"Come on Arnold, hurry up. Let's walk fast so we'd be back to school before the rain starts to fall" I said softly to my little pupil. I wonder why this poor child would be suffering from neglect at this early age.
Arnold's so small, but so smart. He excels in every class activities, presentations and even sports as well, but he's always unhappy. Most stones he brings little or no lunch to school. I've reported it on so many occasions to the Principal of the school, but he seems to always dismiss the matter.
I noticed, during the recess period at school today, that Arnold was sick. He had a temperature of 99.8, which was above normal for a 5 year old. I decided to go and see his parents.
I had no idea where Arnold lived, and I don't even know what I was expecting to see in his neighbourhood, but I hadn't expected to see that he lived in the suburbs of Scotland. It was a wealthy neighbourhood - one that my annual salary might not be able to afford. To say I was shocked was an understatement.
I had to ask Arnold.
"Are you sure this is where you stay?"
He nodded in response.
Before I could knock on the door, it opened slowly. The smell emanating from the inside was so strong and made me nauseous. It reeked of alcohol and cigarettes.
"Hello miss.."
"Allison!!!!" I said, in shock.
She seemed to regain her stance and memory, as she stood up straight and looked up at me.
"Sonia? What are you doing here?" She asked, also in shock.
"I'm Arnold's teacher, and I'm here to see his mother"
"Arnold's my son"
"How's that possible? How did you...?"
"Can you come in, please, Sonia?" She said, with concern in her eyes.
"Okay" I nodded, and, still holding the little boy in my hands, walked into the house. It was indeed very beautiful. Every thing in the house screamed royalty, but neither Allison, nor her son, looked like they were being taken care of.
"I have a lot of explaining to do to you, Soniee" She started. I shut my eyes tightly as she used that name on me. It reminded me of home. I opened my eyes almost immediately. I didn't want to be reminded of everything I'd lost.
"I'd long forgiven you, Allie. But yeah, you still have to explain why you did what you did. But first, we have to talk about Arnold. He's such a sweet little boy, and most times I feel he can actually do more, but he's always reserved, and I feel there's something going on at home that's affecting him. Is everything okay?"
"No Sonia. Everything's not" She said, and burst into tears. I turned to look at Arnold, but there was no look of surprise on his face. He looked like he'd witnessed a lot of these emotional outbursts from his mother.
I moved close to Allison and held her tight, trying to comfort her.
"Arnold's father is the Mayor of this town" She started.
I shrieked. "You're Mayor Lockwood's wife?"
"No. I'm not his wife. I worked for his wife. But then he started to get attracted to me. He'd randomly get me presents, take me shopping, say such kind and nice things to me that I really didn't think twice before giving myself to him, and that's how I had Arnold. His wife left town and hasn't returned up till now. Because he didn't want people to know, the Mayor brought me to live with him in this house. I have birth to Arnold in here, with the help of some Registered Midwifes"
"Oh my God!!" I exclaimed.
"I don't think anyone even knows I exist. They believe Arnold is one of Mayor Lockwood's grandchildren or something. I'm not allowed to leave this house, unless he really wants me to go on an errand for him. I'm not being chained or something here, but I just can't leave"
"Why?" i asked.
"I can't leave because of Arnold. I might lose him. I might not be able to take care of him"
"I still don't understand, Allison"
"Arnold has a congenital heart disease that he was born with. He's supposed to have surgery by September, and it's a very expensive one. The Mayor is footing all the bills, because I obviously can't afford it. Once everything's done, I'm leaving with my son"
."Oh my I'm so sorry" I said and moved close to her, rubbing her shoulders gently.
"i've missed you Sonie" She said slowly, and tears filled my eyes.
Despite everything she did and made me pass through in New York, she was still one very dear person to me.
She was always with me whenever my mother had to work late at nights. She'd stay in my house and we'd play till it was almost getting dark, and then I'd leave for Aunt Helen's place to spend the night there.
"I've missed you too Allie bear" She broke into tears and I observed that Arnold had fallen asleep. There was a foldable mattress just close to the dining room so I carried him and laid him there. Allie didn't even notice. She just continued crying.
"What happened? With the baby? Your baby?"She asked.
I wiped my face with my blue handkerchief and frowned.
"I don't know"
Allie sat up. "What do you mean by you don't know?"
I took time to explain everything that happened to Allison. I had no doubts, this time, about confidentiality. I was so sure that she'd keep this secret for as long as I want. She sighed.
"And have you heard from Benny since then? Did he try to contact you?"
"No. I'm worried though. I'm really worried about my daughter. I'm considering going back home, but then it's just still weird" I responded.
"It's weird, because you're imagining it to be. And you shouldn't even worry about what people say, Sonie. You're beyond that" Allie said with all sincerity, I just had to hug her.
"You've really grown, Allie" I said to her and she smiled, and nodded.
"I've got my stuffs ready. Arnold's heart surgery is in two months time, and immediately after then, I'd leave and go back home. You should come with me"
"I'll think about it. Thank you" I said to her, and she smiled in understanding.
Arnold woke up just then and came to us. He looked at his mother and walked up to meet her. "I love you mamma"
"I love you too baby" Allie said and hugged her son so sweetly.
My heart ached.
I became filled with regrets.
Regrets for treating Ben in such a horrible way.
Regrets for abandoning my mother and aunt Helen.
Regrets for neglecting my own daughter, Catherine.
I don't even know if she was still alive or not.
And there and then,
I made a decision.
I was going back home.
I wouldn't even wait till Arnold's surgery was done.
I was leaving back to New York, the place of my birth.