I loved this new life I was living. I'd gotten settled already in Aberdeen, Scotland. Everyone seemed like they were related in one way or the other, and I loved the fact that they took me in like a close-knit family.
After living in and out of hotels for about three months, I finally bought a home in Rosemount, and so far I'm enjoying it.
I cut off all communications and contacts with my life in New York, and look forward to what the future holds for me. Everything was going on well, except the pregnancy.
Unfortunately I was told that it couldn't be terminated without major complications to my health. So that meant I had to carry it to term. I'd already decided to give it up for adoption.
"Are you really sure you want to do that? You still haven't told me what happened, and who your baby's father is" Cassie, my midwife and friend asked me when I told her my decision. She's been so supportive and nice ever since I arrived at Scotland, and I really wished to open up to her and tell her about my life back then in New York, but I couldn't. I didn't want a repeat of what happened with Allison.
"I'll tell you about it soon, but not now" I responded.
"Do you love this baby you're carrying?" She asked again, and tears filled my eyes.
"Yes I do. I love her... I love her so much it hurts, but I can't keep her" I confessed, as the years flowed down my eyes. Cassie hugged me warmly, the smell of her mild body spray soothing me.
She ran some tests on me after which she ascertained both me and the baby healthy.
I went back home and laid down to sleep.
"How's the search going?" I asked Rick, the private investigator I hired. He teamed up with Shawn, Dad's private investigator, and they've made progress so far, after seven whole months of trying to search for her. They've narrowed the search to Aberdeen.
"It's actually progressive boss. Luckily, she didn't change her name and it's so easy to find her" Rick said.
"I found her already!!" Shawn screamed from his end. We were on a group video call.
"Pregnancy really looks beautiful on her though" My cousin, Mia said.
After we found out that Sonia's a teacher in Aberdeen, I immediately made plans to go find her without involving anyone, not even my dad. Mia caught wind of my arrangements though, and forced me to let her accompany me.
"Yeah it does" My breath hitched, from the van in which I was hiding, watching as Sonia alighted from the school bus, the children waving at her in excitement. I was so happy at last that I found her, but then I still had mixed feelings. Our relationship hung in the air. I wondered if she'd be happy to see me. She was carrying my child, and damn, that hurt.
I wanted to come out of the van and go meet her, but Mia held me back.
"What are you trying to do?" She asked
"To go meet her, of course"
"And say what?" She quizzed.
I stopped and tried to think of what I was going to say to Sonia if I approached her, and there was nothing on my mind actually. I scratched my head.
"Honestly I don't know. What do you suggest?"
Mia smiled mischievously as I asked.
"I thought you didn't want me to come with you. Why then are you asking for my advice and insight?"
"Just help me, by making yourself useful"
"You have to hold on talking to her for now. Okay if you go to her now, and accept responsibility for the child, what happens? Would you guys raise the child, as siblings, or raise the child as lovers? Think about it, Ben" Mia said.
That got me thinking.
What would happen of our relationship? What would happen to the child? When he/she grows up, what are we going to tell the child?
I am really feeling very worried.
Simple menial tasks that I used to do effortlessly were becoming increasingly difficult for me each day. I couldn't wash, I couldn't cook, I couldn't even go grocery shopping, I couldn't reach for the kitchen utensils that were kept neatly in the cupboard.
But that wasn't what was really getting me worried.
I was already two weeks past my due date and it didn't help that I'd been having Braxton-Hicks contraction the past few days. It seemed to be getting worse.
Cassie said it's okay, and not a cause for alarm.
I'd spent all day cleaning the house, and then I decided to go out for a little drive in the woods. I grabbed my coat, a bottle of water, and my purse with my car keys in it and went outside. The weather looked like it was going to rain, but then I ignored it.
And.... A few hours later, I was stuck in the woods, as all major roads were blocked due to the forthcoming storm. Dark clouds had already gathered making it very difficult to see.
Not just that, but a big pine tree fell and blocked the only shortcut that I was to take back home, and there was no way I could turn back.
And not less than an hour later, a heavy downpour started.
"Oh no!!"
I decided to return back and drive the long distance back home, but then my car wouldn't start.
"Jeez!! Fuck!!! Not now!!!!!"
I turned on the ignition several times and tried to start up the car, but it still wouldn't budge.
Shortly after I felt a sharp pain hit my abdomen. I rubbed my belly tenderly, and brought out my phone to call for help, but apparently there was no signal due to the bad weather.
I had a bad feeling that this baby was about to come.
A rush of cold liquid down my legs confirmed my thoughts, and I cried out in agony, as another pain hit.
I looked round and there was no one around.
Everyone had probably gone into their houses. I couldn't even come out of the car because the rain was falling heavily.
I clutched my swollen belly, as my face contorted in agony. The contractions were growing stronger and more frequent, leaving me breathless and exhausted. With each contraction, I felt like my body was being ripped apart.
I kept trying to practice the breathing techniques I learnt during Lamaze classes,but it wasn't working.
I was getting dizzy by each second, and I knew I was going to die, but while my eyes were closing, I saw a blue van coming towards my direction. I wanted to wave at the occupants of the vehicle to come rescue me, but then I couldn't feel my body again and I was gone.