anything out of it I think.
I know everyone feels that a chapter should be out already, you've all been waiting forever. I understand, I'm not disappointed in anyone removing Born from a divine gamble from their collection. I can see the number slowly going down and its a fair response to my inactivity. I can keep repeating I have not lost my passion for writing or my passion for this story forever but it doesn't prove anything. Sadly, that's the best I've been able to do since everything happened.
Recently, three things have been eating at my time a lot, slowing down my writing efforts.
First, I watched Ironmouse's subathon in its entirety. She was live for a whole month and I'm a fan so I watched way too much of that.
Second, I play way too much Elden Ring. I haven't done much else since the game came out. (I haven't bought it, it was a Christmas gift from a family member.)
finally and more importantly, I've been trying hard to find a job, I've been filling a lot of forms, sending my CV to places and trying to get my friends to recommend me to their bosses. My real passion will always be writing, I'm gonna say it every time, but I seriously need a job. My efforts have been focused on that instead of writing the next chapter so I apologize for that but I'm sure people can understand.
I wrote about it in one of the forms I filled but I want to try new things too. (It's very strange I know but I guess even when filling a form a writer stays a writer.) I've been locked in my room writing for the longest time (around 10 years to be exact) and I guess the catastrophic year I had was a sort of wake up call. If it wasn't for Covid, I'd have gone to explore so much more than I already did but even with that, I've been experimenting new things all the time. I guess that's another thing that will slow down my writing efforts. I've always said that nothing beats the comfort of home but how can I be certain if I never leave it?
In summary, stay patient XD. I know it's not what you want to hear but I'm doing my best to live my life here and set everything back onto proper solid tracks. Everything is bound to stabilize sooner rather than later considering my empty pockets and when that happens, I'll most probably fall back into writing again.
As a side note, I'm still on our discord channel all the time, Link comes by sometimes to post something random.
I also plan to do something with the Pat****, I don't like it. I don't have any patrons so I'm sure no one has noticed but I've renovated it a bit and will probably do so again. I might even just remove it entirely, who knows. I've never even bothered linking it to anything so even if I had a patron, the money would go into the void XD.