Chapter 7 - Chapter 7: Sleepy, sleepy!

## A dungeon? 

"Seems like they are gone." Ely said as she went out of the hiding spot. I also followed suit. The people were gone. But to where?

Well they went somewhere through that gate on the other side of the hall.

"Should we go take a look?" I said observing in the distance.

"Of course we will." Ely started walking. I couldn't help bu shake my head as i followed suit.

Entering the hall we noticed the humongous weird robot. It was damaged very heavily. And it seems like those people were fighting this robot. Very impressive. We could never fight such a thing.

The hall itself had many marks, some of being burnt and some cracks but to think those people were fighting this thing and the platform didn't collapse still. That's quit impressive.

After walking for quit a bit we reached the other side of the hall. It was a big hall after all.

"This one seems to be some kind of portal." Indeed. Unlike the other gates this one leads to a black smokescreen. And we cant see the other side. If the people before us wen through this this might be a portal. 

"Let's head back. Since we don't know where it leads to let's not jump...wah!!!"

"come on don't be a wimp!" Ely suddenly pulled me into the portal. And immediately i felt my body shift. As pulled by something my world shifted. 

The next moment i found myself in another place. It was a road.

Although it looked a little more well designed than roads in my previous life it's still a road.

"This doesn't looked much fantasy." I heard Ely's remark.

However, before i could comment i heard someone yelling.

"Jfskjdfjsk ksjdfksdjfkl slkdfjklj!!!!" I couldn't understand what the person was saying but he sure sounded angry. And i could see that person in the distance with a torch light pointing at us.

"Run!" Ely grabbed my hand and prompted me to run. And i did so. After a while we were running through an empty night street. 


### ??? POV 

As i was helping myself with a cup of coffee i couldn't help but think back at the team that went out a few hours back.

They seemed to have a lot of casualties. But what's weird that they couldn't find the dungeon core after defeating the boss. Which was a first.

This would definitely be a headline tomorrow.

"Hm?" Suddenly from from my post i noticed two figures near the portal.

Monsters? Looking at their figures they seemed to.

"Damn it did they came out of the dungeon." I immediately took out my binocular to get a closer look. "Wait a minute!" They are just children with weird costumes. "damn it!"

"Oi, you piece of shits. That place is off limit..." I shouted out loud while signaling them with my torch. And sure enough, they got scared and ran off.

"These piece of shit's would have gotten me i trouble. I better not tell it to anyone, if management knew i let some children in to the hazard zone then i would be done for." 


## Back to Sia POV 

After we ran off from that place we somehow found ourselves in a bustling modern city.

People walking around everywhere. And among them some giving us weird looks. I mean why wouldn't they. We both are wearing cloths made from wild monsters.

And our scull helmets are a piece of art in it self. If you don't get it, i am being sarcastic.

"But what now." I said as took off my mask. "Hm?" I felt someone hold my hand. Looking back it was Ely. Is she scared of getting lost? Aww...

I held her hand back. After that i started looking around. We need a quit place to sort things out.

"Let's go there." Ely pointed at a alleyway. It seems not very shabby so we walked there. 

As i was sitting on the dumpster.

"It seems this world is a combination of both fantasy and urban." Ely said.

Yeah she isn't wrong. Looking at the technology around here it seems a little more advanced than our world but nothing too impressive.

"But i am worried about how we would be living here, it's a new world and we don't have a any identity here. We don't even know their language." I said thinking logically.

"Then let's go back to where we came from." Ely doesn't seem to like it here. I mean the climate here is a little warm, which is making me uncomfortable. I am occasionally creating a little frost fire to cool my body.

"That's a little hard to say." I said. "Think about it, if we go back then we cant easily come here. And this place seem to be loaded with opportunity to get stronger." I know what would make Ely want to stay here.

"How so?" Ely asked.

"Think about it. The people here should be more aware of the magical abilities. We can use that knowledge to get stronger, quicker." Hearing the word 'Get stronger Ely's eyes seems to be sparkle. 

"I see good idea, Sia."

Ely's is so easy to pursue if you know what she wants.

"However, we currently don't have a place to stay. Neither do we have an identity."

"You are right." 

We both fell silent. After that we both had a long discussion on how to get and identity. 


### Finding a home 

After a some talks the only way we could make out is to use our child like appearance to make up some heart wrenching story. And maybe get some sympathy. Thankfully me and Ely both have the appearance of maybe eight to ten year old. Of course that comes with it's own risks as some weirdos might get involved.

With this thought i prompted Ely not to go and find such people,

"Let's sit here and rest a little bit." She urged. So i sat down as well.

"Although, i wonder what this thing is?" Ely bought out something wrapped in cloths. It was the blue orb.

"Can you guess what it is?" I asked since Ely's manga knowledge is pretty useful.

"I dunno. But it looks valuable." Ely commented.

"Maybe if i just..."


Ely tried to apply force on it, and it immediately cracked, "Oops! "

Before i knew it the orb broke apart and released a blue colored smoke.

The blue colored smoke attached to Ely's body and before i knew it me and we were leveling up in rapid succession.

"Sia!" I heard Ely call me frantically.

"What is it?" I became confused.

"We might go in to evolution soon." 

Uh yeah, that's right at the rate we are leveling up we might evolve. And evolution requires sleeping. This is bad.

Ely told me to get behind the dumpster. She then quickly took her fox form and i followed suit. We then shoved our belongings under the dumpster then ran up a wall and hid behind what looked to be an air conditioner unit. 

And as expected, we did go on to evolutionary sleep soon after wards.