I woke up few minutes late than the usual time, I hurriedly entered the bathroom took my bath, dress up, took my morning coffee and headed out for work..
I got to the office 5mins early, I went to my desk and started my work for the day..
Just then,, a colleague of mine walked in, she sits opposite my my desk..
π Goodmorning ms Cassy...!! She greeted
Yeah good morning, ms Debby, how was your night..
π Let's just say it was ok, My baby cried all through the night, I couldn't have a proper sleep last night..
Ooh sorry dear, you need to close early today so you can go home and rest well..
π I hope so, sacrifice of being a mother is really not easy..
I know right, could you imagine my mom called last night asking me for grandkids? I jokenly said..
π Mother's can be overly dramatic about wanting to have grandkids,that was how my late mother mounted so much pressure on me to have kids, only for her to die before I could have my second child..I really do miss her so much, if she was alive this burden wouldn't be this heavy on me..
So sorry dear, I can't say I understand how it feels to lose a mom cause I obviously still have mine, but I can say I can understand how it feels for one to lose a loved one... Please take heart things would get better..
But how abt your husband, doesn't he help with the kids atleast..
π Hmmm, don't even go there, he carel less abt I and the children. Once my baby clocks 3yrs I'm quiting the marriage...
No you shouldn't say that, I think you should find time to talk with him abt the kids he might also be having a hard time himself and you don't even realize it..
Talk it out instead of planning to divorce him..
π I've tried, let me not bore you with my marital issues, we'll be fine.. I heard we're having a meeting with an important client this morning..
Yes we are, and guess what?
π What?
Last night around 12:15pm I received a call from Jessica informing me that I'm in charge of the presentation for the meeting this morning..
π What? why would she inform you of such important information at such a late hour? She must be really crazy.. I hope you didn't accept it..
Ofcos not , I told her to find someone else for the presentation or she should do it herself..
π Good, I'm happy you turned her down this time, thank God you're finally waking up to reality and realizing you've been used all these years..
Exactly, I'm sure she must be shocked at my response.. she is used to me accepting all her orders but not anymore, it ends here...
π I'm with you on this one Cassy..
Stand up to her bullying, I hate to see you multitasking and getting query for the boss all the time, while she takes all the praises on something you worked hard for...
I know right.....!!!
π Let's see what happens today.. Speaking of the devil here she comes..
Debby said and excused herself to the restroom.
She walked in screaming my name..
π£οΈ Cassy, Cassy, Cassy...
How can I be of help to you ms Jessica..
π£οΈ Meet me in the board room before the meeting starts now .
I'm sorry I can't do that right now I'm busy, I have so many work load on my desk, which same you assigned to me, and you specifically told me my dead line is today. So I think I need to finish one at a time please...
π£οΈ How dare you? How dare you speak back at me in this office?
I saying it for the last time meet me in the board room or you loose your job, I'm sure you remembered all I told you last night..
You don't have to bother I planned on tendering my resignation letter after I'm done with my paperwork.. So don't stress your pretty head over it.. I'm leaving..
π£οΈ What?
Yes you heard me..!
π£οΈ I'm reporting you to the boss now..
You can go ahead but remember I have all evidence of you imposing your job to every junior staff in this office and how you constantly threaten them including me of our jobs if we don't get your job done... And plus I recorded our conversation from last night and many other nights that you called and threatened me...
Mind you I also have videos and pictures of you coming out of a hotel with one of our biggest clients Mr Greg Lawson.. I don't mind losing my job but I'd make you you go down with me, I bet you on this..
π£οΈ Huh????
Speachless? Exactly how I expected it, you thought I was foolish for always obeying you? I knew a day like these would come and evidence is all I need to bring a person like you down.. so I made sure to do a proper research and I found out you've been sleeping with every of our clients after work hours and these number of people have been the ones funding your life style and the connection you mentioned they're also behind it too..
π£οΈ You think you know so much abt me, you know absolutely nothing about me, I'm from a rich home and my family are doing well, and abt Mr Lawson we coincidentally met at that hotel so shut up your mouth..
Ooh really? Mr Greg Lawson asked me to go out with him for a night and he promised to give me a lifestyle that is even better than yours, he told me he got you a car a birthday present.. which is the recent car you're driving, and went ahead to tell me he would help me get promoted and also promised me a vacation trip to Miami.. Then and there I knew where all this money and connections you said you have came from.. and here you are lying to us that your father got you that car..
π£οΈ No,No, No, Noooooooooo.
I have more I also made a deep reach abt your family and I found out that your family are very poor, and your father has nothing to his name.. He was asked years ago for company fraud everything was taken anyway for your family to start all over from nothing...
If you want I can keep going because I made so many research and the things I found out about you were terrible..
π£οΈ I...I...I...I... I know I've done so many bad things to you these few years but please can we keep these between us? Please I'm not ready to loose my position or my job..
So you still care abt a position you didnt work for, a position your suger daddy made you have? Anyway it all depends on how you treat me from now on and as for
the presentation I'm not taking it, do it yourself..
π£οΈ No problem, is that all..
For now yes that all.. you can leave I'm working before you walked in...
π£οΈ Ok but please keep to your promises..
You don't tell me what to do with my mouth, so get out...
Just when she was about going out ms Debby walked right in seeing that the atmosphere seems a bit awkward than how it was when she excused herself minutes ago..
π Ms Cassy what happened?
Nothing much I just told her I'm not taking the presentation so she agreed she'll take it..
π It's a lie.. The Jessica I know will nvr accept so early, and her face seems flushed like you just told her something very shocken..
I have no idea what you mean, I just stood up to her bully that's all, or isn't that what you've also wanted me to do?
πYes but something seems off and I just can't place my hand on it but it's ok I'm happy you were able to defend yourself..
Thank you very much for your encouragement..
Just then the client came and we were all asked to go to the board room..
As soon as I walked into the room I saw a huge figure of a man sitting facing the wall of the room, while on a call with someone over the phone.. He has a deep voice and a masculine shoulders...
I sitted besides him, that was the only space available,, all sits were already occupied..
He turned to to everyone one and asked..
β¨ Is everyone now available?
His voice echoes, Everyone were astonished by this handsome but yet cold looking young man, whose eye balls could barely be seen...
π£οΈ Yes sir, Jessica responded
β¨ Ok let the meeting begin..
The meeting started, as said, Jessica took the presentation but failed to deliver a proper presentation that is convincing enough to make the client sail a deal with the company.... Since I was the one who was supposed to take the presentation, I decided to take over, and tried my best to let the client see reasons why he should sail the deal with our company..
After the meeting,, the client told us he'd get back to us..
As I was about leaving a man appeared in front of me and said..
Hello ms..
My boss asked me to give you this.
He brought out a business card and handed it to me..
Why? And whose your boss?
The man that just left the board room is my boss ma'am..
Ooh ok thank you..
You're welcome ma'am, he also asked me to tell you to call him later..
I see, alright noted..
Thank you I bare to take my leave ma..
Alright, bye
He nodded and left the room, leaving me in outer shock and why he has asked me to call him later... Or is he one of the guys Jessica has been sleeping with and they're trying to set me up and eliminate me? This most be Jessica's doing..I thought to myself trying to figure out what this was..
π£οΈ Hey Cassy thank you for saving me at the meeting earlier today..
I didn't save you, rather I saved the company from losing such an important client today, so keep your thank you to yourself and shove it in you a**
π£οΈ I know you're still upset abt this morning's conversation, I said I'm sorry..
Are you crazy or something? Did you just say I'm upset about this morning? I'm angry abt how you've treating me over the year's and you are here spitting trash like as if it's your first time being a b**ch.. I'm sure you've not forgotten in a hurry that I have your enter life secret with full prove with me.. so don't even try to be smarter..
π£οΈ I'm sorry I was trying to make us friends..
I don't keep snitches, bitches and slutty people as friends.. so don't even play the informality game with me, like I said weren't friends...
π£οΈ No problem
That day ended