I had a terrible day at work.
I think I need to get a new job I'm so tired of working in a company I'm not appreciated.. I've been working with melca group of companies for 7 years now and I've not been promoted nor has my salary been increased, not even once..I have put so much effort into ensuring the success and growth of this company. Over the year's I've been treated unfairly by the high racking staffs.. The imposing of forced labour and late closing hours, my ideas been stolen and used by the senior staffs and still got no recognition or what so ever.. very soon I tender my resignation letter to the HR I can't keep up with this anymore, I've tried.. I thought being patient and obedient would pay off, but still nothing...
Few minutes after stepping into the bathroom for a fresh bath I heard my phone ringing, and I hurriedly went to check who it was only to find out it was a call from work, from a senior staff..
Speaking of a blood sucking demon, here she is..
Just then I went back into the bathroom to finish up my bath..Few minutes later I was done I changed into my nighty then sat on my bed pick up my phone to give her a call back.
Phone ringing, few seconds later she picked up..
📳Why didn't you pick Immediately I called?
Don't even tell me you were sleeping.. Any way I called to inform you a very important client will be coming to the company tomorrow by 8'am and you're incharge of the presentation, check your email I sent you some of the details..
First of all it an ungodly hour and is not a crime if I say I was sleeping when your call came in, because I'm in my house, and secondly with all the stress you put me through today I deserve to rest.. As for the presentation tomorrow I can't handle it, I still have some paperwork you gave me, which are no yet done.. I'm sorry, find someone else..
📳 How dare you speak to me in such tone, and what audacity do you think you have to reject and a job assigned to you, huh?
I can see you're now growing wings but trust me I will break them one after the other..
And if you don't do this presentation you'll not just loose your job, I'll make sure you're fired with no pay for the month not just that I'll make sure you nvr get a job in this city. You know me I've got money and connections to see to that, just try me.... Nonsense..
Are you really threatening me?
And also did you just say you have the money and connections? That explains why your are a senior staff but can't have a proper work done, all you do is impose your work on junior staffs and take the rewards for it.. i was wondering how you got promoted as a senior staff within a year, while I've worked there for over 7 years now... Money and connections right? I've gotten my answers good night..
📳 You most be very stu.....
I ended the call before she could finish her sentence, she called back servral times but I ended it..
After ending the call I was wondering what gave me the courage to be that bold unlike me, I've nvr confronted her that way before.. I'm sure she must have been shocked too..
I smiled to myself proudly.. just then,, my phone rang again but this time it was my mom..
Hey, Mom..
📱 Yes? How are you doing.. I called earlier but was noted you were on another call...
Ooh, yes I was speaking to a colleague at work, you called so late, hope I'm safe..
📱 No you're not..
What is it this time Mom?
📱 I'd be attending a friend's daughter's wedding this weekend, when I'm I attending yours?
Mom not again, I knew it... I had a hectic day at work today I just want to rest, let's talk abt this tomorrow mom..
📱 No let's talk about it now, I want to know, has no one asked you out for a date yet?
No one for now mom, I told you to give me time to settle I'd get a man..
📱And when will that be? In your menopause? You'll be 30 in 2 years how long does it take for a woman to get to her menopause? You're getting old or should I remind you when I had you?
I know you had me when you were 22 years old, I've heard that a million times mom. This is a different generation, one can't just rush into marriage like that..
📱 Ooh, I see, that's why I've come to a conclusion that I'm helping you find a good man from a good family as well, so I've been able to select 7 able bodied men from good homes, who are interested in you..
What?... Mommmm 7 men?
📱 Yes you'll go on dates with them on different occasions and make a decision on who you want as a husband, once the decision is made, leave the rest I'll take care of it..
Mom stop, I don't like this, this seems like a desperate situation and the way you're going abt it, these men would think I can't get myself a man.. stop this, please..
📱Then bring me a man, I'm getting older, I want grand babies, or are you planning to have kids when I'm laying in my grave?
Common mom don't be dramatic, you just turned 50 last month.. stop the drama I need to go to sleep.. Don't worry I will give you grand babies just give me little more time, I promise..
📱 Don't make promises you can't keep, you've been promising since you were 25 and now you're 28 and still making unfulfilled promises.
Mom, I love you goodnight. Kisses and hugs
📱 I don't hate you either just give me grandkids and we will be sweet again..
Ok ma, noted.. sleep tight my favourite person..
📱 I know you're trying to run away from the conversation but no problem, goodnight...
The call finally ended, thank goodness, I need some sleep, it's going to be a very long day tomorrow..
I turned on the music as usual, music helps me fall asleep faster, I layed back on my bed while listening to (SILENCE )by marshmello ft Khalid .. Few minutes later I blanked out..