‹‹You have to fill these barren pages››
Those words echo painfully in my head but I don't know of what pages I am thinking of, I have no shit to write with, I don't even know where I am. I woke up and I´m in a carriage, in a wagon, around me some filthy people with ripped clothes. They have chains in their hands and hollow eyes. They are sitting in the floor against the bars. I try to get up, but I can't stand properly, more than in a wagon I´m in a cage.
—Where am I? What is happening?— No one answers me.
The carriage keeps moving, making that rock against wheel noise.
I look around and see outside dozens of people walking in line looking at the ground. There is also another ones outside: with harsh faces on top of horses. This looks awful, this is fucking grim. Though, I don't know why, but somehow I´m calm. I decided to wait; I got a feeling that that's the smartest thing I can do right now.
I settled myself in a corner and when my back touched the bars I felt a sharp pain in it, I resisted it. A few minutes later I try to talk to the people at my side, but nobody seems to understand or does not seem to care about what I say.
In the next few hours I figured out most of the situation. The people in the horses are the ones in charge obviously, they are the ones that crack the whip: they seem to be some kind of military fellas: dressed like ancient soldiers. I am relieved to know that I can understand the language. For what I eavesdropped they are escorting the cargo (us) to a nearby city. All the chained people are battle spoils. That is the most meaningful information that I could get, these guys apparently only talk about gambling, hookers and booze.
The other prisoners are not saying anything, I did not hear anyone say a word since I´m here. I realized that the people in the wagons are mostly old people and children, and the people outside are the adults. I got tired of the silence and wanted to get some information so I took the risk to talk to one of the soldiers outside.
—Hello Sir— I try to get the attention of one of the soldiers.
—Sir!... Here in the cage!— One of the soldiers hears me and rides in my direction.
—What do you say?— Asked the soldier with what seemed to be a smile.
—Hello Sir?— I answered and the guy burst into laughter.
—Flavius look, the rookie woke up, and he is telling me Sir— He says to another soldier that comes to us.
—Mmm, I see... we have to report to the Optius Lucilius— Said the one named Flavius.
—Yeah, go tell him — Said the other. After the Flavius one leaves the other soldier keeps talking — Man it seems your punishment is not over yet, but not worry old Scipio don´t forget his friends, I talked to the Optius and this problem could go away with a few more whips—
—What?— I ask
—Yes, maybe you can even keep your part of the spoils, but you know, if you want him to keep his mouth shut you have to grease his palm—
—This is your first campaign. You don't want that guy around saying to the officers that you are insubordinate, just talk to him and when you sell your slaves give him some money... quiet, he is coming—
— Legionary Augustus, I see you woke up— Said the guy who I suppose is Optius Lucilius.
—Yes Sir, I want to apologize for my behavior. I´m going to compensate you for your troubles when we arrive to the city— I said, acting like I know what is happening, choosing to trust the Scipio guy.
—Mmm... all right, I would accept your apologies. Legionary Flavius take Legionary Augustus out of the cage and give him some water. Legionary Augustus is going to walk the rest of the way to Neuss.— Ordered the Optius with a smirk.
It was a long walk, a really long walk. At least I had some water and Scipio was talking to me.
Little by little I started to... remember?
Apparently my name it's Augustus, I'm seventeen, a free citizen of the Peral Empire and I enlist in the army to make money. My back hurt because I was beaten up and punished with thirty lashes. In the middle of the punishment I lost consciousness and hit my head with a rook so they threw me with the slaves. All of that because I got in a disagreement with Optius Lucilus, the second in command of the Centurion, and he decided to make an example out of me.
We are at war with the barbarians, conquering new lands for the glory of the Empire and all that. I have to think of a way to not die here. I have some kind of memories of this world. It is like my soul, August fused with this Augustus, or like there was information in this brain that I inherited with the body. There it's not a dying wish or anything, this guy just wanted a comfortable life , make some money here, start a business later.
We have to stop before it gets dark. Neuss is still a half day away. There is a forest at sight. We make the camp not too near of it.