Chapter 6 - Chapter 6: bug!

Like seriously, what is she thinking. I don't get her at all. While i was instructing her on how we could turn the pelts in to cloths she suddenly gave me a pat.

Which i obviously swatted away.

I really don't get her. Maybe it's just her nonchalant face. Or maybe it's that annoying smile of hers. 

I managed to somehow make the jacket i was planning to make. This body isn't that big so this one jacket could reach my knees. I could make pants later. As for Ely,

"Hey you aren't done yet?" Ely wasn't done with her cloth yet. "Sigh, give it to me." I took the pelt from her and started working on it as well.

And i finished it way quicker than she would.

Wearing it i felt more comfortable. After all girls shouldn't go around naked.

Many bad things can happen. Such as traumatizing children and such.

Anyway, "How do i look?" I asked.

"Good." Ely answered.

"Really?" I didn't believe i looked that good. I never had such compliments thrown at me after all.

"Mhm, if you don't believe me just think of me as a mirror. We look alike after all." Ely said.

"Wait really?" I did notice me and Ely have the same body type both in fox form and human form. But to think we also look alike.

"Yeah, i think we look exactly alike to the point our hair strands are the same length. I think the only difference is that the tattoo under our belly are different." 

Yeah come to think of it there's that tattoo. It's right under my belly, where i draw my powers from. Wait a minute,

"Why were you looking there!" I couldn't help but unconsciously cover my lower part.

"Ah, wasn't trying to look there."

'Oh, maybe she accidentally...'

"I was looking at your puss..."


I really don't get this girl. 




After our initial getting used to the new body day's passed by. Somethings became clear to me, for instance, Ely has a little obsession with leveling up. Like she massacres things using tactics that i never thought could be done.

Aside from that some else also became quite apparent, Ely and me level up no matter who does the hunting, and it seem our power level are always the same. It's a little weird quirk.

The next thing that became apparent is Ely is still very touchy. I though may be transforming in to a human would make her more reserved. But that isn't the case. She actually increased the cuddles and pats. Oh, well i am used to it by now. I still retort, though.

"Hey Sia, Look what i have made you..."

"Hm?" Ely had a bunch of beast sculls on her hands.

"I made you a helmet."




After I initial amusement i did wore the sculls as helmet and well not gonna lie they are somewhat solid. They can definitely protect me during a pinch.

Ely also made one for herself. They look kind of fitting combined with our fur jackets. 

So with our new helmet we decided to set off. today we are going towards south. Since there aren't many monsters left here where we are. And towards the south we have noticed stronger monsters.

Don't ask me why i am going finding stronger monsters. Ely is just obsessed with leveling up. Troubled, i gave a last look at Ely before we both set off. 

A lot has happened over the past few days. Me waking up as a fox, meeting Ely, becoming a white haired little girl. That's a lot to process. but hopefully everything would be alright. Hopefully this life would be better that my last one. 




They say you never know what life would throw at you.

I guess that is about right. I mean i had been hit with a truck got reincarnated in to another world, and became a female fox.

"Sigh, what am i even doing with my life." I couldn't help but sigh.

"Sia what are you sighing about?"

"Nothing." I decided to focus on the present situation. "Are they really machines?" I asked as i poked my head out of the edge of a rock. In front of me was a large snow field. Presumably a lake as i cant see any tree on the snow. However what can attract the most attention is the sky blue tanks and soldiers crossing the meadow.

Yes, you heard it right, tanks. And other artillery as well. Albeit they look more futuristic than my old world.

"It seems so. I didn't expect this to be a SIFI world." 

"Should we go and meet them?" I asked.

"Nope. I don't want to." I didn't object that, as i am also against meeting complete strangers, especially if they have artillery like that. 

There seems to be around a few hundred soldiers there. And seems to be going south like we are doing. So,

"Should we follow them? Maybe we can get in to a city or something?" I proposed.

"I dont want to go to a city."

"But they are going the same direction as we are. It wont be problem if we follow them anyway."

"... I gues you are right..." Why is Ely so insistent on not wanting to meet people i wonder.

So, as planned we started following their trail. Of course we arent dumb enought to follow them closly. After all they might have something like a binoculler. That would be a problem. So instead of keeping an eyes on them we just followed their footsteps on the snow. 



**(Some soldier POV)** 

"Urgh i am so tired! I just want to end this expedition and go home!" A soldier wearing a sky blue outfit said as he fried a marsh mellow.

"Well we are already very close to the core of the dungeon so it shouldn't take long." His fellow soldier by his side said.

"Like really, dungeons with unique terrains are so hard to traverse."

"I know right. We have to take so much artillery across this darned snowfield." a female soldier expressed her dissatisfaction.

"Well we gotta to do what we gotta do. Let's not fret it."

The soldiers kept their discussions in the lively atmosphere. 

However, their rest was soon disrupted.

"The general said everyone to pack up. We will be traveling soon." Someone said in the mike.

hearing this some of the soldiers gave a dissatisfied expression.

"Hey hey, we are still tired. Why would we need to travel so fast."

"Don't you know. The general wants to speed run this dungeon."

"Heh, they shouldn't take a dungeon so lightly as to speed run it. Even if our general is a C rank. Way above this dungeons rating."

"But we can't really defy the general now can we." 

Even though dissatisfied with the generals haste the soldiers followed the orders. 





After following for a few day's we still didn't reach a city. In fact the monsters around here are getting a little to strong even for us. Thankfully me and had practiced coordinated attacks these few day's, so we could take care of anything without creating too much commotions. Due to Ely's insistence on getting stronger i can now easily Freeze up a large tree with my frost fire.

So yeah, i guess training does bare fruits. 

Today however was a little different. The soldiers reached a gate of sorts.

Yeah a gate. not a building or anything. It's just a gate in the middle of nowhere. Although i have to say these soldiers are giving way too much attention to this gate. And gate seems to lead somewhere even though it's basically standing in the snowy meadow.

maybe a teleportation gate i assume? I don't know. But Ely sure is exited and would definitely be trying to enter the gate.

"Oh, they are entering." 


**Soldiers POV** 

We are entering the boss room of the dungeon. It is definitely a lot bigger than estimated. But the general is insisting on entering. Hope we can make it out in one piece. 




**Entering the Boss room** 

**Sia POV** 

The soldiers went in. It took them a while to get their artillery through the gate. After all of them went in me and Ely finally decided to get closer.

The gate was pretty big if you look at it up close. Nearly as big as a modern building. It was truly grand.

"Are you sure, we should do this?" I asked.

"yeah, it's be fine." Ely reassured with her nonchalent fce which made me more uncertain. Oh well what could go wrong.

We got near the gate. The huge gate was already open wide as the people that came before had done so. We peeked through the gate and the inside was truly amazing.

It looked a lot like a medieval castle in the inside. But it was far more ginormous than any human castle could ever be.

Looking inside the people weren't here so we stepped in.

"I wonder what kind of place this is." I commented. Ely didn't answer as she was also wandering the same thing. 

The gate led to a grand hall with glamorous lighting and very well designed interior. It was definitely different than the SIFI aesthetics those people had.

The hall lead to a huge corridor which i assume those people went towards.

We also catiously followed. However as we went in the temperature kind of dropped.

I mean, we are monsters so we shouldn't feel that much cold. But we do feel it. So maybe it's just too cold here. Not that this much cold would bother us.

We went forward, and as we went deeper the clean and well designed corridor slowly lost it's glamour. Things started to appear damaged and before we knew it we were walking through a ruin.

"This is so weird." I couldn't help but comment. Suddenly i felt a hand holding mine.

'Ely?' Is she scarred. I decided to let her hold hands for now. 

Finally at the end of the corridor another gate was visible. And as i felt, the cold was coming from this gate.


"It's closed." There were obvious marks that those people went through here. But it is closed. "What can we do now?"

But as i turned around i saw Ely placing down all the laugage.


"Let's go in through there." Ely pointed at a cirtain place in the hue gate. It was a key hole. Even though the gate was huge, it would be a tight fit fror us. However the next moment Ely took her fox form which made me realize the the fox form was small enough to fit through the huge keyhole.

Although i wasn't sure about this i also did the same.

After that we ran up the door. It took a few trying as the key hole was quite high up but we managed to do it. As i took as last look at the outside, still uncertain, 

We walked through the keyhole. There were weird mechanisms around us.


Suddenly the ground shook up.


Then again.

And then it continued. It wasn't rhythmic. Instead it felt more like a war was going on.

I looked at Ely. But she didn't seem to mind it. As she went i wards i also followed.

"Yip(Ah, it's blocked!) "

After a while we reached a dead end.

"Yip." Hearing Ely's words i looked towards her. Ely was standing in front of a hole that went downwards. 

I came closer and looked down.

I couldn't see any thing down below.

I wasn't really sure about going down when,


The ground shook extremely violently. So much so that it knock me in to the very whole i was denying to go.

"Yiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppp!!!!!!! " Fortunately it wasn't a deep fall. And being a fox it didn't hurt much.

"Yip!" As i was recovering I heard Ely's voice. Turning around i realized Ely had ran down the whole after me.

'Aww, that's so sweet of her.'

However, Ely didn't dwell on me for much as she seemed to divert her attention towards something else.

I followed her eyes and found a light coming from a distance. The place itself was a narrow fit. Not enough for people to be here. But as fox's they can easily fit here without issue. 

"Yip!" Ely started walking towards the light with a pair of curious eyes. Wait a minute she isn't surely trying to go there right?

But she seemed to be wanting see where the light is coming from.

'Urgh this girl is so weird.' I also followed her. The reason why i don't want to go there is the sounds of explosions were coming from right above us. Obviously the fight was happening right above this narrow space.

Which is why i am a little worried that the structure might collapse. But thankfully it didn't. 

After approaching the light we were met with a cavity down bellow. It was a circular cavity and inside it on a slightly raised platform was a blue orb shinning.

I was about ask Ely what she thought when Ely jump in to the cavity, grabbed the blue orb and ran up the wall like a nimble cat.

"Yip!(What the...)" Ely really doesn't seem to stop amazing me.

Now Ely was holding the shinny blue orb in her mouth. And She seemed quite proud of it.

There was no snow here so i couldn't write anything, nor can we talk in this form, nor can we take the human form in this tight space.

Realizing there was nothing else in this space i signed Ely that we should go back. The fight up this space seems to be getting intense.

Ely looked left and right, seemed to be searching for anything else. But seeing there wasnt anything else here she agreed to head back. We walked back to the place i fell through and with a little try we were able to run up the hole. Getting back to our lauage i took my form and quickly Wore my dress along with the helmet. 

Ely did the same albeit she wasn't in a hurry.


**Soldier POV** 


Damn it why is this thing so hard to deal with.

Looking back, a lot of my comrades died here. Although this expedition isn't failure, it isn't a success as well. After all half of the force died here.

"Fire!!!" I shouted shooting the damn thing from my lesser cannon.

The huge metal giant released it's cold aura with full intensity.

I swear we would have become ice cubes if it weren't for the fire ability users warming the damn boss room.

From the corner of my eyes i saw the general, fighting the thing with his full powers. Unlike us the foot soldiers he is on a whole different level.

But even so, i fought. Fought with all my strength.

And finally it came it's end as the giant mech robots hp hit zero. The thing stopped working.

The heart that was contentiously emitting cold also shutdown and the battle ended.

Finally i am still alive.

"Yayyyyyyyyy!!!!" everyone erupted in unison when the ice giant met it's demise. We can finally go home.

The general although seemed exhausted still kept a up and mighty posture.


I heard the mechanisms running. And we all looked at a small piece of the floor where it parted.

From there rose an alter.

there it is. The result of our hard work. The thing that would make it all worth it. "The dungeon core..."!


"Where is the dungeon core?"

"It's not on the alter." It should be presented to us after the boss is defeated. But...

It's not here... 



 **Sia POV** 

The fighting inside seemed to have stopped.


Suddenly the door seemed to be moving. I am not sure if there is anyone on the other side so we i immediately took Ely and hid inside a crack in the wall. It was somewhat tight fit for the two of us. But it goes inside the wall deep. So there was plenty of hiding space inside.

After waiting there for a few moment noticing there aren't anyone coming, me and Ely peeked.

On the other side of the wall was what seemed to be a big hall. The people that came in previously were there.

There seemed to be arguments as i could hear loud voices.