Chereads / De Rerum Natura / Chapter 9 - Friends in high places

Chapter 9 - Friends in high places

—Rookie!, rookie! wake up—

—Ugh, What's happening now?— I say as I open my eyes.

—The game is starting you are gonna miss it— Says Scipio

—Game, what game?—

—The slave sorting bro—

We leave the barracks and arrive at the middle of the campsite, where an official, surrounded by soldiers and a bunch of slaves behind him, is talking loudly.

—As you all know the number of spoils increases as your rank does— Says a tall and slightly chubby forty-something man who I suppose is Centurion Marco —Now, that doesn't mean that we are going to throw the garbage to the low ranks, you worked your asses off to, don't you?—

The crow makes a sound of approval.

—So to be fair —continues the centurion— we are gonna throw some dice, whatever happen blame your luck—

The centurion goes, leaving Optius Lucilius, his second, in charge.

I think about my situation as the sorting goes on. The first time I woke up in this body I was badly beaten, I hardly could run when I was chased by the barbarian witches. If I want this time to be different and survive what it's coming I have to play things right.

After the sorting is done as I feared I did good, too good, I now have ownership of two good looking females in their late teens or early twenties. I'm sure of what happened last time and why this body got whipped, at least I think I know now what is the real reason.

I took the initiative to look for Optius Lucilius with one of the slaves, he received me outside his tent.

—Sir, I got lucky tonight and I want to seize this opportunity to thank you and present to you a small token of appreciation— I say as I push the girl towards him — I hope we can both profit together in the future—.

Optius Lucilius remained silent for a minute while looking at me. —Ok, Legionary… Augustus, right, Augustus. You are a smart one, I can use a smart one—. He says as he takes the girl with him inside his private tent —We will talk in another occasion, you can go—

The next day I'm riding with the other legionaries thinking how are we going to deal with the witches and how I am going to clear Thoth mission.

—Scipio what do you know about witches?— I ask

—Don't fuck them— He says instantly

—Ok, but you know about them?—

—The only witches that I know are from storys, you know, they kill your children if you fuck other women, eats your heart, turn people into pigs and stuff. Just don't fuck witches bro— He says.

—There are no witches rookie— says Flavius looking at me for a second, I swear I forgot about him— witches are just what we call the priestesses from gods that we don't know or just really mean revengefull bitches—.

I look at Flavius for a moment thinking if I should talk about the woods, but it would be too suspicious. I don't want to explain too much and get caught in my own lies.

—Anyway— Says Flavius — Opitus Lucilius told me to look after you, you did good investing in some backing and more with Centurion Marco retirement this close—

—I just got lucky with my bonus yesterday—

—No shit, I got one old man and a little boy, and lost the boy gambling— Says Scipio.

We arrive outside the forest before sunset, I immediately go to Optius Lucilius. He is talking with Centurion Marco.

—What do you want? Why aren't you settling the tents and the area?— Says Optius Lucilius with a loud voice.

I stand straight with my hand at my sides while I say —Sir, I want to volunteer to scout duty, Sir—

—Were you a hunter before, soldier?— Ask Optius Lucilius.

—Yes, Sir, I'm a good tracker, Sir— I lie.

—Mmm... — Optius Lucilius is about to say something more when interrupted.

—Let him go— Says Centurion Marco —But if you get some game, bring it here first, you hear me boy? I want some good meat—

—… Ok, go. Take Flavius with you, he is an experienced hunter— Says the optius.

I do what he says and as I fear.

—You never hunted before, don't you Rookie?— Says Flavius

—No, but if you don't say anything I buy you a few drinks—

We walk the woods slowly. I'm nervous, I don't want to die again.

—I see something moving that way— I say to Flavius.—While I move more quickly towards where I saw the barbarians last time.

—I didn't see anything. Wait for me—

—Shh— I signal to him when he reaches me —I hear something, I think there are barbarians nearby— I get an arrow ready in my bow. Flavius does the same with his.

In a few minutes we see the barbarians getting ready for whatever ceremony they were thinking to do.

—Lets go to the camp and came back with reinforces— Says Flavius

—Yes, but we can't let them do whatever, that seems like witchcraft— I say

—Lets just go and ambush them later— Respond Flavius

—No—, I said before releasing an arrow towards the closest target, piercing it in the back.

—Shit!— says Flavius shooting a barbarian in the face —Run! You fucking rookie!.